He rushed to school the next day. Rukia met him there. "Did you find anything out?" Ichigo asked.
"Not yet. Renji's getting anxious," Rukia replied. "He really wants to tell Captain Hitsugaya we found Kyori."
"Look, personally, I don't think Toshiro had anything to do with this. Honestly, we might need his help." Silently, he added, Especially if Byakuya is involved in this.
"The truth is, we can't know for sure. I trust Captain Hitsugaya, too, but there was a time when I would have said the same about Aizen."
"Toshiro's not Aizen, Rukia."
"I know, but past experience has forced me to be cautious."
Ichigo sighed. He couldn't keep this from her. "Rukia... There's something I've got to tell you."
"Go ahead."
"Yesterday, Tatsuki and everyone met a new girl named Stevie. Between Orihime and Chad visiting me last night and Keigo calling and talking my ear off about her because he's got a crush, I got a pretty good idea of what happened. Stevie dazed out while crossing the street. Tatsuki, with her quick reflexes, saved her life. They decided to take her to the cafe and she started drawing a sketch..." He sighed before pulling out his phone. "I had Orihime send it to me. Brace yourself, Rukia. This part will be hard for you to accept."
"Just show me, Ichigo," Rukia replied impatiently.
He showed her the sketch. She stared at it for a minute before saying, "There must be another explanation."
"Rukia, that's clearly Byakuya standing over Kyori," Ichigo replied. "The likeness is uncanny."
"I don't deny she drew my brother, but it could mean anything."
"What I want to know is how she saw this. It's not like Byakuya runs around Karakura Town in a Gigai often. Still, it doesn't look good... I don't want to believe Byakuya was involved in whatever happened to Kyori, but-"
"Look, I know my brother has made a lot of mistakes recently, but he is not a monster. He couldn't have hurt Kyori."
"Rukia, the guy handed you off to be executed because he refused to break the rules of the Soul Society and had convinced himself it was the right thing to do."
"He helped me in the end."
"Yeah, after I kicked his ass and taught him how a big brother is supposed to behave when his sister's life is in danger! I know you have a blind spot for him because he took you in as an adopted sister, but his judgment's not above reproach, Rukia."
"I know that, alright? And yes, I often make excuses for him, but no matter what he has done, he is incapable of this. I know my brother. There's more to this picture that we aren't seeing. Who is this Stevie girl? I want to speak to her."
"Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. Let me talk to her."
"Ichigo, she's basically accusing my brother of treason."
"Which is why you can't be the one to talk to her. You're too emotionally involved. Look, Rukia, I promise I'll get to the bottom of this, alright? Just give me a chance."
"You're biased. You're still mad at my brother."
"I'm pissed off that he was an asshole to Sakura, but that doesn't mean I don't trust him when it comes to Soul Reaper stuff. If I went into battle right now, I'd still be honored to have him fight beside me, and I know we'd win. Asshole or not, your brother's a badass and he always does what he believes is right. So no, Rukia, I don't think he'd do this, but we need to know what's going on, and Stevie is our only clue."
"Fine," Rukia agreed with a sigh. "Report back to me as soon as you know something."
"I will. I promise."
"Ichigo!" Orihime called excitedly from nearby. "Rukia!" She waved to them. Then she must have realized Rukia was in her Soul Reaper form and most people couldn't see her. "I mean... I sure miss Rukia!" She added quickly. Rukia had attended their school for a while to keep an eye on Ichigo when she first transferred her powers into him. She'd been close to Ichigo's entire circle of friends, especially Orihime.
Rukia smiled at Orihime and waved back. "I'll see you later," Ichigo promised. He headed toward Orihime.
"Hey, Orihime," he said. "Is Stevie here yet?"
"Yep! She's inside talking to Tatsuki. Those two are already getting along great," Orihime replied. "Then again, Tatsuki did save her life, so I guess that bonds people."
"Keigo said Stevie dazed out before it happened... As bad as you do." He paused as he caught himself too late. "I mean... Sorry. That came out wrong."
"It's okay, Ichigo," Orihime replied cheerfully. "I know I get lost in my head a lot."
That was an understatement, although it didn't happen quite as often since she'd started training. Orihime's instincts were much stronger than they'd been before and she had sharper reflexes, so if she sensed trouble, it snapped her back into the present pretty quickly.
"Come on, let me introduce you," Orihime said, pulling him into the classroom.
Tatsuki was having a very animated conversation with a girl with purple hair. It was rare that Ichigo saw Tatsuki smile and laugh that much unless she was with Orihime. The girl was smiling, too.
"Stevie, this is Ichigo," Tatsuki said as he and Orihime approached. "We grew up together."
"It's nice to meet you, Ichigo," Stevie replied.
"Likewise," Ichigo replied. "I hear you're from San Francisco. What brings you to Karakura Town?"
"My dad's job had an opening and transferred him here," Stevie replied.
"How long have you been in town?"
"Not very long. We arrived two days ago."
"Did you come by before to make arrangements?"
"No, my dad handled all of that. Mom and I have never been here before."
So how did she draw something that happened three months ago? Ichigo wondered.
He couldn't exactly ask her if she was a Soul Reaper in a classroom full of kids, but he wasn't sure how else she could know what Byakuya looked like.
"How are you liking it so far?" Ichigo asked.
"It's nice enough... It's pretty different from San Francisco, but I'll get used to it. And making friends so soon definitely helped," Stevie replied.
"I'm glad to hear it." Ichigo studied her. Stevie seemed perfectly normal, but she did have a heightened spiritual energy that left him wondering how exactly she connected into everything.
"Ichigo! I see you met Stevie," Keigo said grandly as he and Mizuiro entered the room. "Don't go trying to steal her away. I met her first!"
"Noted," Ichigo replied dryly.
"Technically, I met her first," Tatsuki pointed out.
As the teacher came in, the debate ended. Ichigo forced himself to pay attention until class was over.
Everyone headed out of the classroom, but Ichigo realized Tatsuki and Stevie were still inside. Stevie had dropped her bag and was struggling to pick everything up. Tatsuki was helping her, so Ichigo hurried over to help as well.
The first thing he found was her sketchbook. It had fallen open and he was impressed by what he saw. "Wow, Stevie... You're really good," he said. He began flipping through the pages to examine her other art.
"Shouldn't you ask before looking through her stuff?" Tatsuki asked.
"It's okay," Stevie replied.
Ichigo tensed as he spotted the sketch of Byakuya. It wasn't the only one that caught his attention. He realized he recognized several of the pictures.
Rukia... Renji... Toshiro... Sakura... And even Aizen, he thought as he examined them. Who the hell is this girl?
"So who are all of these people in robes?" He asked casually.
"I don't know," Stevie replied. "The images just sort of came to me last night."
He turned another page and spotted an excellent portrait of Kisuke. He was holding a Zanpakuto that was covered in blood and it wasn't his sword. He looked genuinely devastated as he stared at something Stevie hadn't drawn. The pain in his eyes sent a chill through Ichigo. He'd never seen Kisuke show that kind of emotion.
"What's got this guy in the hat so upset?" He asked.
Stevie looked uncomfortable then. "His cat died," she replied awkwardly.
"His... cat?" Ichigo repeated as his chest tightened in alarm. Yoruichi, he realized.
"So he's wielding a bloody sword?" Tatsuki asked with a laugh. "He must really love that cat!"
"Yeah," Stevie replied with a nervous laugh. "I guess so."
"Enough fanboying over Stevie's art, Ichigo," Tatsuki said. "We need to get to class."
"Right... I'll see you guys later," Ichigo replied. He hurried out of the room, but he had no intention of going to class. He pulled Kon out of his backpack.
As Kon protested, Ichigo pulled the soul candy out of him and popped it into his mouth. He took his Soul Reaper form and said, "I need to go see Kisuke. Go to class."
"You're just doing this because you have that math test today," Kon replied in annoyance.
"Shut up. This is important," Ichigo insisted. He hurried away before Kon could argue further.
He made it to Urahara Shop quickly. Kisuke looked up in confusion before smiling at him pleasantly. "What brings you here today, Ichigo?" He asked.
"Where's Yoruichi?" Ichigo demanded.
"She took a trip to the Soul Society to check in with Soi Fon. May I ask why you came all this way to ask that?"
"She's in danger... I think, anyway. I don't know..." He shook his head.
"Yoruichi can handle herself, and if Soi Fon's with her, that's excellent backup."
"Kisuke, there's this girl at my school, and-"
"Oh, you need girl advice! No wonder you're looking for Yoruichi."
"What? No, it's not like that, damnit! Listen to me. This girl, Stevie, has been drawing Soul Reapers... And she drew you looking really upset and holding a Zanpakuto and said you were upset because your cat died."
"Oh my. That does sound like it's about Yoruichi... But how would this girl be able to see Soul Reapers to draw us?"
"That's what I want to know."
"I suppose I should talk to her."
"That can wait. You need to find Yoruichi! She could be off dying right now!"
"I highly doubt that. This girl is probably some sort of Seer. Chances are whatever she drew hasn't happened yet."
"A Seer?" Ichigo repeated.
"There are those who are gifted, or cursed depending on your point of view, with the ability to have visions. Some of them have such powerful spiritual energy they can even see Soul Reapers in their true forms. It sounds like she's one of them."
"So she's not trying to mess with us or hurt anyone?"
"She is probably just as confused by what she's seeing as we are. Unfortunately, Seers are often hunted by people who fear their gift will reveal things they would prefer remain hidden."
"Is Stevie in danger?"
"It's very likely."
"Then we need to protect her."
"Bring the girl to my shop. I'll see if I can figure out how to help her."
"Alright," Ichigo agreed. "Talk to Yoruichi as soon as you can. I need to get back to my body." With that mission in mind, Ichigo left the shop.
He was a little bit worried about what Ichigo had said, but he tried not to stress over it. Yoruichi was more than capable of defending herself, after all, and she'd kick him if he ever dared to suggest otherwise.
When the door to the shop opened again, he expected to see Ichigo again, but instead, a teenaged girl with long rainbow-colored hair entered the shop. She radiated with spiritual energy that told Kisuke she wasn't an ordinary human.
"Well hello there," Kisuke greeted her. "Skipping school?"
"I'm homeschooled," she replied. She selected several sugary snacks and smiled.
"What brings you here today, Miss?"
"I'm Seina," she replied. "And sugar brings me here."
Kisuke smiled. "Well then, you've come to the right place!"
She began skipping from display to display, selecting a little bit from each one. When she made it to the counter, she handed Kisuke the candy and asked, "How much?"
"Hmmm... That'll be three-thousand-two-hundred-and-thirteen Yen please."
She placed the money on the counter as he put her candy in a bag. He smiled and said, "Thanks for your business. Enjoy the candy!"
"I will," she replied before she skipped out of the shop.
Kisuke narrowed his eyes. Something had been very odd about the girl. Her spiritual pressure wasn't that of a normal human, but he couldn't quite get a read on her. He filed the information away for later, determined to figure out who she was and why she'd really wandered into his shop.
He was mildly surprised when the door opened again and someone rushed through it. What concerned him was the fact that he recognized her, she was injured, and she was alone.
"Soi Fon..." He said as he hurried to her side. Her arm and head were bleeding and she looked weak, as if she'd used all of her energy trying to make it to him.
"Lady... Yoruichi..." Soi Fon mumbled before she lost consciousness.
Now, Kisuke was officially worried. Something had definitely happened to Yoruichi. He wanted to go after her, but Soi Fon was gravely injured, and Yoruichi would never forgive him if he left her in that condition. He began trying to tend to her injuries.
"Tessai!" He shouted. "Tessai, I need you, right now."
Tessai hurried into the room. "Kisuke, what's the-?" He began, but he stopped speaking as soon as he spotted Soi Fon. "What happened?"
"I don't know, but Yoruichi was supposed to be with her. Something's wrong, Tessai. Can you try to help her while I go check on Yoruichi?"
"Of course. I'll do everything I can for her. She lost a lot of blood and energy, but I'm pretty sure I can save her."
"Keep an eye on her, and on Jinta and Ururu. I'll be back as soon as I can. If you hear from Yoruichi before I come back, get in touch with me." With that, he rushed off, determined to find answers and praying his best friend was still alive.
She giggled as she ate her candy and sat by the water. As her "father" approached her, she looked at him curiously.
"Hi, Daddy," she said.
"I told you not to call me that unless it's necessary for our cover," he snapped.
Seina rolled her eyes. "Well, what else am I supposed to call you? Stranger? Stranger danger!"
"Just shut up and tell me if you did what you were supposed to do."
"Of course I did. Here's your stupid whatever it is." She handed him the object she'd smuggled out of Urahara Shop.
He smiled darkly. "Excellent work, Seina. Keep this up and you'll enjoy what happens next."
"Whatever. Are we finished? I'd like to enjoy my candy in peace."
"How much of that junk did you buy?"
"Not enough. I think I'll go back tomorrow and get some more."
"I will never understand how you can eat that stuff."
"It's good. You should try it. You might be less cranky."
He sighed. "Just go home, Seina."
"I want to stay here for a bit. I like the water. It's peaceful."
"Fine. Don't stay out too long. I expect you back at the house before dark."
"Whatever you say... Daddy."
He growled slightly before walking away. Seina went back to watching the water. It always made her feel calm, or at least as calm as she could be with all the sugar in her system. She was hyper by nature, and she enjoyed consuming caffeine and sugar in large quantities. She kicked her legs back and forth as she thought about what had brought her to Karakura Town.
It seemed like forever ago, but it had only been a year. Seina tried not to think about what her life had been like before the day she met him. Everything had changed after that, and it was no use worrying about it anymore.
She popped some more candy into her mouth and refused to continue thinking about the past. She had work to do. With a sigh, she stood up and reluctantly began to head home.
Her head was throbbing. Her entire body ached, and she was locked in a cage. Yoruichi forced her eyes to focus on the bars and realized they might be just wide enough to work in her favor. As soon as she could clear her mind, she'd shift form into a black cat and slip through them so she could escape.
Soi Fon, she thought. They'd been together when someone had ambushed them. It wasn't easy to catch either woman off-guard, but neither had detected this enemy approaching. They'd had very little time to react, and both had been seriously injured. This enemy was unlike any they had faced before. In a desperate attempt to save Soi Fon, Yoruichi had told her to get to Kisuke before shoving her through the gate to the world of the living.
"Well, well, well... If it isn't Lady Yoruichi," a voice said. The man who approached the cage wore a mask over his face. It resembled a hollow mask, but it was obvious he wasn't one.
"It is. And who do I have the honor of meeting today?" Yoruichi replied dryly.
"You'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, make yourself at home. I realize these new living quarters aren't quite what you're used to, but I suppose you'll adjust. After all, you're going to be here for a very long time."
"In that case, why don't you make us some food? I'm famished."
"Of course. For you, I have prepared the finest cuisine." He slid a tray through the cage. The "food" looked like it might try to eat Yoruichi.
"Suddenly, I've lost my appetite," she mumbled.
"Suit yourself, but eventually, that will look like a gourmet meal." With that, he left the room.
Yoruichi immediately shifted into her feline form, but as soon as she attempted to slip between the bars, a burst of electricity shot through her. "Ouch! Damnit..." She mumbled. Apparently, whoever this man was, he knew about her party trick. She should have known it wouldn't be that easy to escape.
"I guess I'll just have to bide my time until I come up with a better plan," she decided. She prayed Soi Fon had made it to Kisuke. If she had, the two of them would find a way to get her out of this.
Something sinister was hanging in the air. Byakuya Kuchiki tensed as he sensed it. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but he could almost feel eyes watching him.
Cautiously, he stepped out of his house and looked around. No one appeared to be nearby, which was normal lately. He was keeping to himself and wasn't allowing many visitors. Head Captain Ukitake checked on him about once a week, out of respect and concern. The only other person who really came by was Byakuya's sister, Rukia. He couldn't turn her away. He'd promised his deceased wife he would protect her. Even if he felt like he couldn't be trusted to protect anyone anymore, he would not break his word to Hisana.
He reached out with his other senses, ignoring what his eyes told him. He might not be able to see anyone, but someone was definitely watching him. "Show yourself," he said firmly.
Nothing happened. It didn't really surprise him. He no longer commanded the kind of respect he had when he was the Captain of Squad Six. He was still the Head of the Kuchiki Clan, however, and that demanded a respect of its own.
There was something carved into the ground. Upon closer inspection, Byakuya realized it was some sort of magical seal. He frowned and studied the mark until he'd committed it to memory. He drew his Zanpakuto and used the blade to disfigure the mark. If someone was working magic against him, that should break whatever spell they'd cast. He didn't recognize the symbol, but he could feel the power behind it, and he suspected it had been a targeted attack against him. He had no idea who might have done it, but he was on high alert now.
Suddenly, a piece of fabric floated down from the sky. He caught it in his hands and was startled to realize it was stained with blood. He recognized it.
What's the meaning of this? He wondered. He quickly slipped the fabric into his pocket and retreated back into his house.
He remained uneasy as he tried to figure out what was happening. It didn't make a lot of sense, and he was worried. Something was coming, but what was it? All he knew was that he couldn't calm his nerves, even if he kept a calm exterior. Something about this situation felt incredibly wrong, and he wouldn't be able to relax until he figured out what it all meant.
The previous night had been a little awkward, but they'd made the best of it. Uryu had insisted Kyori sleep in his bed while he took the couch. He figured after three months on the street, the poor girl deserved a comfortable place to rest.
She'd seemed relieved to have the luxury of showering without having to sneak into the school to do it. Uryu made sure she ate breakfast before he took her to school.
Now, he was slightly more prepared. While Kyori was still in class, Uryu used his free period to buy an inflatable mattress. He also picked up some clothes he figured Kyori might like. By the time he met up with her, he was pretty sure she'd be pleased with his selections.
She noticed the bags in his hands. "You went shopping?" Kyori asked.
"I just picked up a few things for you," Uryu replied.
She looked surprised. "You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to. You're having a rough time."
"Thanks... I'll find a way to pay you back."
"Don't worry about it. These are gifts."
She watched him in silence for a moment. "I'm not sure what to say," she admitted.
"Your thanks was sufficient," he replied with a patient smile.
They walked in silence for a little while, but Uryu didn't find it uncomfortable. When they made it to his place, he set the air mattress up in the living room.
"I appreciate you getting me a bed," she said.
"Actually, it's for me. A young lady needs privacy. You can keep my room for a while until we figure something else out," Uryu replied.
"Uryu, I couldn't possibly-"
"I barely sleep these days anyway. It's fine, Kyori. Really."
She fell silent again. "Why don't you take these into the bedroom and try them on?" Uryu suggested as he handed her the clothes he'd purchased. "If they aren't the right size, I can alter them for you."
"Wait... You can?" Kyori asked in surprise.
"I'm very good at sewing," Uryu replied. "It keeps me calm and it's great for dexterity."
"Really?" She had an amused expression on her face. "You're full of surprises, Uryu."
Her eyes really light up when she smiles, Uryu thought.
"I'll show you some of my creations later," he promised.
"I'd like that," Kyori replied. She headed into the bedroom.
The rest of the evening went significantly better. Uryu and Kyori talked about mundane things like what each of them liked to do. It turned out that she was a reader, and she loved learning new things, which they shared in common. That made conversation a lot easier. By the time they got tired, they were both significantly more relaxed.
About an hour later, just as Uryu was starting to doze off, he was awakened by the sound of screams. He raced toward the bedroom and flung the door open, expecting to see a hollow hovering over the bed, but instead, he saw Kyori tossing and turning.
She was clinging to her Zanpakuto for dear life. Suddenly, she cried out, "Shine, Hikaro No Tenshi!" A brilliant light burst from her Zanpakuto and formed a shield around her.
Uryu was stunned. He'd never heard of a Soul Reaper casting a Shikai in their sleep, but this was obviously her Zanpakuto's first release.
Kyori was still struggling in her sleep. Uryu wanted to comfort her, so he tried to move closer. He couldn't move beyond the shield. Her struggling got worse, and she was obviously terrified.
"I'd better wake her up before she does something really impossible like releasing a Bankai in her sleep," Uryu mumbled. He wasn't sure if Kyori had one. Most Lieutenants didn't even have a Bankai, and she'd only been a Third Seat. Still, it wasn't impossible.
"Kyori," he called urgently. "Kyori, wake up. It's Uryu. You're not in danger, but my bedroom may be if you keep this up."
Kyori let out a terrified whimper that broke his heart. "Screw this," Uryu mumbled. He touched her shield and hoped it wouldn't attack him.
It pulsed for a minute like it was trying to decide whether or not he was a threat. Then it opened just enough for him to slip through.
Uryu gently touched Kyori's arm. "Kyori, wake up," he called again. He stroked her hair softly. That seemed to comfort her, and soon, the whimpering stopped.
Kyori opened her eyes in confusion. "Uryu..." She mumbled. "What happened?"
"You tell me," he replied. "You were screaming, and the next thing I know, you released your Shikai."
"I... I did? But I don't know how to do that!"
"Your subconscious obviously remembers."
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No. Do you remember what you were dreaming?"
"Not really... I was being attacked... I was injured and pretty scared, but I don't know who was after me."
Uryu frowned. "Do you remember anything else?"
"There was a man... I didn't see him, but I heard his voice calling out to me, telling me to stay strong and not to give up... He was trying to reach me, but he couldn't."
"Do you have any idea who he was?"
She paused for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry... I feel like I should know him, but it's a complete blank."
"It's okay," Uryu said soothingly. "Why don't you try to get some more sleep?"
"I... Alright," she agreed.
Uryu could tell she planned to do anything but sleep. "You're still scared," he said softly.
"I have nightmares like this a lot, but this time, I was positive I was about to die."
"Would you feel safer if you weren't alone?"
"Okay. I'll stay right here. I've got plenty of books. We can read together until you fall asleep, and I'll watch over you once you do."
"You should sleep, too."
"I told you, I don't sleep much anyway. I'll be fine." He scanned through his vast collection of books before selecting one he thought she might enjoy. "Here," he said as he handed it to her.
She seemed satisfied and began to read the book, so Uryu picked out one of his favorites and sat down beside her on the floor.
"Uryu, it's your bed," Kyori said with a laugh. "You can sit next to me. I don't mind. There's plenty of room for us to read together."
"If you're sure..." Uryu replied.
She patted the space next to her in response. Uryu sat down, careful not to get too close to her. They began to read together. It was such a peaceful moment that he soon lost track of time.
Eventually, Kyori's eyes drifted shut and she fell asleep. Uryu gently took the book out of her lap and placed a bookmark inside of it to save her place. True to his word, he spent the rest of the night watching over her and making sure she didn't get stuck in anymore nightmares.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry it took so long to update this! I was working on another project. I'm hoping to give this fic the same attention I give Chosen Destiny going forward. By the way, if you like Power Rangers, the characters from Bleach actually appear in the last two fics in my Chosen Universe stories.
Since my cast of characters is already at the Wattpad photo limit and I don't have much information about Seina yet to share in a bio anyway, here's a picture of what she looks like.
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