He had barely made it into his house when his phone started to ring. "What's up, Tatsuki?" Ichigo asked.
"Is Orihime with you?" Tatsuki demanded.
"No, why?"
"I can't reach her... I went by her apartment since she wasn't answering the phone and she's not there."
"Maybe she went out."
"It's the middle of the night, Ichigo!"
"Right..." He paused, suddenly having a bad feeling. "I'll find her, Tatsuki. Stay away from her place, alright?"
"Ichigo, this is Orihime we're talking about. Let me help."
"I'll call you if I think of a way you can help. For now, just stay safe." He hung up and rushed out of the house. He headed straight for Chad's place, but ran into him halfway there.
"Ichigo... Orihime's spiritual energy just vanished," Chad said instead of bothering with a proper greeting.
"Tatsuki called because she can't contact her," Ichigo admitted. "We need to figure out what happened. I think she's in serious trouble."
They walked in silence toward Orihime's apartment. There was nothing obviously wrong, but the energy felt off. "Someone's energy is lingering that doesn't belong," Ichigo mumbled. "It almost feels familiar..."
"That's because it feels like Byakuya," a voice said.
"Uryu! You're here, too?" Ichigo asked.
"Obviously." Uryu adjusted his glasses with his index finger. "I can't feel Orihime, so I came to check on her."
"When did you get out of the hospital?"
"Earlier today."
"Where's Kyori?"
"Around the block. I asked her to stay back just in case."
"Back to the main point... Why would this energy feel like Byakuya?" Ichigo wondered.
"Well, it feels like him, but older... My best guess is that the energy comes from one of his relatives."
"Are you saying a Kuchiki took Orihime?"
"I believe it's possible."
"What would a random Kuchiki want with Orihime?"
"That is an excellent question. I'm afraid it's nothing good."
"The Kuchiki's are supposed to be honorable. This doesn't make any sense, Uryu."
"Maybe one of them isn't living up to his family name."
"Look..." Chad said, causing both Ichigo and Uryu to look at him. He pointed to something that had been carved at the bottom of Orihime's door.
"What is that?" Ichigo asked. He knelt down to get a better look.
"It's the mark of the New Power," Kyori said, making him jump.
"Where did you come from?" He demanded.
"Kyori, I told you to hang back," Uryu added.
"I couldn't just stand around waiting," Kyori replied. "Orihime is a good person. If she's in danger, I want to help."
"Why is this mark here? Did those bastards take her?" Ichigo demanded.
"It seems that way. They marked her door and she's missing. I assume the two are connected.
"Why does this energy feel like Byakuya?"
"The New Order has some pretty powerful members. It's not impossible that one of them is from the Kuchiki Clan. That would explain the similar spiritual energies."
"Well where is the bastard? And what does he want with Orihime?" Ichigo demanded. He felt like his head was going to explode as rage over the situation and fear for Orihime simultaneously overwhelmed him.
"Ichigo, calm down," Uryu said.
"Calm down?! They have Orihime, Uryu! She could be dying right now!"
"With Orihime's powers, she's of more use to them alive than dead. I'm sure they're not just going to kill her. You need to focus or we'll never find her."
Ichigo knew Uryu had a point. He sighed. "Alright, what do we do?" He finally asked.
"I suggest we contact Kisuke. He might have an idea of where to start looking for Orihime."
It was as good a plan as any, so Ichigo nodded. "Let's go," he said.
Together, they headed to Urahara Shop. It didn't matter that it was the middle of the night; Ichigo knew Kisuke would be awake, and he was probably expecting them.
"Hello, Friends," Kisuke greeted them pleasantly. "I'll have Tessai make us some tea while we talk."
"Orihime's missing," Ichigo explained.
"We believe the New Power took her," Uryu added.
"Hmmm... That makes sense," Kisuke decided.
"Why do you say that?" Kyori asked.
"Because Yoruichi showed up here a little while ago with their healer. I'm guessing they decided they need a new one."
"Why the hell are you so calm?" Ichigo demanded.
"Well, the way I see it, this is a good thing."
"They need her alive to heal them, so Orihime's fine. She's not in any real danger right now."
"Kisuke, they're lunatics! There's no telling what they'll do to her!" He could feel himself getting too worked up.
Go fight them, Ichigo, his inner hollow taunted him. Slaughter them, and when they push you to the brink, I'll come out and play!
Oh, shut up! Ichigo replied. I'm not in the mood for your crap.
"I believe we can bring her home safely, Ichigo. We just need to figure out where they're hiding her. Perhaps Silver can help us," Kisuke suggested.
"Who the hell is Silver?" Ichigo asked.
"Yoruichi's new friend, the young healer she brought here. She's resting in one of the other rooms. I can see if she knows anything when she wakes up."
"Go wake her up then. We're wasting time!"
"Patience, Ichigo. The poor kid is exhausted and traumatized. We'll handle this soon enough."
Ichigo wanted to strangle him, but he hesitated. "Kid?" He finally asked.
"She's only thirteen, and she's already been interrogated by Soi Fon. She's had a rough day. Let her rest. I believe Orihime is safe for now."
Ichigo sighed. "Alright," he agreed, "but she better wake up soon." He wasn't sure how long he could stand waiting before his concern for Orihime overwhelmed him and he ran off to find her on his own.
She woke up confused and not sure where she was. Her arm hurt, and suddenly, she remembered.
The room was lit by candles. She lay on a large, comfortable canopy bed draped in pink linens. There were a lot of pillows, and even a few stuffed animals. Orihime picked one up and snuggled it automatically in an effort to soothe herself.
"Don't worry, Mr. Frog," she said. "We're going to get ourselves out of this."
She heard footsteps approaching. Orihime looked at the door nervously. When it opened, she was tempted to use her powers to keep whoever it was away from her, but she took a deep breath and faced the door bravely.
The man who'd attacked her entered the room. "Ah, good. You're awake!" He said. "How do you feel, Orihime?"
"Confused," she admitted.
"That's alright. Do you like the room? Arato thought it would suit you. We want you to be comfortable while you're here."
"How long are you planning to keep me?"
"Only until I'm certain the spell works. Tell me, Orihime... Are you loyal to the New Power?"
She remembered the mark on her arm. It was the same mark that Soi Fon and Yoruichi had. "You bet!" She replied a little too cheerfully. She giggled nervously. "What do I need to do?"
He smiled. "You're so eager," he replied.
"I like helping people." That much was true.
"Orihime, you will act as our healer when we need you. You will come immediately when summoned, no matter what. And when you are not with us, you will act as a spy against your former friends until an opportunity arises for us to kill them. You will help us kill them. Do you understand your role?"
"I do," she replied. The command was trying to take control of her. She could feel her mind growing fuzzy.
"Now, you are to pass a test. If you fail, I will have to punish you, but if you succeed, I will allow you some freedom."
"Of course. What's the test?"
"Bring me the boy!"
Someone entered the room. He was dragging a person behind him. He dropped the person at Orihime's feet. "Eliminate the target, Orihime. Only then will you be trusted," the man declared as he handed her a dagger. He walked out of the room.
Orihime studied the bloody face of the person at her feet. He couldn't have been more than twelve.
Eliminate the target, her brain shouted.
No, she thought. Don't make me do this!
Eliminate the target.
"Soten Kisshun..." Orihime whispered. "Soten Kisshun... Soten Kisshun, I... Reject!"
The command to kill the boy vanished. Instead, she began to heal him.
"Don't..." The boy whimpered.
"I have to help you," Orihime insisted.
"No... I'm dying," he said. "Let me. You resisted. No one can resist once they're branded. You're special, Orihime. You're the one I've been waiting for. Play along and then go help the Substitute Soul Reaper stop them."
"You'll die."
"That's alright. I will resurrect. They've killed me hundreds of times already to test the immortality Chiyoko inflicted upon me. I am cursed to die and resurrect for eternity, never resting or moving on from this life. I am Sota Kira, and the New Power abducted me from my family when I was a newborn, making them believe I was stillborn. Let me die, Orihime... They will trust you and release you. Then you can help."
"But I can't just let them keep hurting you!"
"It's my fate. I will be free once you stop them. I am clairvoyant, Orihime. I pick information up out of the air. It's my fault you're in this situation. I told them our healer had been captured by Yoruichi Shihoin. That's why he brought you here... But, because of my gift, I know you're a key part of stopping them. Allow me to die... Then, your journey will begin."
Orihime couldn't bring herself to kill an innocent. Sota seemed to understand this. He took her hand and guided it, along with the dagger, toward his body. She held his hand as he shoved the dagger into his own chest.
She struggled not to cry. She understood she had to play along. That was the only way this cycle would ever end for Sota, and for everyone else the New Power had hurt.
Her hands were covered in his blood. She pulled the dagger out and forced herself not to let her real emotions be seen.
The man returned to the room. He smiled at the sight of her bloody hands as she stood over Sota's dead body. "Excellent work!" The man declared.
"Are you pleased?" She asked.
"Very," he replied. "I will show you what we do here now. I left you fresh clothes. Change and join me in the lab. It's in the basement."
"Okay, sure! No problem," she said.
He took Sota's body and left her. Orihime examined the clothes. They looked comfortable, and she figured it was best to comply, so she changed quickly. When she was done, she cautiously stepped outside of the door. The hallway was dimly lit, but as she headed to the nearest staircase, the lights grew stronger. She descended quickly, wondering what might be waiting for her down below.
The basement was bright and full of machines. It was even more impressive than the Department of Research and Development, which was saying something. It was also terrifying, because Orihime could see dozens of beings in glass cells. Some were hollows. Others were human. At least a couple felt like Soul Reapers.
"A-are you going to put me in one of those cells?" Orihime asked the man nervously as she spotted him.
"Of course not, dear," he replied. "Those are only for our experiments. We're not going to experiment on you."
Relief flooded through her, but she was horrified for the entities who were trapped there. She wondered how long they'd been there and if anyone knew or cared.
Was this where Kyori was? She wondered. Her heart broke at the idea. No one should be stuck in a place like that.
"Come here, Orihime. I wish to introduce you to some friends," he said.
She followed him into an office. A woman with glasses and sharp features turned and looked at her. "Orihime, this is Chiyoko," the man explained. "She is in charge of the lab and handles the bulk of our research."
"Hello," Orihime greeted her politely.
"New test subject or new recruit?" Chiyoko asked.
"New healer," he replied. "Orihime is quite gifted. With Silver gone, she will fill the role well."
"Mmm... Very well. Let's see what you can do." Chiyoko slashed her arm open without warning. The gash was deep. "Hurry up, Child. I don't have all day."
Orihime nodded. "Soten Kisshun... I reject!" She cried. Chiyoko's injury immediately began to reverse itself.
"Very nice," Chiyoko said with approval. "She'll do. Take her to Arato."
The man led Orihime down the hall. An older man who seemed vaguely familiar nodded. "This is Orihime Inoue," the first man said. "Orihime, say hello to Arato-san."
"Hello, Arato-san," she replied, bowing politely.
"Hello, Orihime Inoue," he said as the man left them alone together. "I am pleased to see you are conscious."
"I'm pleased to be conscious," she replied with a giggle. "Are you going to injure yourself to test me, too?"
He chuckled. "I see Chiyoko is up to her usual antics," he said. "No, Orihime, I will not be testing you. I know of your skills already. My name is Arato Yamamoto."
"Yamamoto? As in...?"
"Indeed. The former Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads is my older brother," he confirmed.
"You must be very powerful."
"Yes, I am. Now, I imagine you have questions about our organization. What would you like to know?"
"Why are you hunting Nobles?"
"The reason differs for each of us, but we share one thing in common... The people in power in the Soul Society are corrupt, and we understand they must be stopped."
"Corrupt?" Orihime asked in surprise.
"Like my brother, whose corruption has finally led to him being locked away in a jail cell... Power, by its very nature, corrupts those who have it."
"You call yourselves the New Power... Does that make you corrupt as well?"
He smiled. "You are a very intelligent young woman, Orihime Inoue. I fear most people do not give you enough credit. When I joined the New Power, I believed in our cause unconditionally, but I do see the way power has corrupted all of us. Not one of us is perfect or completely pure in our intentions. We all joined for selfish reasons."
"Will you tell me?" She asked curiously.
He paused. "Sit with me, my dear," he replied.
Orihime sat beside him obediently. "The two men who started the New Power are unlike any others. One is the Nameless One. He has a name, of course, but knowing it would put you in incredible danger."
"Is he the one who brought me here?"
"No. I'll get to him in a moment. The Nameless One is not an ordinary entity. I cannot tell you much, for your safety, but he is more deity than anything else."
"He's a God?"
"A very evil one. He despises the Nobles for reasons I cannot risk telling you. One day, he met the man who brought you to me. His name is Syouma Kuchiki."
"Kuchiki?" Orihime asked with a gasp.
"Yes. He is the uncle of Byakuya and, through adoption, Rukia Kuchiki. Very few know his true name, and we are careful not to use it. much. Syouma is a bit unstable, and his name is a sensitive subject for him. You may call him Sir."
"If he is a Kuchiki, he is a Noble. Why would he want to destroy his own family?"
"Because they destroyed him, Orihime. Syouma was once a good, honorable person, but he failed to meet the standard his family expected of a Kuchiki. He was the eldest of his generation, and by all means, he or one of his children should have become the head of the Kuchiki Clan, but his father did not believe he was worthy. Syouma was gentle by nature and had the soul of an artist, not a warrior. Ginrei Kuchiki, grandfather of Byakuya, banished Syouma when he was just a teenager after he failed to save his younger sister, Yua, from a brutal attack by a dark soul from one of the poor districts of the Soul Society. Both of the children were tortured for weeks, and Ginrei viewed it as Syouma's failure. The trauma of this left Syouma's mind a bit broken, and to this day, he has psychotic episodes. He took the worst of the torture to spare Yua, yet his father only cared about the fact that he was not strong enough to spare her entirely. In the end, it was actually Yua who took down their attacker and got them to safety, and that enraged Ginrei. He banished the boy from the Soul Society and erased him from history."
"What do you mean?"
"The Kuchiki Clan is tasked with recording the history of the Soul Society. Ginrei simply erased Syouma's name from all historical records and ensured no one ever spoke of him again by telling everyone he was dead. Syouma was ultimately forgotten. It is as if he never existed. Sojun, who was the next brother in line, took over Syouma's rightful destiny. Their father groomed Sojun's son, Byakuya, to take over the family."
"How could he just erase his own son?" Orihime asked. "Especially when he was traumatized and still young?"
"The Kuchiki Clan prides itself on perfection, discipline, and honor. Ginrei decided Syouma's failure to stop the attack was the last straw and he could not allow him to disgrace the family name further."
"That's horrible..."
"Syouma tried to reconnect with his sister when she was an adult. Yua hated that her father banished him, but when Syouma told her about the New Power and tried to recruit her, Yua refused to join. She did not want to be caught in the war between her oldest brother and the rest of the family. Syouma was furious and he turned on her. After all he'd endured for the girl when they were children, he expected her to join him without question. He viewed her decision as a betrayal. Ultimately, Yua fled the Soul Society and no one ever saw her again, not even her beloved nephew, Byakuya."
"That's such a sad story..."
"It is. Syouma started the New Power to stop the Nobles from abusing their power and betraying what they're meant to stand for. He wanted the corruption to end by starting a new body of leadership. His intentions were pure, but the path turned to one of vengeance over time."
"What about the others?" Orihime asked curiously.
"Chiyoko was born into the Fon Clan. Her family never saw value in her because she was fascinated by science. She is a fierce warrior, but her passion for knowledge displeased the Fons. When she was chosen for Squad Twelve instead of Squad Two, the Fons banished her. Any member of their family who is not chosen for the Stealth Force is considered a failure and disowned immediately. Now, Chiyoko is brilliant, but that never mattered to them. She went off on her own and focused on her experiments alone, determined to eventually punish her family for what they did. When Syouma met her, he knew she'd be an asset to the cause, and he recruited her. She's rather sadistic, so don't get on her bad side."
"And you, Arato-san?"
He paused, like he was debating whether or not to trust her. "You cannot repeat anything I have told you today to anyone," he said firmly. The brand on her arm vibrated at his words.
Soten Kisshun... I reject... Orihime thought.
"Of course," she replied.
"Long ago, my brother and I were very close. As the younger brother, I naturally worshipped him. Shigekuni, as he was known before he changed his name to Genryusai, was everything I aspired to be. He was strong, brave, and honorable, or so I believed. It was not until after he took his new name that he began to become corrupt. I believed Shigekuni would always be there when I needed him, but Genryusai was different. The slight arrogance he'd had since we were children grew much stronger, and he believed he was infallible. Still, I loved my brother. He was the Head Captain, and I was the original head of the Kido Corp, and ultimately, I became the Captain of Squad Five. For a long time, we worked together in perfect harmony. Then, everything changed."
"What happened?"
"I got married and had a daughter. One day, while I was working, two members of Squad One attacked my family. They were a father and son, and they took turns doing unspeakable things to my wife and daughter. By the time I returned home, there was nothing I could do to save them. As I held my fifteen-year-old daughter in my arms, I recognized the spiritual energy her killers had left behind. I ran to my brother... Surely Shigekuni would help me punish the monsters who slaughtered my family." He took a deep breath. "Genryusai, however, was another story."
"He didn't help?" Orihime asked in horror.
"He said he would look into it, but these men were trusted members of his Squad, and he didn't believe me."
"But... You were his brother! That was his niece!"
"I appreciate your outrage, Orihime. In fact, I shared it. The matter was brought to Central Forty-Six. Given the impeccable records of the men, and the fact that their family gave them an alibi and claimed they were at home during the time of the attack, they were found innocent. The charges were dropped, and they were free to go."
"What happened after that?"
"I took matters into my own hands. I slaughtered the father and son slowly... But I did something else... Something I am not proud of."
"What did you do?"
"I killed the wife, daughter, and youngest son as well. I made the father and eldest son watch, so they would suffer a shred as much pain as I did. I killed them quickly. They alibied the monsters, but they were still innocent of the crime. I did not make the wife or the younger children suffer. With the father and son, however, I took my time." He sighed. "I felt immediate regret at killing the children... I washed them clean with my water magic, but I could not wash away the truth of what I had done. I was not in my right mind due to my grief. Afterward, I went to my brother and confessed to my crimes. I foolishly believed he would have compassion for my situation. Instead, he became enraged that I dared slaughter two of his men. He vowed to punish me for my crime, and he arrested me, petitioning for Central Forty-Six to sentence me to death. Me, his grieving little brother who was so lost I barely cared if I was alive anyway. That is who my brother became."
"Arato-san, I am so sorry..." Orihime felt tears in her eyes. She hugged him tightly. He might be a supposed bad guy, but her compassion for his pain overwhelmed any fear she might have.
"I should not have killed the innocents. I know that now... But he was more upset that I killed two of his people. They murdered my wife and daughter and he cared more about their lives than mine..."
"How did you survive?"
"I used Kido to escape as they tried to transport me to my execution. I chose not to use lethal force because my guards did not deserve to die simply for following orders."
"You're not a bad man, Arato-san, are you?"
"I believe I am a good man who has made some bad choices, but perhaps there is still hope for me." He smiled at her kindly. "Have I answered all of your questions, Orihime?"
"For now."
"Good. Allow me to escort you home."
"Thank you, Arato-san."
He used a strange device to open some sort of portal. He gently took Orihime's arm and led her through it. She immediately found herself inside of her apartment.
"Can you open that to any location?" She asked.
"No. Your home is marked because of the brand. Any leader of the New Power can enter your home now whenever we please," he replied. "Do not worry, Orihime. We will only use it in an emergency."
"Oh! Okay," she replied, trying to cover up how much that scared her. She wasn't safe at home anymore. Arato seemed almost trustworthy, but Chiyoko was terrifying, and Syouma wasn't much better, although she felt sorry for him. He hadn't started life as a monster, but his family had turned on him for something that wasn't his fault. It wasn't fair.
"Be safe, Orihime. Press on the brand if you encounter trouble. It will alert us so we may assist you."
"Thank you." She bowed respectfully. He took the hint and left.
When she was sure she was alone, Orihime curled up in a fetal position on the floor and sobbed.
All at once, he felt Orihime's spiritual energy return. He tensed, just as Ichigo and Chad did. "Orihime..." Uryu mumbled.
"Where is she?" Ichigo demanded.
"Home," Chad replied.
"But how?"
"Let's go ask her," Kyori replied practically.
"A splendid idea!" Kisuke agreed. "Be sure to fill me in on what happened."
They raced out of Urahara Shop, not stopping until they reached Orihime's apartment. Ichigo banged on the door.
"Orihime, it's us," he said. "Open up."
There was no response. "I thought you said she was home," Ichigo growled at Chad.
"She is, you moron," Uryu replied. "Shut up and listen for a second."
With Ichigo falling silent, the sound of sobbing could be heard from inside of the apartment. "She's crying," Kyori said with concern.
Uryu picked the lock expertly. They entered the apartment and found Orihime curled up on the floor. "Orihime, are you alright?" Uryu asked.
"Did they hurt you?" Ichigo demanded. "I'll kill those bastards if they touched you!" He looked like he was seconds away from taking his hollow form.
Orihime started sobbing harder, causing Uryu to glare at Ichigo. "Kyori, please take that moron outside until he calms down," he said.
"I'm not leaving!" Ichigo argued.
"Ichigo..." Chad said. Ichigo hesitated at his tone. "You're upsetting her."
Ichigo sighed. "Come get me when she's calmer," he said before walking outside with Kyori.
"It's just me and Chad now, Orihime," Uryu said gently as he knelt beside her. "What happened? Why are you crying?"
"He's in so much pain..." Orihime mumbled.
"Who is?"
"Arato-san... His grief is so powerful I could feel it... And Syouma made me kill Sota, but I couldn't do it, so Sota used the dagger himself but put my hand on it and then I met Chiyoko and she cut herself to see if I could heal her and then Syouma brought me to Arato-san, and he told me about the New Power's leaders and their stories are so sad and I feel bad for them but they're technically bad people and they do awful things and I'm supposed to stop it because they branded me but I can resist their commands so I'm immune and-"
"Hold on," Uryu said, following her only because he was used to her rambling by now. "They branded you?" He was furious, but also confused. "How can you resist their orders?"
"Soten Kisshun allows me to reject their orders. I feel the command and the brand reacts to it, but I can choose to ignore it. I did it just now by telling you their names. Arato-san ordered me not to tell anyone."
Chad examined the brand before frowning. Uryu could tell Chad was just as angry as he was that they'd dared to lay a hand on Orihime.
"So you know who they are?" Uryu clarified.
"A nameless entity who's basically a God, Arato Yamamoto, Chiyoko Fon, and Syouma Kuchiki," Orihime replied.
"Kuchiki!" Uryu repeated in disbelief. "We were right."
"He's Byakuya and Rukia's uncle. He is basically the top leader of the New Power. Chiyoko runs the lab and handles research, and I think Arato-san is their Kido expert."
Uryu quickly pulled out a notebook and wrote all of that down. "That's even more than Kyori knew," he said. "She never learned Syouma Kuchiki's identity."
"No one really uses his name." She sighed. "I'm sorry for being such a weepy mess... It's just a lot to process, and I'm so conflicted. I feel so sorry for Arato-san and Syouma... And I couldn't save Sota. He is immortal, and they keep killing him and letting him revive. He's young... And he's related to Izuru."
"It's okay to cry, Orihime," Uryu replied gently. "You've been through a lot."
"Ichigo and Kyori can come in. I don't mind." She sniffled before putting on a brave smile. "I'll make us something yummy to eat."
"That's okay," Uryu said quickly. "You're in no condition to cook. I'll order us some food. You just rest."
Chad touched her shoulder before helping her to her feet. Uryu went to the door and let Ichigo and Kyori in. "She's not hurt," he said quickly, "but we need to talk. Try not to overwhelm her for now."
Ichigo immediately pulled her into his arms protectively. "Ichigo..." She sniffled.
"I'm here," he promised. "I'm right here, Orihime. It's okay."
Uryu used to get jealous when he saw them together like that. He couldn't deny he'd had a pretty big crush on Orihime for a while now. He still cared about her and was fiercely protective of her, but he realized the jealousy had faded significantly.
That's odd, he thought. Maybe he was just too worried about Orihime to be jealous of Ichigo. He shrugged it off as unimportant and shifted his focus to figuring out what everyone wanted to eat. Orihime was safe. They were all together. The rest could wait for just a little bit longer.
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