( it's just like seeing her, for the the first time. )
"You sure you wanna stay the night?"
Even after knowing each other for a short time, Emmy and Miguel have grown close, like they had known each other for months if not years.
They both resided in his room, Emmy sprawled out on his bed, dangling upside down on the edge while he was standing up.
She would have stayed over at Demetri's or Eli's but she was sure that their parents were sick of her by this point and felt the need to chande.
"So," she began, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. "You're learning karate?"
"Yeah," he enthusiastically replied. "It's great. My sensei's the real deal."
Emmy rolled over to her stomach and raised her eyebrows. "He hot?"
His face scrunched. "Em!"
"What? I just wanna know if I should give it a try myself," she shrugged, shutting off her phone and tossing it aside.
Miguel lit up. "Really? You'd want to join Cobra Kai with me?"
"Seriously? This karate thing is all you ever talk about. I wanna get in on it. We're newly friends and I wanna bond," she pursed her lips, and couldn't help but smile at his happy face. "So, is Sensei hot?"
"I'll let you see for yourself. Tomorrow after school?"
Her smile grew bigger. "You're on, newby."
"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their faces. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity," Emmy almost burst out laughing from Counselor Blatt's shitty attempt at keeping Eli hidden.
"Just his name why don't you," she mumbled, Demetri throwing an understanding look.
"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students."
"You know," Miguel began to speak. "If you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits. I mean, Em's coming with me after school to check it out. You should join."
"Really?" Eli quietly said to Emmy.
"Yeah," she nodded. "Could be fun."
He looked around before leaning in closer to her and whispered, "Your dad."
The LaRusso girl knew all about her father's history with karate, he had even taught Sam a few moves when they were younger, but for some reason, he never made time to teach her. She would watched through the crack in the door as Sam punched and kicked, and deep down, she yearned to do the same.
"I know," she sighed. "But it's not like he's gonna teach me. He stopped years ago."
They heard Demetri scoff. "Yeah, right. You hear that Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass."
"I'm serious, Demetri," Miguel leaned back in his seat. "I told Emmy this but my sensei's the real deal. And I'm sure I could get you both discounts."
Emmy frowned. "What about me?"
Miguel turned to her. "You're rich."
"Oh, right. Forgot."
"As enticing as that sounds," Demetri spoke up sarcastically. "I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face."
"One last thing," Counselor Blatt's voice cut back into their bubble. "While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "sexy nurse," maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee.""
"Too bad, so sad," Emmy said in a high voice.
Miguel looked at her curiously.
She shrugged with a knowing look. "Britney."
"I mean, I feel bad for Aisha, but at the same time, I don't wanna dress up as a molecular compound," Sam said as she picked at her dinner.
"Which she would have been fine with if Yasmine didn't open her big mouth," Emmy rolled her eyes, also picking at her dinner. She had lost her appetite minutes ago.
"Emmy," Amanda spoke in a light warning tone. "Look, I totally get it, but just because you guys aren't wearing the same costume doesn't mean you can't hang out at the dance."
"Mm, speaking of the dance, I got an e-mail from the school. They're looking for chaperones. They seem pretty desperate."
"Yeah, no kidding. Who wants to spend their Friday night in a sweaty gym?"
Sam chuckled before glancing over at her younger sister, who was texting someone on her phone. "Em, are you going to the dance?"
Emmy looked up. "Of course I am."
"Anyone ask you?" Anthony said in a teasing voice.
She scoffed. "Shut up. And no. I'm going with my friends."
"Demetri and Eli?" Daniel raised his eyebrows.
"And Miguel," she corrected.
"Who's Miguel? Your boyfriend?" Anthony dug his finger into her cheek, and she quickly swatted it away.
"No! And don't touch me. You're hands aren't clean. Miguel is just a friend. He's new this year and I wanna make sure he has fun."
"You totally have a crush on him!"
"No, I don't! Anthony, I swear to god, I am going to kill y ⎯ "
"Should I go blonde?" Emmy asked as she looked at herself in her bedroom mirror.
Miguel sat on her bed, decked out in a classic skeleton costume. "Blonde? Why blonde?"
She turned around, pointing at the blonde wig on her head. "I look hot as a blonde."
He chuckled, stand up from her bed. "But the bleach would damage your hair."
Emmy seemed to ponder for a moment before responding. "You're right. But, beauty is pain."
"Hey, sorry that my training got canceled today. I know how much you wanted to go," Miguel sighed.
She giggled. "Mig, you're good. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I'll just go another day."
Her phone dinging made her rush over to her desk, her screen lighting up. She hurriedly picked it up and walked back to Miguel. "Demetri just texted me, he's here. Come on."
Miguel made a move to go out her bedroom door, but let out a yelp when she pulled him back. "What are you doing? There is no way my dad is going to let me go to this dance if he saw me like this. We're going through the window."
"So, ready for your first West Valley High school dance?" Emmy grinned at Miguel as they both walked through the foggy entrance.
"Aren't all school dances the same?" he chuckled, watching her expression change.
"Are you crazy? Of course not! How can you say that? The Valley is full of party people, which means, better decorations, better music, better snacks, better drinks, better everything. We are are at the top of the school dance food chain. Hey, guys!" the duo walked up to the other duo that made up their friend group.
Demetri looked at Miguel. "Oh, skeleton. Classic. Nice. Emmy, seeing the blonde wig and red costume..."Oops I Did It Again?""
"Correct," Emmy looked at him impressed. "So glad you actually listen to me when I talk."
"I like your sorcerer costume," Miguel complimented him back.
Demetri furrowed his eyebrows. "Sorcerer costume? Please. I'm a necromancer."
"Didn't you see the amulet?"
"Dem, not everyone is a nerd like you," Emmy teased, stepping aside when he went to shove.
"So, are you a regular doctor or ⎯" Miguel turned his attention to Eli.
"Plastic surgeon," Eli timidly answered. "I fix lips."
Emmy looked at him sympathetically.
"Emmy!" the high voice made her jump and spin around. A girl from her homeroom was standing around with her group of friends and was waving her over.
"And that's my cue. See ya guys!" she gave the three boys a wide smile before scurrying away.
Miguel tilted his head as he watched her go. "You know, no offense to Emmy, but I didn't expect her to be so popular. I mean, just in the hallway on the way over here she said hi to, like, 20 people."
"Yeah, even though she hangs out with us, she's still a LaRusso."
"What does that mean?"
"Her parents own the most successful car dealership in the Valley," Eli answered this time. "Plus, her dad was, like, this super popular karate champ in the 80's."
Miguel's eyes widened. "Emmy's dad was a karate champ? Why didn't she tell me that?"
Demetri and Eli glanced at each other before Demetri sighed. "Look, we'll just tell you since she's probably gonna cry about it to you one day and it'd be better if you heard a clear version. Em doesn't have the best relationship with her family, specifically her dad. They butt heads a lot and she gets angry and ends up at spending the night at one of our houses. Since you're apart of the group now, it's bound to be your turn."
"But, we've already had a sleepover. She didn't mention anything."
"Really?" Demetri and Eli looked at each other confused. "Hm, I can't think of a sleepover Emmy hasn't cried in. Guess you got lucky."
"I guess so," Miguel sighed, glancing over at Emmy who was smiling and laughing like nothing was wrong.
The three boys were just standing by themselves as they watched the only girl in their group go out and have fun with people they didn't even know went to their school.
"I still wonder why she hangs out with us," Demetri commented, taking the tiniest sip of his punch.
Spotting the three boys, Emmy excused herself from her other group of friends, and made her way over to them. "Hey, guys! Are you having fun?"
"As much fun as three guys standing in a dark corner can have," Demetri joked, making her deadpan at him.
"Well, obviously. You're not even dancing! Come on!" she held out both of her hands, Miguel immediately grabbing onto both of them and followed after her, the other two being left behind.
"Dude is new is already stealing our best friend!"
Miguel and Emmy jumped up and down together to the music, both of their hands still intertwined with one another.
He never expected to form such a close friendship with someone he had only just met, but Emmy was so inviting towards him, and he felt like he could talk to her about anything. He felt comfortable around her.
"What are you thinking about over there?" Emmy shouted over the music.
Miguel stared at her for a few moments, before a smile broke out on his painted face. "Nothing. I'm just...really happy."
A smile of her own came onto her face, and a pink tint appeared on her face. "Me too."
The two stared at each other, hand in hand, no longer dancing.
To Emmy, it felt as if she and Miguel were the only people there. The sound of students drained out by the fuzz in her brain.
"Hey, guys!" the sound of Demetri's voice made Emmy jump out of her daydream, and her hands slipped from Miguel's.
A cup of punch was then put into her hand instead and she glanced at Miguel, who glanced at her back.
"Hey!" Miguel smiled at the two other boys.
"Is this spiked?" Emmy muttered to Eli, who nodded.
"This is fun, right?" Demetri asked, bopping awkwardly to the music.
Emmy turned as she chugged down her drink.
Miguel was holding onto Emmy for dear life, praying that he wouldn't drop her. He had managed to open her bedroom window, and was practically shoving her in. She groaned as she stumbled onto her floor, Miguel following suit.
Emmy hadn't noticed that he was all bruised up.
"I shouldn't have drank that punch," she moaned, Miguel pulling off her blonde wig. "Bye, blonde. Thanks for making me hot."
"Em, come here," Miguel grasped onto her arm, pulling her up and placed a hoodie in her hands. "Get changed. I don't want you to go to bed wearing that. You'll kill me tomorrow if I do."
He then immediately turned around to let her change in peace. He could hear her grumbling, and he chuckled to himself. There was a couple minutes of this, and a particularly loud grumble from Emmy made him look over his shoulder, seeing her changed.
He walked up to her, putting a hand on her back and guided her to her bed. Emmy flopped onto it, and he nudged her legs with his knee so they didn't dangle off the bed.
"You're so nice, Mig," the boy lightly smiled, wiping off a bit of white paint from her cheek. He covered her from the neck down with a blanket, and watched as she rolled over to face him. "Too nice."
Miguel laughed at her drunk state. "What kind of person would I be if I wasn't nice to my best friend?"
A pout formed on her lips. "Best friend."
Not sensing her solemn tone, Miguel nodded. "Yeah. You're my best friend, Emmy."
"Okay," she continued to pout, rolling over to not face him. "Thank you for bringing me home."
He helped straighten out her messy hair. "Anytime."
✸ AUTHOR'S NOTE ! emmy having a crush on miguel to further this plot?? yes. also ik this chapter is just a lot of bits of scenes i just couldn't think of anything to make them longer
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