Twenty Eight.
( cause as soon as you left home, you've got wandering eyes. )
"Sensei, look."
Johnny turned around, eyes seeing Hawk, Emmy, and two other Cobra Kai students coming up behind them. He turned to Miguel with a smirk. "Still got it. All right, everybody. Looks like our class just got a little bigger. Make room."
Tory and Kyler then came shortly after, stepping next to Hawk. Miguel's face immediately shifted, the two ex lovers staring at each other with conflicted looks. Emmy noticed, biting the inside of her cheek.
But then, Kreese in sunglasses came walking in, the rest of the Cobra Kai students behind him.
"We told you," Emmy said with a clenched jaw.
"Cobra Kai for life," Hawk finished, and Kreese came up beside them, placing a thankful hand on their shoulders before stepping closer to Johnny, chest to chest.
"Don't worry, Johnny. I'm not here for a fight," he said.
"Then why the hell are you here?" Johnny lowly asked.
"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong."
"You're crazy if you think I'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling, it's messed up. You're to blame for that."
"I have to disagree with you there. I care about my students. They're strong and they're true fighters," Kreese then gestured to Emmy. "She became an All Valley Champion with the teachings I taught you. I've helped make her stronger. She wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!"
Emmy had to stop herself from letting out a gasp, eyes immediately going to Miguel who stomped up closer to him, Hawk following closely after. Both senseis stopped the boys, not wanting a fight to break out just yet.
"This is it, Johnny. There's not gonna be another chance."
"Good," Johnny gritted his teeth.
"You made your choice. And you are gonna regret it."
And slowly, they all began to walk away, but not before Emmy's eyes connected with Miguel's, and he shook his head in disappointment.
"Have you guys talked since then?" Hawk asked as Miguel walked past them.
"No," Emmy sighed, resting her cheek on his shoulder. "He won't answer any of my calls or texts. I think I screwed up."
"Screwed up how? By sticking with Cobra Kai?"
"It's the only reason why he won't talk to me," she said. "It's actually driving me crazy. I mean, things were so good and I thought that maybe he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend, and then this shit happens. God, why did Johnny have to show up?"
She tore her eyes away from the ground, dragging them back over to Miguel so that she could stare at him a little longer, but then her back straightened up. "What the hell?"
"What?" Hawk looked in the direction she was looking at, and his face dropped at the sight of Miguel and Sam talking in the middle of the hall. "Oh."
"Can things get any worse?" she groaned, watching as Sam and Miguel grinned at each other and walked off together. "Yes they can."
"You seriously gonna let her take him back? After how long you've wanted to be with him? Where's your fire gone?" Hawk rapid fired questions.
"I don't know!" she whined, her head going to her hands. "I don't know what I'm gonna do."
"Just do what feels right," Hawk shrugged, rubbing her back. "I'm sure you have some sort of solution locked in there somewhere."
She turned to him with a sad face. "Do what feels right?"
"Yeah. Whatever is the best option for you two," he pat her back before turning back to a random conversation that was happening next to him.
Emmy bit her lip as she zoned out at the ground.
Whatever is the best option for you two.
"Where are we going?"
Emmy hurriedly dragged Hawk over to a corner in the cafeteria, looking around to make sure that no one was listening. "I have to tell you something."
He looked at her for moment before pointing at their lunch table. "You couldn't just tell me over there?"
"I don't want them to hear," she muttered, catching the curious eyes of their friends.
"Woah," Hawk raised his eyebrows. "I don't know if you forgot but you're with Miguel. I'm flattered but you're like my sister."
"What?" she looked at him in disbelief. "No. Ew! Gross! I'm not telling you I'm into you. I'm telling you something very personal that I've decided to tell you now. In our school cafeteria. At one in the afternoon. Because if I don't do it now then I think I'll have another breakdown."
He looked at her suspiciously. "Is this another one of those things where you think you haven't told me something when you really did tell me?"
Emmy rolled her eyes. "I know I haven't told you this. And just give me a second because it's kinda hard to just spit out."
"Okay, take your time," Hawk started to get concerned. "Don't wanna scare you but I'm starting to get scared."
"Shut up," she told him. "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone."
"When have I ever told anyone you said?"
"Uh, do you know how many times Kreese has just outright said stuff I've said to you because you talk so fucking loud?"
He instantly winced. "Right. I'll work on that volume."
"Thank you. Anyway, we're getting off topic," she ran a hand through her hair. "So, you know how Tory started the whole school fight because she found out that Sam and Miguel kissed."
"Yeah," he looked confused.
"Well, I was the one who told her," she blurted out.
His eyebrows raised as his eyes grew wider, and he leaned in closer as if he didn't hear her right. "What?"
"I was the one who saw the two of them kissing and then I was the one who told her about it," Emmy explained again.
"Are you serious?" she nodded. "Does Miguel know?"
"That's the thing," she gulped. "He has no idea and I'm scared that he'll flip out on me if I don't tell him."
"Jesus, Emmy," Hawk whispered. "Who else know?"
"You, Tory, Kreese...Robby."
"Yes, Robby."
"How does Robby know?"
Emmy grimaced. "The night of the day of the fight, I may or may not have seen him running away from my house and had a heart to heart with him and told him that it was me."
Hawk looked as if he was going to explode with how much information he was being given. "You saw him? You let him get away?"
"I wasn't in the right fucking headspace and trust me, I think about it all the time," she rubbed her forehead in stress.
"Em, you're gonna have to tell him," Hawk told her.
"I know, I know. I just don't know how to go about it. And what do I do if he takes it badly?"
"You know you have me, but this is something you really need to do on your own."
"I know," she leaned her head against the vending machine. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I just didn't want you to be pissed at me or anything."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm more pissed you kept it from me and went through, who knows what, alone. It's just us now, Emmy. I wanna know things."
She sighed. "I get it. From now on, no more secrets."
"Good. Now come on. The losers are waiting," he pulled her towards him, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
Emmy snorted. "You have got to stop calling them losers."
But unbeknownst to them, a pair of ears was not believing what they were hearing.
Emmy had made up her mind.
It was a tough decision to make, but she knew what she wanted and what she wanted for herself in the future. She wanted happiness and love, and this was the only way she would accomplish that.
When Amanda opened the door, she was shocked to see Emmy behind the door. "Emmy? What are you..."
"Hey, mom," she rocked back and forth on her heel. "I watched Sam and Miguel's speech at that thing, and figured that he's still here?"
"Yeah," Amanda opened the door wider. "I was about to head out to a work dinner, but I think their both outside at the dojo."
"Cool," Emmy breathed out, stepping into the house. The older woman stood awkwardly by the door for a moment, not sure what to do, but Emmy made the first move, wrapping her arms around her waist.
Amanda froze, not sure what to do.
"Missed you, Mom," Emmy mumbled as she rested her chin on her shoulder.
Amanda laughed, arms tightening around her youngest daughter. "I missed you too, sweetie."
Emmy was the first to pull away, smiling at her mother. Amanda though, was extremely confused. "Don't get me wrong, Emmy. I'm thrilled that you're here and that things seem to be good, but, what's with the sudden visit?"
"I've done a lot of thinking," Emmy sighed, slipping her hands into the back pockets of her shorts. "I'm still young, still in high school, and, I figured that things would be better if I had my family beside me."
"Wait, are you saying..."
Emmy nodded. "I'm coming back, Mom."
Amanda let out a shout, throwing her arms around her. "Oh, Emmy! That's wonderful."
"Isn't it?" the girl giggled. "But, you guys have not earned my forgiveness just yet. I'm expecting a lot of groveling."
"Whatever you need," Amanda grinned. "I'm just happy that you're home."
"Good to be back. Even though I don't have any furniture anymore..."
Amanda sighed. "Yeah, your father had a vulnerable moment. But, you can take the couch for tonight? The living room will be all for you. I'll even make it off limits. Whatever you need."
"Thanks, Mom," Emmy smiled, rubbing her mom. "Go to your work dinner. I'll be here. Don't worry."
"I'll bring you something back," Amanda rubbed her daughter's cheek before stepping out the door.
Emmy let out a happy breath, feeling lighter than ever. This is what was right.
She then headed for the dojo, but couldn't hear Sam or Miguel. But she didn't really care about the former right now. She just had to break the big news to Miguel.
She silently slid open the dojo door, the biggest smile on her face as she felt the most giddy she had ever felt. She turned her back as she gently closed the door again, and turned back around, her mouth opening to speak, but then she froze, face dropping.
There Miguel stood, Sam wrapped in his arms, their faces leaning in closer and closer together.
Emmy felt her hand go limp, and her knees felt like they were going to buckle.
"What the hell?"
Miguel and Sam both jumped away from each other, gasping at the sudden interjection.
"Emmy," Sam looked as if she seen a ghost. "What are you ⎯ what are you doing here?"
But Emmy couldn't even look at her, eyes staring at Miguel. "Are you kidding?"
"Emmy ⎯ "
"Are you fucking kidding?" she raised her voice, taking a step closer to them. She couldn't even form the words.
"Emmy, I swear, it was nothing," Miguel tried.
"Oh, do not give me that bullshit," she felt tears stinging her eyes. "I know what I just saw."
Miguel pressed his lips tightly together, looking down at the ground.
"Are you that evil?" she couldn't help but ask. "You don't answer any of my texts or calls and now you're about to kiss my sister? After everything I told you, you'd do that to me?"
"Emmy, I'm sorry," Sam said.
"I don't even wanna hear a peep from you," Emmy snapped, eyes still on Miguel, staring him down. "Is this because I stayed with Cobra Kai? Because I stayed with people who have been there for me?"
"They're not good, Em," Miguel suddenly sounded more passionate. "I know you. And I know that those people aren't good for you."
"Then you should also know that they aren't me! You should know that I would never do half the things they've done. Okay? I wasn't there when they broke Demetri's arm. And you should know that because I was with you!"
Miguel licked his lips, looking down again.
"He knows," Sam suddenly spoke up, taking Emmy's attention away from him.
"Knows what?" Emmy whipped her head to her.
"That you told Tory."
And just like that, Emmy felt like whatever good was in her life was taken away from her.
Her eyes flickered, more tears building, causing some to roll down her face. "What?"
"He knows that you telling Tory caused the fight."
Emmy turned to Miguel. "How do you know? Who told you?"
Miguel didn't speak, eyes going to Sam. Emmy turned back to Sam, eyes glazing with betrayal. "You told him?"
"I overheard you telling Hawk," Sam gulped. "It didn't feel right to not tell him."
Emmy scoffed, the wheels turning in her head. "Oh, I see. You told him because you wanted him back. Do you know how bitchy that is? You can't let me have one thing, can you?"
"Don't blame her for this," Miguel stepped in front of Sam protectively.
Emmy wanted to breakdown, but she was too consumed with anger. "Fuck you, dude. You don't think guilt was eating me alive the entire time? I was so torn up about what happened. I couldn't even speak to Hawk without bawling because just looking at him reminded me of you. I couldn't visit you in the hospital because I was scared I would hurt you again."
Miguel started to look conflicted.
She scoffed in disbelief again, walking backwards toward the door. "And to think that I quit Cobra Kai to be with you."
Miguel and Sam's eyes widened, watching as she turned her back, walking towards the door.
"Wait, Emmy!"
She felt Miguel tug on her wrist, and suddenly, she whipped around, her palm striking him across the face. His face whipped to the side, and Sam gasped in shock.
"Don't ever talk to me again," she coldly said, sliding open the door and slamming it shut, causing a loud boom!
Once she was away from the two, the tears started forming from her eyes, blurring her vision. She didn't think one could be broken hearted twice, but here she was, chest aching with so much pain that she thought she could die.
She fumbled as she unlocked the front door, shutting it behind her as she stumbled onto the pathway. But the amount of breaths her sobs needed was too much for her, and her knees buckled, causing her to sit on the curb.
Her face laid in her hands as she sobbed, feeling as if the one last happy piece of her heart was ripped away. This hurt more than the first time. It was more deep in her heart, and her cries were more intense.
She didn't think Miguel would ever do something like this to her, especially since he was so vocal about how long he liked her and how much he liked her. She believed that this was finally her time to be happy, so much so that she was willing to abandoned the one thing that she lived for. Cobra Kai. She was ready to give it up to be with him. But he didn't care.
"Go away, Miguel!" she sobbed, not taking her hands away from her face.
She looked up, about to tell the person off, but her words got caught in her throat. "Robby?"
Robby Keene stood about three feet away from her, eyes wide with concern at her distraught state. "Are you ⎯ are you okay?"
"What do you think?" she snapped.
He clenched his jaw. "What happened?"
"How about you go in there and see for yourself? But I'll warn you, you'll wanna rip both of their heads off."
"Sam and Miguel?"
The mention of their names made her start crying again, and Robby felt anger flood his body.
"I thought it would finally be me and him," she cried. "I thought that he would be it for me."
"Emmy..." he looked at her with pity.
She looked up at him, voice breaking, "He told me he wanted me."
His eyes flickered, turning dark. "Wait here."
Robby then stormed into the house, since Emmy forgot to lock the door during her walking out, and headed over to the dojo. He pulled both of the doors open, seeing Sam's hand cupping Miguel's face while she tried to comfort him. "Should've known."
For the second time, she pulled away from him, eyes wide with shock at the sight of him. "Robby! It... It's not what you think."
Robby stepped closer. "You two get together the second I was gone or wait a week to make it look good? Because if that's the case, then you two really screwed Emmy over."
"It's not like that," Sam spoke up.
"At least now I know why you stopped writing."
"I stopped writing because you never answered!"
"It's kinda hard to write back in between getting my face busted in!"
"I didn't know."
"You wouldn't have cared even if you did."
"It's not her fault," Miguel came to her defense.
"Stay out of this!" Robby pointed at Miguel, taking a step closer to Sam.
"I don't think I will."
"No, you will or else I'll bust your face in," all three turned to the dojo doors, seeing Emmy standing with her arms crossed and red, puffy eyes. She and Robby made eye contact, and suddenly, Robby swung for Miguel, but Sam quickly got in the way, shoving the boy away.
"Robby, don't!"
There was heavy breathing, and then the sound of footsteps was heard. They all turned to Emmy again, seeing her stalk up to them with a now blank face. She stood face to face with Sam, the latter looking up at her with fear.
Suddenly, Emmy shoved her harshly into Miguel, nearly enough to knock the wind out of him.
"I'm not holding back anymore," she said. "I've had enough of you two making my life miserable. Have fun in hell together."
She grabbed Robby's arm, dragging him away while he glared daggers into the two.
will emmy ever catch a break? we will never know
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