Thirty Two.
( I got that summertime, summertime sadness. )
Tory watched in amusement as Emmy continued to happily converse with her boss. She always thought it was weird that Emmy was so open to talking to new people, but she realized that it was just who Emmy was. I mean, that was how they became friends.
Emmy waved goodbye, and big smile on her face as she walked back to Tory. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you smooth talk your way into be allowed to hangout at your best friend's job."
"I can't believe you actually managed to do that," Tory chuckled. "What did you say?"
Emmy hopped onto a counter that she could tell no one used and shrugged. "Just used my amazing personality."
Tory raised her eyebrows.
"I'm kidding," Emmy laughed. "I just told him that he could get a discount at my dad's dealership."
"And he believed that?"
"Oh, yeah. Big time," Emmy then glanced around, noticing a woman sitting by herself, her face in the menu. She tapped Tory's shoulder and nodded in the women's direction. "Hey. Loner at table 12."
Tory snorted, jokingly shaking her head in disapproval before walking off to the table. Emmy watched her go, wanting to see how she did her job. But then her face paled as the woman put down her menu. "Oh, no."
Emmy hopped off the counter, subtly sitting at an empty table nearby to eavesdrop.
"Can I start you off with something?" Tory calmly asked her. Emmy winced, realizing that Tory had no idea who this woman was.
"Actually, there's only one thing I need. And that's for you to stay the hell away from my daughter," Amanda coldly said.
Tory's eyes flickered, glancing over at Emmy. "Wait, you're ⎯ "
"Yes, I am."
Tory then looked around her. "You came to my job?"
"Well, I tried calling your parents. No call back. Big surprise. Should I have kicked in your front door? Is that more your speed?" Amanda went on, holding her hands tightly in front of her. "Everyday in my house they were little reminders of the mess you made. I see my daughter covering up her bruises and scars. The only reason you aren't behind bars right now is because she asked me not to drag this ordeal out. So you can have your little tournament. But if you touch one hair on her head before then, you'll be scrubbing toilets in prison for the rest of your life. If you're lucky."
Emmy couldn't believe what was happening, and without thinking, she got up from her seat, and walked towards the table. "You, in fact, won't be so lucky if you continue talking in that tone. I suggest you leave, Miss."
She stepped in front of Tory, her arms crossed in front of her as she stared her mother down.
"Excuse me, miss?" they heard and Emmy looked over her shoulder to see a man at a table. "I think my soup is ready. I see it on the counter."
"Yeah, just a minute," Tory waved him off. "I think you should leave."
"I will," Amanda pushed her menu away. "I'm not here to cause a scene. Just here to deliver a message. But I need to know that you got that message.
"Message delivered," Emmy immediately said. "Because what you are doing right now, is incredibly childish and inappropriate. You can not come to a teenagers job and stir this up."
"I'm not speaking to you," Amanda snapped.
"Well, you certainly aren't going to speak to her," Emmy clenched her jaw.
"And what if I didn't get that message?" Tory asked from behind Emmy.
Amanda got up from her seat, crossing her arms. "Well, then that would be a mistake."
Emmy scoffed, taking a step closer to her mom. "Why don't you save yourself the trouble and get the hell out?"
Amanda opened her mouth to reply, but then Tory's manager butted it. "Is everything okay here, ma'am?"
"I don't know. Is it?" she questioned, not taking her eyes off Tory and Emmy.
"Miss I don't want my soup to get cold," the man at the table spoke up again.
"Will you shut the hell up?" Tory slammed his fist onto the table, and Emmy slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Tory!" her manager exclaimed. "That's it. Put away your uniform. I've had enough of your attitude. You're fired."
Emmy's eyes widened, immediately turning to her mom. She felt her blood start to boil. Tory let out a shaky breath, tearing off her apron. "Yeah, thanks a lot."
She then chucked the apron into the manager's chest, and slowly began to walk away. "This place got a B on the health inspection. They hide the sign so you can't see it. And I saw one of the cooks dip his balls in the miso."
Tory stormed off, and Emmy scoffed. She turned back to her mom, eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Happy?" And she quickly left the restaurant.
"You get to live in a rich kid house? That's so sick!"
Emmy giggled as she grabbed another forkful of cake, shoving it into her mouth. "I know right? And get this. They even let me drive their expensive cars."
Kenny's eyes lit up. "Seriously?"
"Yep," Emmy nodded. "Of course, my parents are wealthy, but Kyler, his parents are another level of wealthy. At least now I know why he where's tacky clothing all the time."
Kenny barked out a laugh, taking a sip of the soda can Emmy had gotten him. Days like this were always the best. His mom would be out of the house, meaning Emmy would have to watch over him, and she let him do whatever he wanted.
"But enough about me," she waved off the topic. "Time to talk about you. How's the new school?"
"It's all right," Kenny shrugged. "But it is nice to not have drive half an hour to get to school everyday. It saves my mom the trouble of having to drive me to school and then make it to work on time."
He had moved to this part of the Valley not too long ago. His old house was about 45 minutes away, but his parents felt bad about pulling him out of his old school in the middle of the year, so they kept on letting him go there the rest of the school year.
She smiled sweetly at him, patting his head. "You're a sweet kid."
Kenny blushed, distracting himself by scooping up a piece of cake for himself. "Hey, where'd you learn how to drive?"
"You're brother actually taught me," Emmy revealed, taking a sip of water. "We have a favor system. I did something for him, so he did something for me."
"Do you think he could teach me one day?" he looked at her hopefully.
"Of course," she reassured him. "In fact, that'll be my next favor from him. Teaching you how to drive."
He grinned at her, and she grinned back. Spending time with Kenny felt like she was 13 again and staying up late with Anthony in the kitchen, talking about the stupidest things.
She then felt her phone start to buzz in her pocket, and she nonchalantly pulled it out, checking the caller id. Emmy immediately straightened up. "Hey, Kenny? Mind if I use your room? I have to take this."
"Sure," he pointed upstairs. "I'll get started on my homework."
She briefly put her hand on his back before hopping off the chair and rushed up the stairs. She pressed "answer" as she entered Kenny's room and closed the door behind her.
She took a deep breath before putting her phone up to her ear. "Hello?"
"Uh... It's Eli now."
"Right," she sighed. "Why'd you call?"
"I just...wanted to know how you were. I haven't seen you in a while."
"All is good."
Their conversations were never like this. Awkward. It was always smooth and easy. But, I guess switching sides could do that to you.
"I miss you, Em. I miss having my best friend."
"Well, you clearly didn't think about that before choosing their side. Besides, you have Demetri again. You don't need me."
"Don't say that."
"Why not? It's the truth."
"No it isn't. I've always needed you. Emmy, you're the only person who has been there for me through everything. And I want to keep that."
"Is this another ploy to get me to leave Cobra Kai? Cause if it is, it isn't working very well."
"Emmy, Kreese is not a good person. He's gotten into your head. Life isn't about striking first. There's so much more to that."
"I am seconds away from hanging up on you."
"Don't! Just let me talk. Please."
"I'm giving you two minutes."
"The day of the fight. You told me to be careful. And I know you. You meant it in a caring way."
Emmy hesitated, licking her lips. "Why do you think that?"
"I've known you since childhood, Em. I know the way you talk, and this...this wasn't meant to threaten me."
"Listen here. I can sit here and deny that but we both know that I would be lying. Of course I still care about you, dumbass. You were quite literally the only person I had and then you fucking left. I know what I'm capable of, but I know that I would never hurt you. But I also know what the others are capable of, and they will. And to be completely honest, I can't stop them."
"Emmy! I need some help on this!" she heard Kenny yell from the kitchen.
She quickly brought her phone down. "Alright!" She brought it back up to her ear. "I have to go."
"Wait, Emmy ⎯ "
"Don't call again," and then she quickly hung up on him. Emmy took a few deep breaths, trying to settle her rapidly beating heart so that Kenny wouldn't suspect that something was wrong. And after a few moments, and calmly walked down the stairs. "Math problem?"
She plastered a smile on her face. "Then you asked the right person."
"Ms. LaRusso. Mr. Keene. You have a visitor."
Emmy and Robby turned towards Kreese, the girl's face dropping. "Kenny?" She didn't hesitate to rush towards him. "What are you doing here?"
"Shawn. He said that you can help me," the younger boy said.
Emmy glanced back at Robby. "Help with what?"
"Shawn? Is he out?" Robby took a few steps closer to them.
"No. That's why I'm here. These a-holes keep hassling me," Kenny then turned to Emmy. "Your brother being one of them."
"Excuse me?" Emmy's face scrunched up. "My brother is messing you with again? I swear, when I get my hands on him ⎯ "
"This is a dojo," Kreese cut in. "You are interrupting my class."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know," Kenny panicked.
"Sensei," Emmy pulled Kenny behind her. "His brother is one of the toughest guys I know. I mean, he was the reason why Robby had a black eye every other week in juvie."
Robby gave her a look. No one needed to know that.
Kreese smirked. "Is that so? You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra kai can teach you how. But you have to prove you're worthy."
"How do I do that?" Kenny asked, looking up at Kreese with big, innocent eyes.
"Take off your shoes and get on the mat."
"Sensei ⎯ " Emmy went to object, but felt someone tug her back. She looked over her shoulder, seeing Robby shake his head. She snatched her wrist away. "Sensei, a word?"
Kreese hummed. "Class, get ready. Follow me, LaRusso."
Emmy closed the office door behind her, looking out the window to see that Kenny was making small talk with Robby, probably telling him about his brother.
"Sensei, you can not make Kenny get on that mat," she said, turning back to Kreese.
"And why is that?" he asked.
"Because I know him. That kid is the sweetest boy ever and he doesn't have a single aggressive bone in his body. There's no way he's gonna impress you today," she crossed her arms. "Please. At least give him a fair chance."
"I thought you wanted him to stay."
"I do," she nodded. "His brother sent him here for a reason and I'm not gonna turn him away, but the last thing that needs to happen is for him to be squashed in the middle of the mat."
"Ms. LaRusso. You know how this works," Kreese sat on top of his desk, playing with his cigar cutter.
She sighed in defeat. "I do. But, maybe do, like, a trial run. Give him like a week to observe and then you can decide."
"Isn't that what Johnny did with that one guy?"
Emmy looked at him for a moment before her face dropped. "Shit, right. Stingray."
Kreese hummed, climbing off the desk and headed for the door. "I admire your efforts. But Cobra Kai is my dojo. I'm in control. Do you understand?"
Emmy wasn't intimidated by him, eyes squinting. "Yes, Sensei."
"Good," and then he opened the door, letting her leave first. She made eye contact with Robby who raised his eyebrows. She only shook her head.
"Kenny," she huffed, the boy turning to her. "Take off your shoes and get on the mat."
He gulped, but listened, quickly sliding off his shoes.
"All right, Mr. Payne. Let's see what you got. Mr. Park?" Kreese gestured over to Kyler. The teen smugly got to his feet, standing across from Kenny on the mat.
"But h ⎯ how am I supposed to fight if I haven't had any training yet?" Kenny asked, turning to Kreese.
"To be a Cobra Kai, you have to have a killer instinct," Kreese answered.
Emmy thickly swallowed, looking away.
"Fighting positions."
"Don't worry, man. I'll go easy on you," Kyler spoke up. And once the the fight started, Kyler grunted and lunged for Kenny. The younger boy let out a noise of fear, immediately backing away and went off the mat.
Everyone erupted in laughter, except for Emmy and Robby. The two glanced at each other, the girl looking as if she was in pain from just watching.
"Come back on the mat. Grow some pubes. Let's go," Kyler chuckled, signally for Kenny to come back.
"It's all right, Mr. Payne. Try again," Kreese encouraged, but Emmy could tell by the look on the man's face, he was losing patience. "Ais!"
Kyler charged at him again, this time moving to kick him. And once again, Kenny shouted in fear, backing off the mat once more. Emmy let out a breath, knowing what this now meant. She made eye contact with Kreese, who just looked bored and unimpressed.
"All right. I've seen enough," Kreese commented.
"Yeah, me too," Kyler laughed, the others in the dojo following.
"What's so funny?" Kreese immediately silenced them. "The All Valley's just a few short months away. We don't have time for losers. Or cowards."
Kenny didn't hesitate to turn around and leave.
"Wait, Kenny," Emmy went to grab his hand, but he moved away from her, stormed out. She let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in stress. She then looked over at Robby. "Shawn's gonna kill me."
realizing that emmy and anthony's relationship is just diminishing
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