Forty Two.
( I love you, I'm sorry. )
"You okay?"
"You sure?"
"Wanna talk about what happened?"
"You're normal about it?"
"Then why aren't you up here with me?"
Emmy glanced over her shoulder, seeing Robby looking down at her from his bed with a pointed look. She had agreed to go to bed with him about 10 minutes ago, but she had been blankly sitting on the edge of the bed the whole time.
"Emmy," he sighed, coming to sit next to her. "Is there something you need to tell me?"
"No," she dismissed him, looking down at her lap.
He pressed his lips into a thin line. "Do you still like him?"
"Robby, I'm not talking about this with you," she scoffed.
He furrowed his eyebrows at her distant attitude. "Why not? Do you?"
She glanced at him, not being able to hold up her serious facade as her shoulders slump. "I don't know. It's, like, I expected myself to just feel so angry when I saw him, but then he just looked so...sad. And it's like my brain wouldn't let me be mad at him, because I had an idea of how he felt. And I guess a part of me felt scared about what could have happened to him."
Robby poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, looking at the floor for a second. Emmy frowned, doing the same as she felt as if she had screwed up. But then Robby grabbed her hand, holding it in his. Her head raised up in surprise.
"But you don't like him, right?"
Emmy caught the creeping smile on his face, and she couldn't contain her own. She yanked her hand away from his and slapped his shoulder. "Of course not, asshole."
He lightly chuckled, eyes admiring her. He then reached up, brushing her hair out of her face and gently held her face. "The only thing I care about is you being okay. I just want you to feel like you can talk to me about this stuff. Never stopped you before."
Emmy snorted. "That's because you weren't my boyfriend then. I don't know if you wanna hear about my conflicting feelings for the boy I was with before you."
"Conflicting how?" he asked.
Emmy sighed. "If I hate him or not."
"Well, what do you think about when you think of Miguel?"
"I wanna rip his tongue out with my hands so he can't kiss another girl behind his girlfriend's back again."
"Okay," Robby gave a sharp inhale of breath, wrapping his arm around her and pulled her into his side. "How about we watch a movie?"
"Hi, I have an appointment with Lonnie?"
The man behind the counter looked up, face lighting up. "What's up, Em?"
She giggled, the two engaging in a quick hug. "Hey, Trevor."
"Where've you been?" he asked.
Emmy gave a sheepish smile. "After what I did last time, I wasn't sure if I was welcome anymore."
"Are you kidding?" he chuckled. "Rico would never ban you from here. You're, like, his little sister. Plus, you have a sick right hook. He's actually thinking of getting the bruise you gave him tattooed."
"God, he's stupid," Emmy laughed.
"That's Rico for ya. And you can go laid down on one of the beds, Lonnie's just taking a bathroom break," Trevor smiled and the two gave another quick hug before he sat back down and she walked towards a free tattoo bed.
She had a light look on her face as she walked without a care in the world, but then stopped in her tracks. "Eli? Demetri?"
Both boys looked her way, faces forming into shock as they stared at her. "Emmy?"
"What are you doing here?" Eli asked.
"Why else would I be in a tattoo parlor?" Emmy looked at him weirdly, trying her best to not show an emotion to the other boy.
"You're getting a tattoo? Seriously?" Demetri furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yeah," she nodded awkwardly, she then noticed the new piece of ink on Eli's chest. "Covered the reaper?"
He glanced down and chuckled. "Yeah. Symbolizes a new beginning. Which is what I'm going for."
"Cool," Emmy genuinely smiled. "Look, I'm sorry for flaking on game night."
"Don't be," Eli reassured her. "You wanted to be there for Robby. I get it."
"Me too," Demetri quickly added on. "You don't have to apologize for anything."
Emmy looked at him oddly. "Okay..."
Demetri sighed at the sudden cold atmosphere between them, and he glanced at something from behind Eli. "Hey, Miguel. You good?"
Emmy froze, head snapping over to the boy sitting by the chairs. Her eyes widened, and her hands suddenly became clammy. Miguel's eyes were on hers too, and there was a thick tension in the air.
She turned around, seeing Lonnie looking at her with a kind smile. "Ready for your first tat?"
"Uh," she glanced at the three boys, suddenly being flooded of all their memories. "Yeah. I'm ready."
"Didn't expect our first real date to be at a waterpark, but, I'll take it," Robby gave Emmy a peck on the cheek.
She giggled, swinging their hands back and forth as they walked. "This is what happens when you date Emmy LaRusso. Actual fun dates. Plus, I've been dying to see Tory."
"So this is really a date between you and Tory?" he jokingly pretended to act betrayed.
"So glad you finally got it," she nodded, laughing as he pinched her thigh.
The two had lasting smiles on their face as they approached Tory and a couple other Cobra Kais. Emmy's smile grew, and she pulled her hand away from Robby's. "Tory!"
Tory looked away from her conversation with the other two teen boys, and immediately hopped off the table, rushing towards the two. "Emmy!"
The girls met in the middles, throwing their arms around each other as they tightly embraced and rocked side to side.
"I missed you so much," Emmy said, unable to pull away from how tight Tory was holding more.
"I missed you too," Tory chuckled, finally letting go before spotting Robby walking up behind Emmy. "Guess I missed you too."
"Guess I did too," Robby scrunched his face before it turn into something more genuine, and the two gave a quick side hug.
"This is so exciting! We can all hang out again," Emmy squealed, wrapping her arms around the two.
"Of course we can. How was Mexico?" Tory asked. "You guys hit the beach? Any romantic dates?"
Emmy and Robby glanced at each other. "It wasn't really that kind of trip."
"But, uh, we did work out a few of our issues with me dad," Robby added on positively. He then turned over to where Miguel was sitting. "There's still some that are too big to solve."
Emmy sighed, unwrapping her arms from them and crossed them in front of her chest. "And will probably never be solved."
Tory looked at them sympathetically, rubbing Emmy's arm.
"Look, um, there's something I've wanted to talk to you two about," Robby huffed and the two girls looked at him curiously. "I was wondering if you'd consider maybe just taking a break from Cobra Kai?"
Emmy almost choked on nothing, thinking that they were going to have this conversation somewhere else.
"What are you talking about?" Tory asked him.
"You heard what Kreese did. He's not even half as as Silver," Emmy and Tory glanced at each other. "Now's the time to get out before things get worse."
"Robby," Emmy cut in. "It's not easy to just quit."
"If I did it, you guys can do it. Trust me, Silver is gonna get inside your head, and then he's gonna tell you ⎯ "
"I'm glad you and your dad worked through some of your shit," Tory cut him off. "And if you wanna leave the dojo, that's on you. But don't tell us what to do. Especially your girlfriend. She's already been through enough of that. I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions. Same for Emmy."
Robby seemed disappointed by her answer, but seemed even more disappointed that Emmy said nothing to back him up. "Okay. It's your decision."
"Great," Tory gave a tight lipped smile before turning to Emmy. "Wanna check out The Typhoon? It's got a five-story drop that's supposed to be sick."
But then her eyebrows furrowed as she saw Emmy was looking in another direction. "Em?"
"You guys go," Emmy suddenly said. "I have to do something."
"Are you sure?" Robby and Tory looked at each other confused.
"Yeah. You guys are friends too. It's not awkward for me," she gave them a quick smile and the two reluctantly walked off. She thickly swallowed before walking towards the group.
They looked at her in surprise. "Emmy. You're here."
"Yeah," she awkwardly said. "How are you guys?"
"All is good. Just talking about how I'm about to rise in the ranks," Kyler chuckled like an idiot, one of the other Cobra Kai students agreeing with him.
"Cool," she nodded, turning to Kenny. "You?"
He looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm good. You were gone for a bit."
"Yeah," she breathed out nervously. "That was just a spur of the moment thing."
"When you coming back?" Kyler asked absentmindedly. "Dojo's been kinda lame without you yelling at everyone."
"Oh, um..." she could see Kenny looking at her expectantly from the corner of her eye and she plastered a smile on her face. "As soon as I can. I have to talk to Sensei Silver first."
"All right! All right!" Kyler hyped up, roughly clapping her back, making her wince. "Queen Cobra's back!"
"I thought that was Tory's title? I mean, she did win," memory of seeing Silver talk to ref flashed in her mind.
"Everyone knows that you should've won," Kenny told her. "If Kreese didn't get in your head at the end then you for sure would've won."
"You're the champ, Em," Kyler punched nudged her shoulder. "The OG."
She looked at him and gave a short chuckle, feeling guilty for the feeling she was feeling right now as they praised her. "Thanks, guys."
Emmy was feeling more conflicted than ever.
She knew that Cobra Kai was the reason that she became the worst version of herself, and that following after Kreese would be one of the worst decisions she ever made, but she just couldn't shake the thought that she would be nothing without Cobra Kai.
Cobra Kai was one of the first decisions she ever made for herself, and it changed her life.
For the better or for the worst? The line was blurred at the moment.
But all she knew, was that giving up on Cobra Kai would be one of the hardest things she would ever have to do. She also knew that karate didn't define her, but who was she without Cobra Kai?
Would she go back to being Daniel LaRusso's forgotten daughter? Would she go back to being a shadow that trailed after Sam's? I mean, without Cobra Kai, that was all she was. Cobra Kai was what made her different from her sister. And maybe even better.
"Emmy," she snapped out of her dazed thoughts as Tory repeatedly tapped her on the arm.
"What?" Tory pointed at something and she turned her head, seeing Kenny standing chest to chest with Eli. "Shit."
She immediately sprang up onto her feet, Tory quickly following after her. Robby stripped off his sunglasses, face scrunching as he watched them rush over to the big group.
"Hey, hey, hey! Back off," Emmy pushed Eli back while Tory pushed Kenny back.
"Hey, stay out of this," Eli snapped, eyes going back to Kenny.
"What's the matter?" Kenny asked mockingly. "You scared I'm right? Champ."
"Shut up," Emmy whipped her head over to the younger boy.
Tory then turned to Eli. "Unless you want your ass kicked, I suggest you stay on your side of the park. Away from us."
Eli then glanced at Emmy, who subtly nodded, telling him to just agree for everyone's sake. "All right. You guys stay on your side, we won't have a problem. We have better rides on our side anyway."
Emmy huffed as he walked away without another word, not missing the look he threw her. She turned back to Kenny with a clenched jaw. "Go. And you better not start anything you can't finish again."
Kenny scoffed and shook his head, walking off with Kyler and the others.
"Hey," both girls looked over to the see Robby walking towards them, but his eyes were trained on Emmy. "I know you can handle yourself. But don't tell me the best place for Kenny is Cobra Kai."
"Robby," Emmy frowned as he started to walk away from them, reaching out to grab his hand, but he pulled away from her. "Robby!"
He ignored her and her shoulders slump. She felt Tory place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
Why did she have to screw up every single time?
The word "cheater" was something that Emmy really hated right now.
She glared at the others who repeatedly chanted the word at Tory, who looked like she was dizzy from everything. She quickly helped her friend out of the pool, eyes landing on Eli who angrily raised up his deflated floaty to Kenny.
"Dipshit. I know this was you."
"What are you gonna do?"
Hawk smirked at him. "I'm not gonna strike first is that's what you think. You don't have the balls to anyway."
"No, but I do," Emmy stepped in front of Kenny protectively, glaring up at her ex-best friend. Eli's eyes widened by a centimeter. "And you know I'll have no regrets. Stop fighting with kids."
Eli clenched his jaw, but seemed willing to just walk away.
"Come on," she grabbed Kenny's arm and went to drag him away, but she felt him slip away from her grip and she panicked. "Kenny!"
Kenny swung at Eli, but the latter leaned away from it. "Is that all you got?"
Kenny glared at him before coming at him again, landing a slap across Eli's face after a round of fists from the younger boy. Kenny then went to kick him, but Hawk caught his foot, slamming his fist into the back of his knee.
Emmy's instincts kicked in and she shoved Eli off of him, causing Eli to fall back into the water. Her eyes widened as she watched him go under, before hearing someone yell, "Hey!"
She turned around, seeing Miguel stomping towards her. She opened her mouth to speak, but Robby stepped in front of her before Miguel could do something. Miguel had his eyes on Emmy. "Watch yourself."
"You wanna go?" Robby blocked his vision, making sure that he couldn't look at Emmy.
Suddenly, there was a whistle blown, and a lifeguard came in between them. "Hey. Everybody get out and leave the park immediately. I mean it. Everybody out. Now."
"This really sucks. I can't believe they kicked us out," Tory complained as the three of them walked out of the waterpark.
"This is exactly what happens when Cobra Kai's involved. Everybody loses," Robby stated.
"Are you trying to blame us for getting us kicked out?" Tory asked in disbelief. "We were trying to stop a fight, not start one."
Robby turned to Tory. "I know you won the tournament, and everything's going good for you right, but by defending them you're part of the problem."
"Hey," Emmy softly grabbed his arm, making him turn away from Tory who looked hurt by his words. "The only thing we wanted was a fun day where we could hang out and not have to worry about anything. But I guess that's impossible."
"It's only impossible if you're still in Cobra Kai," Robby said. "And so is staying with me."
"Are you..." Emmy's eyes flickered. "Are you asking me to choose?"
"Well, we're not leaving Cobra Kai," Tory spoke.
"Don't speak for her," Robby snapped.
"Robby," Emmy stepped in front of Tory and Tory took a step back. "It's... It's not that easy."
"So you're choosing Cobra Kai over me?"
"No! Never," she took a step towards him and grabbed the sides of his face. "But I can't just... It's not... I..."
He pulled away from her. "Then I guess that's it."
Her face fell. "What?"
"I said it's impossible to stay in Cobra Kai and stay with me at the same time. So, you, Tory, Kenny and everyone else can stay brainwashed. Because I'm done trying to help."
Robby then stomped away, and Emmy was left in disbelief. Tory caught the look on Emmy's face. "Emmy ⎯"
Emmy rushed after Robby, grabbing his wrist and spinning her back towards her. "You're seriously gonna throw it away? After everything? Because I'm staying in Cobra Kai?"
"You threw away everything the moment you decided to stay in Cobra Kai!" he argued.
"I'm not throwing away anything," Emmy firmly told him. "You're the one who doesn't want to make things work."
"You know what Cobra Kai does to people, Em," Robby told her. "I can't help you anymore if you're choosing to ignore that."
"So that's all that matters to you? You told me that you understood!"
"Well I don't anymore!" he exclaimed back. "I'm not gonna be with someone who can't even help themselves."
Emmy's eyes widened, void of any words. Robby then turned to walk away. "If you walk away, then it's done. We're done."
Robby stopped, and his body and mind wanted nothing more than to turn around and scoop her into a tight embrace, but he didn't listen, only swallowing thickly and walked forward.
She let out a shaky breath, watching him walk away from her.
gave what you guys wanted but at what cost???
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