Forty Eight.
( every dead end street, led you straight to me. )
Life was strange. Or, it was now to Emmy.
She woke up without feeling any kind of dread for the day, she had a rather enjoyable breakfast with her two best friends, her boyfriend was now once again enrolled in school, and no one was fighting anymore.
Huh, this was weird.
As Emmy silently stuck a few books into her locker, she let out a gasp as a pair of hands reached over her head and covered her eyes. "Guess who?"
She let out a small giggle, spinning around. Robby looked at her with a grin, arms wrapping around her waist. In return, her arms snaked around his neck. "How was your first day back? Anyone give you trouble?"
"Uh, it was good, actually," Robby nodded with a sigh. "Did get a few stares though. I guess being apart of one of the biggest school fights doesn't leave you easily."
"Tell me about it," Emmy shook her head, giving him a small peck before unraveling her arms from him and interlocked their fingers. "I'm still known as the crazy bitch around here."
Robby chuckled, reaching around and gently shut her locker before guiding them over to the middle of the hall, slowly walking down it. "What about you? How has your day been?"
His question presented itself as an innocent one, but Emmy knew what he really meant.
Robby had been there with and for her through her emotional turmoil that was leaving Cobra Kai for good. She often woke up with a start, and would call him in the dead of night with a shaky voice, telling him that she couldn't sleep.
Eli, of course, was a massive help as well. He too would often wake up with a start and rush over to the room where Emmy was staying in just to make sure that she was actually there. Sometimes he would find her sitting up, tears in her eyes as she apologized profusely for everything she had done.
Emmy's guilt had been eating her alive since that night in the Cobra Kai dojo. Having to be around the people that she was actively against for basically years was foreign. And it wasn't the easiest to get rid of old and bitter flames.
She couldn't hardly count how many fights she and her father had during that time. Though they made up every time, Emmy just couldn't find it in herself to fully forgive and let go all that he had done to her.
"All right, actually," Emmy truthfully answered with a smile, lightly swinging their hands back and forth. "I didn't wake up in the middle of the night and Eli's mom made these really pretty bagels for breakfast. Did you know that there was such a thing as tiramisu cream cheese?"
Robby furrowed his eyebrows. "What's tiramisu?"
Emmy stopped walking, looking at him with wide eyes. "You've never had tiramisu? Not even the cake?"
"Em, look at who you're talking to," he said in amusement.
"I know but I can't believe you've never had the once in a lifetime experience of eating tiramisu for the first time," she gave a pouty frown. "Well, now I know what to get you for your birthday."
"Can't wait," he looked at her with adoring eyes before giving her a kiss on the cheek and dragging her into the cafeteria.
"Finally," Sam chuckled in amusement as the couple came into view. "We've been waiting for you two for forever."
Emmy teasingly stuck her tongue out at her, taking a seat next to Demetri while Robby took a seat next to her. She gave everyone else at the table a small smile before her eyes wandered to behind Miguel. Her face slowly dropped as she focused on a newspaper another student was reading.
Miguel noticed the look on her face and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" He then looked over his shoulder, the newspaper also catching his eye.
"No matter what I do, they're always gonna be there," Emmy groaned, flopping her head onto the table. "Can't a girl catch a break?"
Miguel cleared his throat, shifting a bit in his seat so that the newspaper was no longer visible to her. "Ignore it. They're gone. And for good this time."
Emmy lifted her head, quickly glancing at Tory who made eye contact with her. "Right. You're right."
"It's been a long road, but we're finally all on the same side. And as a reward? The toughest test any of us have ever had to face."
"The Sekai Taikai is the most prestigious karate tournament in modern martial arts history," Demetri continued after Eli. "For over a century, fighters from across the globe have gathered every two years to compete for the titles of World's Best."
"If the All Valley is March Madness, this is the Olympics," Eli went on. "Plus the gladiator games and the kumite from Bloodsport all rolled into one."
"If we win..."
Emmy loudly cleared her throat.
"Excuse me. When we win," Demetri gestured to her and she returned it with a smile. "the spoils will be life-changing."
"But it's gonna take all of our focus and all the wisdom our senseis have to offer."
"Yes, which is why we decided to take at least on thing off your plates. Coming up with our new dojo name."
"Yes! After some spirited brainstorming and ad hoc focus-grouping, and also a dojo-wide vote, we have a winner."
"Ms. Emmy, will you do the honors?" Demetri dramatically offered his hand to the girl below him, and she grabbed it, hiking herself up onto the platform.
"We give you..." the girl latched onto the white cover, pulling it back. "Miyagi Fang Karate!"
There on a canvas, was a cartoon-like drawing of Mr. Miyagi surrounded by orange flames and the dojo title written boldly below it. Emmy grinned as the students and senseis clapped, all except one.
She knew that her dad was going to be the most hesitant or against the idea of using that logo. And in a way, she understood that he didn't want to deduce the Miyagi-Do legacy into a teenage drawing of him. But she still thought the idea was fun.
Emmy jumped down from the platform, jogging over to where the adults were. "Sensei."
"We already know you're a shoe-in for the Sekai Taikai. So, we better start your training sooner rather than later," Johnny stated. "And by sooner, I mean right now."
As Johnny went to walk away, gesturing for her to follow him, Daniel placed an arm in front of him. "Woah, woah, woah, woah. Who said you're gonna be the one training her? She's under Miyagi-Do."
"Yeah, but I'm her sensei," Johnny pointed at himself to emphasize his point. "She's been mine to train since she walked into my dojo."
"And she's my daughter," Daniel said. "If anyone is going to train her, it's gonna be me. Plus, if she trains here, then she trains under Miyagi-Do, which is my dojo."
"Look, LaRusso, I don't want no trouble, but she's been with me since day one," Johnny stepped closer to him, now standing chest to chest. "It only makes sense that she continues down that path."
"I think she's had enough of your Cobra Kai bullshit," Daniel snapped back.
"Okay!" Emmy came up in between them, shoving them away from each other. "Let's get along now."
"Tell your old man that he's being insane if he thinks you're not training with me."
"Tell Johnny that he's being insane if he thinks you're not training with me."
"What the hell is wrong with you? You haven't taught her shit!"
"Because you took her before I could!"
"She came to me!"
"Well, you shouldn't have taken her!"
"Shut up!"
Both men just their mouths, turning back to the girl who still stood between them.
"God, will you two stop fighting like your teenagers and act like real adults for just a second? Do you hear how ridiculous you sound fighting over a teenage girl?" Emmy questioned them.
They both didn't say anything, only bringing their eyes up to glare at each other. Emmy clenched her jaw, eyes blazing up in fury. "Seriously? Stop looking at each other like you wanna kill one another! I don't even know if I'm gonna go to the Sekai Taikai."
"What do you mean?" Johnny's eyes snapped to her. "Why wouldn't you go? You're a champ. Of course you're going."
"I ⎯ " Emmy cut herself with a sigh.
"What is it?" Daniel asked her.
She bit down on her bottom lip, looking at them with hesitant eyes. "I don't know if I even want to go to the Sekai Taikai."
Both of their eyes widened. "What? Why would you not want to go?"
"Emmy, this is the most important tournament," Daniel looked at her frantically. "There's no not going."
"Look, you two know better than anyone about how karate has changed me," she quickly replied back. "I mean, look."
She raised up her right hand, where her scars were visible. "My hand is gonna look like that for the rest of my life. I don't need another constant reminder of how fucked up things used to be. Or still are."
Johnny and Daniel looked at each other, the two nodding in understanding.
"All right," Johnny muttered.
"Thank you," she let out a breath of relief. "Now, please, try not to kill each other."
"What's with the long face?"
Emmy frowned as she watched Kenny climb into the passenger of her car, slamming the door shut. Daniel had gotten her one from the dealership as a way to say sorry during one of their many fights before.
"Nothing," he shook his head, refusing to make eye contact.
She let out a quiet huff, but began to drive out of the high school parking lot. "You know, it's not wise to lie to me."
"I'm not lying," Kenny grumbled, leaning against the window.
"Kenny," Emmy sighed. "You can talk to me."
"There's nothing to talk about," he continued on, sounding even more distant.
Emmy bit down on her tongue as she glanced at Kenny from the driver's seat. She knew what was going through his head. It was the same thoughts that had haunted her for the past couple of years.
Making an impulsive decision, she pulled into a local nearby park parking lot, and parked her car into the closest spot. Kenny lifted his head up in confusion. "What are we doing here? We're supposed to go get Shawn."
"Shawn can wait," she quickly said, unbuckling her seatbelt and shifted in her seat so that she was facing him. "Go on. Humor me. Talk."
"Emmy ⎯ "
"I'm worried about you, Kenny," she cut him off. "Believe it or not, I know or, at least, have an idea on what's going through your head. And I know where those thoughts can lead."
When he didn't say anything, she leaned forward, grasping his shoulder and forced him to face her. "Hey. I made a promise to, basically, your entire family that I would take care of you and make sure that you're okay. Especially after all that you went through with Cobra Kai."
Kenny swallowed the lump in his throat, adverting his eyes to the car seat. "I don't know if I can."
"Can what?" she asked, pulling away from him.
"Just talk about what happened," he sighed, leaning back against the car door. "I mean, how can I? It doesn't even feel real."
"But it was real," she told him. "It maybe sounds a bit ridiculous at first, but, it was real. What you went through was real."
Kenny licked his lips, feeling suddenly every part of his body go dry. "How do you do it?"
She looked at him curiously. "Do what?"
"Act like you didn't get the worst of it," he stated.
Emmy had to admit, she was a bit stunned by his statement. She hadn't really thought about it like that. Being the one who got the worst of it. Maybe she downplayed it as a way to be more relatable to the others, but, the fact that she was a main victim in all of this was a thought she hadn't given much thought to.
"I'm still processing it," she admitted. "It's not the easiest thing in the world."
"Well, then. You know how I feel," he nodded.
"I guess." Emmy nodded along with him. "Robby's worried about you too."
Kenny rolled his eyes. "Tell him not to."
"You're important to him too," she told him. "You were basically our kid."
He turned to her with a weird look.
"What?" she shrugged. "You were. We took you to karate everyday and bought you lunch all the time."
Kenny then lightly shook his head. "Whatever. Can we just go get Shawn?"
"Kenny ⎯ "
"Emmy, please," his voice dropped. "If you wanna try to understand me more, at least try to understand that I'm not ready to talk."
She stared at him for a second. "Fine."
She silently shifted back to face the front of her car, buckling her seatbelt. "But ⎯ "
"I know where to go if I wanna talk," he cut her off, turning to her with a barely there smile.
She returned it with a grin. "Okay. Now, let's go have some fun!"
"Hey, thanks for this. I know Kenny and I haven't really given you the easiest time, but, thanks."
"It's no problem. Really," Emmy sincerely looked up at Shawn as they walked through the arcade, drinks in hand. They had let Kenny wander around and play as they got their drinks. "I know that I am partially to blame for Kenny being at Cobra Kai, so, it's the least I can do."
"Don't sweat it," Shawn said. "You're my friend. All is forgiven. I mean, maybe after a few more of these pink lemonades."
Emmy snorted and shoved his arm. "Slow down, buddy."
Shawn chuckled to himself, looking ahead of him before his face dropped. "Oh, hell no."
"What?" Emmy looked at him confused, seeing him start to walk ahead. Her eyes followed his direction, and they widened. "Oh shit."
"He doesn't need your mentors," she overheard Shawn say to Robby before she came up from behind him.
"Shawn," Robby said in shock. He then noticed his girlfriend behind him. "Emmy?"
"Hey," she said with a nervous chuckle. "How's Operation Sam and Tory?"
"Is this why you couldn't come with us?" he ignored her question.
"Well, Shawn only recently got out and I figured I could take him and Kenny on some brother bonding stuff," she explained.
"Oh. Look," Robby turned back to Shawn. "I don't... I don't know what you heard, but ⎯ "
"I heard enough," Shawn cut him off. "About how you and Emmy brought my little brother into your karate cult, and then you left them both there, alone."
"I made some mistakes," Robby admitted, glancing over at Emmy who looked nervous as hell. "But I'm trying to make it up to him now."
"You had your shot," Shawn said. "Now you're gonna leave him be. Otherwise, me and you are gonna have a problem. Got it?"
He then wrapped an arm around Kenny's shoulder. "You coming, Em?"
"Uh, I'll catch up with you guys later," he nodded in understanding, throwing Robby a look before guiding Kenny away.
Emmy huffed before walking up to Robby. "I'm sorry about that."
"It's all right," Robby pursed his lips. "I was never his favorite person and I made things worse."
She looked at him sympathetically, grabbing his hand in support. "He'll come around."
They both turned to look behind Robby, seeing Miguel, Sam, and Tory walking up to them. "Hey, guys."
"You two know that guy?" Miguel asked.
"It's Kenny's brother," Robby explained. "Met in juvie."
"He's the one that drove me to your apartment when I left home," Emmy added on.
"Oh," Miguel's eyebrows shot up in recognition. "So that's Shawn."
"Did you come here with him?" Sam questioned her.
"Uh, yeah. He got out recently and I haven't visited him in awhile so I thought I would take him and Kenny out since it's a Friday," Emmy gave a tight lipped smile.
"He told me to leave Kenny alone," Robby sighed.
"You're not gonna listen to him though, right?" Tory asked him.
"Do whatever you need to do," Sam told him. "We'll have your back."
She glanced around at the rest of them, who all nodded at her words.
"Can you come with?" Robby turned to Emmy. "I think there'll be less of a chance of something happening if you're there."
"Of course," she smiled lightly at him, leaning in a gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We'll see you guys."
"Do you think this will work?" Robby asked her as they walked away.
"Honestly?" her hand squeezed his. "No."
so happy to be back!!!
this new season is actually insane wtf
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