Chapter III
If one were to explore the history of Asgardian Empire, he or she would be disappointed or unimpressed. It is probably because the history of this large, longstanding empire was based on a cult of personality- Odin, the heroic and selfless god-king. Here he was described as savior, who came and freed the galaxy from the chaos and destruction.
Well, some of the facts in this story were really true, because, when Odin took up the crusade on the Nine Realms, these civilizations really were fragmented and belligerent. Therefore, when Odin established his power over these territories, he also managed to stop the bloodshed, which was already happening across these nine planets. However, the history of Asgard was written by those, who won the war, but only few dared to remember that this war caused a brutal oppression of many other civilizations. Such people like vanirs and fire demons were defeated and subordinated, while, for example, dark elves faced the near extinction after the war with Borr and later with Odin himself. Giving special consideration to these events, Odin had earned reputation of a strong and decisive king both inside and outside the Asgardian Empire.
Nevertheless, for already more than one thousand years Asgard was considered to be peaceful. Actually, except for few insignificant turmoils. Frost giants of Jothunheim were the last civilization, who tried to overthrow Asgardian power by waging a war on countless regions in different realms. As a result they faced a tough defeat. It caused them everything, including their crown prince, who, apparently, was killed as a baby during the last battle. Now Jotuns served as an example, for others who would wish to challenge Odin's power, as Asgard still kept them isolated from other realms on Jotunheim. That is why the news about the enemy outside the borders of Asgard was not only surprising but also unexpected.
Frigga was the one, who sent for princes. She asked Thor and Loki to join them in the fireplace room shortly after the sunset.
Both, Thor and Loki, remembered this place with fond memories. It was cozy room with large red sofa and few massive padded armchairs, oak-wood flooring and magnificent fireplace in the back of the room. It was a place, where royal family spent evenings during princes' early childhood. There Frigga would read to her sons the stories of Asgardian heroes and sometimes their father would join them. He would watch Thor and Loki, as they would pretend to be those legendary heroes, while fighting with wooden swords. It was a happy time, before it all became more complicated, when both princes turned out to be very different in their nature.
The sun had already set, as they found the room illuminated by warm yellow light. It came from the old familiar fireplace.
Princes found the royal couple by the fireplace, but Odin and Frigga had company. It was a young female. She stood near with the queen, who sat in one of the armchairs, while their father lingered by the fire, with his back turned against all of them.
Loki was the one, who slowed down, when he noticed the young woman. For some reason she made him feel uneasy. Meanwhile Thor kept walking and stopped just few steps away from his parents and their guests.
There he waited for Loki to catch up with him, staying blind to Loki's sudden anxiety. Loki supprest his feelings and soon they both took a bow, to honor their parents and the young lady, who was their guest.
Frigga stood up, while Odin turned around to face them. The young woman, staid still the whole time.
"Welcome, my sons." Odin spoke as both princes straightened their backs. They greeted Odin in unison and then Frigga came forward to give each of them a quick hug. Odin waited patiently until she moved to stand near with Thor, and then he introduced them to the newcomer.
"Thor, Loki, I wish to introduce you to Kyla, daughter of King Everet II, and princess of Valerya."
Both bothers turned their attention towards the princess, who nodded her head, but didn't make a sound. However, it was obvious that she acknowledged their presence completely.
Even in this dim lightning princess Kyla was exquisite to look at. She stood there with her hands clasped together in front of her waist. Her gown, which was made out of the finest white cotton was simple, yet regal, she wore two wide golden bracelets, and hr entire outfit perfectly accented her delicate figure and fit well together with woman's bronze skin, which was flawless, except for one fresh scar on her right eyebrow. Her long coal black hair cascaded over her slender shoulders, framing he well sculpted face, but the most distinguishing feature about her appearance was her bright yellow eyes, which gleamed with a golden light in the dimness of the room.
It was obvious that both brothers, were impressed by her presence. Thor was first one who regained from an impact of her captivating beauty as he blurted out first phrase, which came to his mind.
"We welcome you to our kingdom; I hope that your trip here was tolerable."
Princess narrowed her eyes, while a shadow of small ridicule appeared on her curved lips.
"What my brother meant to say was- we hope that you are here by your own will, not by someone else's desire." Loki corrected him quickly, while glaring at Thor, who, by that time, was smiling stupidly.
"She is here by her own will, but in a need of asylum for her brother and herself." Frigga interrupted the awkward introduction as she walked forward to stand near with her husband the King. "And we have decided to grant it to them."
"Brother?" Loki frowned.
"I am the youngest daughter of my father." Kyla spoke and Loki's attention switched back to her. Her voice was firm and arrogant, but not in an intrusive way. "Our battleship was attacked on the way to Valerya, after we received news of an offensive on our home planet. My brother and I were the only ones to escape in a safety pod, which landed in one of your lands on the planet of dwarves. From there we were transported here."
"Transported by whom?" Thor couldn't really catch up with her words.
"Heimdall." Odin responded. "He felt a shift in a balance of power, turned to me, and I made a decision to intervene."
"It was your decision?" the elder prince did not seem to catch up with the description of these events.
"Our decision." Frigga interrupted as she glanced at Kyla, who stood just as still as before. "Valerya once helped the people of Alfeim, so it only seemed right that we help them."
"Help how, exactly?" Now the Loki's interest was triggered.
"My brother was hurt in the assault." Kyla finally moved only to turn her head as her yellow eyes met with his emerald greens. "He is my father's firstborn son, next in line to take the crown of Valerya. If the rumors are true and my father was defeated, Gunthar is the one, who will take his place on the throne, once we take it back from intruders. "
"And how exactly are you going to accomplish this quest? If the king is defeated it means that Valerya has fallen." Loki wanted to know, since Kyla had mentioned that she and her brother were the sole survivors of their ship.
"Valeryan army is strong enough to take back what is ours."
"What army? If we assume that your planet has lost the battle, then there is no army left.." Thor spoke as he glanced at Odin, not believing that it could be Asgardian army. Odin would never run from a fight, but he was not insane. This princess was an outsider, Odin would not risk Asgardian lives to save Valerya, a planet which meant nothing for them.
"We have contracts with many nobles, who use our men for their defense. The message is sent and it's clear. Their first priority will always be their royal family. As soon as our ships reach the Asgardian air space, I and Gunthar will leave your estate and return to Valerya. We'll take back the crown and our family will forever be in your debt."
"Meanwhile, you can count on our protection. And, to make sure that you feel safe, I will appoint my elder son, Thor, as a leader of your bodyguards." Odin continued her speech as he announced his final verdict; it was graced with Thor's utter confusion.
"Father, you know that I am not trained for..."
"Thor, you are my son! It is time for you to get out of the training field and start being a crown prince you were meant to be!"
Thor didn't seem to be pleased. Taking a bodyguard's position for an outlandish princess wasn't something he expected to do in order to become a worthy crown prince, but he didn't wish to defy his father, so he silently accepted the assignment.
"Thank you, your majesty." Kyla turned to face Odin and Frigga, who gave her understanding smiles.
Her gratitude sounded credible, but her posture looked questionable. There was something about princess Kyla, what didn't match the picture she was painting.
"May I now excuse myself to my chambers. I wish to be near with my brother, when he wakes up." She requested calmly.
"Of course." Frigga reached out and put her hand on Kyla's elbow, "Feel free to turn to us, if you need something, anything at all."
Princess smiled in response, but those were only her lips, which moved. Her eyes remained the same.
"Rest. We'll let you know, if we get any news about Valerya." Odin added and she thanked him.
Loki and Thor showed their respects as Kyla walked pass them. By the door she was surrounded by guards, who had to accompany princess to her rooms. And there it was- Loki caught a glimpse of danger. It was just a gut feeling, but he sensed that they couldn't trust her. He glanced at Frigga, who returned the gaze. She felt it too.
As the door shut close, Loki moved towards his parents.
"Allow me to speak my mind!" He demanded.
"Loki, we already know..." Frigga tried to silence him.
"Her visit to Asgard is for a reason!"
"Yes, she's here to find an artifact." Odin responded, "But she is well guarded, and her brother is injured. The prince is vulnerable, she will not risk his life."
"Wait, what kind of artifact you are talking about?" Thor moved closer as he wanted to hear the entire story.
"It was a gift to my mother, which was later given to me," Frigga explained, "But it's in a vault, and it's safe."
"Valeryan star." Loki spoke, his voice certain. Frigga had told him about this gem, it once belonged to the Red Queen and it could increase the power of any spell, if used correctly. "She's a..."
"Mage." Frigga confirmed, "And she fears for her and her brother's life. Her intentions are sensible."
"But she is well protected and, Thor, your task is to do everything what is in your power to prevent her free movement around the castle, preferably without her noticing it." Odin turned to his son.
"You want for me to cage her?" Thor confused.
"Not literally, but yes. She is an enemy on Asgardian soil."
"Valerya has never been our enemy." The prince tried to argue.
"But we have been theirs." Odin responded.
Both, Loki and Thor, gave him questioning gazes, but it was in vain. Odin didn't seem to be ready to give them any further explanations. Instead he ordered them to leave and get ready for the next day.
"We shall," Thor agreed, "But I must ask You to let me use the help of my brother in this one."
"Why?" Odin glanced at Loki, who turned to his brother with similar distracted expression on his face.
"If magic is involved- and I don't think that queen should spend her time while guarding an enemy- I think that Loki is skilled enough to deal with the circumstances."
Odin didn't seem to approve. He actually glanced at Frigga, who switched her attention towards him immediately.
She looked so much younger next to her husband. Queen was a real beauty with her blond long hair and smooth skin. She truly was an embodiment of grace, beauty and decisiveness.
It was not a secret that the Queen agreed to marry Odin in attempt to appease the tension between Asgard and her own world, since both civilizations consisted of celestial beings. However, as the years passed, Frigga and Odin came to care for each other and it resulted in two sons and strong union, which was based on mutual understanding and love. Actually, when they were gazing at each other, it seemed that they understood one another without words, and, often, Frigga, if she thought it was right, could push Odin to make decisions, which were quite opposite to what others might expect. This was one of those times, because Odin seemed to soften as he turned back to Thor.
"Fine, I believe Loki is mature enough to be involved in the matters of the crown."
Loki was quiet, but his face expressed it all. He could not believe that Odin gave his permission and it resulted in a bliss of quiet joy as it crossed his pale features.
Loki was much younger than his brother even if they looked the same age. The young prince was still considered to be inexperienced and his training in military field was ridiculous, compared to Thor's. However, this decision would mean that Loki and Thor had almost similar starting positions, in succeeding to the crown.
"Thank you father." Thor's voice pulled him back into reality. Loki turned his head just to see that Thor had bowed his head in gratitude. The younger prince moved quickly to imitate the gesture and repeated Thor's words.
Shorty after that both brothers turned around and headed for the door. Loki couldn't deny the fact that he feared to hear his father's voice from behind, which would mean that he had changed his mind.
It never happened.
His heart was flutternig with just acquired wings of joy. Maybe, finally, Loki had earned god-king's favor.
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