Chapter 5 - Falling for a Stranger?
Hey Guys, OMFG I ALRADY HAVE OVER 70 READS!!!!!! Woah, you guys are amazing, escpecially Shadowhunter_Alissa for her constant support. Go check her stories out! Author-chan =)
(H/T) = Home town
*(Y/N) POV*
How in hell's name did I end up with them being my neighbours, it was like a dream come true. As I stepped out the door and walked to their apartment Phil put a hand on my shoulder. His touch was soft and strangely reassuring, I felt my face heat up and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear nervously, when I touched my ear it hurt, still bruised my mum tugging at it. "Here we are." Dan announced after walking a few meters. I entered into the place I had always wanted to go, it looked exactly the same as I had imagined it, frankly I was impressed that I hadn't passed out by now. Dan immediately walked past me and flopped down in his sofa crease. "C'mon, sit here while Phil makes us some tea." He patted the seat next to him.
"S-Sure." When I sit down next to him I feel small and insignificant. How could I possibly be sitting casually next to someone like him, someone so famous and loved. He saw how nervous I was and playfully punched my shoulder.
"No need to feel tense, we don't bite. Actually, I'm not sure about Phil."
"Hey, no I don't!" I hear him yell over the kettle. I let out a small laugh. Dan turns and looks at me.
"Soo... you like any bands." I nod.
"Y-Yeah, I like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy."
"Yas!" He holds up his hand for a HI-five but I'm hesitant and think that I'll damage it in some way. He nods towards his outstretched hand. I give his massive hand a Hi-five and instantly start to smile. "See that's better." I feel much more relaxed around him now, just seeing him act like a "normal" human being. Phil walked in carefully balancing three teas. "Gimme." Dan holds out his hand.
"No, lady's first." Phil smiles at me and hands me a cup of tea with a cute picture of a Bulbasaur on it.
"Thanks." Wow, Phil really lived up to his standards of being a gentleman. He passes the next to Dan then sits at the couch opposite us.
"So where'd you move from." He asks as he takes a sip.
"Sound's nice."
"Mmh, yeah I guess you could say that..." I trail off at the thought of my parents and my restricted life.
"Is everything alright (Y/N)?" He asked concerned.
"Oh yeah, everything is great." I smiled at him.
An hour of two passes and it was starting to get dark. We had talked mainly about their videos and some personal things that I already knew. Also, they told my what is was truly like to live with each other and asked me not to reveal where they lived. Which of course I promised not to tell anyone. I told them a lot about me too, how I had watched all their videos and how they made me happy and how I had been a fan from the real beginning. But at all costs I avoided telling them about my past. I felt like they didn't need to worry about me, and Phil being the little (obnoxiously tall but perfect) ray of sunshine he was, would.
"I think I should head home, it's getting dark."
"I'll walk you home." Phil said almost immediately.
"Thanks, but I only live next door."
"I insist." He smiles.
*Phil POV*
"Ok, if you say so." She says sweetly. As we walk towards her door I feel my hand brush up against hers. I feel my pale skin become red and shove it in my pocket. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. From what she told us about her she seemed really nice, like a ray of sunshine on a winter's day. She would make a great friend I try and convince myself, but I know that I feel something more towards her. Oh, what am I thinking, I barely know her. I'm way too weird for her, she would never like me. I'm just the type that the girls run away from. What happens and she likes AmazingPhil, not Philip Michael Lester, the real me. We reached her front door.
"Umm, I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow?" I blurt out without thinking.
"Huh? Well, uh, not much really."
"It's just that me and Dan are going out to a café tomorrow and I-I was w-wondering if you would like to come..." I lied, Dan and me weren't going anywhere tomorrow, why did I lie? Well, it looks like we were now.
"I'd love that." She smiles at me. "What time?"
"I'm not sure. H-How about I leave you my number so I can text you it." A light pink shade seeped into her cheeks. I liked the way when she smiled her face would scrunch up. She nods and opens the door.
"Come in, my phone is flat but I'll grab a pencil and some paper." She runs up the stairs then back down to me holding some of our merch. "I'm sorry, it's all I had."
"It's quite alright." I get the warm fuzzy feeling I always get when meeting a fan in real life. The fact that behind each username and profile is a real life person who used up their time to watch our videos was always heart-warming. I take the notepad and pen and write down my number. "Text me once your phone is charged." I pulled her into a friendly hug, I could feel her heart beating fast, it was probably from her running up the stairs. "It was great to see you (Y/N)." I waved goodbye and practically skipped back home. "Dan, we're all going out tomorrow!" I sing at him.
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