Chapter 4 - Neighbors
Hey Guys, almost 50 reads WOAH! That was quick. I really hope you are enjoying the story so far. Remeber to vote, comment and follow me. =) Author-chan
*(Y/N) POV*
I slipped on a pastel green jumper and white jeans and headed down to make myself breakfast. Once I reached the kitchen all I could find was a few boxes of nearly empty cereal. I jumped up and sat on the counter next to the glass door munching away at the dry cereal. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already 1pm. It was hard to tell the time by looking outside because everything was white with snow and a grey blanket of cloud covered the sky. I looked down at the box of cereal and thought about how if it wasn't for Phil getting that box of cereal, Dan and Phil would never of being a thing, honestly, I really shipped them. There was a light tapping on the door. I didn't know anyone here, who could it be? My new neighbours maybe? I walked over to the door and opened it.
*Phil POV*
I woke up in my wicker bed still not knowing why anyone would make one out of that stuff. I pulled my green and blue covers off and stumbled around in my shark and fox socks looking for my glasses. I managed to trip over just about everything but finally found them. I only really needed them so I could find my contacts, bit ironic really.
After a nice and warm shower, I saw that Dan was eating cereal and replying to some tweets at the table. He looked up at me emotionless. "No, it's mine." I turn around on my heels and take out a box of cereal. "Not mine either!" After getting a handful of my own cereal I sit down opposite him.
"Yeah, so I think that new neighbor moved in yesterday." I said to him with a mouthful.
"Yeah and?" Dan replies still looking down at his phone.
"Well I think we should introduce ourselves."
"Why would we want to do that."
"You are really loud when recording videos."
"Oh, and you aren't." He says sarcastically.
"A-Anyway, I just wanted to be nice. I'm thinking about going over this afternoon. Make a good first impression you know."
"We already know you can't do that you spoon." I thought about yesterday. (Y/N) was her name, I couldn't believe that she had been watching my videos since the beginning. Strangely enough I've never seen her before. Well, I do meet a lot of fans but I usually remember meeting the ones who encouraged me from the real beginning. I know it's bad to judge people on looks but she did look very pretty, around my age too. Dan clicks his fingers in front of my face. "Earth to Phillip."
"You were blushing; I didn't know I looked that great but the girl you're thinking about must." He smirked.
"Shush." I cross my arms.
"PHILLY'S IN LOOOVVVEE." He shouts out.
"Hi, so..."
"No, don't you even..."
"My name is [Dan]"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" He fake dies on the floor.
(Mini time skip brought to you by Whisks)
I knocked on the door lightly. It opened after a moment. There stands the girl from yesterday. "H-Hi." She says with her eyes wide open.
"(Y/N)?!" I say in confusion. "I didn't know you lived here."
"Hold on, you two know each other." Dan says awkwardly.
"Kind of, we met yesterday at Starbucks." I tell Dan without breaking eye contact with her. "What a coincidence!" I felt guilt wave over me, I still felt bad from yesterday. "I'm really sorry about yesterday."
"Oh, it's totally ok. It was actually kind of cute..." She trails off and I feel my cheeks heat up. I've never felt this kind of attraction to a stranger before. I brush my fringe further to the side. Dan pokes me in the ribs with his elbow and smirks.
"Well we just wanted to say hi and welcome to the neighborhood." Dan says. "Well, Phil here really wanted to say it." I glare at him. "Ok, ok, I'll shut up now."
"I-I would invite you in for a cup of tea but unfortunately the only food in the apartment was cereal which I ate." She says a bit more calmly now.
"If you wanted (Y/N) I could make you a cup of tea." I offer her. She has a massive beaming smile plastered across her face.
"That would be lovely."
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