Chapter 3 - New Home and Bad Furniture
Hey guys, this one is kinda short. Forgive me, but I'm writing it at school and using my hotspot so I don't have much time. WOW over 30 reads already, thanks guys. =) Author-chan
*Phil POV*
"I'm getting coffee, want any?" I shout down the hallway to Dan.
"Nah." He replies. I do a quick fringe check in the mirror and walk out the door. The snow wasn't too thick which was pleasing but I noticed that the apartment next to ours was for sale. It was sad to see them move out, with their cute dog and all but I was excited to meet whoever was going to move in. I wanted to make a good impression so they won't take our horror game screaming to badly. The sun was hidden by a blanket of grey cloud and I shoved my frozen hands in my pockets. Since I was obnoxiously tall I had to duck under the occasional street sign. Eventually I reach the local Starbucks and notice that there are no other customers. I walk up to the counter and smile.
"H-H-Hi, umm, h-how can I-I help you." She stutters, her face noticeable going red. She must be a fan of me and Dan.
"Hey there!" I waved at the girl. I hadn't seen her before but she looked really pretty, she wasn't wearing a uniform either. She looked really nervous so I tried to break the ice. "So you're new here huh? Well I'm a regular so you betta get used to my order." I gave out an awkward chuckle afterwards. That was such a bad first impression, this is why me and Dan don't get out much. Fortunately for me she smiled back. "I'm sorry, that was a bad first impression." I say apologetically. I felt so bad. Not surprisingly she already knew my name and fumbled around trying to make me a drink. It made her look really cute. Oh, what was I saying.
"I'm sorry if I was being a bit weird, but I've been watching you since the beginning. Oh god, I'm sorry that sounded so stalkerish." She says shyly.
"It's ok, we get that a lot. Anyway thanks....."
"(Y/N)," She answers immediately. That name was actually very beautiful, it suited her.
"Ah, (Y/N). That's a lovely name. Have a nice day (Y/N)." I gave her one more wave and left to back home. I met two girls on the way back who asked me to take a picture. "Phiiillll." Dan called from his sofa crease.
"Hmm?" I set my drink down on the coffee table.
"I'm hungry."
"Can't you get your own food."
"No I'm reading an intense fanfic."
"Which one- wait, I don't want to know."
"It's a crossover between Doge and Pepe."
"Oh god." I sigh taking a sip from my surprisingly very nice drink. I couldn't stop thinking about the girl from the shop.
"Who is it?"
"Who is what?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"The girl you like."
"I don't like anyone, you know that."
"If you say soo... you've got that face on by the way." I rolled my eyes and went to my room.
**(Y/N) POV**
Just as I was about to leave the shop another worker came in. "Thank you so much for minding it. Did you get any customers?" I nod. "If you ever want to work here call this number." He hands me a piece of paper with a number on it.
"Thanks." I wave goodbye and practically sprint to the apartment. I entered the place out of breath and gasping for air.
"Now come with me and we'll sign some papers." My hand tired easily as I sign over thirty times. "The place is now yours." She clasps her hands together and leaves. The place falls completely silent. Only then did I notice how ugly the furniture was. The sofa was old vomit green leather which was starting to fall apart and a boxy TV sat on a degrading wooden stand. I went back to the hotel and grab my stuff. I go to my new home and unpack all of my stuff, hanging up all my Dan and Phil posters. I take a quick self-tour around the house and the more I look the more it looks like Dan and Phil's apartment. I collapsed down on the bed and smiled goofily. I couldn't believe that I had met Phil, the Phil. He looked even better in real life and was so nice even though he stuffed up first impressions. I held my hands to my chest and felt my heart beat strongly and called tried to call my father once more. It instantly hung up. That night I cried my heart out but dreamed of the great things that started off my new life. I now had practically no money, but within the short time I'd been here everything was perfect.
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