Of Swords and scrapes
Young Tedros
I plan to make this a series. I'll do oneshots about every characters daily lives as a younger version of themselves.
Tedros was seething! Today was the day that his father was SUPPOSED to let him join in sword practice for the first time. He'd made double sure that he had everything he'd scene his father carry to practice, (armer, mats, water, food, and of course, the perfect sword). He was almost five now and so he wanted to prove to his father and everyone else that he COULD do it like the knights. However, his problem started to arise when he started to look for the final item on his packing list. He went to the armory and tried a few swords. They were all much too big and over balanced him.
Then, he tried looking through his father's personal collection. They worked for his father, and everyone said that he would be just like him, so this was the right thing to try. He tried to pick up the first one that he saw, but it was too heavy to lift! Tedros tried three more swords with the same result before going to sulk in the corner.
He was supposed to be big and strong and just like his father, but the swords were too heavy, and he was going to be late for his first practice. He was just about to give up and start crying to his mother, when he saw IT. Gleaming at the very end of the row of swords in all it's glory was Excalibur! Tedros smiled. This was his father's sword, and he was going to be just like him, so why shouldn't he start doing that now? He got up and ran toward the sword rack and tried picking up Excalibur. He had the majestic thing in his hand and was taking it out of the rack when the sheer weight of the sword send itself and Tedros hurtling backwards onto the floor.
Lancelot was walking to sword practice when he heard a loud crash which was then followed by a child's cry. He abandoned all thoughts of sword practice as any noble knight should and ran to investigate and help the child. Following the crying had brought him to the armory where he found Tedros on the floor with a slightly bleeding foot and a sword at his side. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the sword was excalibur. Lancelot sighed inwardly. What was he supposed to tell Arthur and Guin? "Hey. So your son took your sword and possibly broke it, fell, and got hurt?" No that wouldn't do. He knelt down to Tedros's level.
"Hey. Can you tell me what happened?" Tedros looked up teary-eyed.
"Please don't tell daddy! I just wanted to be a knight like you guys!" Tedros was terrified that his daddy would be mad.
Lancelot grasped the crying child's hand. "I'm not going to tell your father, but can you please tell me what happened so I can help you?"
So after Tedros told him the story, Lancelot stood up.
"I'll tell you what. I'll put a bandage on your foot, and then I know what to do about your sword problem." Tedros gasped. Lancelot wasn't going to tell his parents AND was going to help him be a knight? This day just got a lot better.
Lancelot walked with Tedros to the back wall of the armory where there was a variety of small swords with different weights. Tedros tried about 5 of them before deciding on one that was almost an exact replica of Excalibur. Lancelot laughed to himself and turned to Tedros.
"You really are your father's son aren't you?"
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Life has been so busy! I know that that's no excuse and I'm trying to be better. So with that said, here's a question. Would you rather have slightly shorter oneshots but more updates, or longer oneshots but slightly fewer updates?
Please let me know. And I hate to pester you but your comments really make my day. If you have time, please let me know how I'm doing.
Thank you all for reading.
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