Get A Clue Tedros
A/N some background
First of all, If LGBTQ+ triggers you or something, first of all, don't read this section or book, and second of all, my profile is not the place to rant about it. I'm not trying to be mean or discount your opinion, but here, we are allies, and we support everyone unless they're jerks.
This is a joke fic and personally I don't ship these two. I just had this idea and started building off of it. They definitely will not be in character. and yes this is another modern AU. soooooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyy....
Agatha was so done with her sister! She'd set her up on yet another date with a "Cute guy. And she of course couldn't back out of this.
There were many problems with this. The first of which was that SHE was gay thank you very much. Although she couldn't blame Sophie for that one because she was so far in the closet that she may as well be in Narnia.
However, the second problem she had full rights to blame Sophie for. This problem was that she had no social life and was the most dry and cynical person ever. This was a problem because Sophie had set her up with the most popular guy in her school. TEDROS PENDRAGON. Ya know how every high school movie has that one jock who's not the guy who gets the girl, but the guy who's just as popular as that guy and walks around next to him acting just as dumb? Yeah that's Tedros.
And the third problem was that SHE HAD A GIRLFRIEND! If her girlfriend found out about her little date with Tedros, Agatha seriously thought she might kill both him and Sophie.
Sooooooooooooooooooo yeah, she was kind of dead.
Hester slammed her laptop shut with a resounding "Snap!" Her girlfriend Agatha looked up from her perch on Hester's bed and cracked a smile.
"You're so done aren't you?" They'd just got done with online SAT prep and Agatha (as usual) had finished first. She was now on her phone desperately trying to back out of her little date.
Hester cracked a smile. "Yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeep." She said popping the P. Agatha laughed and got up to take her hand.
Her phone buzzed from the bed and she let go of Hester's hand.
"I can get it." Hester said.
"No no! That's fine. I can get it." She said clearing her throat nervously.
Hester gave her a look but didn't press the issue until she saw the sour look on her girlfriend's face when she read whatever it was.
"What's up babes?" She asked conserned. That's what Agatha loved about Hester. She had such a hard exterior, but to those she cared about, she was such a sweet and loyal person.
"Umm, sophie."
"What'd she do this time?" Hester asked exasperatedly.
"She set me up with ANOTHER guy." She said sighing.
Hester's face broke out into a half amused half angry scowl.
"I'm gonna kill that little princess." She said jokingly.
"You're not mad?" Agatha asked. Hester laughed.
"Of course not. It's not you're fault your sister is your own personal marriage Maffia."
"Agatha smiled. "I just wish we could teach them a lesson.
Wait a second." Her face lit up.
"I know that look." Hester said. "What're you thinking?"
"What if we had a date coincidentally on the same exact night as my date with dear stupid Tedros?" Hester smirked and it only got bigger as Agatha layed out her plan.
"So you're sister tells me you're very interested in me." Tedros said in a slow voice. They were at a fancy restaurant (courtesy of dear Sophie) And all Agatha could think was (I'm glad I'm not part of this crowd!)
"Oh yes." Agatha said in a voice just as corny as his.
"So tell me more about yourself. All your sister told me was that you like music, like pink, and are veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy hard to impress."
Well at least she got one of those things right. Agatha thought. To Tedros, she said, "Well what else is there to tell?" She added a flirty smile just for good measure.
Tedros laughed and leaned closer to her across the table. "Who are your friends?" He asked.
Here's where her plan started to fall into place.
"Don't have any." she said droping her smirk slightly. Tedros looked taken aback by this.
"I thought you were popular?"
"In a way I am. But I don't consider them friends." She said droping her smile more.
At that moment, the waiter came by with their waters. When Agatha went to take a drink, she accidentally spilled two tiny streams down either side of her face, wiping most of her carefully applied make up off in the process. Tedros looked over at her and his smirk wavered.
"You, you look." Tedros sputtered before catching himself, "Beautiful." Agatha smiled in her head. This was gonna be better than she thought.
"Soooooooooo what made you interested in me?" Tedros asked.
"Well, my sister Sophie first of all, and then there's the fact that you're a huge jirk, you're loud, and you don't care about school." She said sweetly.,
Tedros's mouth droped open in shock, but before he could say anything scathing, Hester's car pulled into the parking lot beside them.
She roled down the window and called to Agatha, "Hey babe! Time for our daaaaaaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeeee!"
"Oh sorry Tedros. My girlfriend's here to pick me up." She ran to the car.
As she got in, she heard Tedros scream, "You're, you're, you're,?"
"Ummfmmmmm duh!" She screamed out the window.
"So you're not interested?"
"Get a clue!" Agatha and hester yelled in unison. They then peeled out of the parking lot leaving a stunned and very angry Tedros behind.
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