Sleepover Agaphie
I've read books 1-5, I know they're sisters. I'm writing them as friends as they thought they were in the first and second books, and this is a modern AU.
And the second part of the Hestadil is coming out soon.
Sophie- Heeeeeyyyyyyy!
Agatha- Hi.
Sophie- Wyd?
Agatha- Not much hbu?
Sophie- Not much. Sooooooooooooo I was wondering if maaaaaaaayyyyyyyybeeeeee you wanna come over tonight?
Agatha- Ummmm...
Sophie- For a sleepover?
Agatha- who's invited?
Sophie- Idunno. Whoever you want? it can be just you and me maybe? Or we could invite Hes and Ani?
Agatha- Idc but I'll be over either way. My mom's going through a decluttering faze😱
I don't wanna even know where she got half the stuff sitting in my living room rn.
Sophie- Eeeeeeeeaaaaakkkkk okey. So like 6-ish?
Agatha- Sounds good ttyl.
Sophie- ttyl. Can't wait!
Sophie POV
Ok! I got the balloons, streamers, popcorn, and chips. All I need is the will to do what I plan to do.
I've liked Agatha sense we were five.
I didn't think I was aloud to like her because all the boys wanted me and daddy said I had to get a man and get out of his house.
Plus, Aggie was reeeeeaaaaaallllllyyy shy.
Anyway, now that we're 13, I know it's not just a faze, and I plan to tell her how I feel tonight!
Agatha POV
I'm going to Sophie's tonight! I was scared at first when I thought she was gonna invite all her friends from school. We live in a really small town, and yet Sophie has about 30 friends who are always crowded around her in the halls, at lunch, you name it. As you can imagine, that makes it hard to talk (actually talk) to her.
I mean sure I can sit around and hear the pointless gossip that her and her "friends" talk about, but Sophie's not the REAL Sophie unless we're alone.
When it's just the two of us, she's actually really deep and perceptive of my feelings.
I have a confession to make...
I've liked Sophie, (the REAL Sophie) sense we were five. I just didn't know which Sophie was the real Sophie until recently, and now half the boys at school want her so I missed my chance.
Anyway, the fact is, I'm going over to her house tonight as her best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
And she's not inviting anyone else.
I gotta pack.
Sophie POV
I've low key been checking, double checking, triple checking, etc everything in my room sense three.
It's now 5-55 and my dad's telling me to be quiet.
"You are 13! And Agatha's over here all the time. Get a grip Girlie."
He's only half serious, but this still erks me.
If he knew what I was about to do, he'd be squealing too! Why is life with a crush so hard and embarrassing!!???!!
Agatha POV
"Ok mom, I'm leaving." I shout up the stairs as I thump out the door with my bag.
"Ok have fun." She replies.
Sophie's house isn't far, so I just decide to walk over. When I knock on the door Sophie's dad answers it.
"Hi Agatha! Sophie's been chompin at the bit to see ya all day." He says with a smile.
I smile and quietly thank him before hurriedly making my way upstairs to Sophie's room.
It's not that I don't like her dad, but I'm just always shy around other people. Also, her dad is always so nice to me.
Anyway I knock on the door of Sophie's room.
"Hiiiiiiiiii Agggggggiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!" She squeals while hugging me.
"Hi Sophie." I say while smiling.
We step into her room and I'm blown away! She has streamers, balloons, glitter, etc all over! I normally don't like all the bright, hot pink fancy things, but this is perfect. Sophie knows me so well!
"Omg Sophie, this is amazing!" I tell her seriously.
She smiles. "You think so?"
"Yes, I do! Sophie how'd you do this?"
"Oh I just had some old streamers from the dance committee that I thought were a good hue and just found some random balloon in our garage soooo." She trails off.
"Wow." I breathe.
This is another reason why I like Sophie. When it's just the two of us, she cares about my likes and dislikes. This means she's actually gotten to know me enough to know what those are! And she's really shy about her accomplishments sometimes.
If it's something general, she's super excited and talkative about it, but if it's something meaningful that she's done...
Sophie rips me out of my thoughts by grabbing the remote and flicking the TV on.
"Wacha wanna watch?" She asks, scroling through netflix.
"I vote heathers." I say, spoting our favorite movie ever.
"Wow again. wait don't you have that memorized by now?" Sophie quotes the musical.
We laugh.
*time skip cause I'm lazy*
Sophie POV
Ok it's 11-30. We've eaten pizza, I've gossiped, and we've exhausted all our usual jokes already. Time to do this before Aggie falls asleep.
I turn over to face her.
"Hey Aggie?"
"Yeah Soph?" She mumbles.
"So umm... I have something really serious to tell you. A kind of umm... confession."
She then turns to face me, suddenly wide awake.
That's another thing I love about Aggie. If you have a problem, even a little one, she's ready to listen. I could stay up all night leaving her on red because I'm fantasizing about us.
"Soph?" Agatha asks, ripping me from my thoughts. I guess I'm doing this.
"Umm Ok. I like you Aggie. Like, like like you. I have sense we were five, but you were always so shy and I was always told that I need a man and then I started noticing boys and... But the point is I've never stoped liking you. I love the way you're always there for everyone. I love the way you call yourself a witch but your actually beautiful and the nicest person in this town. in the WORLD. And I just love you Agatha."
I can't believe I just let all of that come tumbling out. She'll probably start blushing and call her mom with some excuse of a stomach ake. Omg I might have just ruined our friendship...
But she doesn't. She slowly turns to face me, and in the dark I can make out her slowly forming grin.
"Soph?" She says.
"I have a confession too."
My heart speeds up.
"I have liked you sense we were three. I know I call your gossip annoying, I know I barely talk to any of your friends..."
"They're not my friends." I interrupt.
"But When it's just the two of us, alone, your so deep, careing, and you open up to me and I love seeing you like that. I love you and have been wanting to say that...
maybe if we were together, I'd get to see that you more offten?"
and then the world stops and I feel myself smile.
"Can we try?" I ask.
"We can try, but I know we'll make it Soph." She reply'so.
"I know we'll make it because we are love and hate."
I smile, recognizing our usual routine.
"Thunder and lightning."
"You and me."
"Unbroken forever."
"Forever and always.".
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