Tagatha Kingdom AU,
Callis is Agatha's biological mother and therefore they both look a little different than in cannon. Callis rules Netherwood.
Arthur HATED these meetings. The kingdom of Netherwood were
the ones to compromise. Either they came, delivered their side, and were instantly told yes, or they waged a small war against the opposing kingdom. The reason that he'd even agreed to
meeting was that the former monarch had passed last year, and her daughter was now in power. From what Arthur knew, she had a small child around Tedros's age. Arthur was on edge about this. He didn't want Tedros picking up never behavior. He was PRACTICALLY the next air of GOOD wasn't he?
Guin told him he was overreacting, but he thought she was just scared of the other kingdom, and didn't want their badmouthing to get back to the new ruler. Regardless, the goal was to remain cordial and get things over with as soon as possible.
The kingdom of Netherwood had just lost it's all powerful ruler, her mother, which meant she'd been thrust into the position of ruler with no warning what so ever. And to make matters worse, she had to go to Camelot. Netherwood and Camelot were notorious for having major disagreements throughout the years and could never agree on anything, be it a proposal, treaty, or trade rout. And now, with less than two weeks of experience, Callis was going to try and prepose one of the biggest treaties in history to one of the most stubborn kings in history.
Tedros was only 5, AND A HALF, years old, but he KNEW an opportunity to be noble when he saw one, and the netherwood monarch and her daughter coming was a perfect one. Tedros didn't like nevers. They were so... well he didn't actually have a reason, but his father didn't like them, so he didn't either. With this being said, to be nice to the ruler's daughter would be a perfect chance to be noble because being nice to someone you can't stand was a very noble thing to do.
Tedros stood behind his mother and father and watched the carriage pull up to the castle. He'd been fantasizing all week about what the nevers would look like. After hours of thought, he'd decided that they would have stooped shoulders, black clawed fingernails, and stringy, snake-like hair. To say that Tedros was surprised when the two got out of the carriage would be an understatement. The older lady, Callis, was tall and thin with straight black hair, dark eyes, and high cheekbones. The girl, Agatha, was very thin, with hair the color of her mothers but wavy, big soulful brown eyes, and an oval, smiling face. He found himself feeling welcomed in by her warn smile, but that couldn't be right. It had to be one of her wicked tricks, and he wouldn't fall for it. Just as he'd resolved this conflict in his mind, introductions started.
"Welcome to our kingdom" His father said. "I am Arthur, this is my queen Guinevere, and our son Tedros."
"Charmed" Callis said with only a slight bite to her voice. "I am Callis and this is Agatha."
Behind her husband, Guinevere frowned down at the little girl in-front of the party. Agatha seemed like an oddly quiet and well-mannered child. Despite her husband's views, Guinevere didn't mind nevers, but even so, Agatha didn't seem like a never at all. This puzzled Guinevere. The daughter of a never leader with no father in the picture had to be a never right? RIGHT?
"Well, let's go inside. We can get you settled in, and then discuss the treaty." She said. Callis nodded and followed her and Arthur inside. Tedros was walking behind her staring at Agatha just as she was.
"Tedros, why don't you go show Agatha your toys, if it's ok with you?" She directed the last part at Callis who again nodded. Tedros blinked at Agatha. "Follow me then." The two walked off and Guinevere decided she'd ask Tedros about Agatha later.
Five minutes later and Tedros was perplexed. The never, Agatha, was very polite. She was good at sharing which most of his ever friends couldn't even do, she was very quiet, and she asked him about himself which again, most of his ever friends didn't do. They all loved talking about themselves. Even though her mother was a never, Agatha seemed more ever than him.
"So what's your mommy like?" Tedros asked her.
"She's really funny, but sometimes her jokes can get mean. She's always really nice to me though. I love her. What are you parents like?" Again with the talking about him. Tedros could get used to this.
"My daddy's really strong, and mommy's really pretty and makes really yummy food." Agatha giggled. She was so nice.
Agatha was very confused. Her mother said that Tedros would be mean and snobbish toward her, but so far he was nothing of the sort. He was really nice and shared his toys. He did talk a lot, but that was fine. She was so interested to learn about Camelot and Tedros. She hoped they could be friends and see each other more often. He probably wouldn't want to be friends with a never though. She knew should wouldn't. She didn't even want to be a never, but she was, and her mother was very nice. Her mother was great, so it couldn't be as bad as she thought. She just wished she could be good, nice, and pretty, but she wasn't.
The two played and chatted together all day and enjoyed each other's company. Tedros was slowly deciding that Agatha would be his best friend forever. It didn't matter that she was a girl. She was the only one that could beet him at swords which should have made him mad, but he liked the challenge. The fact that the smile that she got when she won was very pretty and bright and made him go all warm inside had absolutely nothing to do with it. Tedros knew that she was a never, but found himself forgetting to care. By the end of the day, he'd embraced the fact and actually thought it was a nice change. The two had so much fun together that they fell asleep curled up next to each other and with playing swords in one hand, and the other's hand in their free one.
Arthur was finding Callis very approachable and easy to deal with. She was quite crude and bland when it came to her choices of words, but that was a small price to pay. She got things done and was good at compromising. she knew it had to be done and could see the bigger picture. Arthur hoped to work with her again.
Once all of the loose ends had been tied, the three parents went to check on their children and found a very cue sight. Arthur was a little taken aback, but figured that Callis was Nice to work with and with probably teaching Agatha to be the same. Tedros didn't have many friends, so that was one more benefit to this new development.
Eventually, Callis and Agatha went home, and after a few letters, the friendship faded away to vague memories. And a few years later, when Tedros went to the school for good, he wondered if their was a girl with a pretty and bright smile anywhere at the school for good and evil. He didn't think anything of the clump-
wearing girl at good until he saw her in swordplay and he knew. He'd found his ever-after, best friend, and sword partner again. Now he just had to win her back.
A/N I told you i'd get out longer ones. This took me forever to finish. I'm a little upset with the ending as it didn't turn out as cute as I thought it would, but I needed to publish something today. I hope you enjoy it!
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