Tagatha Week Day 4
Tedros was so excited!!! It was December, and you know what that meant? IT WAS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!
Tedros had no problem admitting that Christmas was his favorite holiday. They got to decorate the castle with lights and Merlon always came to Camelot, and this year he'd actually have someone to give a gift to. For the past few years of his life, his Christmases had been rather lonely. He had no one to curl up with by the fire and read stories with. But this year, all that would change. This year, he had Agatha, and his mother!
Every year, Tedros had to have a Christmas check list. This year's went as follows...
Find Agatha the PERFECT gift,
Find his mother the perfect gift (plants or books)
make the best decor ever,
Make the best hot chocolate ever (with the help of Merlon),
Show Agatha everything great about Christmas in Camelot
Speaking of Agatha, here she was standing beside his desk.
"Hey love. How are you?" He asked looking up. His princess sighed and pulled up a chair.
"I'm so stressed! I've had five meetings so far and it's only 10-30. I don't even know what day it is! I'd honestly kill for a two week break! And why do you look so happy?"
"Well my love, I'm so glad you said that because I think you'll be glad to know that it is December 20th and so is the start of Christmas break."
Agatha sat bolt upright in her chair in shock. She'd heard Tedros, Guinevere, and basically every ever she knew talking excitedly about Christmas here all year, and it was finally almost here.
She knew the basics of Christmas so as gift giving, decorating, and the tree, but she'd heard that in Camelot there was a special sort of magic to it.
Speaking of gift giving, OMG she had to get Tedros a gift!
Agatha broke out of her frenzied and excited thoughts to see Tedros with the biggest grin covering his face.
"Aggggggggiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee, Cccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssttttttttttttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss!" Agatha smiled at the excitement of her husband.
"I can't wait to see what it's like!" she said to him.
"Oh my love you'll love it!"
*next morning*
"Aaaaagggggggaaaaaaaaaattttttttthhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa...." Tedros whispered. "Aaaaaaaaggggggggggaaaaaaaattttttthhhhhhhaaaaaaa...." Slightly louder.
He pushed her off the bed.
"What was that for??!!!!!" Agatha screeched from the floor.
Tedros shrugged. "You wouldn't wake up."
"So you push me off the bed?!"
Another shrug from Tedros. "I have to show you Christmas!!!!""
Agatha smiled. She didn't have the heart to be mad any more. Tedros just looked so sweet and excited to show her Christmas.
Agatha and Tedros walked hand in hand down the hallway. When they came to the stares Agatha's eyes got huge. There was a massive display of lights on the railing and above the stairs. Shadows of all color from the dancing lights bounced off the walls and ceiling.
"It's beautiful." Agatha whispered. She was now just excited as Tedros.
"If you think this is nice, you got another thing coming." Tedros said squeezing her hand.
They continued their walk to the kitchen and Agatha was amazed to see that every fireplace in the castle was alive and flaming. The staff had moved fluffy armchairs with blankets and pillows around each and every one.
Agatha also saw a big tree in the family living room, lights everywhere, and the smells of cinnamon, dust, and spices seemed to come from everywhere.
"Tedros this is amazing!" Agatha whispered in awe of everything.
"I love it too! But it gets better!"
Things continued in a similar manner all day. Tedros showing Agatha every decoration, tradition, and new part of the castle. Tedros also managed to squeeze in a few questions for Agatha about what she wanted. He knew she would want books, but other than that he was clueless. He knew she liked black clothes, cats, food, etc, but he wanted to get her something big! It was there first Christmas that they actually spent together with no war to fight. I mean what do you expect socks?
Actually, come to think of it, Agatha had told him she liked socks. Tedros smiled as an idea formed in his head.
"What are you smiling about-"" Agatha asked (also smiling.)
"Oh nothing. Come on. Let's go to bed."
*Christmas morning*
Tedros, Agatha, Guinevere, and Merlon had been planning all week. Tedros had corralled Guin and Merlon into a room on the first night of Christmas break after Agatha fell asleep and told them his plan. Thankfully they were all on board. Now all Tedros had to do was wait until tonight.
Agatha was so excited! She'd been planning for weeks in advance for this one night. As I mentioned previously, Agatha knew the basics of Camelot Christmas including gift giving. Thankfully, she decided to go big, because once she found out how big that Christmas here actually was, she realized that her first idea would have looked super lame. So she had gone veeeeerrrrryyyyy big with her second idea, and now she couldn't wait for tonight!
All day, Tedros, Merlon, and Guin traded Anjous and excited looks whenever they passed each other. Agatha obviously noticed this, but didn't say anything. She had her own secrets.
After eight hours of this, dinner was finally over and it was time for gifts! Agatha, Tedros, Merlon, and Guinevere all Gathered in the private living room of the royal family and sat in a circle around the tree.
"Ok," Guinevere said. "Who's opening their gifts first."
Everyone looked at each other, no one wanting to volunteer themselves for the job.
"I vote either Guin or Merlon." Agatha finally said.
"Would you go first Merlon?" Guin asked sweetly. Everyone smiled at the old queen and Merlon nodded.
When Merlon opened his gifts, he saw a potion kit from Guin, a How to Make a Magic Hat Cook book from Tedros. (Everyone laughed at this one) And a very thoughtful note and picture book from Agatha. Merlon hugged everyone, and they moved on to Guinevere.
She got a beautiful inclosed terrarium from Merlon, a set of her favorite book series's from Agatha, and a book of her son's favorite memories with her. She hugged and kissed everyone's cheeks as happy tears flowed from her eyes.
"Ok now who wants to go?" Merlon asked with a glint in his eye.
"Agatha!" Tedros said at the same time Agatha said, Tedros!"
They both looked at their mentors and role models from across the circle.
"Why don't you guys do it at the same time?" Merlon asked.
"Erm, my gift to Tedros isn't exactly in this room." Agatha said blushing.
"Erm my gift to Agatha isn't in here either." Tedros said just as awkwardly.
Merlon sighed. "So why don't you open our gifts to you and then go to whoever's is closer." He then muttered under his breath, "Teenagers."
Everyone liked this idea and they started opening.
Agatha had a cookbook from Merlon, and a very kind note from Guinevere.
Tedros had a new workout machine from Merlon, and a huge box of beef sticks from Guinevere (much to the amusement of Agatha) under which was a note reading
I'll give you your real one later :)
It was then time for the other gifts. Before things could turn into a "You go!" "No you go." Fest, Merlon volunteered Tedros to give his gift first, and then Agatha to go second.
Tedros's eyes lit up as he took his princess by the hand and lead her off down a twistie corridor. After a few minutes he stoped in front of a big french door.
"Agatha my love, I present to you... ... ..."
To be continued tomorrow!
OMG I have to gooo right now!
I'm again so sorry that the last one was so short. I had a really stressful day yesterday, and now I have to get to dance. The part two will be tomorrow's oneshot.
Also, if you don't celebrate Christmas, I'm sorry if I've offended you with this.
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