↳ Interview #4: CoffeeAndSilverInk
Award Winner: CoffeeAndSilverInk
"Boundless" -- won third place in the Romance category of SGA in May 2022.
Interviewer: devianmisfit
1) Could you introduce yourself? Tell me how long you've been on WP, and what made you interested to be a WP writer/start writing here?
Astrid: Thank you! I go by Astrid on WP, it's a pen name born from a play of my initials. I think I joined in 2019. It's kind of embarrassing but I found it because everyone was going crazy about "After" at the time. I knew about the website already but never really had any interest in it, especially as a writer since I never thought I could write anything. When I made an account it was purely as a reader, but somewhere along the way, I decided to try writing because why not, and here I am almost 4 years later.
Devian: Honestly, I can't rmb how I actually joined WP now that u mentioned it. I think I started out as a writer immediately. Anyways back to the second question.
2) You participated in the Savant Awards in May 2022 and the book you entered "Boundless", won 3rd in Romance. How did you feel about it when you heard the announcement? Was this your first time entering a contest? If so, were you nervous?
Okay scratch the last qns. You were totally nervous since u kept badgering us for inside info *inserts pandaderp emoji*
Astrid: I wasn't nervous though 😂 I'm being annoying.
Devian: I think I should modify the question to: Were you tempted to abuse your SG Mod powers to peek at the results? (smiles evilly)
*some parts of the interview have to be censored due to sensitive information regarding the community's survival*
Astrid: I'm a good mod, Juls.
Devian: Indeed you are.
Astrid: I was happy to know I won. It wasn't my first time entering awards but it was probably the first time there was an ending to it. I only entered awards twice and one community vanished before the results came out. On the other, I'm still waiting for the results. I believe I entered in November last year.
Oh and then, there was the WPA too. I forgot those. But those had an ending...
*The WPA is a community about woman's power. The Trivia Manager entered into three categories with three of her female characters. One of her characters managed to pass to the second phase but in the end, she lost.*
Devian: Okay third question.
3) What are your views about participating in these events generally? Did you enjoy them?
Astrid: I think it's really fun and it's a way of livening up WP. I know awards are subjective because what can be a great book to a judge might not be as good to another, but it's always a great experience to win or just to participate in general.
Devian: For me, I think it's good exposure. Like you could stalk those winners and then read snippets of their books to get a feel of the difference in the writing *inserts pandaderp emoji again*
Astrid: Yeah exactly!
4) Was there any particular reason for participating in TSG? (because ria was forced at gunpoint by the asura)
Astrid: The reason was the pointed above 😂 Well, it was mostly because I wanted to help fill the slots available. I never thought I would actually win.
Devian: And you won despite bugging us. 😂 And the judge's ahem.
Astrid: I obviously bribed Mouse. As if! I never talked to Mouse!
Devian: *inserts pandaderp emoji for the third time* Did you offer gold? Or maybe votes? Yeah must be the votes 💀
5) How was your experience when writing "Boundless"? Was it an easy process? Which parts did you struggle with the most?
Astrid: It was easy because I'm rewriting based on the old version that I wrote back in 2019. Some things were harder because I had no idea what I was doing back then and the original is extremely cringe and the characters weren't well fleshed out. Plus I changed the beginning almost completely. I'd say the hardest part is making all storylines meet. Most events happen with each "couple" in separate so I have to work on showing the friendship dynamic between them (tho it's quite obvious most of them are not really friends and only hang out, out of convenience).
6) How do you feel about your current version of Boundless?
Astrid: I like it a lot more. As a writer, I grew a lot, I went from very mechanical and weird writing to what I hope is a more fluid and smooth version. I also managed to explore my characters in ways I hadn't really done before. For some reason, almost all of them have a ridiculous amount of trauma I don't usually insert in my books, and the consequences of it weren't really shown at first but I think I have managed to show them more clearly now.
7) Why do you prefer to be a Plotter? Why not a Pantser/Plantser? What are some plotting tips you want to share/or where do you usually get your inspiration for your plotting?
Astrid: I tried pantsing before actually. The 1st draft of Boundless was entirely pantsed and it came out with 64 chapters, took me a year to write, was full of filler chapters, and with a poor storyline. That's when I realized it wasn't for me. I have way too many ideas on my mind and most of them are not very developed, and they will never become detailed or interesting if I don't sit down, write down everything I have on my mind and find ways to connect it. Plotting is just easier when it comes to actually writing and keeping a schedule because I already know what I'm going to write beforehand. My favourite thing about plotting is character sheets. I strongly recommend them to anyone who wants to know their character inside out before starting. I'd say something that helps me a lot when plotting is just writing things on a paper and trying to put them on a timeline when everything in my brain is a mess. Then I use that timeline to help me outline the chapters. I don't know where I get inspiration. Sometimes I'm just watching a TV show or hanging out with my friends and something lightens up in my head and I have to write it down (or let it die cuz I have too many ideas already).
8) What was one thing you enjoyed the most while participating in TSG? Or one thing you disliked?
Astrid: Can I say the banners? 😂 They were very pretty. Mhm I liked that it was so organised and was actually finished since I obviously do not have that experience often. The reviews for the winners are a really good way to help too.
9) What do you think would help WP writers, other than hosting awards? Do you think you would be receptive to the notion that a community book that contains writing advice? Would you read something like that? >.<
Astrid: Writing advice is a great idea. There are a lot of writers that would love a book like that. Some people, like me, seriously need punctuation lessons, but in my defense, we don't use quotation marks in my country.
10) Are you comfortable with us posting the interview responses and questions? (You can't say no, unfortunately)
Astrid: no? damn
Devian: This one is an SG-discord exclusive question. You joined Savant G. server on the 26th Aug 2021, and the first person that greeted you was none other than the legendary mythical ghost also known as aka apple. Or her most recent is librarian. What was your first impression of the server back then? After that, you made the acquaintance of your wonderful wife, Julia. What was one thing you think changed after all this while since you joined us?
Astrid: It was the 26th for you, 25th for me. I remember thinking I was only going to interact to post reviews and nothing more as that was my job but then you lured me out of the review channel with cake. I really loved the server tbh and I can't believe I was so lucky to join this community (it was a mistake btw). Everyone here is so nice, even with the banter between me and the legendary mythical ghost also known as aka apple. It was my first time in a community and it looked huge to me. Everyone already knew everyone and I was a bit intimidated at first. Then I became a part of the fam. I think it was Julia's fault that I became an active member. She joined a little after me and I watched her sprint once in a while, always inviting people to join. And one day I joined. I think it started there. Obviously, a lot changed since I joined, after all, I managed to scare two members away. They came back, ofc, but I still did it. Twice for each. The community has suffered a few positive changes such as the implementation of managers and new, fun events, but the best thing was how we grew so much and I am so proud to be here to help it grow.
(Interview ends)
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