"Did you see her face?" Kyrn asked us laughing as we got out of the car.
"It was priceless!" I said while Chloe nodded in agreement.
"Oh wow. I love pissing people off."
"We know," Chloe and I said simultaneously.
Kyrn huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well then."
We all got a kick out of that and continued walking.
Once we got the kitchen, we put the pizza down and noticed the house seemed empty.
"Where are the guys?" Chloe asked.
Kyrn and I shrugged and we turned around and froze at the sight.
There were the guys. Standing there with the whipped cream in the spray bottle thing.
"Payback's a bitch, huh princess?" Xavier said smirking as he zeroed in on me.
"Is this because you handcuffed him during training this morning?" Chloe asked me completely annoyed at the outcome.
"Yes. Yes, it is." Xavier answered for me.
"Then why are Zander and Jay holding whipped cream also?" Chloe asked as she pointed to them.
"We thought it would be fun." Jay said smirking at Kyrn.
"Did I ever tell you how sexy you look in that white V-neck babe?" I asked trying to get Xavier's mind off of shooting me with whip cream.
I saw his eyes darkened and they started to turn to that glowing stormy gray color. I smirked knowing it was working. So I decided to keep going.
"I mean your muscles really pop out. It looks reeeaaally nice on you. Then there are your abs. And the V-neck doesn't really hide them at all." I winked.
Ever since that day when Xavier asked me to be his girlfriend, I've been a lot more comfortable around him.
I've gotten bolder and more self-confident with him around me all the time. I feel like I can really be myself, and I don't have to worry about him judging me.
His eyes turned to pitch black with lust and stepped toward me.
But sadly he seemed to see what I was doing and shook his head letting out a frustrated growl.
"Dammit," he mumbled while the guys laughed at him. "Hey! It's not my fault. My wolf is a freaking horn dog."
"Well, what I'm saying is true." I smiled sweetly at him.
He smiled but replaced it with a scowl.
"Sam," he groaned.
I giggled and he gave me a warm smile. "Yes?"
"You're still not getting out of your payback."
"But why-" I stopped when he pushed down the nozzle and whipped cream flew at my face. "Xavier!" I screamed.
"Yes, princess?" He asked holding his stomach from laughing so hard.
"Come here." I opened my arms out wide for him and he gave me the are-you-crazy look. "Please?"
"Sorry babe, but no."
"Oh wow. Xavier just said no to his little princess," Jay snickered.
"Yeah, and it was hard." He turned and gave me a smile, then leaned down to whisper in his ear. But I heard all of it. "That's probably the only time I will ever say no to her."
Good to know.
While he wasn't facing me, I ran up to him and jumped on his back and rubbed my face and hands on him to get the whipped cream off.
"Hey!" He screamed.
I jumped off laughing. "Got ya."
"This is my favorite V-neck," he mumbled trying to get the whipped cream off.
"Payback's a bitch huh?" I mocked him using his own words.
"Touché my beautiful mate. Touché. But, you should probably run little one."
I squeaked and booked it up the stairs toward our bathroom. Not even two seconds later, I heard Xavier's boots making noise as he hauled up the stairs after me.
I got to the bathroom door and locked it.
He pounded on the door and growled. "You are so lucky, princess. Well, I'm going to go clean up, and then I'll be back."
I breathed a sigh of relief and turned on the water, listening to his footsteps leave the room.
I waited for a few moments remembering I didn't grab any clothes.
Once I knew the coast was clear, I ran out and grabbed clothes and ran back in the bathroom as fast as I could. I didn't want to take any chances with him being an alpha after all.
After my shower, I walked into the bedroom to see him sitting on the bed staring and smiling at me.
"Hi," he said all cheery like.
"Hi?" I said back slightly confused.
"Get all cleaned up?"
"Yeah. Didn't take that long."
"I could have just licked you clean," he suggested like it was nothing.
"Sorry," he laughed. "My wolf is like freaking out."
"Why? Is he okay?" I wondered all of a sudden as I ran over to him.
"Yeah, he's fine. He's just been really horny lately. Ever since I marked you, he's been wanting to claim you. He doesn't like the idea of you wandering around unmated with a bunch of unmated male wolves around. And well, neither do I," Xavier admitted.
Aw! He looked so cute. His face is slightly red and he is looking down at my hands as he plays with my fingers.
"Oh Xavier," I said and gave him a kiss.
He smiled instantly and returned the kiss by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap.
He pulled away and gave me a huge grin.
"I'm glad I have you as a mate. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world." He gave me a quick peck and pulled away again. "Oh. The guys and I were wondering if you girls wanted to go out for a movie or something."
"Sure. What movie?" I asked excited all of a sudden.
"Oh. Um, I don't know. We were going to have you girls pick the movie." He shrugged.
"Okay let's go!" I yelled and grabbed his hand before sprinting down the stairs.
"What's this about a movie Zander is talking about?" Chloe asked walking into the living room.
"The guys wanted to know if we wanted to go watch a movie. And we get to pick out the movie," I told her.
"What movie?" Kyrn asked.
"Girls. Huddle up!" I shouted as we all ran into the kitchen and got in a circle.
"Okay let's go over this," I told them.
"No scary movie. Even though I hate them, it's better to watch them at night," Chloe explained while I nodded.
"Sounds good. Let's make them watch something they won't enjoy. Payback for getting whip cream on all of us," Kyrn's idea was pretty good.
"Okay. Something that's 3D. 3D is a must," I added on.
"So far so good," Kyrn smiled.
"I know! One Direction: This Is Us," Chloe said.
"Perfect!" Kyrn and I squealed in excitement.
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