《CHP 13: Who're they?!》
I've been sitting here on this chair for nearly 15 minutes, an umbrella overhead to protect me from the sun.
The boys have decided to go play in the water and have a volleyball game there. They're quite a distance away.
Kai and Baekhyun are beside me; pouring themselves some lemonade and all.
Xiumin is here though. He's unloading these large coolers of ice to put drinks in.
He quickly glanced at them both and called out for them. "Yah! Can you both help me with this. It's too heavy for one person."
Kai put his drink down and rushed to him while Baekhyun just scoffed.
"Go help him. He's older than you." I tell him and he just rolled his eyes.
"Doesn't give him the right to boss me around." Is all he muttered before heading to help him after all.
I sat up and decided to have a look around this place. I walked away from where everyone was, just off to wherever I could go.
It was quieter on the other side since I've come a good distance away from the boys. It was somewhat calm and peaceful.
...Until I got hit in the head with a frisbee.
I winced and held the side of my forehead, groaning in pain. "Damn whoever did that..!"
I leaned down and picked the frisbee in my hand, until a voice called me over.
"Hey, may we please get the frisbee back?" This tall boy came upto me with a shy smile, and damn he's so polite.
"No. You can't play it. You really think hitting people in the head is okay?!" I hold the frisbee behind me, glaring at him.
"I... oh.. I didn't know it hit you. I apologize for that though." He bowed and looked at me with yet another soft smile.
"Yo, what's taking so long?" Another boy of the same age probably as him appeared. He had a lip piercing though. It gave him a intimidating look.
"Give the thing back." He suddenly asked and held out his hand. He actually was quite intimidating.
"Like hell I will. Take it yourself." My forehead still hurts from how hard it hit me. I scowl at them, holding the frisbee behind me with both hands.
"You asked for it." He suddenly wrapped both his arms behind me, harshly trying to tug the frisbee out of my hands. But I wasn't going to just give it to them that easily. So I held onto it, much tighter now.
"Dude, what the hell are you doing?!" This gray haired guy approached, staring at me and this other guy battling for a stupid frisbee.
"Give it back already!" He dug his nails into my wrist and roughly snatched the frisbee out of my hands, causing me to fall down on the sand.
"Asshole.." I growled and kicked his ankle as he was about to walk away, making him fall face first in the sand.
"Ooh, burn..!" The ash haired male snickered and watched.
"You're so dead now." He mumbled before shaking off the sand, glaring at me. A part of me was scared of him so I stood up.
Before he could tackle me or even approach me, Kai's voice is heard in the distance before it got close.
"Y/N, where are y--" Kai froze as the other male backed up now, eyes widened a bit.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!" Both him and Kai said in shocked unison.
"WE'RE HERE FOR A VACATION!" Both him and Kai said again at the same time, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Can we stop speaking together? Please and thank you." I scoffed before giving them one last look and walking away from them all.
They seemed to have a short conversation before Kai came behind me, a-not-so happy look on his face.
"What's wrong?" I poked his side, frowning.
"Stay away from them. You don't just talk to any guy you see around here." He replied as we reached the hut where Xiumin finally got the drinks and everything done.
The guys were still in the water, having the time of their lives.
"Who were they, do you know? The skinny one was cute. So was the gray one. I wanna talk to them. Except the other one, he's harsh. He fought me for a frisbee." I pouted and showed him my dark pink wrist where it hurt.
"He what?! God, just stay away from them. Not only Baekhyun, but I'll kill you too if you go near them or any stranger." Kai's tone was cold, face almost emotionless.
"You wouldn't hurt a fly~" I smiled and kissed his cheek, causing that to turn red.
"Where's Baekhyun?" Kai asked to Xiumin, looking around for him.
"He's in the restroom. He'll be out soon." Xiumin smiled while preparing the table for lunch while some other staff members helped him do so.
"You didn't answer me. Who're they?" I mumbled and looked up at Kai.
"I don't know." Is all he said before walking away from me.
Should I try to find out who they were? But Kai would get mad. I don't want that. Well, I'll look forward to having a talk with them.
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