《Chapter 6: Midnight games》
It's 2 am. Baekhyun's deeply asleep. And I'm here on the ground, staring at the ceiling.
I slowly stood up and put my hoodie on, feeling the need to use the bathroom. Really quietly, I unlock his door and step outside. Baekhyun's still asleep. Good.
Not soon enough I found the bathroom and went in. After finishing using it, I wash my hands and look myself in the mirror.
I put my hoodie on because it's somewhat cold in this mansion since it is made of marbles and all. Secondly, to cover up the hickeys Baekhyun left.
I slowly step out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. It was dark around here, not even small lights or candles were lit.
I felt a finger poke my shoulder and I yelped almost too loudly.
"Shh, you'll wake the others. It's just me." I turn around to see Kai, I was breathing deeply since he scared the hell outta me.
"Did not know you were that easy to scare." He chuckled and gently grabbed my hand, leading me to who knew where.
"Where are we going?" I asked in a whisper.
"I came out to get some pink lemonade for the others. Saw you here and thought you should join us. For now, we're headed to the kitchen." He smiled sweetly as we walked through a couple of dark, locked rooms, which might be the other sleeping members.
We were in the kitchen and he started making some pink lemonade in a large pitcher and got some glasses out. He also took out a large packet of chips.
"Who needs lemonade at this hour?! And who's even awake?!"
"Well...." He sets everything down on a tray, heading to me. He backed me against the counter, stepping closer to me. "We were thirsty and hungry for something."
"W-What're you doing...?" I mutter and looked at him, almost getting lost in his gleaming, dark eyes. His face got closer to mine and I closed my eyes quickly.
I heard a cupboard close right above my head then opened my eyes to see Kai with a bowl beside me.
"You thought I was going to kiss you, right?" He chuckled and placed the plastic bowl in the tray. He wasn't going to kiss me, he just needed to get a bowl from the cupboard behind me. How naïve am I?!
I pout and look away.
"Yah, get the other tray for me, will ya?" He grabbed his tray and headed outside the kitchen and I followed with the other tray. We reached a room and he went inside with me.
"Aish, what took you so long?" Chanyeol rolled off the bed, taking the tray from Kai's hand.
"Y/N, you're still awake?"
"Why's y/n here?"
"Yah, why did you bring her here?! Look at the time."
"Calm down all of you. I saw her outside in the hallway so thought she could join us. You're not sleepy, are you?" Kai turned to look at me and I shook my head.
"Fine, fine. Jongin, Chanyeol suggested we play truth or dare while you were in the kitchen?" Sehun said and Kai nods, sitting down. Timidly, I take a seat beside him.
Suho spinner the bottle. It landed on Sehun.
"Sehun. Truth or dare?" Chanyeol smiled cheekily at the youngest.
"What's the most obscene thing you ever saw in your innocent life?" Chanyeol asked.
"Uhm....I saw two men making out in an alley the other day. It w-was the first time I ever witnessed people doing 'it'..." He stuttered and rubbed the back of his head.
"Someone protect our maknae's eyes these days!" Suho and Kai chuckled at that.
Suho spinned the bottle again and it landed on Kai.
"Truth or dare, Jonginnie?" Sehun said in a fake, yet cute accent.
"Was it actually you who took my Porsche and never brought it back last month?" Suho asked abruptly.
"The truth is, it was me. I was on this mountain highway, your brake wouldn't work. Thankfully, I was at a slow speed so I managed to jump out. The car however got off trail and...well...it fell off the cliff." Kai laughed at the end part, explaining himself.
"YAAAHH! Suho, you blamed me all along this month!! It was Kai, I told you it wasn't me at all!" Chanyeol's loud voice boomed through the room suddenly as he stood up.
"Mianhe. It's just I saw you with it the day before." Suho smiled nervously and put his hands up in defense.
Me and Kai giggled to ourselves.
"Quiet. Chan-hyung, everyone's sleeping. Shush." Sehun shushed everyone and spinned the bottle again.
It landed on Kai, again.
"You picked truth once already."
"I pick dare then." Kai leaned back on his hands lazily.
"I dare you to kiss y/n."
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