Hakyeon's strategy
Ravi looked at his assistant make going back and forth in the office. It became increasingly difficult for him to feign indifference. He had to go far in the game to ask him to send flowers to his conquests. He could not do anything because seing Hakyeon in anger was a real source of pleasure for him. He loved the way that Hakyeon had to glare at him or biting his lips to keep himself from screaming his frustration at him. Yes, he agreed that he was afraid at first to lose his assistant and having to live with a stranger who would hate him. Yes Hakyeon hated him probably, he thought well deserve it, but he could also feel something else in the way his assistant looked at him in his spare time or when he made him a caress. He did not understand himself why, but he agreed that the man in the caramel skin bewitched him. Recently he found himself contemplating his buttocks, his lips and his crotch when Hakyeon was busy and to tell the truth he loved every part of the body of this man. Why ? It does not know why. It was just a fact that Hakyeon's smile could stop the beating of his heart. Too bad his assistant did not smile often before him. He was aware of his reputation that he was an arrogant and strict person. But what could he do? He had grown up without parents and had to fight at every moment of his life. He carried in him all the legacy of the Kim family and his entourage had never ceased to remind him. "You could not go to school, we will pay tutors for you." "You could not be friends with him, you do not come from the same social class." All his life, people have liked and disliked him because of his money and the prestige of his family. How many times, he surprised close people conversations that wanted to enjoy his inheritance? So he learned to live through this money that people so coveted. He protected himself behind a mask of arrogance and until now no one could claim to know the true Ravi. Not even his own friends. It was his sad life while he was trying to have fun as much as possible and enjoy the money inherited from his family, who he worked hard every day to maintain the prestige of his family. Yes, he was coveted by many women. He was not fooled. they are attracted by its wealth not by himself. Ravi got up angrily from his chair and looked out the window. He hated feeling so pitiful. Was he so horrible to the point that people could love nothing in him? Why should he be suspicious of everyone? He leaned his forehead against the glass of the window and closed his eyes. He heard at that time the office door open and his assistant placed a tray on his desk. "As it is late I ordered a dinner. I know you like wine so I added a bottle of wine. Good meal. If you need me, I'll be in my office, "said Hakyeon. "Wait," Ravi said, turning to him. "Rest and eat with me." "Uh ...... is that ...... I ..... I already ate," mumbled Hakyeon. Ravi gave him a smile. He was sure now. He had felt it all day. In recent days Hakyeon was always angry against him, and today he was all smiles and order him a dinner. Hmmm .... interesting. He was not feared in the financial world for nothing. His instinct had never betrayed him and he said now that his assistant was preparing a trick on him. Why was he lying to not eat with him? Why suddenly the wine? He walked over to the shelf and took the bottle of wine. He fetched a second glass and poured wine into each glass. He presented one to Hakyeon. "A toast," he said. Hakyeon shook his head. "I do not like wine," said Hakyeon. "You do not want a toast with me? "Ravi asked in an authoritative voice. He saw his assistant hesitate then end up taking the glass. Ravi smiled, he had achieved his goal. "In the success of the new collection," he said, raising his glass. His assistant did the same and put the glass to his lips. Ravi looked at him drink his wine without reacting. He will find a way to pay his own somewhere not to be forced to drink it.
Ravi had managed to make Hakyeon drink without having to drink himself to this wine. His assistant was now in his third glass and Ravi was beginning to wonder if he had not become a paranoid. Hakyeon seemed quite healthy. He began to talk a little too much but it was normal, it was to be close to drunkenness. Ravi leaned over the table and looked at the man's face. Without realizing it, he was really starting to focus on him. Since that Hakyeon made him a fit of jealousy, he had not slept with a woman even before his assistant, he pretended otherwise. Why Hakyeon's opinion was so important to him? He was an adult and healthy man, and as a healthy man he had the right to have a girlfriend. Because of this man, he lay alone in bed the night without warmth. Besides, he was beginning to get fed. If Hakyeon hated so muchthat he slept with others, he had only to accept the sacrifice and sleep with him. He gave a sigh. This man was not even consider this option because whenever Ravi tried to touch him, Hakyeon was scared to death. Ravi reached out and placed his hand on that of his assistant. He lives Hakyeon quickly withdraw his hand. Ravi felt a twinge in his heart. He lifted his head to speak to his assistant and there he realized that something was wrong. Hakyeon was sweating.The wine had thus been poisoned. But with what? Ravi did not know Hakyeon long but his instinct told him that his assistant was not the kind of an assassin. Yes, in recent days he had been a little abrupt with him, but he did not think that Hakyeon will be angry to the point of wanting to kill him. His eyes then fell on the lump that had formed in the crotch of his assistant. Ravi could not help smiling. An Aphrodisiac? Hakyeon had tried to make him drink an aphrodisiac. This means that Hakyeon really wanted to sleep with him. It was an opportunity that he absolutely had to take. Ravi approached his assistant and put his hand on his crotch. Hakyeon screamed and pushed him away with all his might. "No ... not there ... do not touch me or I do not know what could happen," he yelled. "Hush, if you stay in this state, you risk to be sick. Let me help you, "said Ravi. He approached yet Hakyeon and he let him do. Ravi did not wait and plunged his hand into the pants of his assistant. Already the sounds he heard from the mouth of his assistant pleased him. He had never done that with any man or for any man. But at that moment, he wanted this man for him and him alone. He saw the twist of fun in Hakyeon who whisper his name to each of his licks. This feeling of friction between the skin of Hakyeon and his tongue was new but very pleasant. He knew that Hakyeon was no longer himself by the force of the aphrodisiac, but it would relieve him and after he will be able to fully enjoy these moments with him. He felt very quickly a liquid fill his mouth but Ravi does not think before swallowing and continue his work. He saw the body of Hakyeon lying on the ground and a smile split his lips. Ravi's heart skipped a beat. Hakyeon looked like an angel. He stroked his face and kissed his mouth. Ravi then took him in his arms and walked to the bottom of his desk. He moved an object and a door opened before him. He walked straight to the bed in the piece and laid Hakyeon. " What are you doing ? Why I am not aware of the presence of this piece? "Asked his assistant. "You still do not know everything about me. But we can start now because I think very seriously to discover every centimeter of your body, "replied his boss. Ravi saw the fear in the eyes of his assistant. What was he afraid? It was he who prepared this scenario. "Nice ... well ... I ... I" tried to explain Hakyeon. Ravi put a finger on his lips. "Shut, trust me, I would never do something that would hurt you. It will stop as soon as you tell me stop. " He waited to see Hakyeon nod before melting on his lips. He did not want to scare him so he gently placed his lips on his. The lips of Hakyeon were sweet and shy. Ravi slipped his tongue on the lips of his assistant and they opened to him. He took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He wanted more but had to settle down to offer Hakyeon time to accept it. He continued to kiss him with all his heart hoping that Hakyeon could feel his desire. The latter was less tense in his arms and let Ravi touch him. Ravi then slid his hands under his shirt and rubbed the skin he had coveted. He felt Hakyeon shiver in his arms. "Do you want me to stop? "He asked. Hakyeon shook his head and resumed his lips. Ravi felt that his heart would explode. Never in his life, despite the number of partners he had, he felt such a pleasure to just kiss someone. He could not stay gentle to Hakyeon. He needed more. He quickly unbuttoned the shirt of his assistant and threw it to the ground. It was the same for the pants and the underwear. The sight of the naked body Hakyeon had always fascinated him. He pretended not to notice it before Hakyeon but this amber skin attracted him like a magnet. He lives Hakyeon cover his arms. "You do not need to do this. Your body is beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful, "he said. He lives Hakyeon watching him with tears in his eyes. "I'm not beautiful. I have nothing nice as others do "said Hakyeon. " You're wrong. To me, you are perfect. As rare and special as a precious stone, "said Ravi. He lives Hakyeon throw himself into his arms and kiss him passionately. It was the end for Ravi. It was more than he could bear. He ran to kiss the body of his lover and took the opportunity to tell him sweet words. Hakyeon is completely left to him. He took the hand of his lover, and put them under his shirt. "Touch me," he said. Hakyeon's hands began to activate. In less than a minute, he had also lost his shirt, his pants and his underwear. Not bad, he thought. He lost his breath when the mouth of Hakyeon came tickle his nipples. Who taught him this stuff? Ravi felt become jealous. How many times Hakyeon had slept with someone? Was he in love? Was it a man or a woman? Many questions raced through his head. Then he came to the conclusion that he should mark his territory. He must ensure that Hakyeon never forget this night. He never forgets his touch or his person. He let his hand go lower to a sensitive area of his lover. Hakyeon let out a cry and bent his head in rear. The More Ravi stroked the more he heard screaming. "Say my name." " Ravi ". " Even stronger ". "RAVIIIIIII" yelled Hakyeon. "I'll go further, says me if you want me to stop," said Ravi. Hakyeon nodded his head. Ravi then put his hands on either side of his pelvis and slowly began to enter in him. He was so afraid of hurting Hakyeon but he felt that he was ready to receive him. He stopped and let the time to Hakyeon to get used to it. After a moment he saw his lover begins to move and to beg him to continue. Then he began to go further. Ravi was in total happiness. This feeling was amazing and he shared it with Hakyeon. He began to move more quickly and Hakyeon moaned louder. He was close and he felt that Hakyeon also was. Then he stopped. "What are you doing Ravi? "Asked Hakyeon. "I want you to promise me something." "Whatever you like until you finish here," yelled Hakyeon. Ravi looked at him with a big smile. "As you please princess," he said by increasing the pace. He saw Hakyeon hold onto him, shouting his name, came and lie in the bed. Ravi also had come along with his lover. He dropped himself on the chest of Hakyeon for breath. He could hear his heart beat and he loved it. This man had bewitched him and he liked that. He approached the Hakyeon face and gave him a kiss. "Princess Congratulations, you just accept to be my sex partner for the rest of your life," he said.
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