Jungkook looked up when Yoongi and Namjoon entered the class. They were late, but Jungkook assumed they had gotten kinky before coming over, since that had happened a few times before.
He was just a little jealous he hadn't been invited.
Namjoon took his seat, eyes downcast, while Yoongi stood in front of the class.
"Good morning class," Yoongi said, popping one of his pills into his mouth. "Sorry we're starting late. Did you all finish your homework from last week?"
As the class shuffled to grab their papers, Hoseok faced Namjoon and poked him.
"Everything alright?" The boy whispered. "I heard you scream and I know Yoongi is a sex deity but that sounded like you were scared."
"I'm fine," Namjoon mumbled.
He glanced at the boy, who was still looking at him with concern.
"Hobi, seriously, I'm alright." Namjoon smiled. "But thanks for checking up."
Hoseok grinned. "Dope, invite me next time, alright?"
After class, Jimin gathered his backpack, distractedly replying to something his publisher had asked him about.
The pinkette looked up. "Yeah, Yoongi?"
"Can you stay behind for a few minutes?" Yoongi looked up from his desk. "I need to talk to you."
"Of course." Jimin smiled.
He looked to Jungkook, who was waiting for him at the doorway.
"I'll catch up with you at lunch!" Jimin called.
Jungkook smiled and left.
Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung were chatting among themselves, talking about nothing specific when a group of girls ran up to them.
"Hey, you guys are in that sex class, right?" One of them asked, grabbing her hair nervously.
Behind her, her friends giggled.
"It's not a sex class," Taehyung frowned. "It's a healthy sexual exp-"
"It's a sex class." Hoseok cut him off. "Why do you wanna know?"
"Can you ask Mr. Min if we can join?" The leader pleaded. "Please? We tried to sign up at the beginning of the semester but it was already full! Apparently only six people can be in?!"
Seokjin chuckled. "Yeah, sorry. Class is full. Nothing we can do."
"Oh please?" Another girl begged. "Mr. Min is so hot!"
"He's married." Taehyung reminded them.
"And taken, five times over." Seokjin laughed.
"Bye bye," Hoseok waved them along. "Sorry ladies, it's a dick club only."
The girls pouted and sulked as they walked away.
Seokjin giggled into Hoseok's shoulder. "Poor girls. They couldn't handle Yoongi."
"Just imagine their faces if Suga or Yoonie took over." Taehyung chuckled.
"Oh, speaking of!" Hoseok's eyes shot open. "I've been thinking, we should do something for Suga!"
"Like what?" Seokjin asked as they headed to the library.
"You know how he didn't seem to understand the question when we asked him if he was okay? And he just kept answering for Yoongi?" Hoseok explained. "It got me thinking, we should show him what it's like to not have to babysit his whole life. He should get a day all to himself. I think Yoongi would agree."
"Aww, Hobi, you're so kind!" Seokjin cooed, kissing the boys cheek.
Taehyung nodded. "I was thinking that same thing. But he's not really a sexual type, it might be hard to get him to relax and put himself first."
"We'll figure it out. I'll call Jungkook, he always had good ideas." Hoseok said.
The group huddled together, eagerly planning.
"What's up?" Jimin asked, walking over to Yoongi's desk.
"Am I interrupting anything?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin shook his head. "Nah, I'm not busy."
"Good. I had to ask you something." Yoongi suddenly looked a little more shy, a soft smile on his lips.
"Of course. You can always ask me anything." Jimin smiled, sitting on the edge of the teachers desk.
"Well, you know Yoonie loves you." Yoongi said.
Jimin grinned. "I love him too! He's so cute!"
Yoongi blushed. "He's been asking to play with you for a while now, and I figured, why not?"
Jimin gasped. "A play date?! With me and Yoonie? When?!"
"Whenever," Yoongi shrugged, not looking up as he snapped his briefcase shut. "The sooner the better, because he's an impatient baby."
"What about today after classes?" Jimin asked. "I'm not doing anything!"
"Sure, sounds good." Yoongi straightened up and Jimin saw his teachers cheeks were light pink.
He giggled, jumping off the desk. He pressed his lips to Yoongi's cheek.
"You're so cute," he cooed. "I can't wait!"
Yoongi smiled. "Namjoon and Taehyung are in charge while I'm gone. Don't let Hoseok masturbate on the couch again."
Jimin pulled out his phone to call Jungkook, giddy with excitement.
Jungkook entered the library after Seokjin had texted him to, and spotted his boyfriends at a table near the back.
He hurried over to them and slid in beside Hoseok. "What's up?"
"We're planning a Suga day." Hoseok said, typing on his laptop while Seokjin scribbled in his notebook.
"Suga day?" Jungkook asked. "What's that?"
"We think he deserves to be taken care of," Taehyung explained. "Since he's always taking care of Yoongi."
Jungkook liked that idea.
"But how will we get him out?" He asked.
"We'll talk to Yoongi and see what he thinks is best." Seokjin said.
"That sounds good." Jungkook nodded.
His phone vibrated and he quickly pulled it out, seeing it was from Jimin. He hurried out of the library to answer it.
Meanwhile Seokjin looked down at his notes. "Okay, so I'm going to cook for him, and Taehyung is going to let Suga get things off his chest by venting, and have you decided what you're going to do, Hobi?"
Hoseok nodded, not looking up from his laptop screen. "Gunna fuck him."
Taehyung choked. "Wh-what?"
"He's not really into that." Seokjin blinked. "You know, after everything Yoongi's dad did?"
"But I'm not Yoongi's dad. I'm going to ask for consent first and then make him feel good." Hoseok said. "Change his views on sex. Maybe he's only a virgin because he thinks he has to be."
"Sounds weird, you saying 'virgin' like that." Taehyung mumbled. "Since we're technically talking about sex God Yoongi."
"Well, you can ask and if he says yes then at least be gentle." Seokjin said.
Jungkook came back. "That was Jimin. He said that Yoonie wants to have a play date with him tonight."
"My baby!" Seokjin gasped. "And my other baby!"
"Aww, I missed Yoonie." Taehyung chuckled.
Hoseok looked up. "Wait, so we're planning a day for Suga, and Yoonie will come out tonight too? Yoonji and I still have to have our shopping day together."
"This is beginning to sound like a birthday for the alters." Jungkook said. "Well, except for Agust of course."
"Let's do that!" Taehyung nodded. "For Yoonie, Suga and Yoonji!"
Seokjin looked around nervously. "What about RM?"
"We don't know yet if he's good or bad, and I dont think Namjoon will want him out either way." Jungkook said.
"I'm still hoping RM is like Yoonie." Hoseok said. "I wanna baby him."
"Never gunna happen," Seokjin smiled.
"I'll text Yoongi about all this." Taehyung pulled out his phone.
"What about Agust?" Jungkook asked.
"What do you mean?" Hoseok was typing again. "He's a jerk, he doesn't get a birthday."
"I mean, if he sees us celebrating the other alters, that'll make him angry." Jungkook explained. "What if he tries to take over?"
"He's triggered out by Yoongi not being in control, not by pouting over not getting a special day." Seokjin snorted. "Besides, Yoongi has been taking his pills regularly, everything will be fine."
Jungkook shrugged. "Okay, so what should I do to help plan?"
Jimin dropped his backpack as soon as he got home.
"Yoonie!" He called, running around the house in search of Yoongi. "Wheres my playmate?"
Yoongi came out of the office. "Jimin?"
Jimin tackled him in a hug. "Playdate!"
Yoongi chuckled, holding Jimin tightly. "Soon. Let's wait until everyone is home so I can talk to them all first."
Jimin pouted. "How long will that be?"
"Just a few minutes," Yoongi promised, patting the boys pink hair.
True to his word, Taehyung came home a couple minutes later, tossing his keys on the table. "Yoongi, we're back!"
The others, minus Namjoon, shuffled in behind him, talking in eager whispers.
Jimin ran over, grabbing Jungkook and shaking him. "Yoonie and Jiminie playdate!"
Jungkook chuckled. "I know, sweetie. You told me, remember?"
"Yoonminie playdate!" Jimin said again, eagerly.
"Where's Nyummie?" Hoseok asked, looking around.
"Sleeping." Yoongi answered.
"It's 3:00." Seokjin frowned. "Is he feeling alright?"
"He's got a shit ton of homework to do, is it really so surprising he's taking a nap?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi ushered them all to take a seat on the couch.
"So, Yoonie has been asking for a playdate with Jimin for a while now, and I've decided to give it to him tonight." Yoongi explained.
"My adorable baby," Seokjin cooed.
"Yes, bring him out!" Taehyung nodded enthusiastically. "I miss him."
Yoongi blushed softly. "Jungkook, could you go get Kitty? He's in mine and Namjoons room, in the closet on the right."
Jungkook jumped up. "Of course!"
He hurried to the room, knocking on the door lightly.
There was no reply, and Jungkook quietly opened the door.
The lights were off, and a figure was sleeping on the bed.
Jungkook crept in, tiptoeing to the closet. He tried not to wake up Namjoon, fumbling around blindly in the dark closet until his fingers brushed the familiar soft fur of the stuffed animal.
He pulled it out, inhaling the comforting strawberry scent.
He headed back to the door, glancing back at the bed.
Namjoon was laying on his side, his face scrunched up as if he was having a bad dream.
Jungkook walked back, peering at the bed. "Namjoon?" He whispered.
He reached down and pressed his hand over Namjoons heart, feeling it race beneath the boys shirt.
Jungkook frowned, retracting his hand and bringing it up to brush Namjoon's sweaty bangs out of the boys sleeping eyes. "Joon, are you having a nightmare?"
He knew the older boy couldn't hear him, and he bit his lip. He was pretty sure Namjoon was having a nightmare but wasn't there a saying that you shouldnt wake someone up from a bad dream?
Namjoon whimpered and shuddered suddenly and Jungkook quickly made up his mind.
"Namjoon!" He sat down on the side of the bed and shook the boys shoulders. "Namjoon- wake up!"
The dimpled boy fought with Jungkook for a moment, still thrashing around on the bed. "Get off! Get off me!" He shouted.
Jungkook grimaced and pinned Namjoons arms down to the mattress with all his strength. "Namjoon! Stop it! It's me! It's Jungkook!"
Slowly, Namjoon stopped fighting with him, blinking his eyes open in confusion.
"Kook?" He mumbled.
Jungkook sighed and released him. "You okay? You were having a nightmare."
Namjoon sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What time is it?"
"Almost four." Jungkook answered.
Namjoon sighed. "Is Yoongi home?"
"Yeah, everyone is downstairs."
"Can you send Yoongi up here?"
"He's about to have Yoonie take over so he and Jimin can play together." Jungkook explained.
"Oh." Namjoon looked down.
"Is everything alright?" Jungkook tilted his head.
"Mhm." Namjoon laid back down. "Tell Yoonie I said hi."
"You should tell him yourself. He loves you the most." Jungkook reminded him.
"I know, but I gotta sleep." Namjoon shoo'ed Jungkook off the bed so he could pull the blankets back up.
Jungkook frowned. "What's going on?"
"Nothing." Namjoon closed his eyes.
Jungkook made a face.
He stalked to the door. Turned back.
"You can always tell me anything, Joonie." He said softly. "I hope you know that."
It was quiet for a moment, and Jungkook turned to leave.
"I know. I'm sorry." Namjoon whispered.
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