_rapmonie made the cover uwu thank u bb ♡♡♡
Namjoon took a deep breath, then raised his hand and knocked on the door.
He felt weird, knocking on his own bedroom door. But ever since he confessed to Yoongi, his husband hadn't even looked at him.
Everyone else had forgiven him, and Namjoon was tired of sleeping alone in the guest bedroom.
Even sleeping outside or on the floor would be better, if he was still in Yoongi's arms.
He heard soft footsteps and then the door opened and Yoongi looked at him.
Namjoon's breath caught in his throat as he stared at his husband.
Somehow, being apart from Yoongi had made Yoongi seem so much more beautiful when he came back.
Namjoon was choked up suddenly, his heart in pain when he realized just how much he had missed the tiny teacher.
"I-" He couldn't even speak, didn't know where to begin without bursting into tears.
Yoongi's gaze was silent, but at the sight of his baby, his love, looking so pained and small, he sighed, caving in and grabbing Namjoon into a tight hug.
The student broke down, sobbing into Yoongi's shoulder as Yoongi held him.
"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry- I sh-shouldn't have, fuck, I had no choi- I- I didn't mean- didn't want to- Agust was- I'm so sorry!" Namjoon babbled and Yoongi guided him to the bed.
He laid the crying student down and climbed in beside him, wrapping his arms around the strong boy.
He has missed Namjoon too, and found tears welling up as he held his husband close.
Namjoon didn't know how long they stayed like that- just crying in each others arms, but it was long enough to tire him out, and he finally fell asleep back where he belonged.
"Wake up!" Seokjin screeched, kicking their door open. "It's Yoonie's party today and everything needs to be perfect!"
Namjoon yawned, rolling over to hold Yoongi tighter. "Go 'way..."
Seokjin ran over and jumped on the bed, shaking both sleepy boys. "Wake up wake up wake up!"
Yoongi blinked his eyes open. "Yoonie's party?"
"Yeah, we had Suga's party and then Agust threw us one and Hobi took Yoonji out on the shopping date, and now it's my baby Yoonie's turn!" The pretty boy was excited.
Namjoon finally sat up with a groan. "No one told me about this."
"I did, multiple times." Seokjin stated. "And every time I got on your ass about it you just waved me off saying 'I got it, Jin'. So, do you got it, Min Namjoon?"
Namjoon hesitated, then hung his head. "I'm sorry."
"That's what I thought." Seokjin kicked him out of bed. "Move out men! It's my baby's birthday!"
Yoongi smiled as Seokjin kicked a complaining Namjoon out the door and down the hall.
Yoonie deserved a good birthday.
And Yoongi knew just the perfect gift to give him.
He grabbed a camcorder and started recording.
Seokjin looked over everything, making sure the pink decorations were perfectly in place, and the cake was cooling in the kitchen.
Jimin was sitting on the living room floor, Jungkook beside him as he played with toys, already slipping just from the prospect of being reunited with Yoonie.
Hoseok came up beside him. "You throw great parties. I still loved mine from last year."
"Baby deserves a good birthday, so a good birthday he shall get." Seokjin nodded.
"The pretty Seokjinnie!" Came a squeal, and Seokjin whipped his head around to see Namjoon carrying Yoonie down the steps.
"Sweetheart!" Seokjin shoved Hoseok aside and rushed over, stealing the giggly baby from Namjoon.
Yoonie squealed with delight and reached his little hands up, patting Seokjin's cheeks as the boy kissed his hair repeatedly.
"Aw, I missed you so much, sweet baby!" Seokjin squeezed him tightly. "Happy birthday!"
"Yoonie always wanted birthday!" Yoonie gasped. "Saw other kids always having one, but Yoongie never wanted to have party. Yoonie no know why, Yoonie got Kitty on his last birthday!"
"From now on, you'll always have a birthday party." Seokjin promised him. "Jinnie will always be here to look after you, sweet baby."
Yoonie believed it and he smiled, resting his chubby cheek on Seokjin's chest as he hugged him.
"Is Yoonie?" Jimin gasped, looking up from his blocks.
Seokjin set the baby down beside Jimin, smiling fondly as they shrieked at being reunited, hugging each other as they rolled around the carpet, getting under everyone's feet as they screamed and giggled.
He left to go cut the cake, and Jungkook took over watching the littles.
"Missed you!" Jimin kissed Yoonie's cheek.
"Missed you!" Yoonie kissed him back.
"Missed you!"
"Missed you!"
Hoseok sat down some presents. "Here, Yoonie. We all got you some-"
Yoonie cut him off with a loud shriek, quickly crawling over to the wrapped boxes and gift bags, burying his face into them. He collapsed onto the presents, sighing happily.
"You know you can open those, right?" Taehyung sat down on the couch. "There's toys and stuff inside each one."
Yoonie gasped, head shooting up. "Really?!"
He grabbed a gift bag, yanking out the pink tissue paper and throwing it into the air happily.
Jimin scurried over and 'helped' Yoonie unwrap his gifts.
They giggled together, showing each other the toys, books, movies and blankets that they had gotten.
"Yoonie!" Seokjin called. "Your popsicle cake is ready!"
Jungkook easily scooped up each boy in his arms, carrying them to the kitchen to have some treats.
Yoonie had never felt happier than this moment, laughing and eating popsicles and having his cutest Namjoonie and the pretty Seokjinnie and his bestest friend Jiminie and all the people he loved in one place, away from the bad man.
He hugged Kitty close, rubbing his nose against its soft pink fur, inhaling the comforting strawberry scent.
Yoonie loved birthdays. He just wished there was a way he could enjoy them with his beautiful Yoongie as well.
The party had died down a while later, with Jungkook carrying a sugar crashed Jimin to bed, and Taehyung and Hoseok watching one of the babies cartoons, totally absorbed in a show made for little kids.
"Did you have a good birthday, sweet baby?" Seokjin asked, clipping a little bow into Yoonie's curly hair.
Yoonie nodded, laying on top of Namjoon on the couch, ready to take a nap with Jiminie soon.
Ding dong!
Taehyung looked up, confused. "Who's that?"
Namjoon held Yoonie as he got up. "Yoongi told me before he slipped that he had a gift for Yoonie. This must be it."
Seokjin followed him to the door.
Namjoon looked through the peek hole, making sure it wasn't anyone bad, but he didn't recognize the female holding a box on the doorstep.
He opened the door after transferring Yoonie to Seokjin. "Hi, can I help you?"
She smiled at them. "Hello, I'm Song-Ara from the pet store, I received a call to deliver a kitten to this residence?"
Namjoon froze upon hearing that name, recalling what Yoongi had told him before.
Yoongi's mother.
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