Arriving home after class, Namjoon dropped his backpack on the floor of his and Yoongi's bedroom and walked to the bathroom, ready to freshen himself up so he could focus on his homework.
He pushed the door shut behind himself and yanked off his shirt.
Tossing it aside, he opened the glass door and turned on the spray, holding his hand under the water until he liked the temperature.
He kicked off his pants and boxers and stepped inside, tilting his head back and getting it wet. He ran his fingers through it, feeling the warm water trickle down his face and body.
He was about to grab the shampoo bottle when he heard the door open.
Assuming it was Yoongi, he called out, "Hey, babe. Can you grab me the razor? I forgot to bring it in with me."
There was a pause, and Namjoon stepped back, startled, when the foggy glass door suddenly opened.
Agust looked the boy up and down. "Sub. You're very...wet." He handed the razor over.
Namjoon took it. "What- do you normally shower dry?"
Agust continued to stare, and Namjoon huffed, annoyed with the cold draft seeping inside his warm shower.
"In or out, you're making it cold in here." He snapped.
Agust smirked. "Oh, allow me to make it hot, then."
He stepped inside, not caring Yoongi's clothes were getting immediately soaked.
"You always take all the hot water." The alter said, closing the door. "And you kept Yoongi too busy in bed this morning to let him shower then, so I have to do it now."
Namjoon rolled his eyes at the boys weak complaint. "You just want to shower with me, perv."
Agust didn't deny it as he took off his wet clothes, throwing them over the shower door.
Namjoon bent down again for the shampoo bottle, and a hand slapping his ass made him gasp and glare over his shoulder.
"Wasn't me." The alter blinked innocently under the running water.
Namjoon scowled. "We don't have all day to waste time in here. I have a lot of homework to do."
Agust raised his hands defensively, grabbing the soap. "Okay, okay."
Only twelve seconds passed before Namjoon felt a hand brush against his ass again and he sighed, turning around to the alter. "What did I just say?"
"I'll tell you what you didn't say," Agust smirked. "No."
"That's implied when I say things like 'we don't have time, don't mess around'." Namjoon snapped.
Agust huffed. "You're no fun. I'm only showering with Hobi from now on."
"God, please do." Namjoon muttered, trying for a third time to shampoo his hair.
Agust eyed the way the water ran down the boys smooth, cinnamon skin, the way his strong muscles flexed as he rubbed the shampoo into his hair, and the way he looked when he tilted his head back to wash it out, eyes closed against the warm spray.
He leaned forward, shoving Namjoon against the tiled wall, the students eyes flying open.
"Hey! I said-"
"I'll make it fast." Agust pressed their lips together, melding himself against the student.
Namjoon was about to shove him away, and then beat his ass, but then the familiarity of kissing Yoongi overtook him and he gave in, kissing back with force.
Agust's fingers tightened on the boys hips when he felt Namjoon's hands cup his face, tilting his head up so they could kiss better.
"Stop- being- taller- than- me, stupid rude asshole." Agust muttered between breaths.
Namjoon snorted. "Is this the real reason you like Jimin so much? Because he's the only one shorter than you?"
"I like the tiny pink thing because he has a pure heart, unlike you, pervert." Agust replied.
"You're the one who came onto me." Namjoon reminded him.
"You're the one who let me in." Agust retorted. "You wanted this to happen."
Instead of denying it, the boy shrugged. "Then do something about it, April."
So Agust did.
The alter grabbed Namjoon's shoulders, slamming the boys front against the fogged up glass so hard that it wobbled in its frame.
Namjoon reached up and curled his fingers over the top of the glass to steady himself against the slippery floor, biting back a moan when his pierced nipple was rubbed against the wet glass.
Agust brought his hands down and cupped the boys ass, squeezing and kneading the thick flesh, almost absent mindedly.
Namjoon looked over his shoulder to the alter. "Are you going to fuck me or just make bread with my ass?"
Agust snapped out of his thoughts and smirked. "What- you're not even going to try and pretend you're not a sub?"
"I told you we don't have time." Namjoon argued.
Agust laughed, grabbing his cock in one hand, his other grabbing onto Namjoon's side for balance.
The student waited for the familiar feeling of Yoongi's cock sliding into him, but after a few moments, nothing happened, and he groaned in annoyance, looking back again. "Now what?"
Agust was looking down, his wet hair hiding his face.
"This...this would be the first time..." The alter whispered.
Namjoon almost didn't hear him over the sound of the running water, but then it clicked.
This would be their first time having sex since last year, when Agust had raped him.
RM and Agust had fucked, but RM and Namjoon were two different people.
Namjoon couldn't believe this hadn't occurred to him sooner, and suddenly he felt like a dumbass for being too horny to think ahead.
"Hey..." He let go of the glass and turned to face the alter. "It's okay, it's different this time. You're not forcing anything, okay?"
Agust still didn't look up, so Namjoon grabbed the boys face, tilting his head up.
"It's. Okay." Namjoon insisted, staring into Agust's shiny eyes.
"I'm sorry." The alter whispered, almost drowned out in the volume of the spray. His tears mixed with the water droplets that ran down his face, and Namjoon knew he was truly regretful for his past actions.
Namjoon smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.
By the time he pulled back, they were both ready.
This time, Agust put him on all fours on the floor, to make it easier for himself.
"Good thing Yoongi likes to keep you stretched and ready." The alter said, eyeing the boys waiting hole. "My dick would have shrunk if I had to run out in the cold to grab some."
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "God, I can't believe I'm letting you do this."
"No takesie backsies!" Agust declared, grabbing the boys hips and shoving himself in.
Namjoon almost choked on the feeling of suddenly being so full after so long of being empty, but that quickly turned into a moan as Agust started thrusting at a punishing pace, ready to make up for lost time.
Their harsh, ragged breaths, low moans and soft curses were covered by the sound of rushing water, and the spray rinsed off their sweat before it had a chance to form.
The glass quickly became white with fog, obscuring them from outside eyes.
Agust's hand nearly slipped off Namjoon's back when he pounded in a little too fast, and both boys moaned.
"I swear to God," Agust ground his teeth together as he fucked the younger boy. "If you scream Yoongi's name, I'm going to kill you."
"Honestly, the only name I can picture myself screaming is Suga's." Namjoon said, nails scraping the floor of the shower as he tried to keep himself balanced.
Agust stopped fucking him. "What the hell- the android?! He doesn't even have sex! With anyone! Doesn't even play with a tiny little buttplug!"
"He likes kisses." Namjoon defended the other alter. "I feel like he could work his way up to sex and then even Jungkook would get dethroned." He thought some more. "Also, Yoonji could probably make me cry."
Agust scowled that his name wasn't mentioned. "You're so mean to me. A fucking bully. First you say Yoonie is your favorite, then you pick Suga and Yoonji over me. I'm getting real tired of this abuse."
Namjoon laughed, lowering his forehead to rest on his crossed arms, lifting his ass a little higher for the alter to fuck into. "Then come get your revenge, September."
Agust didn't need a second invitation. He rolled his hips and smirked when Namjoon let out a pleased moan.
Already, the student could feel himself about to come. It had been so long that he had gone without Yoongi's cock fucking him, especially after he had gotten used to having sex three or more times a day, that all his stamina had left him.
Agust could tell the boy was getting close to the edge by the way his breathing was uneven and stuttering, so he reached a hand around and grabbed the boys cock, playing with it teasingly as he continued to pound into him.
"A- A- A- Agust-" Namjoon panted, eyes closed in bliss. "Fuck- gunna-"
The hand suddenly tightened around his base and Namjoon cried out in shock and devastation when his orgasm was cut off right before it could start.
"That's for picking Yoonie over me as your favorite alter." Agust said with a grin, not stopping his forceful pace.
"Just...for that," Namjoon huffed, rocking back onto the alters cock, "I'm...only gunna...say Yoongi's...name..."
"You won't even remember your own name after I'm done with you, sub." Agust growled, his hand pumping the boy at the same speed of his thrusts, before he once again cut off the students orgasm before it could crash.
"Oh, Suga" Namjoon called out purposely, smirking when he heard the alter hiss angrily behind him.
Agust pulled out completely, deciding the disobedient sub didn't deserve any orgasm at all.
Namjoon flipped over, ready to tease the short alter some more, when the bathroom door suddenly opened and they both froze.
"Joon?" Jungkook called. "Seokjin is making dinner and wants to know if you'll be down in time."
"Uh..." Namjoon looked down at his hard cock, then up at Agust's face. "No..."
Jungkook was about to leave to relay the message to Seokjin, when he heard another voice that wasn't Namjoon's.
"I'm not fucking you anymore, bully. Jerk yourself off instead, asshole. I want ice cream."
Jungkook raced back and flung open the shower door, staring down at a surprised Namjoon and Agust.
They were all silent for a moment, before Namjoon spoke up.
"In or out, you're making it cold in here." He snapped.
Not sure why he had been given an in option, Jungkook still followed it, quickly shedding his clothes and stepping inside the steamy shower.
"What were you two doing?" He asked, even though the answer was pretty self explanatory based on their hard cocks and the positions they were in.
"Nothing." Agust answered evasively, like he was a little kid trying to cover up his obvious mess. "Go away, Bunny McSteroids."
Namjoon sat up. "I was just trying to shower, but this pervert wouldn't let me."
Jungkook smirked, crossing his arms. "Oh really?"
He glanced to Namjoon, who was sharing the same mischievous expression. "That's bad sub behavior. Looks like we'll have to punish you, October."
Agust blinked in confusion as the two boys stood over him. "I'm not a sub, the hell?"
"We'll see about that." Namjoon chuckled, reaching down to the alter.
Agust quickly scrambled to his feet, not liking where this turn was taking him, but before he could break through the glass door, hands grabbed his arms, pinning them to his sides and lifted him into the air.
"Hey!" He exclaimed, kicking his legs uselessly. "Stop it, sub! Put me down!"
Namjoon held the alter out and looked to Jungkook. "Well, you heard him. The whiney sub wants to get set down."
Jungkook walked to the little built in seat that was in the corner of the shower and pushed all the bottles off of it, sitting down and facing Namjoon and the struggling alter.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Agust eyed the way Namjoon was carrying him to Jungkook, not liking this at all.
Jungkook reached out and grabbed the alters legs, stopping him from kicking out. "Bad boy, no kicking."
"I'll kill you!" Agust shouted as Namjoon stopped in front of Jungkook. "Just wait until I get my knife and you two fall asleep!"
Namjoon shook his head. "Well that kind of talk won't do. Jungkook, would you mind grabbing what we need really quick?"
"It would be an honor." Jungkook chuckled, standing up and pushing the door open. He dried his feet off, before hurrying to Yoongi's closet to grab what he needed.
Agust still struggled in Namjoon's arms. "How- are- you- so- strong?" He cursed loudly, kicking out at nothing while Namjoon held him.
"Blame Yoongi." Namjoon shrugged, lifting the alter slightly from the action. "He's the one who eats so much sugar everyday and doesn't go to the gym."
"That sugar slut." Agust muttered under his breath.
Jungkook returned, staying behind Namjoon so the alter couldn't see what he had grabbed.
"Perfect." Namjoon said when he saw what the boy was holding out. "Put it on him."
Jungkook reached out, and Agust jolted in surprise when something rubbery was forced into his mouth.
He shook his head wildly to dislodge it, but Jungkook fastened the leather straps together behind his head to ensure it would stay in place.
Agust shouted against the ballgag, but the two taller boys weren't listening to him.
For once, he wished he had payed attention to Yoongi's lessons on how to get out of bondage. But he hadn't, and now all he could do was bite the red ball, angry sounds slipping past his lips.
Jungkook walked around to the front of the alter, ropes in hand.
Agust kicked at him, and Jungkook grabbed his ankle.
The boy pushed the alters leg back, bending it so the back of Agust's thigh and calf were pressed together.
Namjoon held the muffled alter tightly while Jungkook tied the rope around his bent leg, one rope below the knee, the other a little bit above the ankle. He did the same to the other leg before stepping back and looking his work over.
"Let's do his wrists too," Namjoon said. "Just to be safe."
Agust was lowered to the floor, and though he struggled against them, the two boys were stronger and his hands were bound together in no time.
"We gotta make sure he keeps his knees up," Jungkook added. "So nothing can get in the way."
"Tie a rope around one leg, then wrap it around his waist and connect it to his other leg." Namjoon decided, as if Agust couldn't hear him.
Jungkook did that, and Agust protested in annoyance when he was pushed onto his front so the rope could get drawn across his back.
Namjoon picked him back up effortlessly, as if the alter only weighed a pound, and brought him back over to Jungkook, who was sitting on the little chair again.
Agust shook his head, knowing what they were going to do, but helpless to stop it.
Jungkook spread his legs, his cock erect in anticipation. He watched with hungry eyes as Namjoon slowly lowered the bound alter, guiding his cock to be positioned under the alter's hole.
Agust strained to get away when he felt the boy's tip push against his rim, just barely entering him and pulling back out as Namjoon raised and lowered him.
"I should cancel my gym membership and just do this instead." Namjoon said as he forced the alter to get fucked just by Jungkook's tip alone.
"You're definitely burning more calories." Jungkook agreed, watching his tip disappear between the alters asscheeks.
Agust struggled, but he couldn't bite, shout, slap or kick. He could only get manhandled by these two fucking jackasses.
The fact he was still hard from when he had been fucking Namjoon didn't help his head clear, either.
Namjoon lowered him again and held him there this time, not moving.
Jungkook laughed. "He's squeezing me so hard. Not a sub, he says." He teased.
Agust refused to let them get the reaction they wanted from him. He glared at the arrogant bunny, wishing he could telepathically kill him.
Namjoon held him there for a few more moments, before slowly sliding him down onto Jungkook's cock.
Agust groaned at the fullness, his eyes closed tightly as he seemed to sink down forever, before his toes finally touched the seat Jungkook was on.
Namjoon kept his hands on the alter so he wouldn't fall, but other than that he acted like Agust wasn't even there.
"What grade did you get on the unit test?" He asked Jungkook, who was playing with Agust's cock with only mild interest.
The boy shrugged. "I missed question eight." He placed his fingertips on the alters tip, slowly sliding them down and the back up the sensitive head, ignoring the rest of the alters cock. He got his hand wet under the spray and held it over the alters cock, focusing on letting the water droplets fall directly onto Agust's tip.
Agust shifted and moaned at the extremely small stimulation. He hated these two jackasses, oh how he was going to get revenge for how they were treating him; leaving him impaled on Jungkook's cock like he was just a stupid sub.
"That one almost stumped me too." Namjoon said. "Did you pick C?"
"Yeah, I was torn between C and A." Jungkook said. "They were so similar, so I ended up just guessing."
Namjoon grabbed the alter again and oh so slowly raised him back up, and Agust clenched on the slow drag of Jungkook's cock leaving him.
Once he was halfway up, Namjoon dropped him back down, catching him at the end so he didn't fall again.
Agust moaned at the sudden faster pace, his cock jumping at some real stimulation, finally.
But that was all Namjoon did, and then the two were back to talking about things Agust wasn't paying attention to.
He squirmed, trying to either get out of the ropes, or off Jungkook, but Namjoon's hands on his shoulders kept pressing him down, and every time Jungkook shifted, Agust felt it.
He shouted angrily against the gag, wanting them to pay attention to him.
"Shhh." Jungkook raised a finger to Agust's lips. "We're not talking to the sub right now, okay baby? Be quiet and behave and maybe I'll tie you to the fucking machine all night after this."
Agust was indignant at the way he was being spoken down to, but his cock still jumped in arousal at the thought of finally getting fucked.
He shoved that down, wanting to stay angry and coherent.
Jungkook resumed playing with his tip, still ignoring the rest of his aching cock, and Namjoon lifted him back up.
He held the tied up alter while Jungkook positioned his cock against his rim, teasing the alters hole in small circles with his tip.
Agust whined and struggled, throwing his head back against Namjoon's shoulder as his hole clenched down on nothing.
"I think he wants you to fuck him." Namjoon said with fake shock, like he suddenly discovered this.
"Really?" Jungkook played with the alters hole a bit more. "Hmm...I dunno, he's not really begging for it. Maybe he's only good for keeping it warm."
"You're right." Namjoon sighed dramatically, letting the alter fall back down onto the thick cock. "Too bad; we would have fucked him hard and fast for hours on end, forcing him to come over and over again."
Agust glared, acting like the words weren't affecting him, even though he was moaning against the gag and grinding down on Jungkook.
Jungkook could see how riled up the alter was and leaned forward, tracing his tongue over the shell of his ear, whispering, "You want me to fuck you, baby? Show you why I'm the dom of the house? I fucked Yoongi, I know you saw that. I discovered his kink easily, and now I know yours, Agust D. You're a total slutty whore for edge play."
He leaned back and smirked at the redness on the alters cheeks, and knew his guess was right.
"If you want to get fucked so badly, all you have to do is beg for it." Jungkook shrugged, his hands behind his head as he looked at the frustrated alter on his cock.
Agust shook his head, muffled noises coming from behind the gag.
"Oh well." Namjoon sighed. "We gave him a chance."
He lifted the alter back up and down slowly, too slow to make Agust come, but fast enough to keep him on the edge.
He bit down so hard on the red ball that he thought it might actually pop. Surely these two jackasses would get too turned on to keep teasing him, right? He couldn't be the only one here who was hard and desperate.
But after a few minutes of Namjoon fucking him slowly on Jungkook's cock, Agust realized he couldn't outlast them.
He moaned, hitting his head against Namjoon's chest a few times.
Namjoon stopped, holding him completely off Jungkook. "Yes, sub?" He asked.
Agust muttered something that was muffled, looking off to the side as his cheeks grew redder.
"Speak up, baby." Jungkook called.
Agust repeated whatever it was he had said, but it was still indecipherable.
Namjoon finally reached up and pulled the gag out, and Agust gasped in a huge breath.
"You wanted to say something?" Namjoon asked him calmly.
Oh fucking yes Agust wanted to say something. He wanted to say fuck you fucking assholes, I'll fucking kill both of you and skin you alive and burn you over coals and toss your bodies into a river you fucking steroid tag teaming twin jerks!!!
But somehow, that came out as, "Wan' get fucked.", in a breathy moan.
Namjoon blinked, as if he hadn't expected the alter to actually admit that, but Jungkook was grinning.
"Whatever you want, baby." He cooed.
Namjoon set him down on the wet floor, grabbing the conditioner now to finally wash his hair as Jungkook pushed Agust onto his front, his bound legs making his ass sit in the perfect position.
The boy grabbed his cock, rubbing it against the alters hole, not pushing in just yet.
Agust moaned loudly, echoing in the tiled room. "Damnit, you fucking rabbit! Fuck me like one already!"
Jungkook laughed, and finally gave the alter what he wanted.
Agust groaned, his cheek pressed against the water covered floor as Jungkook fucked into him. His small body jerked with the harsh, forceful motions, and Jungkook reached out to keep him in place, aiming for the alters prostate.
When Agust suddenly yelped, his head jerking up, Jungkook knew he had found it, and kept aiming for that spot.
Agust stuttered on his curses, his eyelids slowly fluttering shut in pleasure as Jungkook pounded into him, not stopping until the small alter finally cried out, coming hard and fast.
Jungkook slowed down but didn't stop, watching Agust's body shake and tremble from his powerful orgasm.
He smirked, pleased he knew the alters biggest kink now.
Oh how it would be used against him from now until the end of time.
sorry this ends kinda fast, my ice cream was melting
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