Yoongi walked past Jimin's room, and paused when he heard frustrated sounds coming from behind the slightly open door.
He knocked on the wood. "Jimin?"
"Come in." Came Jimin's sigh.
Yoongi pushed open the door and saw the pinkette studying at his desk, looking confused at the papers spread before him.
"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, walking over.
He looked down at the papers and saw the small boy was studying for Yoongi's class.
"I don't understand." Jimin threw down his pencil. "I keep forgetting the formula for how tight the knots should be in bondage and I never get the pressure for choking right and looking at the pictures for reference doesn't help because I just get horny!"
Yoongi smiled, taking a seat beside him. "Why didn't you come to me for help? I'm your teacher, not just your boyfriend."
Jimin shrugged. "You've been kinda busy lately, and I love it when Agust is out, so I didn't want to get in the way of anything."
Yoongi felt Agust's red aura grow brighter at Jimin's words, and he pushed the alter down a little farther, since he wanted to help Jimin now.
"You're never in the way of anything." Yoongi assured him. "You're so important to me, Jimin. I may be married to Namjoon but he doesn't have all of my heart; it's evenly spread for all of you. So if you ever need tutoring, or even anything at all, please come to me, okay?"
Jimin smiled bashfully, blushing as pink as his hair as Yoongi patted his head. "Okay, Yumpi."
"Now, what part aren't you understanding the most?" Yoongi opened the textbook and scooted closer.
Jungkook paused his video game and pulled off his headset with a sigh, rubbing his eyes.
What day was it? He had been on the computer for too long, he needed some water.
He was heading to the kitchen to grab some when he passed Jimin's room and heard the unmistakable sound of the small boy moaning.
He kicked the door open, ready to kick Agust's ass, and was shocked to see Yoongi was the one on top of a naked Jimin, not the alter.
"Oh, s-sorry." Jungkook stammered, averting his eyes, as if it was something he hadn't seen a million times before.
"Daddy!" Jimin wailed, his flushed cheek pressed into his pillow as Yoongi fucked him.
Jungkook was pulled inside the room by that word, kicking the door shut behind him.
"Jimin needs help understanding unit 6.3," Yoongi, not even sounding out of breath as he fucked hard and fast into the little students hole.
"Unit...6.3..." Jungkook forgot all the lessons as he stared at the show on the bed. "Uhhh..."
"You're the assistant teacher," Yoongi reminded him, shaking his head to whip his sweaty bangs out of his face. "Are you really just going to stand there and not help your student?"
Jungkook snapped out of it, ignoring his quickly hardening cock as he hurried over.
Unit 6.3 was drawing certain symbols on the doms body or the bed to stop the scene instead of saying a safe word, and by the looks of Jimin's fucked out face, the pinkette wasn't about to recall any of the symbols soon.
Jungkook climbed onto the bed, crawling over to gently slap Jimin's cheek, bringing him back.
"Hey, Diminie, come on baby," he cooed, blowing cool air on the boys sweaty face. "Come back sweetheart, you need to make an X on Yoongi's thigh so he knows you want to stop, remember?"
"Don't...wanna...s-stop..." Jimin panted, his eyes glassy.
Jungkook chuckled. "It's for your grade, sweetie. You need to show Yoongi you understand this lesson. It's important, okay?"
Jimin pouted, wanting to just get fucked forever.
"Jimin," Jungkook warned when Jimin purposely kept his hands still. "Listen to daddy. If you don't do this then daddy won't fuck you for a week, and I'll make sure the others don't fuck you either."
Jimin gasped, suddenly coherent. "No! Pl-please daddy no! Diminie good boy! Look!"
Quickly, he raised a shaky finger and drew an X on the sheets.
Yoongi stopped, but didn't pull out. "And what does a circle mean?"
"Uh..." Jimin tried to think with the thick cock still stuffed in him. "It means...oh fuck, can't you keep moving please?"
"Jimin." Jungkook warned again.
"It means to wait a moment!" Jimin blurted out. "X means stop and a circle means to wait!"
"Good boy." Yoongi leaned down and kissed the boys hair. "And what does tapping your finger mean?"
Jimin sighed, resting his cheek back on the pillow. "Um...either to stop doing one particular kink but not to stop the whole session, or it means you're about to come."
"Which one is it?" Jungkook prompted. "Remember what we studied last week?"
Jimin frowned as he thought back, wiggling his ass to try and tempt Yoongi to keep fucking him, but the dom wasn't about to move an inch until his student deserved it.
"Oh!" Jimin suddenly recalled. "Tapping means a warning! Someone's about to come!"
Jungkook rewarded him with a kiss, which Jimin beamed into, opening his mouth for his daddy's tongue to enter.
Yoongi started moving again. "You did good Jimin, and what do good boys get?"
"To come!" Jimin always remembered that lesson.
Jungkook sat back and watched Yoongi expertly fuck the pinkette into a perfect orgasm, ignoring his own hard cock.
Jimin wailed and scratched at the sheets as Yoongi came inside him, shuddering in mindless pleasure. He went limp, and Yoongi pulled out with a pleased moan.
"I got it." Jungkook said, taking the small boy into his arms before Yoongi could. "This part is my favorite anyways."
He carried Jimin into the bathroom, turning on the bathtub with one hand while his other supported the fucked out boy.
Yoongi hovered in the doorway, watching as Jungkook helped Jimin get into the warm bath, scrubbing the boys sweaty skin clean with a washcloth.
Yoongi felt Agust's warm aura and smiled to himself, letting himself slip.
Agust caught himself on the door frame in surprise, his eyes wide when he looked to see Jungkook and Jimin both staring at him.
"Agust?" Jungkook blinked.
Jimin splashed the water and giggled. "Yayyy! Agustie here!"
"Yoongi pushed me, I wasn't spying!" Agust hastily stepped out of the bathroom to give them privacy. "Sorry- I'll just-"
Jungkook rose up and walked over to the confused alter and offered his hand out.
"Bunny...?" Agust frowned.
"Yoongi pushed you to the front for a reason." Jungkook figured. "And I know Jimin wants you to take care of him, so this is the perfect chance for you now."
Agust hesitated, looking at the small pinkette playing in the bath. "I don't know...I don't know how to take care of someone...what if I hurt him?"
Jungkook smiled warmly, pulling Agust back inside. "Come on, October. I'll show you."
The alter let Jungkook lead him to the edge of the tub, taking a seat on the fluffy mat.
"After a scene, you need to make sure the sub is warm and cared for," Jungkook explained, grabbing a bottle of shampoo and squirting some into his palm. "The sub fulfilled their part by giving you perfect sex, and now it's the doms turn to step up. The water should always be ten degrees above room temp, and never higher than halfway full. Don't add in bubbles because the residue sticks to his skin, I only use bubbles if I plan to shower with him afterwards so I can rinse it off."
Agust nodded.
"This is Jimin's favorite," Jungkook rubbed the shampoo into the boys pink hair and Jimin preened into the touch. "I assume you know how to wash hair, it's the same process for Jimin."
Agust grabbed a few strands of his own black hair. "Uh...actually, Yoongi has always been the one to take showers and baths and stuff...sometimes Su."
Jungkook looked at him. "You've never washed your own hair before?"
"I've never had to before!" Agust tensed defensively. "I was kinda dealing with more important things, okay?"
Jungkook continued to look at him, and Agust suddenly remembered he was naked.
"Get in." Jungkook motioned his head to the bath.
"I- what?" Agust blinked.
"Get in the bath." Jungkook decided. "I'm going to treat you like a sub so you can learn how it feels to be Jimin. That way you can understand how to take care of him better. I top everyone in this house, except for Yoongi, so I know how to do things both ways."
"You are pretty sharp, more than the sub even." Agust admitted. He crossed his arms. "But I'm not letting you baby me. I'm a dom too, and even though you eat steroids for breakfast I won't let you-"
Jungkook easily picked the alter up and placed him into the bath.
Agust gasped, drawing his knees up to his chest protectively and huddled in the corner. "Ah! Muscle bunny, what the hell-"
"Yayy!" Jimin cheered, splashing up water. "Agustie taked bath with Jiminie!"
Agust let the smaller boy splash him, glaring at Jungkook. "This is a violation of at least six of my rights."
Jungkook turned the water back on to allow more for the added person in the tub. "You want to care for Jimin, don't you?"
Agust looked at the little boy, who was giggling and splashing water into the alters eyes.
Agust smiled fondly without even realizing it.
Jungkook took that as a yes and fetched a couple floaty toys for Jimin to distract himself with as he grabbed a cup from the sink, filling it with water and pouring it over Jimin's hair to wash out the shampoo. His hand was cupped over the boys eyes to avoid the suds from stinging them, and Jimin tried to lick Jungkook's hand.
When he was done with that, he shut the water back off and faced Agust.
"Your turn. Get over here."
Agust's cheeks were as red as his aura. "L-look, Jungkook, you don't have to...th-this is...I'm-"
Jungkook grabbed the alters shoulder and pulled him over, making the alter sit against the tub, his back to Jungkook so Jungkook could work on the alters hair.
While Jimin was distracted with his toys, Jungkook dumped some more shampoo into his hand and rubbed it into Agust's hair, his fingers gently massaging the alters head.
Agust's eyes were wide open at first, but at the soothing ministrations, he started to relax, his rigid muscles loosening up at the warm water, the comfort of Jimin next to him, and the soft touches of Jungkook watching over him.
It felt...nicer than Agust had ever expected this situation to be. He was always having to be on the lookout- from Yoongi's dad to the scum of the alleys. But now he wasn't in charge- Jungkook was, and the boy was looking after him in a way Agust had never experienced before.
He tipped his head back, letting Jungkook wash out the bubbles.
Jungkook was softly humming something, and Agust liked the sound of the boys voice.
Jungkook put conditioner in both boys hair and washed that out too, before pulling the drain in the tub and fetching some towels.
He helped Jimin out, drying him off with one towel and then wrapped a dry one around him.
Agust climbed out on his own and grabbed another towel, scrubbing it over his face and wrapping it around his waist as he followed the other two back to Jimin's room.
Agust reached for Yoongi's discarded clothes, but then a hand came out of nowhere and slapped them back to the floor.
"Hey!" Agust exclaimed.
"Those are dirty." Jungkook scolded. "I just washed you."
"Well what am I supposed to wear then?" Agust huffed, crossing his arms.
Jungkook went to the door and opened it, calling out into the hallway. "Hobi!"
Agust was confused as the boy bounced in.
"Sup, Koo?" Hoseok asked.
Jungkook nodded at Agust. "Can you fetch him some clothes to sleep in?"
Hoseok gasped as he saw Agust. "I'm on it!"
Agust spluttered, cheeks pink. "W-wait- what's he grabbing?!"
"Come on." Jungkook led him to the bed, where Jimin was already laying under the clean blankets. He grabbed a towel and ruffled the alters hair, drying it.
Agust glowered under his bangs, cheeks puffed out.
Hoseok burst back inside, clothing in his hands. "Got it!"
Agust was about to vehemently refuse whatever baby onesie they wanted to force him into, ready to get violent to protect his dignity- but then Jungkook showed off the black sweat pants and plain green T shirt.
"Oh..." Agust dropped his fists. "That's...I'd wear that."
Jungkook snorted as he handed the clothes to the alter. "What did you think Hobi was going to grab?"
Agust didn't answer, just changed into them. He liked the way the pants were warm and soft, and how the shirt fit him perfectly.
"Taehyung saw them the other day." Jungkook explained. "He thought you would like them."
"Hmm," Agust mused. "An outfit from Taehyung that I didn't steal his card to buy. That's a first."
Hoseok walked over and hugged the alter. "We're still going to prank him though, right?"
"Of course." Agust laughed, hugging him. "He's a good boy, but I can't help teasing him."
Jungkook shoo'ed Hoseok out and pulled the blankets back, ushering for Agust to climb in beside a sleeping Jimin.
Agust did, shyly, his heart pounding as Jungkook shut off the lights, keeping on Jimin's pink nightlight.
"Goodnight." Jungkook hummed, closing the door behind him-
Jungkook opened the door a crack.
Agust cradled Jimin close, feeling and thinking a million things.
Jungkook smiled. "You're welcome, Agust. See you in the morning."
He shut the door, and Agust fell into the most peaceful sleep he had ever had before in his life, holding Jimin close.
honestly...soft was nOT how I was expecting this chapter to end lmao
but...agust is a good boi uwu
deserves cuddles with his jiminie uwuwuwuwu
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