Sorry but Min Yoongi who?
I'm Agust D biased 💀🖤🔥
Warning: (semi descriptive) character death
Agust stepped back inside, knowing he had to make this fast or else muscle bunny and the sub out there would stop him from finishing this his way.
He was a little surprised Suga didn't emerge and stop him, but he figured even nice guys had their breaking point.
He unscrewed the cap, and the smell of gasoline hit him full force. Perfect.
The canister was full.
Park realized what Agust intended to do and yelped, falling off the couch against and squirmed uselessly as he tried to get away. "Wait- wait- wait- hold on, I-"
"Oh calm down, pervert." Agust rolled his eyes. "I told you I was going to let you go, remember?"
He set the can down and walked over to the terrified man, hovering over him and holding the mans jaw in his hand. "You're a coward, a pervert and hella delusional, but you're not half as bad as that monster on the stairs, so I'm giving you one chance and one chance only to forget about me and all of this, got it? Go back to your family, enjoy your settlement money and don't ever come looking for us again, or I'll set you on fire when you least expect it, alright? Smell gasoline in your nightmares for the rest of your life, doll."
Park nodded frantically, terrified. "Yes! Yes! I swear! I'll do whatever you want! Please just don't hurt me!"
The disgusting cowardice of the man angered Agust, and he let the man go, kicking him harshly.
"You're nothing like Namjoon." Agust muttered, turned off.
He untied the man from the ropes and Park took off through the back door, disappearing into the woods.
Agust watched him go, before turning back to his real target.
"So you can look at me now?" Byungwoo choked out a laugh, blood bubbling up in his mouth and he spat it out, nearly missing Agust as the alter stood above him.
"I'm not scared of you anymore." Agust said evenly, letting his gaze trail over the mans broken, bruised and bloody body. He smirked, pleased with the way Namjoon had beaten up the criminal. "Good sub. Very good sub."
The alter swiped the heavy can of gas and walked back to the steps, standing over Byungwoo.
The man didn't look scared, but it was also hard to tell what his facial expression was when he was so injured. "Ooh, you gunna have a bon fire, boy?"
"Just preparing you for hell." Agust said, tipping the can directly over the mans clothed dick, making sure to coat the area in the gas, before walking down the stairs and spilling the gas all over the living room and furniture, briefly pouring some into the kitchen as well.
When there was only a little bit left, Agust walked back to the man and shook the few remaining drops onto Byungwoo's chest and face.
Finally satisfied, Agust tossed the now empty canister away and leaned down over the man, his hand in the shape of a gun, and pressed his fingertips to the mans forehead.
"When the devil asks who sent you, tell him not to forget the name Agust D." The alter whispered coldly, firing the fake gun against the mans head and stepping back. "Because I'll be coming for him next."
"Tell him yourself," Byungwoo wheezed. "You'll be there too. You're just a villain killing another villain. Only heroes go to heaven, boy. And you sure as hell ain't one of those."
Agust ignored him, walking back to the kitchen and pulling out a box of matches. He shook one out and struck it against the box, staring at the small flame with dark eyes.
"I never said I was a hero," Agust walked back to the man, standing at the bottom of the stairs. "But I'm still a better man than you, and that's all that matters to me. You'll never hurt my brothers or sister ever again."
And with that, he flicked the match directly onto the pinned mans gasoline splashed pants, immediately igniting the man on fire.
Fire erupted in under a second, cracking the mans skin apart and burning his clothes, the horrid stench staining the air.
Agust stepped back, opening the door as he watched with fascination as Byungwoo screamed and struggled uselessly, his skin turning black and his eyeballs melting.
With a grin, Agust finally ran out of the house, knowing they didn't have much time to get out of here before the whole place exploded.
"You okay?" Jungkook asked, hurrying up to him. He sniffed the air with a frown. "What-"
"I'm fine, let's go." Agust grabbed Jungkook's wrist and raced to the car, where Namjoon was waiting in the drivers seat.
"Hospital, sub." Agust said as Jungkook pulled his seatbelt over him. "This rib isn't gunna heal itself."
Namjoon floored the car in reverse, jostling them all when he slammed on the brakes, whipped the car around, and then put it in drive. "God, let's get the fuck out of here."
Agust couldn't agree more, and as Namjoon sped down the road, he twisted painfully in his seat to look out the back window at the house.
It was just as the car was disappearing over the hill that the ground suddenly shook with a loud boom in the distance, and Agust grinned.
"What the hell was that?!" Jungkook's eyes were wide.
Agust patted the boys hair. "You're a good bunny."
Jungkook blinked. "I- thanks. You're a good kitty, Yoongi."
Agust smiled out the window, feeling weightless as Namjoon drove to the hospital.
Namjoon parked and hurried to help Agust out of the car, with the alter clutching his side painfully.
"Yoongi, are you alright?" Namjoon supported the boy as Jungkook hurried into the hospital to explain the situation. "Come on, we're almost-"
"Wait." Agust stopped, and Namjoon did as well, looking worried.
"What's wro-"
Agust reached out with his free hand and cupped the boys concerned face, brushing his thumb gently over Namjoon's cheek, his expression deep and unreadable.
As Namjoon stared at the boys face, he realized it wasn't Yoongi, but Agust who was touching him so carefully. He raised his hand and held it gently over Agust's, waiting patiently for the alter to say what he had to say.
Agust searched for words, but nothing in all the dictionaries in the world seemed to contain what he wanted to say to this person.
The student who had caught Agust's attention last year with his arrogance and attitude.
The student who Agust itched to break, and then finally did.
The boy who had captured Yoongi's heart.
The boy who was so in love with Yoongi that he would do anything for him.
The young man who was the strongest person Agust had ever known.
The young man who Agust had put through hell.
The man that had still given Agust a second chance.
The man who was still helping Agust change despite every terrible, horrible thing the alter had done.
The man who had saved him, because it was the right thing to do.
And then Agust realized there were no words, just actions.
So he stood on Yoongi's tip toes, grabbed the back of Namjoon's neck and yanked him down, and kissed him.
Namjoon was frozen as the alter pressed their lips together, shocked at Agust showing affection.
The alter didn't force tongue, and the kiss only lasted a few seconds, although it felt like a year to Namjoon, and then released him, looking at the ground, almost as if he was shy.
Before Namjoon could ask what that was all about, Agust spoke so softly that the boy almost hadn't heard him.
"Thank you."
Still stunned, it took Namjoon a few moments to process everything, and then he shook his head to clear it, a soft smile on his face.
"Come on," he gently guided Agust into the building, his arms wrapped around the alter protectively and caringly. "Let's get you fixed up."
Jungkook noticed how Namjoon and Yoongi's pinky fingers were hooked around each other, but he didn't think anything of it as he signed his boyfriend into the hospital.
After all, there was nothing weird about Yoongi and Namjoon holding hands.
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