Seokjin scanned the flashlight around the dark backyard. "I don't get it...what would Agust have done with Jungkook back here? There's nothing."
"Nothing but the garden," Hoseok wiped his eyes, ready to focus.
"What if he took him to a neighbors yard?" Jimin fretted. "Like, what if he dumped him in a garbage can?"
"Sounds like something Agust would do." Hoseok muttered.
"Okay, let's split up." Seokjin handed them each a flashlight. "I'll search this yard and you two each take the neighbors place. Keep calling him too, every three minutes so our calls don't cancel each other out."
The two nodded and hurried off, shouting Jungkook's name.
Seokjin looked back at the house, frowning. Where was Taehyung?
He sighed and shook his head, heading to the garden.
Namjoon was understandably angry and upset at them, Seokjin felt sick and horrible and was prepared to spend the rest of his life making it up to the boy. But he also knew Namjoon was more upset at the fact Yoongi had been taken from them than at the fact they had cut and choked him. Once they got Yoongi back safe and sound, Namjoon would calm down.
And Seokjin prayed and pleaded that Yoongi would get returned to them safe and sound.
He approached the garden and scanned the flashlight over the flowers, not seeing anything out of the oridna-
He smelled fresh dirt.
He shone his light a little farther ahead and saw a dirty shovel discarded, beside a patch of upturned dirt in a haunting rectangular shape.
His heart froze in horror.
The others were at his side in moments, all of them frantically digging at the ground. It was faster than using the shovel and they didn't want to risk someone getting a finger cut off in the dark from someone using the shovel while they tried to dig.
"Jungkook!" Hoseok shouted. "Can you hear me?! JUNGKOOK!"
There was silence for a few long moments.
And then a weak knocking sound.
Jimin cried in relief, his hands shaking as he shoveled dirt away. "Please hold on, Kookie!"
His best friend, his caregiver, his everything.
To almost have his Kookie taken away in such a terrifying, cruel way, had Jimin convinced he would never forgive Agust.
They brushed enough dirt away to reveal a pine box and Seokjin pounded on it. "Jungkook! Can you hear us? We're almost there, just hold on a little longer!"
There was no answering knock, and terror struck the three boys.
"All of us- grab one end and heave!" Seokjin ordered, pushing them all to be sitting on one side of the hole. The lid didn't come with any sort of lock, and Agust hadn't fastened any type of one on, so they were able to grip the wooden edge of the lid and push it upwards, finally allowing fresh air to rush into the box.
"Jungkook- Jungkook!" Hoseok reached in and grabbed the boy's shirt, hauling him out.
Seokjin and Jimin let the lid fall, helping Hoseok drag the boy onto the cool grass.
Hoseok shone a flashlight on Jungkook's pale, bruised face. "Kook? Jungkook! Can you hear me?" He slapped the boys cheek a few times, desperation growing. "C'mon, bunny, c'mon...come on!"
Seokjin shook Jungkook's shoulder. "Jungie! My Jungie...come on sweetheart, come back to us. Please Jungkook- you're so strong, I know you can do this for us!" He leaned his head down to the boys chest, his ear pressed to Jungkook's heart, frantically trying to hear anything.
He sat up a moment later- shock clear in his large eyes. "No..."
"Jungkook..." Jimin stared at Jungkook's closed eyes, his terrifyingly pale face, his bloodied hands.
"Fuck!" Hoseok growled, throwing the flashlight aside. He pressed two hands over the boys heart and started compressions. "No! Damnit Jungkook- there's no fucking way I'm letting you die on us! Not now- not ever!"
"Get Namjoon- get him!" Jimin cried, shaking Seokjin.
The pretty boy snapped out of his distraught trance. "Jimin-"
"GET HIM NOW!" Jimin screamed. He shoved Seokjin. "NOW NOW NOW!"
Seokjin scrambled to his feet, racing to the house, feeling numb.
Jimin screamed and cried, shaking Jungkook's arm forcefully. "No no no! No! Not Jungkook! It's never supposed to be Jungkook! My everything!" His voice caught on the last word, scraping his throat raw.
Hoseok stared down at the unresponsive boy, tears flowing down his cheeks. His hair hung in his face, but he didn't dare take his hands away from administering compressions to brush it aside.
Not Jungkook...it never should have been Jungkook. He was the youngest, the shy baby, the cute little bunny that grew into a fierce warrior for his family. The youngest one, who was so mature, as if he were the oldest.
Hoseok still remembered the first time he saw Jeon Jeongguk- back in the virgin classroom.
Hiding inside his oversized sweatshirt, too scared to even make eye contact with anyone. Hands hidden inside his sleeves, leg bouncing nervously like a real rabbit.
Hoseok had always thought he was so cute- from the way he shocked everyone in class by saying his goal was to fuck the untopable Min Yoongi.
Hoseok had always thought he was so admirable- from the way he proved he could achieve his goal.
"Anyways, Ill go first!" He placed the bottle in the middle of their circle and spun it.
It landed on Jungkook, who squeaked and stared at it with Bambi eyes.
Hoseok grabbed the dice and rolled it.
It was all silent as everyone watched it bounced around before finally falling on a number, and then everyone erupted into cheers.
"Its two!"
"You gotta make out!"
Jimin squealed and kicked his feet in excitement. "Go, Kookie!"
Jungkook looked shocked as Hoseok stood up on his knees and leaned over the middle space. He grabbed Jungkooks shirt in one hand, balancing himself with the other, and yanked him close.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?" Hoseok asked.
Jungkook just nodded.
Hoseok leaned in, tilting his head and pressing their lips together.
Jungkook didnt know what to do with his hands, so he placed them on Hoseoks shoulders as the older boy pried his mouth open with his tongue so that Jungkook could taste the alcohol he had drunk earlier.
Jungkook tried to gain the upper hand between the battle of their tongues, but Hoseok beat him, smirking into the kiss before pulling back. He pouted, determined to win next time.
"Come on bunny..." Hoseok pleaded, sniffing through his tears. "Please...we need you. We always need you. Without you...we're not us. Come on, Kook, come on. I know you don't want to leave us, so don't!"
Jimin was sobbing so hard he felt out of his body. There was a giant, gaping hole in his heart that grew wider everytime Jungkook didn't open his eyes, didn't suck in a breath.
Memories of Jungkook flashed in the little one's mind.
Going to the boys room for the first time, how he was so shy admitting Seokjin was his first kiss, helping Jimin with his homework, how he saved Namjoon from them at the party.
The way Jungkook took care of him so well after sex. Always being there for him, whenever Jimin needed someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, a hug. Always. Jungkook was there. Even if it was late at night and Jimin had had a nightmare, he knew he could crawl into bed beside Jungkook and the boy would immediately wake up and care for him. Jungkook was so many amazing things, but above all else, he was Jimin's best friend.
"This is such a cute idea Kookie!" He was gushing. "You're such a sweet friend!"
"I'm sorry, I thought my mom went grocery shopping, but she didn't, and I only have like, an egg and half a jar of mustard to cook with." Jungkook explained, embarrassed he hadn't thought this through.
"That's fine! We can go grocery shopping together!" Jimin beamed. "Master pro chefsies making a three-course meal from scratch! It'll be amazing!"
Jungkook grinned at Jimin's cute enthusiasm.
"Please, please, please," Jimin begged, fingers curling tightly into the boys arm. "One more time...please, just be here for me one more time...Jungkook...I need you."
"Call an ambulance." Hoseok grit out, his arms growing exhausted.
Jimin almost didn't hear him, but then he sat up and searched frantically in his pockets for his phone. "Is he breathing? Is he going to be okay? Please, Hobi, tell me the truth!"
Hoseok didn't answer.
Jimin whimpered and dialed.
"Namjoon!" Seokjin threw himself at Jungkook's door, and was shocked to find it locked. He pounded on it and kicked it. "Namjoon! Get out here now! It's Jungkook! Jungkook! Now now now get out here now!"
The door flew open and Namjoon stood there, eyes wide. "Jungkook?"
Seokjin grabbed the boys hand and dragged him down the hall. "We found him- oh God- we found him and he's not okay!"
Namjoon raced along side him, forgoing his anger to the pretty boy in his desperation to get to Jungkook. "Where? What happened?"
Seokjin just sobbed and ran faster.
Namjoon followed him out to the backyard, and his heart nearly stopped when he saw the unearthed pine box and Jungkook's unresponsive body. He put two and two together and nearly collapsed.
He fell to his knees beside the boy, shoving Hoseok aside. "Jungkook!"
He lowered his ear to the boys mouth and nose, as close as he could get without touching Jungkook's cold body.
"Is he..." Seokjin trailed off.
Namjoon didn't answer, squeezing his eyes shut tight at the onslaught of tears. He tipped the boys head back and pinched his nose shut, pressing his mouth to Jungkook's desperately.
Hoseok and Seokjin watched, terrified as Namjoon blew air into Jungkook's lungs.
"Don't you fucking do this, Jeongguk." Namjoon snarled through his tears as he quickly pumped his hands against the boys chest, administering thirty compressions. "Don't you even fucking think about leaving us!"
He lowered his head back down, repeating the first action.
Seokjin grabbed Jungkook's cold, bloody hand. It was scratched raw from trying to dig his way out of the box, and the thought of his precious little baby crying out, alone and cold, terrified and buried made fresh tears erupt in the boys eyes.
He bowed his head, holding Jungkook's hand against his forehead. "Please, please, please," His body shook. "Don't take Jungkook. Anyone but Jungkook- take me! He doesn't deserve this- I do! Please, anyone out there, please don't take my baby away from me. Oh God- I'll do anything! Please! Give him back and I'll do anything!"
His mind flashed to the first day he met Jeon Jeongguk.
The door opened and another boy hurried in. He ran all the way to the desk at the very end of the line, dropping himself into it and sighing loudly, before he realized there were two other people in the room and they were staring at him.
His eyes widened and Yoongi could tell the students heart was pounding fast in his chest. "Oh, uh, s-sorry for running in, I thought I was going to be late."
"No worries. We are at the far end of the school." Yoongi shrugged one shoulder, looking at the boy intently.
He had large, Bambi eyes that looked nervous, flitting around the room, obviously confused as to why there were so few desks in the room. He zipped up his sweatshirt and pulled his hands into the sleeves, looking down at his desk.
Seokjin, obviously more outgoing, leaned over the empty spot between them. "I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. What's your name?"
The shy boy still kept his gaze on his desk. "Jeon Jeongguk. But my f-friends call me Jungkook."
"Cute! Can I call you Jungkook too?" Seokjin asked, trying to put the poor boy at ease.
Jungkook nodded, and Seokjin knew this was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Seokjin sobbed, gripping the boys hand tighter. "Save him Namjoon! My baby! Save him!"
Namjoon growled in frustration when he pulled back again and Jungkook still wasn't breathing.
"No..." Hoseok's eyes were wide, staring at Jungkook's unmoving chest. "No, please...God- please!"
Namjoon pressed down harder on Jungkook's chest, desperate. "Come on Jungkook- come on! Fucks sake- you're telling me you can dom the shit out of me and Yoongi but you can't take one little breath? You're better than that, Jungkook! I know you are! I KNOW YOU ARE! NOW FUCKING COME ON!"
He pressed their lips together again, his tears dripping onto Jungkook's cold, pale skin.
He pulled back and screamed. "Come on!"
Flashing lights made them all look up, except for Namjoon, who still continued CPR.
"They're here!" Hoseok gasped.
He and Seokjin scrambled to their feet, racing to the paramedics and crying out a barely coherent explanation.
Jimin was too numb to cry anymore, and he clung to Jungkook's arm, not even feeling the coldness from the ground seep into his clothes, not caring about the dirt getting into his hair and clothes. He looked at Jungkook's pale face, illuminated by the moon and the red and blue flashing lights of the ambulance.
Despite the panic and noise going on around them, there was no sound as Jimin stared at Jungkook. He looked beautiful. Like an angel.
Jimin reached his hand out to cup the boys face, brushing away the dirt and flakes of blood. "My everything..."
Hands grabbing him jerked him out of his bubble, and he was confused and upset when they pulled him away from Jungkook.
"No! No- what are you doing?!" He cried, struggling against the strong arms. "Stop! Let me go- he needs me!"
"Jimin," Seokjin's watery voice was in his ear. "He's...you have to let him go."
"No!" Jimin screamed, fighting the hands that pulled him away. "No! My everything! That's my best friend! That's my best friend!"
Paramedics were hovering over Jungkook, blocking Jimin's view of him.
"No!" He cried, kicking and punching wherever he could as someone placed him over their shoulder, walking back to the house. "No! Stop! He needs me! He's my everything! I need him!"
Hoseok carried Jimin inside the house, setting him down on the couch. "You need to rest, Jimin."
"No!" Jimin was hysteric, fighting to get back to Jungkook's side. "He needs me- he needs me! My angel! That's my angel! Why aren't they saving him?! That's their job! Why aren't they saving my best friend?!"
He continued to fight Seokjin and Hoseok, until he grew too exhausted, and he collapsed back against the pillows, eyes fluttering shut.
Someone covered him with a blanket, and Jimin finally fell asleep, dreaming instantly.
Everything was black, but then came a bright white light.
A figure walked out of it, radiating love and comfort.
Jimin raised a hand to shield his face. "A-angel?"
Jungkook smiled at him.
Namjoon sat back, too exhausted to continue compressions.
He fell onto his back, staring up into the starry sky as tears flowed down his cheeks.
A shooting star flew across skyline.
"Jungkook?" Namjoon whispered.
Paramedics ran around him, but he barely noticed them.
"Jungkook...I'm so fucking sorry...if I had been smarter...this never would have happened to you. Please...please Jungkook...forgive me."
Someone shook his shoulder, and Namjoon reluctantly tore his eyes away from the sky to see a police officer looking at him.
"Sir, do you mind answering a few questions?"
Namjoon forced himself to sit up.
There was nothing he could do for Jungkook anymore.
But there was still time for Yoongi.
He could still save one person.
"Yes." Namjoon rose to his feet. "Officer, I have a lot to tell you."
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