Jungkook pounded his fists on the lid of the pine box, his heart beating so loud and fast in his chest.
"Agust!" He shouted, his throat raw from all his screaming. "Namjoon!"
He fought against the oncoming panic attack, knowing it wouldn't help him to waste air like that- but he was so fucking terrified.
He was buried alive and no one had any idea where he was, and the only person who did know was the one who put him there.
Not to mention Jungkook had a horrible feeling Agust was doing terrible things inside the house, and his heart pounded in fear for Jimin's safety.
"Please!" He begged, his bruised fists scraped raw from his futile struggling. "Let me out! Jimin! Yoongi!"
But no one heard him.
Suga winced in pain as Byungwoo slammed his head against the coffee table, biting his lip to hold back his cries.
The man sighed. "I can do this all night, Sugar dearest. Where. Are. The. Tapes."
The man had a grip on Suga's hair, his other hand holding the battered alters wrists together behind his back. Suga was forced to kneel in front of the table, and Byungwoo had already repeatedly slammed the alters face down onto it.
Blood and tears mixed together as they ran down Suga's cheeks. He knew if Byungwoo kept this up, Yoongi's nose would break, and if he kept going after that, there would be irreversible damage to Yoongi's bone structure.
The man sighed again, keeping the alters face pressed against the now dented coffee table, petting Suga's hair. "Come on now, I really don't want to be ruining my sons pretty face, but you're not being very cooperative. I thought you protected Yoongi."
I protect Yoongi, Suga's mind screamed, but physically, he was too exhausted to do anything but breathe.
Byungwoo yanked the boys head back, eyeing the bloodied face of the weak alter. "Be smart, boy. End this now. Tell me where the tapes are, and Yoongi won't get hurt anymore."
Suga took in a deep, shuddering breath, wincing as more tears slipped down his cheeks. "If...if I give you those tapes...you'll hurt Yoongi with them...either way...he gets hurt."
"He's a pain slut, it's fine." Byungwoo chuckled.
Suga shook his head. "No...Yoongi...is beautiful. He doesn't deserve...any pain."
"Yoongi is beautiful," Byungwoo agreed. "But you aren't." He sneered. "You're disgusting- all used up and fucked out. Do you even know anything other than how to be a cum depository for fifteen years?"
Suga grit his teeth together, not answering.
The others loved him. They showed him what real love was. They gave him that journal. He just had to remember that.
The floorboards creaking surprised them both, whipping their heads around to see Jimin standing at the top of the stairs with a flashlight.
He looked shocked. "Y-you..."
"Ah," Byungwoo grinned. "You must be one of Yoon's boy toys. Good. Come here, little one, or else I'll crush your boyfriends face into this table again."
"Jimin- no!" Suga yelled, not wanting the baby to get anywhere near Byungwoo, but then the man slammed him back down and the pain exploding distracted him from speaking.
"No!" Jimin cried, racing down the steps. "Stop! Let him go- please don't hurt him! Please!"
"Tell me where the tapes are and I will." Byungwoo said calmly.
Jimin froze. "T-tapes?"
"Yes, the five tapes. I know you know what I'm talking about. Be a dear and get them for me, would ya?" Byungwoo said cheerfully.
Jimin didn't know what to do, he didn't know where anyone was and he wanted to help Suga but there was no way he would win in a fight against this man.
He didn't know what Byungwoo wanted with those tapes, and that made him hesitant to hand them over.
"Now would be a great time, little one." Byungwoo growled, his grip tightening on the alters hair.
"Don't hurt him- please!" Jimin begged, his hands clasping together. "Please stop, please!"
"I will, if you get me those tapes." Byungwoo said. "Swearsies."
Jimin sobbed. "Okay! Okay! They're in Yoongi's room- in his closet!"
"Perfect. Lead the way, little one." Byungwoo cooed. He grabbed Suga, hauling the weak alter up to his feet and dragging him along- one hand still holding the boys wrists and the other pressed tightly against his mouth.
Jimin hurried to the bedroom, opening the door and racing to the closet.
Byungwoo waited in the doorway, holding Suga close while he watched Jimin open the closet and rummage around the shelves until he pulled out a small wooden box.
The alters eyes fluttered, struggling to stay open as he prayed Jimin to not hand over the tapes.
"Here, they're in here- let him go now please!" Jimin begged, offering up the box. His flashlight cast menacing shadows in the dark room.
"Lovely." Byungwoo released Suga's mouth to snatch up the box.
Jimin reached for the alter, his hands shaking. "P-please, now let him-"
Byungwoo elbowed Jimin with lightning speed, knocking the boy to the floor easily.
"No!" Suga gasped weakly, struggling in the mans hold. "Jimin!"
Jimin cried, pressing his hand over his temple, where he had been struck.
"Whoops." Byungwoo shoved Suga to the floor, stepping over both boys and stepping inside the closet. He eyed all the sex toys and smirked. "Yoon...you whore."
He picked up some rope and walked back, kicking Jimin onto his front so he could bind the boys hands together behind his back.
"N-no! No!" Jimin cried, kicking out. "I don't like- please no! I-I can't be tied up! I'll have a panic attack!"
"Then panic." Byungwoo said simply, shoving a gag between the boys lips.
"Let him go!" Suga shouted, shakily getting to his hands and knees. "He's innocent!"
"He's a liability." Byungwoo reminded him. His foot shot out and caught the alter right in his middle again- and Suga's eyes shot wide open as unbelievable pain coursed through him.
He fell back down, and barely felt it as Byungwoo tied his wrists and ankles together, sticking a piece of gray duct tape over his mouth.
He picked the alter up, carrying him over his shoulder as he headed to the door, holding the box of tapes.
Jimin watched them go through his tears, unable to stop them, and unable to stop his growing panic attack. The gag wasn't helping him breathe at all, and he cried for Namjoon to come save him, like how he had done last time.
Namjoon would save them.
He always saved them.
And Jungkook too- they were an unbeatable team.
Wherever they were.
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