It was a rare time when everyone was home at the same time after school and they were just snacking and watching TV.
Hoseok grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw them across the room at Namjoon, who was sitting at the kitchen table, working on homework.
"Come on, nerd, forget that shit, come watch TV with us." He called.
Namjoon ignored him, too busy working on his three different essays simultaneously.
"Leave him alone, he has a bigger work load than the rest of us." Seokjin said.
"And I have a bigger kink list, so what?" Hoseok retorted.
Taehyung looked confused. "How does that add up-"
"I'm horny, let's go." Hoseok stood up and grabbed Seokjin, pulling him off the couch.
"You always choose Jin." Jimin pouted crossing his arms.
"Duh, he's my best friend and I love him more than words can ever say." Hoseok kissed Seokjin's cheek.
Seokjin blushed, smiling softly.
"And Namjoon is always too busy." Hoseok added.
Seokjin slapped Hoseok's arm. "Bitch."
"Room for another?" Taehyung asked, getting up as well.
"In Jin's mouth? Of course." Hoseok said. He looked at Jimin. "Wanna join us?"
Jimin was on his feet instantly. "Duh! Someone fuck my hole before I start throwing things!"
Jungkook stood too. "Where's Yoongi?"
"Sleeping, keep it down." Namjoon said, not looking up from his work.
"Nyummie, join us." Hoseok pouted.
"No." Namjoon scribbled a note down, looking immersed in his research.
"I'll suck your dick." Seokjin offered.
"I'm busy."
Jimin huffed. "What's the point of having five boyfriends if you won't fuck them?"
Namjoon didn't hear him, too busy with his work.
"I think he's lost his dom touch." Hoseok smirked, crossing his arms.
Namjoon snorted, still not looking up as he flipped a page in his heavy textbook.
"I'm serious." Hoseok continued, staring at the boy at the table while the rest of them all crowded around him. "You got all cute and domestic and lost your dominant tendencies. You're a switch at best now, if anything."
Namjoon gave him a warning growl.
Of course, that just spurred Hoseok on more.
"Actually, since you don't do anything with us and Yoongi fucks you, that makes you a sub." He grinned. "Jungkook, kick Nyumbug out of the doms chat and add him to the subs chat, pronto."
Namjoon slammed his textbook closed and they all jumped at the sound.
He stood up from the table and marched over, his eyes glaring at the ringleader of the group.
Jimin squeaked and hid behind Jungkook, while Taehyung grabbed his dick as Namjoon approached Hoseok, who was looking bemused.
"What are you gunna do, sub?" Hoseok taunted. "Fuck me senseless until I don't know my own name anymore?"
"You would love that, so no." Namjoon said.
Jungkook swallowed hard, staring up at Namjoon with large eyes. He wanted to fuck Namjoon again and prove it in front of everyone that he could, but at the same time he wanted Namjoon to fuck him.
He still hadn't ever been fucked by the alpha boy before and by the way Hoseok bragged about it all the time, it was an experience you did not want to miss out on.
"Then what, huh?" Hoseok continued, getting closer to the alpha boy. "What are you gunna do to show your dominance? Run to Yoongi and spread your legs for him so he can fuck you a-"
Namjoon's hand shot out and his fingers wrapped around Hoseok's throat before the boy could even blink. He tightened his hold as he started walking forward, forcing Hoseok to stumble backwards.
Hoseok choked in surprise, his eyes wide open as his hands rose up and scratched at Namjoon's.
Everyone else watched with stunned and envious expressions as Namjoon controlled the dom with one hand, backing him up until the boys back was slammed against the wall so hard a picture fell off its nail and crashed to the floor.
Namjoon looked over his shoulder at the four boys staring at him; Taehyung still grabbing his dick.
"What the fuck are you whores waiting for?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "If you want me to fuck you so badly, get your asses upstairs and prep yourselves."
Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung raced up the stairs, practically tripping over each other as they all tried to run up the staircase at once.
Jungkook lingered, wanting to know what Namjoon was going to do to Hoseok.
To his surprise and pleasure, Namjoon crashed his lips against the boys, kissing him roughly.
Hoseok moaned, his hands moving. One grabbed Namjoon's shirt and pulled him closer, while his other snuck down to grab his cock through his sweatpants.
Namjoon knocked that hand away with his thigh, instead pressing that against the bulge in Hoseok's pants and rubbing it in slow circles.
Jungkook watched their tongues battle inside of Hoseok's mouth, and his eyes shot open wider when he saw a tiny trickle of blood drip from the corner of Hoseok's lip. Clearly, Namjoon had won.
And then Namjoon, not breaking his kiss with Hoseok, looked over to Jungkook.
Jungkook's heart skipped a beat at the intense gaze.
Namjoon raised his hand and beckoned Jungkook to come over with his finger.
Jungkook gulped but hurried over, his cock getting harder in his pants.
As soon as he was in reaching distance, Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's shirt and slammed him against the wall as well, beside Hoseok. He wrapped his other hand around Jungkook's neck too, and Jungkook was shocked to feel the raw strength behind the hand. Namjoon was actually choking him.
Namjoon pulled back from his harsh kiss, a thin line of spit connecting from his lip to Hoseok's, who moaned, snapping the connection.
Jungkook choked, his eyes starting to water from the lack of oxygen.
Namjoon gazed at the two of them, and then he smirked.
"You both had this for a long time coming." He said. "The subs as well, but mostly you two."
"Bu-but, Nyummie-" Hoseok tried to cough out, and Namjoon slammed him against the wall again, shutting him up.
"I'm going to make the both of you regret teasing me in the past." Namjoon growled, finally releasing them.
Both boys sank to the floor, coughing and sucking in air.
"Get going." Namjoon kicked them somewhat gently.
Hoseok scrambled to his feet, ready to run up the stairs, until Namjoon grabbed a handful of his hair.
Hoseok yelped, his hands grabbing his imprisoned hair. "Ah!"
Namjoon threw him back to the floor, towering over them both.
"Walking is for human beings with rights." Namjoon glared. "Not for sluts not worth a damn."
"Th-then how am I supposed to get up the steps?" Hoseok wheezed, rubbing his throat.
"Crawl." Namjoon commanded.
Jungkook's already hard cock twitched again at the dominance in Namjoon's tone. He knew Namjoon was going to get his revenge for all the things Jungkook had done to him in the past and he was terrified yet painfully aroused.
The two boys crawled up the steps, Namjoon kicked them every now and then when he decided they weren't going fast enough.
Finally they arrived at their shared bedroom.
Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung were already naked, all on the bed.
Seokjin and Taehyung were making out, one of their hands running all over each other while their other hand was on Jimin, fingering his hole and jerking him off.
They broke apart when the other three entered.
"I said prep yourselves, not play with each other." Namjoon glared and the boys on the bed quickly separated.
"Joonie, we were just-"
Namjoon cut him off. "That's not my name."
"Namjoon-" Seokjin tried to reason.
"That's not my name either."
Jimin's eyes widened with a soft gasp. "Daddy?"
Namjoon kicked Jungkook again. "Why the hell are you two still dressed? Clothes are for doms."
Hoseok quickly started to strip off his clothes, revealing his semi already.
Jungkook took off his clothes a bit shyer, his heart hammering.
Meanwhile, Namjoon stalked over to the bed, making the subs cower together.
"I hope you eager sluts prepped yourself before you decided to fool around with each other," He glared. "Because I won't be prepping any of you."
"Daddy!" Jimin jumped up to his knees eagerly in front of Namjoon. "My daddy!"
Namjoon didn't look at the small pinkette, just pushed him back.
Instead he pointed at Seokjin and beckoned him closer with a finger.
Seokjin visibly gulped but hurried over.
Jimin pouted. "Hey, why does he get to go first?" He crawled over to Namjoon and hugged him, kissing up his neck and cheek. "Please- mm- daddy," he begged while Namjoon scowled. "Fuck-" he kept kissing the boy, "-me, please!"
Namjoon shoved Jimin away. "Did I say you could touch me, slut?" He demanded, wiping off Jimin's kisses.
Seokjin stood in front of Namjoon, his heart hammering in excitement and he hoped Namjoon wouldn't notice he was already getting hard in anticipation.
Namjoon cupped the beautiful boys face, rubbing his thumbs slowly, softly over the handsome boys cheeks.
Seokjin relaxed at the touches, not expecting Namjoon to treat him so gently.
Namjoon placed his finger on the thick bottom lip and pressed slightly against it, pulling it softly down a little so Seokjin's mouth opened slightly.
"You have pretty lips." He murmured.
Seokjin wasn't in a position to talk clearly, so he stayed silent.
"They'd look so pretty stretched around a gag." Namjoon smirked.
He dropped his hands and walked to the dresser, pulling out their box of assorted gags.
He selected a few and pulled them out, heading calmly back.
Seokjin opened his mouth obediently, letting Namjoon place the pink ball inside, resting it on top of his tongue while the black leather straps went behind his head.
"Sit." Namjoon ordered, pushing the boy down to sit on the edge of the bed.
Seokjin obeyed, watching as Namjoon walked away again.
The dom grabbed a pink bag labelled Seokjin and rummaged through it as he came back. He pulled out a pink collar with the boys named engraved on it in sparkly gold.
Seokjin tilted his head so Namjoon could click it around his neck easily.
"Good boy," Namjoon praised and Seokjin beamed around his gag.
"Is it my turn yet?" Hoseok whined.
Namjoon's smile dropped, replaced with a stormy scowl as he glared over to the boy who was still on the floor.
He stormed over and kicked out without warning- catching Hoseok's chest dead center.
Hoseok grunted as he fell onto his back on the carpet. Before he could get up, Namjoon's foot came down, stepping on his cock painfully.
Hoseok gasped, his eyes shooting wide open.
"Ah! Jewnie-"
"You seriously don't fucking learn, do you?" Namjoon growled, pressing down harder.
Hoseok moaned, throwing his head back.
"I said. That's. Not. My. Name." Namjoon hissed.
Jungkooks own cock hurt just watching Hoseoks have to go through this abuse and he covered it with both hands.
Namjoon circled his foot a little, making Hoseok squirm.
"A-ah! Ah, please," Hoseok begged. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
Namjoon stepped harder on the boys flushed cock, trapping it between his foot and the boys abs.
"Apology not accepted, bitch." He snapped. "I'm tired of hearing you talk."
He finally released the boy, stepping back and grabbing one of the gags he had chosen before- a black strap that wrapped around the boys lips, sealing them shut and knotting behind his head.
After that, Namjoon hauled the boy up and shoved him to the bed.
He grabbed Jungkook as well, and then they were all on the giant bed.
The dom tied all their hands together behind their backs, as well as their ankles and thighs with different colored rope, except for Jimin, who didn't like bondage. Instead, he placed the boys tiny hands into soft pink mittens that could be tied off with ribbons, making it impossible for him to do any fine motor movements.
Namjoon gagged the rest of them, and stepped back with a smirk, his hands on his hips as he admired his work.
"See? Isn't life so much better when you little shits can't talk and don't get in my way?" He sneered.
"Ahhy!" Jimin begged. "Ease 'uck ee!"
"Why?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "You would love that, and I'm not here to please you. I'm here to use you to please myself."
Jungkook shuddered, his wrists rubbing against the red ropes that tied him up. He bit on the matching red rubber gag in his mouth.
Namjoon was ready to leave to finish his homework and then crawl into bed with his husband and get a nap in before dinner, when he suddenly stopped, his head fuzzy.
"Uhmjun?" Taehyung asked around his gag, noticing the boy suddenly bent over, his hands rubbing his temples like he was in pain. "Oo uhkay?"
Namjoon didn't hear him, too lost in his own head. He groaned in pain, falling to his knees.
Worried, Seokjin tried to wiggle off the bed to comfort the boy, but he couldn't with his restraints. "Hmf!"
Jungkook tried to free himself too, hating seeing Namjoon in pain.
The boy was curled in on himself, his body shaking as something over took him.
Jungkook worked quickly, shaking his head and trying to push his gag out with his tongue.
Finally, he managed to succeed and the gag hung around his neck like a cheap necklace.
"Namjoon!" He gasped. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"
It was a few moments of tense silence, before the boy rose up from the floor.
He rubbed his head, pushing his hair back as he turned to gaze at the boys on the bed.
"Seriously?" He scowled coldly. "How many times do I have to fucking say this?"
He crossed his arms as he glared at them. "That's not my name."
Jungkook huffed. "Sorry, daddy. But you looked like you were in pain, so-"
"What the hell?" The boy cringed. "No! That's not my name either!"
Now Jungkook was confused too, not sure what Namjook wanted to be called.
"My name is RM."
Everyone froze, stunned.
RM looked around the room in disdain, his fingertips drumming on his arms as they were crossed over his chest.
"Where is he?" He asked.
Jungkook blinked. "Where is...who?"
"He! Him!" RM shouted. "Where is Agust?!"
Jungkooks mouth dropped open. "A-Agust..."
RM looked at them. "It looks like you won't be able to stop me, all tied up like that. I'll find him on my own."
He headed to the door.
"Wait! Stop!" Jungkook called desperately. Behind him, the others protested too, wanting answers, but they were muffled.
RM stopped and faced them, his head cocked.
Jungkook didn't like the smirk on his face.
He stalked back over and Jungkook leaned back as RM leaned in.
The boy grabbed Jungkooks hair with one hand, making him wince. With his other hand he grabbed the gag and shoved it back into the boys mouth, making him choke slightly.
"You can't stop me from getting what I want." He whispered.
He pulled back and stormed to the door, slamming it shut behind him, cutting off the muffled protests of the people on the bed.
He stalked down the hallway, kicking open every door until he found the room he was looking for.
Yoongi slept on his bed, unaware of the danger staring at him from the doorway.
RM smirked, kicking the door shut behind him as he walked over.
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