Jimin babbled about this and that the entire drive to the ice cream shop, and Agust kept his white knuckle grip on the steering wheel, driving carefully as he nodded along to the little pinkettes story.
Jimin gasped as Agust parked. "We're here! I haven't had ice cream in so long!" He leaped out of the car excitedly and Agust hurried after him, opening the door for the younger boy.
A bell overhead signaled their entrance, and the employee behind the counter looked at them. "Hello, what can I get you?"
Jimin raced to the glass, looking down at the ice cream. "Oh, everything looks so good! I don't know, I love vanilla, but the cookies and cream looks delicious! Oh- thats a rainbow kind?! Oh my gosh, wow! Look, Yoongi! The strawberry matches my hair!"
Agust smiled at the boys cuteness. "Get whatever you want, Pink. I stole Taehyungs wallet."
Jimin finally settled on a scoop of three different flavors with a mountain of toppings, while Agust got a simple chocolate cone.
They went outside to eat on the patio in the nice weather, with Jimin digging in immediately, smearing ice cream and spinkles across his cheeks.
"Thank you." He giggled as Agust handed him a napkin. "I'm so happy, Yoonfi."
Agust raised an eyebrow. "Yoonfi?"
Jimin nodded, taking a large bite of his treat. "My little Yoongles Boongles Poonfi Yoonbi Yewngee Gi-gi baby beebee booboo precious tiny kitten boy! I love love love hanging out with you!"
Warm blush erupted across Agust's pale cheeks, and he looked away to hide it. "I...lo- like hanging out with you too, Pink. A lot."
Jimin scooped up some of his ice cream and offered it across the table to Agust. "Try this!"
Agust leaned forward and accepted it, the cold cream doing nothing to douse the hot blush over his cheeks.
"Oh, I've been meaning to ask," Jimin said, licking the spoon. "Can I have an extension on that pegging assignment due next week? My publisher scheduled a book signing on Thursday and I don't think I have time for-"
The boys phone rang then, and Jimin quickly pulled it out, looking at the screen. "Wow, speaking of him, it's my publisher!"
He apologized to Agust quickly, before answering the call, hurrying a few steps away to talk.
Agust watched him, unaware of his own ice cream melting on his hand as he admired Jimin.
A low whistle caught his attention, and he turned around to see two skateboarders nodding at Jimin.
"Check out that twink." One said, his gross eyes looking Jimin up and down.
The other smirked. "What's he doing outside all alone? Someone might walk by and claim him. Someone should."
Growling, Agust stood up, storming up to them.
The skateboarders looked surprised, like they hadn't seen him. "Sup, man?"
"Watch your disgusting mouth." Agust warned them. "You don't have any right to talk like that about Jimin."
One of them laughed. "Oh, is he yours? Sorry man, didn't know."
"Apologize for being disgusting." Agust crossed his arms. "He's not mine, he doesn't belong to anybody, and you shouldn't speak down to him like he's just property."
The other raised an eyebrow. "What are you, his fucking daddy? You can't tell us what to do."
Agust knew the sub and Jungkook would want him to resolve this peacefully, to walk away and forget them. To just enjoy his date with Jimin.
And he was trying to shove his anger down, he really was, but then one of them looked over Agust's shoulder and bit his lip as he stared at Jimin sexually. "Mmm, damn. I'd fuck that stupid baby so hard his pornstar ass would get permanently destroyed."
Agust's fist was flying through the air before any of them realized it.
Jimin's head snapped around in shock where he heard a shout, and saw a boy collapse to the sidewalk, Yoongi standing over him.
He hung up and raced over. "What's going on? Yoongi! Are you okay?"
Agust pushed a hand out behind him, keeping Jimin a little bit away. "Stay back, Pink."
"You fucking bitch!" The skater boy was shocked to see his friend in pain on the ground. "What the hells your fucking problem?!"
He raised his own fist, but Agust ducked down and grabbed the boys skateboard. He swung the board around, connecting it to the boys head.
Jimin gasped, his hands flying up to cover his mouth as the second boy collapsed as well. "Yoongi!"
Agust was breathing hard, coming down from his red haze. He threw the broken skateboard to the ground, and faced a scared Jimin.
"I'm not Yoongi, Pink."
Jimin was confused. "Y-Yoonbi? What are you...saying?"
Agust ran a hand through his hair, feeling more like himself after the scene of violence.
"I'm Agust D. And I've been Agust- for a while now."
Jimin stared at him, now seeing the dark eyes and sharp smirk. This was not his sweet Yoongles, his calm and collected teacher, his protective boyfriend.
The shocking realization he had been hanging out with Agust smashed into Jimin's brain and he whimpered in fear, his eyes rolling back as his knees gave out.
Agust caught him before the boy could hit the sidewalk.
"Pink?" He asked, alarmed. "Jimin!"
Jimin laid limply in Agust's arms, so weightless and small, and Agust cursed loudly.
He picked the boy up, his sinister eyes glaring as he walked back to the car.
He shouldn't have told. He should have kept up the lie. The stupid fucking rabbit and the lying ass sub tricked him.
They knew Jimin wouldn't take the news well, they lied to him!
And after he was so honest with them about wanting to change!
Red hot anger exploded inside of him, hazing around the edge of his vision.
He laid Jimin down in the car, and got behind the wheel, almost shaking with rage.
He couldn't trust anyone. They all betrayed him. They all didn't like him- would never like him.
He started the car and floored it down the road, his destination set before him.
Nothing ever hurt the old Agust.
So Agust threw away his plans to change.
The old Agust was the only Agust from here on out.
And he had a lot of revenge to catch up on.
I can't believe I almost deleted this book lmao
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