NAMGI 10 YEAR FRIENDAVERSARY *vibrates in place*
Writing domestic, cute, giggly, precious, so in love Namgi makes me so fucking happy yall like no cap it's fr my favorite thing ever. EVER 💗
Lmao I almost made it to 2k words before things got kinky, give me praise 😊
Okay, um, fuck... so this note is being written after I finished the one shot and...shits intense. So just...yeah...be prepared.
"Have fun on your date!" Taehyung called as Yoongi and Namjoon slipped on their jackets and shoes in the foyer, getting ready to leave.
"What place are you guys going to?" Seokjin asked, poking his head out of the kitchen.
"I don't know, my secretive sub won't tell me." Yoongi shrugged, his hands in his jacket pockets while Namjoon swiped the car keys and opened the door for Yoongi.
"Because it's a surprise." Namjoon said. "I started the car for you, babe."
"I bet it's that Italian place, the fancy one on Main street." Hoseok said from beside Taehyung on the couch.
Seokjin nodded. "I remember that place, we fucked there once."
"Twice." Hoseok shot him a wink, which Seokjin giggled at. "Oh yeah, that's right, twice."
Namjoon made a face. "Sounds like you're the reason they got shut down."
"What are you, a lawyer?" Hoseok scoffed.
"I'm almost done with my degree, so, yeah." Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
Hoseok moaned. "Fuck me with all your PhD's, Nyumjewn!"
Namjoon rolled his eyes and grabbed Yoongi's hand delicately, guiding him out of the house and to the waiting car.
He opened Yoongi's door and helped the boy inside, buckling the seatbelt for him too.
Yoongi smiled as Namjoon climbed into the drivers seat. "I appreciate you being a pure gentleman, amore, but I can do this stuff on my own, you know."
"I know." Namjoon kept his eyes on the road, his free hand holding Yoongi's, their fingers intertwined. "But tonight I'm treating you special."
"Like I'm your high school girl crush?" Yoongi teased him.
"Yeah." Namjoon said. "You know, I had a few girlfriends before I met you."
"And was this how you treated them?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head cutely.
Namjoon nodded. "I hate assholes. If someone is trusting me with their time and feelings, then the last thing I'm going to do is make them regret it."
Yoongi leaned over, resting his cheek on Namjoon's shoulder. "I love my perfect husband. So much."
"I love you too, pervert. So much." Namjoon kissed the boys hair.
Namjoon finally pulled into the lot and parked, and Yoongi peeked out the window and was surprised to see they were back at the old high school.
"What are we doing here?" Yoongi asked as they climbed out of the car. He had been expecting dinner, honestly, but this seemed far more interesting.
The school was closed at this time of night, of course, but that didn't seem to be something Namjoon was concerned about.
He just smiled and held his hand out for Yoongi to take, which the older man gladly did.
Namjoon led them around the building, to the far end of the school. Yoongi followed, curious and excited to see what Namjoon had planned.
They stopped in front of a window, which was slightly opened.
"Slipped the janitor a twenty earlier to leave this open." Namjoon said, wrapping his finegrs around the bottom of the window and pushing it up all the way. He climbed inside, and Yoongi grinned, following.
When his feet landed on the tiled floors and he brushed himself off, he was surprised to see they were back in the old classroom, where he had taught Sexual Exploration 11032.
"This brings back so many memories." Yoongi murmured, walking along the room, his fingers trailing along the teachers desk.
Throwing Hoseok's party...his first kiss with Jungkook...all the times he had put Namjoon in his place...
Sitting atop his old desk, Namjoon watched Yoongi take in the room, clearly lost in his memories.
"I love you." He blurted out suddenly.
Yoongi looked at him and smiled. "I love you more."
Namjoon hopped off the desk and cupped Yoongi's face, tilting his head to kiss the boy deeply.
Yoongi covered Namjoon's hands with his own, opening his mouth and immediately let his tongue dominate the kiss.
Namjoon fought him for control for a few seconds, before giving up the fight and melting into Yoongi's touch.
Yoongi grinned into the kiss, his hands slipping down, trailing his fingers over his beautiful subs sides, resting briefly on the boys hips, before moving them again to grab Namjoon's ass.
Before he could throw his sub onto the nearest desk and fuck him stupid, Namjoon suddenly pulled back.
"Baby, I want to-"
Yoongi, with a growl, gripped the back of the boys neck, slamming their lips back together.
Namjoon let himself be kissed for a few moments, before gently pushing Yoongi back again. "Baby, there's more I want to show-"
Yoongi stood on his tip toes and used both hands to force Namjoon to bend down a little, so he could continue kissing him.
Namjoon laughed softly into the kiss. He brought his own hands to the back of Yoongi's thighs, gripping them tightly. He lowered himself down a little, and Yoongi immediately hopped onto him.
Namjoon wrapped his arms around Yoongi, and the smaller boy wrapped his legs around Namjoon's waist, so Namjoon was holding him off the ground.
Namjoon pulled back from the kiss. "Theres more I want to show you, baby." He finally finished his sentence.
Yoongi laid his cheek against Namjoon's chest, his arms around the boys neck. "My sub."
"Yours." Namjoon confirmed, kissing the teachers forehead.
He made sure Yoongi was secure in his arms- not that Yoongi would mind it at all if he crashed to the hard floor- and turned around to face the desks.
"This one was mine." The former student said, holding Yoongi up with one strong arm, and pointing at the desk with his free hand.
Yoongi smiled, reaching down to lay his fingertips on it. "There's still grooves in it from where you dug the handcuffs in."
Namjoon grinned, remembering the time Yoongi had tied him down to his desk as a punishment for his constant disobedience. "God, I really wanted to kill you that day. I wanted to kill you every day, but especially that day."
"It was Hoseok's favorite day." Yoongi chuckled. "You looked good like that sub, a scholarly boy bound to his own desk. I'm sure that's some form of poetry."
Namjoon hummed, heading to the door and opening it. "I'll buy you a desk and we can put it in our bedroom. God knows all the ways you'll put it to a good, kinky use."
Yoongi smirked, burying his face in Namjoon's chest to hide how excited he was at the ideas already forming in his mind.
The hallway was dark and quiet, lit by the moonlight that shone in through the windows when Namjoon carried him out of the classroom.
Yoongi looked at the familiar walls as he laid his head back against his strong sub. Not much had changed- the paint was still the same, and the walls of lockers hadn't been moved.
Namjoon carried him past the paintings the art students had hung up, past the cafeteria and to the gymnasium.
"I don't need to remind you what happened here." Namjoon said, setting Yoongi down on the basketball court.
Yoongi wandered into the middle of the court, picking up a basketball that had been left out. He bounced it a few times, before lining up a shot with the basket, and shooting.
Namjoon watched it soar in a perfect arc, before landing perfectly in the net.
"Swish." Yoongi grinned.
"I was really headstrong." Namjoon admitted, his eyes slowly taking in the bleachers, the scoreboard and the banners on the walls. It was dark and empty right now, but Namjoon viewed it exactly how it was that day he lost three straight matches to Yoongi.
He could see the score, fourteen to one, the roar of his classmates on the bleachers, the scraped knees and bruises all over his body from how hard he and Yoongi had played.
To this day he still wondered what would have happened if he had won.
Yoongi seemed to be thinking the same thing as he walked back over to Namjoons side.
"I'm glad you lost, sub. I'm glad you were mine for a day." Yoongi said softly, grabbing the boys hand.
"Me too." Namjoon squeezed Yoongi's hand. "I dreaded going to your house, and was thinking about all the ways I could try and get out of the bet. And then when I opened the door and I saw the others all sitting around in your living room, I nearly turned around and sprinted down the sidewalk."
Yoongi chuckled. "Good thing you didn't. You never would have finally submitted if you hadn't stayed the night."
"I didn't submit easily." Namjoon reminded him with a raised eyebrow.
Yoongi bit his lip at the memory. "Mm. No you did not. My stubborn little sub put up a beautiful fight."
"Not a su-"
Yoongi was lightning fast- he kicked his foot out and caught the back of the boys knees, making him gasp and buckle, falling to his knees onto the floor.
Yoongi had one hand in Namjoons hair, forcing the boy to look up, his other hand wrapped around the boys wrists, pinning them together against his own chest.
Namjoon blinked a few times, trying to realize his new position. "Yoongi-"
"Not a sub?" Yoongi's voice was deep, his eyes dark. "Not a pretty thing for me to fuck whenever I want?"
Namjoon recognized the start of a scene when he saw it, so he immediately played along, his heart starting to pound in excitement.
He shook his head as best as he could, with Yoongi's fingers still gripping his hair tight. "I'm straight, asshole."
Yoongi barely bit back his grin, forcing himself to stay in character.
"Not after I'm through with you, sub." He growled, throwing Namjoon backwards. "You'll be begging for my cock for the rest of your life after I'm done ruining you."
The boy was unbalanced instantly and he fell to the floor, with Yoongi immediately straddling him.
"Pervert." Namjoon snapped, his arms shooting up to shove Yoongi off, but the teachers hands were fast, and he grabbed the boys wrists, stopping Namjoon immediately with a strength that surprised the student.
Namjoon glared and pushed harder, struggling against Yoongi, his arms shaking as he fought gravity.
The teacher leaned forward, using his body weight to overpower the sub, and Namjoon groaned when his arms gave out, and Yoongi was quick to pin them to the floor.
"Not a little bitch who moans like a whore when I fuck him so thoroughly? Not a useless slut who loves it when his tight holes are abused every night?" Yoongi's voice was deep in the dark room, echoing off the walls. "You sure about that, sub?"
Namjoon groaned, turning his head to the side as he tried to buck Yoongi off of him. "Get off me, asshole!"
Yoongi ground his hips down on Namjoons, and they both held back moans of pleasure, not wanting to ruin the scene.
"You'll only call me dom, sub." Yoongi hissed, grinding down harder. "And don't worry, I know a stupid bitch like you has trouble remembering the rules, so I'll fuck you so hard that the only thing you'll know is the feeling of my cock in your tight cunt and the rules."
Namjoon panted, resisting the urge to raise his hips and press his erection against Yoongi to get off. He had to remind himself he was playing a straight alpha who hated Yoongi, but God was it hard. How the hell had he ever resisted Yoongi's touch for so long before?
"Fuck you, pervert." He snapped.
"Rule one," Yoongi suddenly slapped him across the face, knocking the boys head to the side painfully. "A cocksleeve like you only has one purpose, and it's not to speak. The only thing I want to see your pretty mouth doing is sucking me off when I order you to. Otherwise, keep your whore lips shut, slut."
Namjoon's cheek stung, and he knew he had a pink handprint burned into his skin now, the thought if which only turned him on more.
He tried to twist onto his stomach, but with Yoongi sitting on him, he couldn't get far, and Yoongi felt the students hard on when Namjoon twisted himself.
He smirked, his hand reaching down to grab the students dick, digging his fingernails sharply into the fabric of the boys jeans. "Oh, what do we have here? Does the little whore enjoy being degraded down to nothing but a hole to fuck cum into? These muscles are just for show, aren't they, sub? We both know you were only born to please others, only made to perfectly be a beautiful submissive."
Namjoon groaned at the feeling of Yoongi's nails sinking slowly deeper into his cock. "S-stop! Let me go, freak!"
"I don't believe for a second that you actually want me to." Yoongi laughed, rubbing his palm against the boys clothed cock in tight, slow circles. "Your body knows its place, sub. Seems like your mind needs to catch up. I don't know where this free will came from, but I'll fuck it out of you, don't worry."
Namjoon was finding it more and more difficult not to buck into Yoongi's touch. The part of him that had gotten used to just submitting and letting Yoongi take care of him itched to take over, wanting to just end the scene quickly so he could get fucked. But the original, forever stubborn part of him refused to.
"Want me to fuck you, baby?" Yoongi cooed, leaning down to nip at the boys ear. "Hmm? Does the pretty sub want to get fucked the way a beautiful bitch like him deserves?"
"No!" Namjoon snapped, trying again to shove him off. "Don't touch me!"
Yoongi knocked the boys hands away effortlessly. "I'll touch what belongs to me whenever and however I want, slut. You seem to have forgotten your place, but I'm more than happy to remind you."
He flipped Namjoon onto his stomach, trapping the boys arms under his chest as he covered the students body with his own, pressing his front against Namjoons ass, grinding against him slowly.
"Gunna fuck you so hard you won't remember your own name." He growled deeply in the boys ear, and Namjoon shuddered.
Namjoon gasped, his eyes flying wide open when Yoongi bit his neck, his tongue sliding over the boys cinnamon skin.
"Call. Me. Dom." Yoongi ordered, muffled against Namjoon's neck.
"Per...vert." Namjoon panted out defiantly.
Yoongi grinned briefly, before slipping back into character.
He slid off the boys back, his hands grabbing Namjoons waistband to pull his jeans off.
Namjoon raised his head- and Yoongi's hand shot out, grabbing the boys hair and slamming Namjoon's cheek back against the floor harshly.
"Stay down, slut."
Namjoon groaned, pain exploding in his head, and it was the perfect distraction Yoongi needed to yank the boys pants and boxers all the way off.
"Good boy." He praised when he released Namjoon's hair and the boy stayed pressed to the floor, his breathing a little ragged and his eyes unfocused.
Yoongi was so glad Namjoon had agreed to let Yoongi stretch his hole out, so that he would be permanently loose for him. Yoongi didn't want to have to worry about always having lube on him, so he was pleased Namjoon allowed him to avoid needing it by letting himself get stretched.
Still, he didn't want to actually hurt his sub, so he shoved two of his fingers into Namjoon's mouth.
"Suck." He commanded.
Namjoon promptly bit down, and Yoongi was quick to spank him forcefully.
"Ah!" Namjoon cried out and Yoongi used the opportunity to ram his fingers down the boys throat, making the student choke and cough around them.
"Stop acting like you don't know how to use your whore mouth, stupid fucking sub." Yoongi hissed. "I told you to fucking suck, and when I give you a command you'll do damn well to obey it, you useless, disgusting, worthless, good for nothing but this cocksleeve."
Namjoon's cock thrummed with arousal at the dirty words, and he wrapped his soft, full lips around Yoongi's slim fingers, running his tongue slowly over every inch of them.
Yoongi waited for his fingers to get fully wet before pulling them out of the boys mouth. "That's more like it, sub."
Namjoon laid his cheek against the floor, trying to catch his breath as Yoongi positioned himself between his spread legs.
Yoongi laid his palm over Namjoon's ass cheek, rubbing the perfect curve gently, making sure Namjoon was okay to continue.
After a few moments of getting himself back together, the student glanced down at him and nodded, and Yoongi took that as an okay to continue.
He slowly pushed one wet finger into the boys hole, not stopping until his hand was pressed firmly against the boys ass.
Namjoon groaned the entire way, his nails digging into the hard floor of the basketball court. "Fuck..."
"Who gave you permission to speak?" Yoongi snapped. "You know you're not allowed to swear, fucking slut." He shook his head, as if annoyed and disappointed. "Looks like you need to be retrained, sub."
Namjoon lifted his hips off the ground, his hard cock springing up to press against his flat abs. There was a little bit of relief in that, as it had hurt a lot to have his dick pressed against the floor, but Yoongi was quick to slam him back down, making Namjoon gasp and groan.
"Were you seriously trying to please yourself?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, his voice eerily calm.
Namjoons heart pounded and he swallowed hard, deciding not to speak.
Yoongi yanked his finger out and shoved two back in, making Namjoon yelp and scramble to get away.
Yoongi gripped the back of the boys thigh, pulling him back. "There's no place you can run that I can't find you, sub. Stay down and take what's coming to you. We both know you're dying for it anyways."
Namjoon groaned as Yoongi started pumping the two fingers into him, the long digits hitting his prostate just right every time.
A third finger was added shortly, and Yoongi spread his fingers as wide as he could inside Namjoons hole, smirking when Namjoon's breath stuttered.
"O-oh, fuck- Yoongi..." he moaned, his cock dripping and begging to be touched.
Which is exactly when Yoongi decided to ignore it.
"That's not my name, sub." Yoongi reminded him, removing his fingers. "I haven't even fucked your cunt yet and you've already forgotten, it seems."
When Namjoon didn't answer, Yoongi flipped the boy onto his back, grinning at the starry expression in his eyes.
"You want me to fuck your pretty cunt, baby?" Yoongi hummed, brushing the boys sweaty hair out of his eyes. "Hmm? Want your dom to take care of you and fuck you so good you forget your name? Use and abuse your tight, pink hole so thoroughly like it deserves? Fuck you hard like how you were made for? You're so wet for me, beautiful. You want to be fucked so bad, so hard, so deeply. I know you do, angel. You know you're a sub, don't you baby? You know that so well."
Namjoon was panting hard, his hands wrapped around his torso, fingernails digging into his sides to avoid touching himself. His back was slightly arched and his head was thrown back, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his heart pounded red hot arousal through his veins.
He swallowed thickly, parting his lips to speak.
Yoongi hummed and leaned over him, holding his ear close to the boys mouth.
Namjoons breath hit Yoongi's ear as he whispered out:
"Go fuck yourself, asshole."
Yoongi froze, biting his bottom lip so incredibly hard as he tried to hold his laughter in.
The part of him that loved Namjoon was so proud his husband was still so defiant, and it was definitely turning Yoongi on to see the boy have so much self control and discipline.
But the dominant part of Yoongi that wanted to break the sub was pissed at the attitude.
He sat back, between the boys spread legs again.
He eyed the boys wet, clenching hole.
As much as he wanted to ram his cock inside it and fuck the boy hard and fast, he knew a better way to punish the sub for thinking he was allowed the right to have free will.
Namjoon was expecting Yoongi to fuck him, Yoongi knew. And after all the rough foreplay, he would be expecting Yoongi to absolutely drill him with his large cock. The way the boys cock was leaking precome was evidence enough, not to mention the fact his hole kept clenching on nothing, as if impatiently waiting to get fucked, even if the subs mouth would never beg for it.
Yoongi stood up.
"Wait here, sub."
Namjoon blinked a few times, trying to clear the cloud in his mind as he fought sub space. "W-wait- what? Yoon-"
"Stay exactly like that, and don't touch yourself." Yoongi ordered.
Namjoon watched in disbelief as Yoongi walked out the doors of the gym, and then he was left alone in the dark, incredibly hard but not allowed to get off.
He bucked his hips uselessly into the air, as if hoping the atoms would somehow give him any friction.
He shuddered as a bead of sweat ran down his temple, his arms still wrapped around himself, his knees bent and his feet flat on the gym floor.
The silence of the room and the darkness gave him no distractions from the arousal coursing through him, and he groaned, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he dug his nails into his skin tighter, trying so hard not to grab his flushed cock and just jerk himself off so fast and fully.
Just as he was convinced Yoongi was never coming back, the doors opened and Namjoon whipped his head around to see his husband walking calmly over, a couple items hanging from his hand.
"What a good boy you are," Yoongi cooed when he saw Namjoon had listened to him and hadn't touched himself. "I'll be honest sub, I didn't think you were going to listen. Maybe there's still hope for you after all."
Namjoon swallowed when Yoongi knelt down beside his head. "What...what did you get?"
Yoongi answered him by showing him- tying the blindfold around Namjoons eyes.
Namjoon knew Yoongi had gotten this from the car, from the box they kept stocked with toys and ropes for car sex.
Yoongi tightened the knot behind Namjoons head, before grabbing the boys strong bicep and hauling him to his feet.
Namjoon stumbled briefly, surprised at the action, and let Yoongi guide him.
Yoongi walked the boy over to the basketball hoop, pushing the subs back against the pole.
He pulled out the rope he had grabbed as well, and tied Namjoons hands together behind the pole, binding him to it.
"Sit." Yoongi placed his hands on the boys shoulders and pushed him down, so Namjoon was standing on his knees, his legs spread on either side of the pole.
Yoongi stepped back and took in the hot sight of his sub panting, turned on and unable to touch himself. The boys neglected cock was slick with precome, and by the way Namjoon's thighs were slightly shaking, Yoongi knew the boy was desperate to get fucked.
Namjoon pressed his ass against the pole, trying to get any friction to touch his hole, but the position wouldn't allow it and he groaned, pulling against his restraints.
Yoongi sat down in front of him, reaching his hand out to play with the boys pierced nipple, lifting the boys shirt up. "I guess since you seem to think you're not a sub, that you don't want to get fucked like one."
Namjoon opened his mouth immediately to argue, but realized the only way he was going to get off was if he begged Yoongi and admitted he was a sub, and he slowly closed it, pressing his lips together tightly.
Yoongi smirked, his free hand reaching down to rub the pad of his finger against the bottom of the boys balls, making Namjoon jolt and stiffen at the soft, barely there touch.
"Y-Yoongi..." he panted, his fingers flexing behind him.
"That's not my name." Yoongi reminded him, continuing his slow back and forth motion to the poor boys sensitive balls.
Namjoon huffed, his heart pounding so hard and his cock twitching almost painfully. He forced himself to keep it together, gritting his teeth as more sweat trickled down his temples.
Yoongi leaned down, his face close to the boys dripping, red cock. He let his hot breath gently hit it, making Namjoon struggle not to buck his dick into Yoongi's face.
"Yoongi- please," Namjoon begged, sounding close to tears. "Please- f-fuck, I..."
"Shh..." Yoongi finally removed his finger from the boys balls, and Namjoon shuddered. Whether he was relieved the friction was gone, or devastated his only chance at getting off was gone, Yoongi couldn't tell.
Yoongi let the tip of his finger rest atop the boys wet tip, not moving it at all.
Namjoon threw his head back, hitting it against the pole. "Ah! Yoongi- ohh..."
Yoongi didn't answer, content to tease the desperate cock in front of him for hours and hours. Like a kitten batting around a ball of yarn, Yoongi knew he could entertain himself by edging his beautiful sub all night long.
And Namjoon wouldn't be able to do a damn thing but take it.
He removed his finger before Namjoon could buck his hips up into the touch and Namjoon cried out.
"No! Fuck, Yoongi- please!" He begged, his whole body shaking now. "I-"
"Shh." Yoongi silenced him again, not even close to being done with torturing the boy. "Subs don't talk. Subs take what their masters give them silently."
By the sheer willpower of God himself, Namjoon gritted out: "N-not...a...sub..."
Yoongi grinned. "You're not? Oh, my mistake. I guess since you're not a sub then you don't need me to make you cum. I won't touch you anymore."
Namjoons mouth shot open, almost about to beg Yoongi to touch him so he could finally come-...but then that would require him to admit he's a sub, and Namjoon was nothing if not stubborn.
He hung his head, his whole body shaking with his desperation to get off, and he briefly wondered if he would actually orgasm without any stimulation at all. That was a new, terrifying, thrilling thought.
"That looks painful," Yoongi commented. "You sure you don't want me to touch you?"
Namjoon ground his teeth together harshly, his fingernails digging into his palms. "No."
"You don't want me to wrap my hand around your throbbing cock and jerk you off, hard and fast?" Yoongi's deep voice was against his ear.
Namjoon was breathing heavily, but he forced himself to shake his head. "N-no...I don't want that. At all."
"Really? You don't want my warm, wet mouth over your leaking tip? You don't want my tongue curling over your length, dragging up and down your shaft, licking your tip and sliding over your dripping slit?" Yoongi hummed.
Namjoon moaned loudly, his head resting against the pole while his chest rose and fell rapidly.
He had never been so hard in his life, and the tears in his eyes were a sign he was in dangerous territory.
But he forced himself to bear it. He was strong, defiant and could make it through this.
He almost believed that, until something hard pinched his nipple and he gasped. "Ah! What-"
"Shhh." Yoongi's finger pressed against his lips. "Doms don't expose themselves in public places like this. I'm just helping to cover a fellow dom."
Namjoon groaned when Yoongi added the other nipple clamp, and the added pleasure almost made him delirious.
He rolled his head against the pole behind him, sinking down so he was sitting on the floor, no longer having the strength to hold himself up.
His bound hands caught on the screws of the pole, and he was forced to bend over slightly, as his arms were raised slightly above the rest of his body.
Yoongi almost took pity on the boy, he knew Namjoon was pushing himself to his very limits, and the caring side of him wanted to untie his husband and praise him, fucking him the way the sub deserved.
But the mean part of Yoongi wanted to push Namjoon further, see how far the sub could go, learn how much the boy could really handle.
"You don't want me to stuff my thick cock into your tight, desperate hole?" Yoongi asked him, tilting his head to the side as he studied the boy. "Hmm? You don't want me to bounce you like a stupid whore on my cock, fucking you dumb?"
Namjoon's head hung low, his sweaty hair obscuring his face so Yoongi couldn't see his facial expression.
He didn't answer, and Yoongi decided that meant the boy needed a little prompting.
He pressed his finger against the base of the boys flushed cock, slowly rubbing the pad of his finger all the way up- to the boys tip.
Namjoon jolted immediately, throwing his head back with a gasp. His hips bucked into Yoongi's touch, and Yoongi was quick to remove his hand before Namjoon could get any friction.
"Answer the question, sub." Yoongi said, his eyes narrowing.
"No!" Namjoon panted out, his eyes squeezing shut. "I don't need that."
"Beg me not to touch you." Yoongi's eyes glittered. "Beg me to not let you come."
Namjoon groaned, tears slipping out from the corners of his eyes.
"Beg. Me." Yoongi ordered, reaching under the boy to press his finger flat against the boys clenching hole, not pressing inside at all.
Namjoon cried, lifting himself up slightly with shaking thighs. "P-please, sir! Please don't pleasure me! I-I don't want to come!"
Yoongi grinned, his pants tightening. "You don't want to come?"
"No, no, please don't let me come." Namjoon begged, even though it was obvious that was the only thing he wanted to do.
"Hmm..." Yoongi tapped his fingertip to the boys red tip. "Is that really what you want, darling?"
Namjoon sobbed, his strength giving out as he fell back against the floor, leaning against the pole.
"Y-yes! Yes, I don't wa-want t-to...come..." Namjoon's breathing was ragged. "Please...please don't ever let me come."
"And why is that?" Yoongi hummed, his finger rubbing soft circles around the boys tip.
Namjoon fought it for longer than Yoongi thought he could, but then he burst into loud sobs, his tears racing down from the behind the blindfold and coating his cheeks.
"Because I'm just a needy, desperate, slutty sub!" Namjoon shouted, giving in and bucking his hips against Yoongi's hands. "I'm just a stupid fucking whore- a cocksleeve just waiting to be fucked and used by a dom like you! All for you! Only for you, Dom! Please, please fuck me, Dom! Fuck- just fucking put my desperate, wet cunt to use and fuck me stupid! Please! I-I can't take it anymore- I'm a sub! I'm such a fucking sub that it's humiliating how badly I need to be fucked by your cock, Dom! I'm only good for being fucked, so please put me to use and ruin m-"
Yoongi growled, a tsunami of arousal crashing into him with full force of which he had never experienced before. His lips smashed against Namjoon's- cutting the boys desperate cries off.
His hands roamed the boys chest, feeling the boys shuddering breaths and the racing of his heartbeat.
Yoongi untied the boys hands without breaking the harsh, buzzing kiss, and as soon as Namjoon was free, Yoongi knocked him flat on his stomach on the floor with his elbow.
Namjoon cried out, and then he was flipped onto his back and Yoongi gave no warning when he suddenly rammed his entire length into the boys stretched hole.
"Ah- ah- ah-" Namjoon stuttered out stupidly, his eyes fluttering as Yoongi pounded into him so hard, so fast. He couldn't see anything through the blindfold, and that intensified everything.
"Fucking hell, Namjoon," Yoongi growled, his hands gripping the boys hips, lifting his lower half off the floor. "Fuck- so fucking beautiful."
Namjoon cried out at the intense pleasure, his orgasm building embarrassingly fast after being edged and teased for so long. He couldn't even speak, his mind blank with nothing but the feel of Yoongi's cock slamming into him. His arms hung uselessly at his sides, his eyes nearly rolling back into his head.
He couldn't do anything but lay there and let Yoongi abuse him, letting out stupid "Ah-ah-ah"s every time Yoongi jabbed his prostate.
What the fuck was his name?
When Yoongi wrapped a hand around his cock and pumped his length at the same speed he was fucking into his hole with, it was over for Namjoon.
The boy came with a half scream, half cry- his back arching fully off the ground as white hot pleasure exploded inside him, reaching every part of him.
He collapsed back against the ground, his energy completely drained. He didn't even feel it when Yoongi kept pounding into him, or when the dom finally came inside, shooting his load deep inside the fucked out boy.
Yoongi groaned after his orgasm, resting his forehead against Namjoon's come covered abs, too tired to care about the mess.
It took him a few moments to catch his breath, and when he finally pulled out, he was surprised to see he was shaking.
He had never gone that hard before, and it had taken a toll on him.
But not as much as it had on Namjoon, who was laying motionless beneath him, his eyes closed behind the blindfold.
Yoongi crawled over to the boys head, reaching a hand out to gently slap the subs cheek, lifting the blindfold up.
"Baby...Namjoon...sweetheart, can you hear me?"
Namjoon didn't respond, not even a twitch or a moan, and Yoongi sat back with an exhausted sigh.
He fought the urge to lay down, because he didn't think he would be able to get back up if he did, and his sub needed him.
Groaning with exhaustion, Yoongi forced himself to get to his feet. He swayed momentarily, before managing to get himself together.
Supplies. He needed supplies. And those were in the car.
He didn't want to leave his naked, passed out sub alone in the gym, but he didn't have much choice.
So he grabbed Namjoon's clothes, digging the car key out of the back pocket hurried to the car, grabbing what he needed, and hurrying back.
He sat down beside his husband, wrapping the blanket over the boys body, covering him. He leaned down and pressed a long, lingering kiss to Namjoon's sweaty forehead.
"My perfect, beautiful Namjoon." He whispered. "My strong, stubborn sub. You did so good, baby. You did so fucking good for me, sweetheart. Thank you."
He kissed the boys unresponsive lips, before scooping the boys into his arms.
He carried the boy back to the car, laying him in the backseat and making sure the blanket was still covering him, before pulling the seatbelt over him and buckling it in place.
He got into the drivers seat and twisted the key into the ignition, driving carefully home.
His eyes flicked up the rear view mirror every few minutes to check on his love, but Namjoon stayed passed out the whole way home.
Yoongi carried the boy inside, kicking the door shut behind him and yelling out, "Jungkook!"
Despite it being late, Yoongi heard footsteps thundering down the steps only moments later, and a half asleep Jungkook in rumpled pajamas appeared a second later.
"Yoongi? Are you okay? What- huh?" His asked, his bleary eyes only half open.
"I need your help." Yoongi confessed.
Jungkook saw Namjoon's unconscious form and his eyes shot open, now wide awake. "What the hell happened?! Is he okay?"
"He's fine, just passed out." Yoongi explained. "Can you put him in the bath for me? I need a moment for myself before I can care for him."
Jungkook nodded and quickly took Namjoon from Yoongi's arms, who promptly dropped to the floor with a long sigh.
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked. "What the fuck did you two do?"
Yoongi leaned against the wall and waved Jungkook away. "Fine, I'm fine. Help him, please. I'll be up in a moment."
Jungkook hesitated, concerned, and Yoongi flashed him a glare. "Don't even think about disobeying me, Jeongguk. You saw the sub, what I did to him, and I'll do it to you too if you don't get him in the bathtub in ten seconds."
Jungkook squeaked and raced up the stairs carefully.
As soon as he was out of sight, Yoongi fell onto his back on the floor with an exhausted groan.
That scene was the most intense one he and Namjoon had ever done, and while Yoongi had loved every second of it, he knew he shouldn't have pushed Namjoon that far.
Namjoon never cried. Ever.
Yoongi appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, checking in on Jungkook and Namjoon.
"He's still out?" Yoongi asked, a little surprised.
Jungkook nodded, from where he was kneeling over the tub, washing the sweat and come off of Namjoon's tan chest. "Hasn't even twitched. You sure he's not dead?"
Yoongi sat down on the closed toilet seat. "We...went a little harder than normal."
"A little?!" Jungkook exclaimed. "You broke him!"
Yoongi looked at his husband, his heart aching for the boy to open his pretty brown eyes, for him to smile his sweet smile, for his dimples to shine brightly.
He helped Jungkook clean and wash Namjoon, before lifting him out of the warm water and drying him off with fluffy towels.
Jungkook carried the boy into the bedroom, where they clothed him with warm, soft pajamas and laid him on the bed.
Yoongi curled up beside Namjoon's passed out form, laying his head on the boys chest and wrapping his arms and legs around the boy.
Jungkook frowned. "You're sure he's not dead?"
Yoongi could hear the boys slow, steady heartbeat and shook his head. "He's fine, he just dropped extremely far, deeper than ever before. I almost dropped too, so I'm not surprised."
"Do you want me to stay the night with you guys?" Jungkook asked.
"It's okay, he'll be fine in the morning. Get some sleep Kook." Yoongi gave him a smile. "Thanks for your help."
Jungkook nodded. "Of course. Anything for my family."
He shut the lights off and closed the door behind him, and Yoongi turned his attention back to his husband.
"Baby..." he whispered, gently brushing the boys damp hair out of his face. "Come back to me...I miss you. I need to tell you how good you were, how perfect and strong you performed for me. I need to thank you for the best anniversary ever."
Namjoon didn't respond, and Yoongi sighed, cuddling closer to the boy.
It took a while, but finally he fell asleep too.
When Namjoon's eyes slowly opened, it took him a while to realize he wasn't in the gym anymore.
He was confused- how had he teleported back home?
He felt something heavy laying half on him and he turned his head to see Yoongi sleeping, curled up in a tight ball, hugging his arm with his toes pressed against Namjoon's side.
He was wearing his pajamas now.
He tried to sit up, but that caused a wave of nausea and a sharp pain up his back and he groaned, falling back against the pillows.
It awoke Yoongi, who pounced on him immediately.
"Baby sub!" He gasped. "Are you okay, are you feeling alright? Are you hurt? What can I get you?"
Namjoon rubbed his forehead with his hands. "What...what happened last night?"
Yoongi sighed. "It was my fault, Namjoon. I'm so sorry, amore. I went too hard, and you dropped."
Namjoon blinked. "...dropped?"
Yoongi nodded, cupping Namjoon's cheek delicately. "It's called sub drop, sweetheart. Your body was put through so much that your mind had to shut everything down for a while to recuperate."
Namjoon struggled to sit up but Yoongi pushed him firmly back down. "No, don't get up, baby. You need to rest a little longer."
Namjoon shook his head. "I'm fine, honestly. I don't feel-"
Namjoon looked at him, and was shocked to see Yoongi had tears in his eyes.
"Yoongi- what-"
"I'm sorry." Yoongi whispered.
Namjoon was quick to grab the boy into a tight hug. "Baby, you have nothing to apologize for."
"I shouldn't have pushed you that far. I saw the signs that you were at your limit and it's my job to protect and look after you at all times, and I ignored those signs for my own pleasure." Yoongi gripped Namjoon tightly, burying his face in the younger boys chest. "I wanted to keep going, even though I could see you were struggling."
Namjoon smiled and pulled back. "Sweetheart...are you fucking stupid?"
Yoongi's head shot up, his eyes wide. "What-"
Namjoon laughed, running a hand through Yoongi's hair. "That was the greatest orgasm I've ever fucking had! That whole scene was amazing- beyond words! I loved every second of it. I knew I was pushing my limits, Yoongi. I would have said my safeword if I wanted or needed to stop, remember? You did your job- you brought me right to the brink and fucked me stupid like a true dom. Fuck, can we do that again next anniversary?"
Yoongi smirked, relieved at his subs words. He slid onto the boys torso, straddling him to the bed.
"Why wait?" He whispered in Namjoons ear. "Sub."
Namjoon grinned, his fingers digging into Yoongi's hips.
"Pervert...I'm not a sub."
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