Yoongi stood in front of his boyfriends, his hands clasped behind his back while his heart pounded a little faster at the prospect of what was about to happen.
"Are you sure this is okay?" Taehyung asked, worried.
Yoongi nodded. "It's for Suga, so I'll do it. He's done so much for me- the most, actually, so he deserves this."
It was the day of Suga's party, and everything was ready. The only thing they were waiting on was the man of the hour- Suga himself.
But of course, to get him out, Yoongi had to be uncomfortable in a situation first, which nobody wanted to force him into.
Namjoon refused to even watch it happen, and was waiting upstairs for the scene to be over.
"I wish we could just be like 'Hey Su, come out!' and he would." Jimin sighed, clutching a pillow to his chest.
"Me too." Seokjin wrapped his arms around the boy. He knew the scene was fake and pre-consented to, but that didn't make it any easier to watch.
Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, his leg bouncing at the speed of light.
Yoongi looked at Hoseok and Taehyung and nodded. "It's fine, you can do it."
The two boys took a deep breath, before moving in unison- grabbing Yoongi's arms and slamming him back against the wall.
Yoongi bit his lip when his head smacked the drywall, feeling a little dizzy from the impact.
Hands grabbed him and Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, trying to imagine they were the hands of strangers touching him without his permission, and not the hands of his loving boyfriends.
Someone slid their hand under his shirt, finding his nipples, while another hand groped him through his jeans.
Yoongi's breath hitched, his heart pounding as he struggled against them, their double strength slamming him back against the wall again.
A soft gasp left his lips as he hit the same spot, a headache forming. "Stop- please."
Taehyung quickly let him go, but Hoseok grabbed him. "You can't remember? He said he would say things like this but we have to keep going, until Suga comes out."
Taehyung looked broken but he nodded. He grabbed Yoongi's hips, hooking his fingers under the boys waistline. He started tugging the clothing down, a horrible taste in his mouth.
Seokjin looked away, raising his hand to cover Jimin's eyes, even though the pinkette wasn't looking either.
"No!" Yoongi shouted, and the next thing Taehyung knew, there was pain erupting across his abs, and he was stumbling backwards, crashing onto the coffee table.
Hoseok gasped, falling to his knees, his arm bent at an unnatural angle.
Suga looked passively down at him, one hand in his pocket, the other rendering Hoseok immobile. "Hoseok, I'm highly disappointed in you."
"Suga, please, it's not how you think-" Hoseok gasped out.
Seokjin jumped up. "Wait, Suga, he didn't mean it! We just had to get you out! Yoongi agreed to this!"
Suga blinked and looked around, seeing the party decorations and the banner that displayed his name. He let Hoseok go and the boy groaned, clutching his wrist.
"What's this?" He cocked his head.
Taehyung got up slowly, Jungkook helping him, feeling the bruises forming all over his back. "A party. For you."
"Party?" Suga was confused.
Namjoon came down the stairs. "Is it done?"
"Hello, Namjoon." Suga smiled at him. "What's a party?"
Jimin jumped up. "A birthday party!"
Suga blinked. "I don't have a birthday. Yoongi loves you all but please refrain from hurting him in the future. I understand there's kindness behind this gesture, and I appreciate it, but I don't need anything and I would rather Yoongi not have to get hurt in order for me to come out."
Namjoon walked over, checking his husband for obvious injuries and was relieved to find none. "I forgot you're a blackbelt. I'm glad we don't need to buy extra security alarms when we have your skills."
"Yoongi wanted you to have this party." Seokjin said. "To celebrate and show you how much we all love you. You do so much for him that we all wanted to do something for you."
Suga looked again at the decorations and the boys hopeful faces. "Yoongi...wanted this...for me?"
"He did. He even helped us plan it." Taehyung nodded. "After everything you went through to protect him, he wanted to do this for you."
Suga looked at the ground bashfully. "I'm just doing my job. He doesn't have to repay me. Protecting Yoongi is it's own reward."
"Still, he wanted you to have at least one day where we can give back to you." Namjoon said. "Will you please let us do that for you?"
Suga was thoughtful for a few moments, before nodding once. "If it'll make Yoongi happy, then I'll do it."
Jimin cheered. "You're amazing! You're the best! We love you!"
A soft pink blush bloomed over the alters cheeks at Jimin's words. "Th-thank you. Yoongi is pretty amazing."
"Come on, I made you a special cake." Seokjin took Suga's hand and led him to the kitchen.
He sat the alter down on a chair at the table and hurried to the counter, where the triple layer cake was waiting to be cut into.
He cut a small slice, knowing Suga would be counting calories for Yoongi, and tipped it onto a plate.
"Boys, come feed yourselves." He called out to the others, and they all hurried into the kitchen, lining up to each get a piece while Seokjin set the plate in front of Suga, handing him a fork as well.
Suga thanked him and waited until the others all were seated, before scooping up a small piece. He took a bite and smiled.
"It's delicious, Jin. Thank you."
Seokjin beamed. "I'm so glad you like it! Yoongi told me it was your favorite flavor."
Suga looked at Hoseok's wrist. "I'm sorry for harming you, Hoseok. Please let me bandage your hand after this."
"I'll do that." Namjoon said. "Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, and it's totally fine. I know Yoongi was okay with what I did, but I still feel bad, and this was a good punishment." Hoseok said, flexing his hand. "Damn, you're really strong."
"Yoongi took self defense classes when he was a teenager." Suga said, taking another bite. "And I practiced them every night so I would always be able to protect him."
"Suga for president!" Jimin cheered, chocolate smeared across his cheeks, and Jungkook smiled fondly at him, grabbing a napkin to clean him with.
"Yoongi would be a good leader." Suga nodded.
Seokjin got up. "What do you want to drink, sweetheart?"
"Water is fine, Yoongi hasn't gotten his full eight glasses yet today." Suga answered. "Thank you."
Jimin climbed out of his seat and eagerly hurried over to the alter, a little bit of chocolate still on his face since he had pushed Jungkook's hands away before the boy could finish wiping it off. He grabbed Suga's arm and bounced excitedly. "You're so cool! I want to be you!"
Suga smiled at him. "Yoongi's pretty great."
"He is, but so are you." Taehyung said.
Suga nodded. "That's what I said, Yoongi is amazing."
"Oh boy," Taehyung sighed. "This is going to be a lot more work than I thought."
Seokjin set a glass of water in front of the alter. "We all love Yoongi, and it's all thanks to you that we're all where we are today. So we all pitched in and got you this."
He nodded to Jungkook, who pulled out a small, wrapped gift, handing it to the alter.
"It's a small token of our love and appreciation for everything you've done for our beloved Yoongi for all those years, and even now." Namjoon explained. "There's nothing we can do to fully repay you for everything you've gone through so that Yoongi didn't have to, but we sincerely hope it's a start."
Suga was confused as he accepted the gift. "I don't understand...I'm just doing my job. I don't need to be thanked for it."
"Just open it." Taehyung smiled fondly, his cheek resting on his hand.
Suga grabbed one end of the bow and pulled, undoing it in one motion. He tore open the wrapping paper, revealing a journal.
He opened it, and read the note on the first page.
Dear Min Suga,
Thank you so much for protecting our cherished Yoongi. We can't go back in time and erase your hurt, but we promise to have the rest of your life filled with nothing but happiness and good times. We all know that everyone here and you all treasure Yoongi more than anything in the entire world, and you've always been there to help, support, love and protect him since day one. You've been through hell and back without anyone to help you or even thank you, and for your never ending, never wavering love for Yoongi, we wanted to show you that same love and respect. We filled this book with words of love for you and your unbelievable strength, for you to read whenever you need or want.
We love you, Suga. We love you so much, more than we can ever put into words or fully express. You're Yoongi's guardian angel, and you've shielded the man we love the most for years on end, without a break. You have the strength of which this world has never seen before, and you deserve nothing but love and respect. So please read this book every night to be reminded of how much we all appreciate your effort and work.
- your family.
Suga blinked and looked up at them. "I..."
"Read it." Jungkook encouraged, his eyes warm. "Take your time, we'll wait."
"We all spilled our hearts into these messages." Hoseok nodded. "So just know we mean every word in there."
Suga glanced back down at the journal and turned the page.
From Jimin,
Sugie, thank you for protecting Yoongi! He's the bestest man ever to exist and he makes my life a billion times better just by being in it, and it's all thanks to you and your unwavering strength that he's in my life. You're the reason he's so strong and brave, the reason he didn't throw his life away or live in fear and pain. You deserve the world!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
From Jungkook,
Hey Suga, you're my inspiration. Yoongi and the others are all my family, the people I cherish the most in the world. I want to protect them at all costs, just like how you want to protect Yoongi. Whenever I doubt myself that I'm not enough to keep everyone safe and happy, I just think about you, and how you did what you did all alone for years without any help or encouragement. You're a beacon of hope and a lifesaver, more than you even let yourself know. We all love you just as much as we love Yoongi, so please remember that at all times. Just like how you will do anything for Yoongi, we all will do anything for you. Fighting forever ♡.
Suga looked up, his eyes shimmering as he took in the boys hopeful faces. "I...I'm...um..."
Seokjin laid his hand over the alters. "It's okay if you want to take a break, angel."
Suga shook his head. "N-no, it's...I'm okay."
He turned the page, his hand slightly shaking.
From Hoseok,
First of all, you're a fucking warrior!! KING SHIT ONLY MY DUDE. We stan a badass, like holy fuck you're AMAZING! You're the man of all men, you know? You're a triple threat- sexy, smart and a master in fighting, oof, hot. Yoongi is precious, and he deserves a true gentleman like you to beat up the bad guys. He's such a beautiful soul, and I trust no one but you to always be there for him, and not just because you two are connected. I seriously wish there was some way you and Yoongi could talk face to face because I know there's a million things he wants to say that just can't be conveyed over writing. Just know he loves you as much as you love him, if not more. Stay a king forever, badass. We'll always be here for you, Suga. Always. You. Are. Loved. Valued. Treasured. Appreciated. Strong. You're a beautiful angelic hero, and we'll love you forever for everything you've done.
From Seokjin,
Hey sweetheart, how are you? Please know you're always welcome to come out, Yoongi is fine with it whenever, and all of us always want to see you. You deserve to know what it feels like to be loved and cherished, angel. With your consent, I would love to take you out on a proper date and shower you with every beautiful thing on the planet. I'm so sorry your past is filled with so much pain and sacrifice, but I swear to you that I will never allow any of that to ever happen to you ever again. You're the most generous, brave, humble hero I have ever met, and it's an honor to even write you this message. Sweetheart, I love you so so so much, I'm tearing up just typing this. You took care of our Yoongi for so long, and now it's our turn to take care of you. You are the kindest soul, the purest form of love, and I will go to the ends of the earth to ensure your safety and happiness. We all will. We love you, baby. Forever and always.
Suga's eyes were wide, not seeming to notice the tears running down his cheeks as his shaky hand turned the page slowly.
Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand, his heart beating fast. It was the first time the alter showed emotion, aside from some soft anger at Yoongi's father back at the trial, and he hoped they were happy tears, and not that they had broken the strong alter.
From Taehyung,
Su! My God, where do I start? Do remember the first time we met? And the interview you gave me? You opened my eyes when I didn't even realize I was blind. I thought I loved Yoongi, but then I saw your love for him, and realized how off the mark I was. You guided me back on track and now I'm in the best place in life. I'm with my first love, and have five amazing boyfriends, not to mention I'm in the college of my dreams and have a bright future full of possibilities because of what you've done. You don't just protect Yoongi, you make everyone's life better. You've been so selfless for so long, always putting Yoongi before yourself. You've done so much, and now I'm going to ask you to do one more thing for me. Please, live your own life too. It's what Yoongi wants. He's safe now, he has us to ease the weight off your shoulders. Feel emotion. Experience new things. Take over every now and then, Yoongi is fine with it. I know you say it's your job to protect Yoongi, but that was your old job. Your new one is to live life and be happy. Please be yourself, and allow me to help you find out who you really are. You're Yoongi's protector, of course, but I know there's more to you. We all want the best for you, we love you.
From Namjoon,
Suga...there aren't any words to express my debt to you. Yoongi is my everything. My happiness, my world, my life, my greatest adventure, my deepest love. Without your daily sacrifice, I never would have met my soulmate. There's no way I can ever fully pay you back for all that you've bravely done, but I can try my damn hardest every day. Please come to me whenever and for anything. I'll always help you, Min Suga. You're just as much a part of this family as everyone here, even if you're not present all of the time. I want to be there for you just like how I'm always there for Yoongi. From day one you've taken the brunt of the most traumatic thing any kid could ever go through, and that's real strength. I can't hold a candle to all that you've done. Having your approval to be with Yoongi is the greatest gift a hero like you could ever give me, and I cherish that every day. I vow to you that I will never hurt Yoongi or let him be hurt- I would lay down my life in a heartbeat before I let him even come close to any pain. So please, explore yourself. Get your feelings out there and LIVE. We've got Yoongi now, you're free, baby angel. You. Are. Free.
Suga was speechless, staring at the book while tears continued to stream down his cheeks.
Taehyung reached out and wiped them away with his thumbs, cupping the alters face. "There's one more entry, Su." He whispered.
Suga looked at him for a moment, before turning to the final page.
From Yoongi,
Suga, my brother, my first and best friend, the greatest Min.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I love you, my guardian angel.
We both know that if it hadn't been for you saving me, I wouldn't be in this house with my soulmate and beautiful boyfriends. I love you so much it hurts. I want to hold you tight forever and return all the protection you've given me for fifteen years. It hurts me deeply that I can't do that, but not a day ever goes by that I don't pray that one day I could. Do you hear me when I spend time thanking you in my head? Do you feel my gratitude and love for you whenever I hug myself? Every time I wake up from a nightmare, you're there before I can even remember what it was about. Every time my thoughts wander to a dark place, you're there to gently and lovingly guide me back to the light. I'm so sorry I was never as strong as you were, and that you had to endure so much pain for so many years. You've been my only family for fifteen years, more than the other alters all combined. I love you the most, and the only way I know how to repay you is to let you live your own life. Please, feel free to take over whenever. Vent with Taehyung, let him be your therapist. Let Seokjin spoil you. Let my sub care for you. Please brother, you deserve it. I have never loved anyone like how I love you. You've done your job, my friend. You've done more than you ever had to, and now it's your turn to be protected and adored.
You never have to sacrifice yourself for me ever again, or for anyone else.
I love you, Min Suga.
Thank you.
Thank you forever, my eternal beautiful angel.
Suga closed the book and set it down on the table. He raised a hand and wiped his eyes, staring at the tears on his fingers like he had no idea he was capable of them. "I...I protect Yoongi..."
Jimin jumped out of his chair, knocking it over as he raced over, throwing his arms around the alter, sobbing.
Seokjin was crying as well, and he quickly joined Jimin in hugging the crying alter.
Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook leaped out of their seats too, throwing themselves at Suga, whose tears had started flowing harder at their love, his breath stuttering at this new feeling.
Namjoon walked over, his hand reaching out to cup the alters cheek. "Min Suga, angel, you've been more of a father to Yoongi than anyone else. Please, may I show you true affection for the first time?"
Suga parted his lips slightly, staring at Namjoon while his shoulders shook from silent sobs. He nodded.
Namjoon leaned down, his lips hovering a millimeter away from the trembling boys, before he gently kissed him.
Suga's mind was instantly transported to all the times Yoongi's father had forced his own lips on him, kissing him harshly, making him bleed, shoving his tongue into his mouth, and all of those memories were swept away by the soft, gentle touch of Namjoon.
This kiss was different. Suga had been asked first if he wanted it. He had been able to give his consent for the first time. The kiss wasn't harsh or painful. He could feel the delicate care Namjoon felt for him, and his heart swelled up.
Was this how Yoongi felt whenever he was being loved by one of his family members? Was this true love? Was this the feeling they all meant when they said he deserved his own life?
He cried out against the boys mouth and Namjoon instantly pulled back, worry on his face.
"Suga? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Suga sobbed loudly and freely, for the first time in his life.
He reached out and grabbed the boys shirt, yanking him back down to connect their lips again.
It felt so good, and even though tears were raining down his cheeks, he had never felt happier. With every tear that slipped past, he felt a little more weight lifting off his shoulders.
His grip tightened on Namjoon's shirt, as if refusing to let him pull back, while he shuddered with the force of his crying.
"P-please, kiss me again," he begged, softly muffled against Namjoon's lips. "Please, love me, it feels s-so good- I, I just want a l-little more, please!"
Namjoon obeyed, kissing him repeatedly, before he finally pulled back to breathe and rested his cheek on Suga's shoulder, his hand reaching up to pet his hair with a shaky hand, and Suga realized Namjoon was crying too- they all were. For him.
"Th-thank y-you," the alter stuttered out, squeezing his eyes shut. "Thank y-you..."
"No sweetheart, thank you."
He buried his face into Jungkook's neck. "A-and I can come out wh-whenever? And feel this?"
"When. Ever." Seokjin smiled, kissing his cheek.
"And- and you won't be upset I took over Yoongi?" Suga asked worriedly.
"No, angel. Not at all, not ever." Hoseok affirmed.
"But...what if you get s-sick of me?" Suga fretted.
Jimin giggled, hugging him tighter. "That's not possible, Sugie."
Taehyung smiled, his cheek pressed against the alters chest, hearing the boys heart beating frantically. "You finally learned what a hug was, Suga."
Suga didn't know how much time they spent together in a huddle, a mess of happy tears, but eventually he exhausted himself, and his eyes slowly closed, falling asleep in the arms of his family.
For the first time in twenty three years, Min Suga felt what true love was like.
Thank you, Yoongi.
Deep in his own mind, Yoongi smiled, wiping his own tears away as he watched the scene unfold.
You're welcome, angel. You're so welcome.
This was all he had ever wanted to give his brother, and he sincerely hoped Suga would take over every now and then to experience the love of his family.
God knows the alter deserved it.
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