Jungkook sat at the kitchen table, his homework spread before him, but his eyes were looking at the couple on the couch.
Yoongi had his arm around Namjoon as the two watched a TV show, and Jungkook had to assume it was Yoongi in control, which was making him paranoid.
Agust could take over at any moment and do literally anything and the thought of that had Jungkook constantly on edge. He didn't know how Namjoon could stand being in Yoongi's arms when they were the same arms that had held him down and hurt him.
"Joon, I haven't seen you take your pills recently." Seokjin frowned as he came into the living room. "Are you due for a refill soon?"
Yoongi faced Namjoon, who had suddenly tensed. "That's right, sub. I'm almost out so you should be running low too."
"Uh, yeah, I've just been keeping the bottle upstairs instead of in the kitchen." Namjoon lied, standing up. "I'll go see how much I have left and then I can make appointments for us, Yoongi."
"Sounds good, baby." Yoongi kissed his husbands cheek and Namjoon hurried up the stairs.
Jungkook was quick to follow.
"Namjoon!" He hissed, ducking inside the bedroom and closing the door behind him. "What are we going to do?"
He knew Namjoon didn't have any pills since Agust had dumped them down the disposal, and he couldn't get more since he couldn't suppress RM while the two alters had their nightly visits.
Namjoon was rubbing his temples. "I hate lying to everyone. I feel terrible!"
Jungkook bit his lip, feeling the same. "I know, but hopefully it won't be for much longer. Once we find out Agusts plan, we can end it."
Namjoon sighed, walking into the bathroom and pulling out the empty orange prescription bottle. "I guess I gotta act surprised now that this is empty."
Jungkook smiled. "Jin is just looking out for you."
"I know, that's why I feel so horrible." Namjoon sighed.
"At least we have our own plan now." Jungkook nodded.
They headed back down the stairs and Jungkook watched as Seokjin berated Namjoon for 'forgetting' to get a refill sooner.
Namjoon took the scolding diligently, apologizing and promising to do better next month.
Jungkook hoped they wouldn't have to keep this charade up for a whole nother month.
Hopefully their plan worked tonight.
Later that evening, Jimin sat at the table with Hoseok, Seokjin and Taehyung.
"Alright men, listen up!" Hoseok ordered. "We're doing Suga's birthday party first and since he's done the most for Yoongi, he needs to have the best celebration ever! I don't want a single thing to go wrong or else I'm motherfucking gunna!"
"Yoongi told me he loves chocolate cake the best so I'm making a triple layer cake for him." Seokjin nodded.
"And I cleared my schedule for the whole day, so he can talk and vent to me freely, something I don't think he's ever done before." Taehyung said.
Hoseok nodded. "I think that'll really help him express himself and view himself as something other than just Yoongi's protector."
"And I'm gunna make him happy with my cuteness!" Jimin beamed, poking his cheeks. "Emotional support!"
"Fuck, it's already working." Seokjin leaned over and kissed him.
"Okay, the party is tomorrow so does everyone have what they need?" Hoseok looked at each of them.
They all nodded excitedly.
"Good. Then me and my girl Yoonji have a shopping date planned next week." Hoseok looked through his notes.
"Can I come?" Jimin asked. "I wanna model for you guys!"
"Sure, I'm sure she won't mind company." Hoseok nodded.
"And then my baby boy Yoonie!" Seokjin clapped his hands excitedly. "I'm going to spoil him all day!"
"He's going to love all the attention." Taehyung grinned. "I can see it already, he won't let Yoongi come back after being spoiled."
"Hey...do you guys think we should have a party for RM?" Seokjin cocked his head. "Maybe if we show him we're good people, he'll be a good alter."
Hoseok considered it. "We'll have to talk to Namjoon about it, but I'm open to the idea."
Jimin looked down at his hands in his lap. "Um...since we're on the subject...I know I joked about it before, but...what if we threw Agust a par-"
"No." They all cut him off at once.
Jimin looked up at them. "But what if he's like RM, and a party will turn him good?"
"He's a fucking psychopath, Jimin." Hoseok shook his head. "Cake and ice cream won't change that."
"Yoongi would never let him out again." Seokjin added. "When Agust was holding Yoongi hostage last year was the worst thing to happen to all of us, especially Namjoon and Yoongi."
"Not to mention how you think Namjoon would feel about him being out." Taehyung put in. "I understand you have a big heart, Jimin, but Agust always has been and always will be a bad guy. People don't change."
Jimin had tears in his eyes from their harsh words. "I know all that, but if we keep treating him like a bad guy then he's going to keep acting like a bad guy!"
"Jimin." Hoseok snapped, a rare occurrence. "We said no. Drop it."
The number one thing Jimin hated was being yelled at, and he felt sick inside.
He jumped off his seat and raced out of the kitchen to find Jungkook, but he crashed into someone else instead.
"Yoongi!" Jimin gasped, throwing his arms around the teacher. "H-Ho-Hobi raised his voice at m-me!"
"Did he?" Yoongi wrapped his arms around the small pinkette. "What for?"
"I wanted to throw A-Agust a party because I th-think it would soften his heart and I know he's dangerous a-and could hurt somebody b-but I feel like if we don't give him a chance then he'll never change!" Jimin buried his face in Yoongi's chest.
"Hmm. You have a point there." Yoongi brushed his fingers through the boys hair gently.
Jimin sighed and pulled back, wiping his eyes. "Of course I don't want to hurt you or JoonJoon by bringing up Agust but I feel guilty for joking earlier that he doesn't deserve a party."
Yoongi smiled. "He can take a joke, don't worry about Agust."
"Do you know where Jungkook is?" Jimin tilted his head. "I need cuddles and kisses."
"I saw him with the sub upstairs." Yoongi answered.
Jimin beamed. "Okay, thanks Yoongi!"
"No problem, Pink."
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