"Hi baby," Agust cooed.
He was so excited. This was absolutely fascinating to him. He almost felt giddy as he looked at the baby alter.
He was expecting RM to attack him instantly, but he was surprised when the boy looked around the room instead, almost ignoring him.
RM walked along the room, inspecting the bed, opening the closet, looking at the paintings on the walls.
Agust grew a little annoyed at the lack of action. This was not how he was expecting this to go down.
"Hey, hel-lo!" He called. "Your judgment of their interior decoration can wait- I believe we have some important business to attend to."
RM didn't even look at him. "Shut up."
Agust glared, anger flashing inside of him.
Either RM was planning something dangerously smart or he was a total idiot. There was no in-between.
"You don't fucking talk to me like that," Agust growled, stomping over to the new boy. "Let's get that straight right away. I made you and I swear I won't hesitate to kill you either."
"No," RM finally looked him over. "I'm going to kill you."
Agust snorted. "Right. Your whole assassination agenda. It's cute. You do realize I'm technically five people, right? If you kill me you kill four others as well. Not that I care, of course, I just want to see where your morals are."
RM just made a face at him and went back to exploring the room.
Agust watched him, arms crossed and frowning. "What are you even doing?"
"This is my first time being out where I can actually look around." RM replied. "I want to see what this place is." He went to the door and walked down the hall, looking at everything.
Agust followed him. "Don't you see what the sub sees?"
"Who?" RM explored the living room. "Why is this place so big?"
"Because seven people live here." Agust watched him. "You really don't know much, do you?"
"Who are the seven people?" RM faced him. "Who is the sub?"
Agust smiled. "Cute. Baby alter."
RM scowled. "Not a baby."
"You have a lot to learn." Agust chuckled. "I can teach you. We can find out who you are, self discovery roadtrip and all that Hallmark shit."
"Hallmark?" RM turned away from him, wandering into the kitchen.
Agust hurried after him. "How about we make a deal?"
"What deal?" RM looked over at the knives.
"I'll answer your questions and teach you things. We'll find out what you like and don't like, see who you are. If I find something you like, you have to do what I say. If you don't like something, I'll give you one chance to kill me." Agust held out his hand. "Deal?"
RM looked at the boys hand.
It was silent in the dark kitchen for a few long moments, and then RM shook Agust's hand.
Agust grinned. "Perfect, we can start tonight. I'll tell you about the people in this house, and you tell me what you know about yourself."
"I know my name is RM, I know I hate you, and I know how I'm going to kill you." RM said, pulling out a large knife from the holder.
Agust smirked in the darkness. "Oooh, confident. I like it. The sub was also a lot like-"
The lights suddenly flicked on and both alters froze.
Jimin walked into the room, rubbing his eye with his little fist.
"Yoongi? Namjoon? What are you two doing in the kitchen this late at night?"
"Jimin..." Agust breathed.
He suddenly kicked at RM, shoving the alter away a few feet, before swerving to stand in front of the small pinkette.
"What are you doing up?" Agust asked him, ignoring RM's grunt of pain from behind him.
"I heard voices." Jimin yawned. "Someone moved me from Namjoon's room." He pouted, flapping his sweater paws angrily. "I was cuddling!"
Agust grinned. "You can come to bed with me, Pink."
"Hey." RM snapped, getting up from Agust's kick. "We were in the middle of something here."
"Aw, don't be jealous baby." Agust smirked at him. "You can come cuddle with us too."
"JoonJoon, why do you have a knife?" Jimin peered around Agust. "Were you guys going to cook something at this hour?"
"Yes, we were, but now we realize that's a bad idea, so how about you go back to bed, Pink?" Agust placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders and turned him around.
RM growled as he watched Agust and Jimin interact, stabbing the knife into the wooden cutting board nearby.
Jimin giggled. "You're so cute, Yoongi. Pink is such a cute nickname, I love it!"
"Do you? Then I'll call you it more." Agust ushered Jimin up the steps and back to the doorway of the younger boys room.
But Jimin stopped, refusing to go in. He tilted his head back and pouted at Agust. "Wait, you said I can sleep with you tonight!"
Agust blinked. "You...actually want to?"
"Of course, silly!" Jimin giggled, throwing his arms around who he thought was his teacher.
RM came up the stairs behind them, glaring. His fingernails raked along the wall.
Agust looked over his shoulder at the boy. "Class is dismissed for tonight, baby. See you tomorrow, same time, okay?"
RM watched as Jimin and Agust ducked into Yoongi's room, scowling. He thought he was going to be the center of attention tonight and would finally get Agust all to himself to kill him and get answers to his questions, but this little pink haired boy showed up and totally captured Agust's full attention.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, he needed Agust. He didn't know anyone else here who would help him, except for Suga, but he couldn't have both of those alters out at the same time.
Reluctantly, he followed the two into the bedroom.
Jimin had already crawled under the covers of the large bed, snuggling up with a pillow.
Agust was standing off to the side, looking up something on his phone.
He looked up when RM entered. "Joining us after all, baby?"
"Yay, JoonJoon." Jimin giggled, extending his arms to the boy.
RM didn't know what the fuck a JoonJoon was, but Jimin seemed to like it.
He walked over to the bed and sat on the end of it, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knees as he studied this Jimin person.
He didn't seem to be a physical threat, but RM didn't want to have to compete with him for Agust's attention.
Agust went to Google, typing how to cuddle someone into the search bar and reading the few articles that popped up. Sure it seemed simple in his mind, but what if he did something wrong and Jimin didn't want to lay with him anymore?
He told himself he had to do it the way Yoongi would do it, so Jimin wouldn't get suspicious.
"Come to bed already, I'm tired." Jimin whined, reaching out and grabbing the hem of Agust's shirt, tugging on it with a pout.
Agust's heart spiked at the action and he set his phone aside, crawling beside the small boy.
Jimin beamed, wrapping his arms around Agust and burying his face in the alters chest. "Goodnight, Yoongi!"
RM watched them, tempted to call out that that wasn't Yoongi. He knew Jimin would freak out then, and he could have Agust to himself again. But then Agust would be mad at him and wouldn't answer his questions.
He huffed, finally accepting he wasn't going to get what he wanted tonight.
He crawled to Jimin's other side, getting under the covers.
Agust didn't know what to do with his hands. He hesitantly wrapped one arm around the boys body, holding him close. His other hand slowly reached out to Jimin's face, taking a few moments to decide he really had the courage to cup the boys cheek, caressing it gently.
Was he doing this right? Fuck, he was so nervous.
Jimin drifted off the sleep almost instantly, cuddling between two warm bodies of the people he thought were his boyfriends.
Agust laid awake for a long time, eyesight slowly getting used to the darkness.
RM rolled over, the knife in his hand suddenly arching through the air towards its target.
Agust's hand shot out, grabbing the boys wrist and stopping him.
It all happened so fast, with Jimin sleeping unaware between them.
"I said no for tonight, baby." Agust whispered.
RM scowled, letting Agust yank the knife from his grip.
"Go to bed. Let the sub take back over. I'll talk to you tomorrow night." Agust said, tossing the knife away.
"Answer one question first." RM said.
"Fine." Agust looked back down at Jimin.
"You want to know who I am, but I don't know who you really are."
Agust grinned in the darkness.
"I'm the bad guy, baby. Try not to fall in love with me."
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