Part 1 RiDe (Richtofen x Dempsey)
(Quick Authors Note; I don't own COD. Also, there is sexxxxx in this so if you don't like don't read. Plus, this will be in origin Richtofen's P.O.V, the story takes place in my favorite map Kino Der Toten because it's my story lol also I made it to where both versions are in same realm)
I sat on the bed in the old bedroom and sipped red wine. I was angry and annoyed at how that stupid American was treating me. Then there was also the fact that there was two of everyone which meant two Dempseys... I sighed in annoyance and took another swig. I looked at the summoning key sitting on the side table next to me and that got me thinking. An evil smirk spread across my lips and I chuckled. I know a way to get back at Dempsey for being an asshole to me... Not to mention, it will please me as well... I stood up off the bed and grabbed the summoning key before walking out of the old room. I walked out onto the balcony overlooking the theater and teleporter. Good he was alone, I quickly aimed the key at him and lifted him up into the air. "Richtofen! What the hell are you doing?" He shouted and thrashed in anger. I smirked at the marine and lifted him over the railing of the balcony and dragged him to the bedroom using the key. "Richtofen, whatever you're thinking about doing, don't do it." He spoke, half terrified and half angry. "Nein Dempshey you vill listen to me und do as I say." I ordered him and walked to the man in the air and unzipped his brown jacket. The American thrashed wildly in the air. It was a shock that no one had heard the commotion.... Or so I thought, I seen my other self walking down the hallway and stop at the bedroom door. He seen what I was doing and smirked evilly. I slid Dempseys shirt off over his head and stared at his muscular chest. I'd imagined him to be more fat do to Americans eating those burgers and apple pies but this one obviously worked out. I reached a hand up to trace his muscles, starting from his collar bone and working down to his pecks. "What the fuck doc!" He shouted and continued to thrash until I grabbed one of his nipples and pinched it lightly. "Ah! Fuck!" The American fought back a grunt. "It's okay dempshey, you don't have to hide anyzhing from me." I smiled and winked at him. I unzipped his pants and slid them down to his ankles. I could see a tent forming in his boxers. "Dempshey.... " I purred and gently pulled his member out from the boxers. "I swear that's not from you!" He shouted in defense. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Vhatever you say." I said as I started stroking the other man slowly. I looked up at the American who had his eyes closed and was biting his lip, trying to keep quiet. I watched my other self walk in and shut the door behind him. His face was burning a bright red and I looked down to see him forming a tent in his trousers. I didn't know what he was about to do and if I should be worried or not. I continued to stroke Tank and he couldn't keep his legs still. His legs were jerking like a dog. This amused me as I looked up at the man I had trapped, he opened his eyes and seen the other me. "Oh no.... Please don't tell me I'm going to have to do anything to him...." He said with worry in his voice. "Nein I have seen Vhat you are doing und I vanted to study your behavior..." The nazi version of myself spoke with an evil grin. I didn't know how I felt about the other me watching but I shrugged... I looked up at Tank who was groaning loudly. "Doc... Stop teasing me like this or once I get free I'm kicking your ass!" He barked. "You vill listen to me und do Vhat I say dempshey or you vill not be able to leave zhis room until zhen now be a good dog und come for me." I said with a smirk as I touched the sensitive slit on his cock. "Richtofen!" He moaned my name loudly as thick white spurts shot out of his throbbing member. I scooped up a rope of his seed and held it to his mouth. "Suck" I commanded and surprisingly he obeyed. "Vov... I vasnt expecting zhis.... Such a gute boy." I grinned and waited for him to get the finger nice and lubricated. Once my finger was wet and warm enough I pulled it out of his mouth and walked behind him and rubbed his buttocks leaving a trail of his saliva on the warm, sweaty skin.
To be continued ;)
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