First time
Listen to Sex with a ghost or Bernadette on loop if you wanna feel more angsty or sum :) btw I changed dazais height for the story
Dazais original height is 5'11 but here he's over 5'9 while atsushi is still 5'7,I changed it to make them kinda the same height (?)
It was a nice Sunday night,well..atleast it was nice for others,not for atsushi though. He felt like he was dying. He hasn't been able to get out of bed for 2 and a half days now that Dazai killed himself last Thursday. All he has been dreaming has been dazai,dazai and dazai only. He can't help it.
"At-su-shi-kun ~" a playful voice can be hear next to atsushi. "What do you want." Atsushi said as he looked at the one was there? He sat,looking all around himself "it must be me hallucinating again.." he sighed to himself,he has really come to the point of becoming crazy..
"you're not tho,Atsushi-kun!" The supposed hallucination said again,but this time,when atsushi looked at where the voice came from..
"D-...dazai-san..?" Atsushis eyes widen open. Dazai was infront of him. But- it's not a hallucination..Dazai was holding his hand,hallucinations never feel this real- his hands were cold,and usually hallucinations either felt really hot or he couldn't touch them at all. "Dazai-san..I-i missed you I—" atsushis pleads were cut with a kiss. When dazai pulled away,he was smiling,not one of his smirks but a genuine made atsushis heart pound like crazy.
next thing he knows,he's being pulled down to the bed,dazai sitting on atsushis lap. "D-dazai-sa—" the weretiger was cut by another long passionate kiss. As dazai pulled away from the kiss to whisper something on his ear "I know how much you've missed me,atsushi."
"let me turn all that guilt and sadness into pleasure" the brunette said as he pulled the weretiger down,to lay on his bed.
Began to crawl below atsushi,to where his dick is,and oh, "what a suprise! My dear Atsushi-kun is hard,time to take care of it!" Dazai playfully snickered,not warning the weretiger and eagerly pulling his pants down and sucking like there's no tomorrow.
Atsushi did know dazai was dirty,but not THIS was driving him crazy,knowing his mentor's sucking him off as a ghost.. he felt happy,not seeing dazai for just 2 days made him feel sad,he missed him.
He was glad to see him,even as a ghost. But..seeing him as a ghost made him remember that dazai is indeed dead. It hurts,his heart hurts..
Dazai crawled on top of atsushi,whom didn't even notice he already came. "Ride,or nah?" Dazai asked,atsushi didn't know what he was talking about,but before he could ask dazai exclaimed "ykw,just fuck me! I'm tired anyways" and with that,dazai flipped both of them so dazai was laying on the bed with his legs spreaded and atsushi above him. Atsushi was really's his first time after all,specially with a ghost. But he knew the you say? Well when he heard dazai making dirty and inappropriate jokes to chuuya saying how chuuya could fuck him step by step and fully detailed..he was pretty surprised,he did not expect for dazai to be the bottom,specially with made him jealous at first,but he later found out there would be no way dazai would like a nobody like him anyways,until today..
Atsushis shaky finger made his way to dazais entrance,entering it slowly. "No need to go so gently,atsushi-Kun! I'm not that sensitive you know~" the brunette snickered as he looked down to the blushing weretiger. "A-are you sure dazai-San? I don't want to hurt you.."
When the silver haired boy said that,The brunette's face softened. Not a crazy amount,but enough to notice. He chuckled and placed his cold hands on atsushis cheek "it's fine,I trust you,Atsushi-Kun."
It felt so relieving to hear that.Dazai did indeed tell him that in different ways multiple times,but hearing him saying it in a non-joking way and with a genuine smile on his face,made him let the tears buckling up on his eyes fall onto the brunettes abdomen.
"Okay then,dazai-San..."
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