Chapter 1
"I hate you Blake Hemingway. I always have, and I always will. So just get out of my life!"
Yup. Those were the last words I spoke to the Devil himself, 5 years ago. On this day, 5 years ago, Blake and I ended our relationship before it even began. Why? Because it was doomed from the start.
You see, just because Blake claimed that he loved me, it didn't mean that it was exactly 100% true. The reality of it is that Blake and I were just too caught up in each other's drama to even fathom what the next step was once we got together. Let alone the fact that we got together in the first place.
And let me tell you, it's not easy being in a relationship with someone you hated only a summer before. All those years of resentment built up inside us were still there—feelings aren't that easy to get over.
Now don't get me wrong, Blake and I were happy for a little while. However, as anyone in the real world would predict, our true colors started creeping back out. All of the drama had settled down, but that just meant Blake and I had nothing to fight for and no one to be jealous of anymore. We quickly realized that the relationship had to be taken very slowly, but even that didn't work. Soon enough, we were arguing and ignoring each other. I tried to make the relationship work, but sadly Blake didn't do the same. And the kicker?
Blake was still as promiscuous as he was before. Oh, you thought that was all to make me jealous? SIKE.
Alright, enough talk. Let's just flashback...
5 years ago
"Blake? Oh hey babe!" I greeted as I walked into his living room. Blake gave me a peck on the cheek, and I sat down on his couch.
"Still not used to the whole 'babe' thing," Blake chuckled as he munched on some chips.
After the party a month and a half ago, Blake and I decided to take things slowly. Confessing our love to each other was enough emotion to last us at least 6 months. It still felt foreign dating my former worst enemy.
School had since already begun, and I missed the gang a lot. Opal and Mona were the only two to enroll in the same school as me, while everyone else spread out across the country. Blake decided to take a gap year, which was nice considering I could see him whenever I wanted.
So, there we were munching on chips and watching tv, as per usual. We were watching Family Feud.
"I love Steve Harvey," I said light-heartedly, "he's so hilarious."
Blake mmhmm'ed and suddenly went on his phone. I glanced at him, but thought nothing of it after a second. Blake had started doing that a lot, but I didn't think it was a big deal unless I were being completely ignored.
"Ooh, what do you think this answer is?" I questioned excitedly. Blake didn't answer and kept going through his phone. I looked at him until he noticed and stared at me.
"Oh, sorry what was that?"
"Forget it, moment's passed."
Blake shrugged then went back on his phone. I scooted closer then asked curiously, "Whatcha doing?"
Blake suddenly turned his phone away as if he were to say none of your business. I rolled my eyes and scooted back over.
This continued for another hour until I couldn't take being ignored anymore. "Are you gonna stay glued to that thing or are you gonna enjoy spending time with me, you know, since I came here to see you?"
Blake continued to ignore me, and that's when I lost it. I grabbed the phone out of his hand and slammed it onto the coffee table. I received a look of disbelief as a folded my arms in defense.
"What the hell, Lei?" Blake spoke.
"He speaks!" I shot back, using his words against him.
"What's your problem lately? You've been so attached to your phone, and acting all weird and secretive," I said as I turned to him.
"Why do you care? Don't worry about it," Blake replied. I was shocked at how unreasonable he was being.
The phone chimed, and we both glanced at it. It was a message from, guess who? Claire.
"Claire? Blake, why are you talking to Claire?"
"I can talk to whoever the hell I want. I'm tired of you being all over me all the time. Leave me alone, Lei." Blake grabbed his phone and went back to his business.
I stood up abruptly and grabbed my stuff. "Wow. That's my cue to leave."
As I was walking towards the door, I looked back again expecting Blake to stop me. He didn't seem to realize that I was even leaving. I frowned then slammed the door behind me and went home.
The next couple weeks consisted of Blake and I arguing on and off. I was realizing that the relationship wasn't gonna work—our personalities clashed way too much. It was almost as if I knew him better as my enemy, and as my boyfriend he was a stranger.
Blake and I decided to settle our differences and talk it out at his house. We were both tired of the back and forth.
"...and I just feel like you take me for granted all the time, Blake, and it's not fair," I explained.
Blake still seemed to be distracted and not listening.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not gonna keep wasting my time with this. This should have never happened."
Blake perked up at that. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that I'm done with this. I've been trying this entire time to make you happy, but at the same time I'm making myself depressed. This isn't fair to me," I replied.
"Wow, Leighla. You're so selfish to think that I take you for granted. I—"
Blake was cut off by a knock and then a squeal.
"Knock knock! Eeee! Hi Blakey!"
Claire hugged Blake and threw her purse down in front of me. I watched angrily as she threw herself at him.
"Claire, now is not a good time," Blake countered sheepishly.
"Why, are you two lovebirds having problems? Aw."
Claire pinched Blake's cheeks then kissed him on the cheek.
"Okay, that's it. I'm done with you," I spat as I got ready to walk out, "Thanks a lot for stringing me along like all your other puppets." Blake ties to stop me, but I quickly spun around.
"DON'T," I pressed.
I yanked my arm away and stormed out. Blake followed me outside and watched me cross the street to my house.
"What the hell do you want me to do, Lei?"
I turned around and yelled back, "I hate you, Blake Hemingway. I always have and I always will. So just get out of my life!"
Since that day, I hadn't spoken to Blake in almost 5 years. We saw each other a few times, but whenever he looked over at me, I would look away and ignore him. The gang all eventually heard about it, but I didn't want them to feel sorry for me. I was the stupid one to fall for someone I should've kept hating.
So here I was, sitting in my new apartment with Mona and Opal.
"So guess what I heard is coming up?" Mona smirked.
"GrayBelle High is having a reunion!" Mona exclaimed. She seemed pretty excited about it.
"Isn't that supposed to be 10 years after we graduate?" Opal chimed in as she dug into the fridge for something to eat.
"Yeah, but they're doing a special 5 year reunion instead. It'll be 5-15-25 instead of 10-20-30. Aren't you guys excited?!"
I replied, "Yeah, totally. It'll be exciting to see everyone going literally nowhere in their careers yet. We just graduated college a few months ago. I'm sure everyone looks exactly the same. The school doesn't even give us a chance to age yet."
Mona and Opal chuckled at that.
"But sure I'll go. When is it?"
Mona replied, "It'll be a New Year's party. That's already a couple months away!"
"I hope everyone will be able to make it! Does the rest of the group know?" Opal asked quizzically.
Mona nodded. We all got more excited about it, knowing that the gang will be reunited. As we discussed it, I heard a knock on the door. I stood up to open it, and widened my eyes at who was standing there.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Chapter 1 is officially out! I'm so glad to finally be back, and I can't wait to publish the rest of the story. Who do you think is at the door? Let me know your thoughts! Comment! Vote! Read!
Song: "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood
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