Chapter 7: Trusting Over The Limit
Ten was almost curled up in Taeyong arms. He couldn't stop crying. In the last few weeks, he tried to hide it or push it deep down so he would eventually move on and forget it, but he knew it wouldn't work. It didn't work the last time either.
"It's okay, let it all out," Taeyong whispered to comfort his Thai friend. It hurt him to see his friend like this, to see someone so happy breaking down. He was staring into the distance, but then he decided to close his eyes, hoping he could help his friend.
"I..." Ten spoke after crying out his eyes. "I was so scared. I thought- I thought he would hurt me more and-and worse." Ten was crying again. Taeyong's heart was breaking, seeing his friend like this. He couldn't imagine what it felt like being in that situation. It broke his heart more, thinking that Ten had to move on and hid it on his own, alone.
Ten was sobbing into Taeyong's chest as he was grabbing the clothing material. He had sometimes screamed out his inner feelings, as Taeyong told him to let it all out. He did not only cry and scream out because of the Gunki incident but because his past was lurking around him. Memories appeared in his nightmare sometimes, which caused him to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall back asleep. Gunki had made his memories reappear again after successfully moving on from them.
"I'm here, it's okay now," said Taeyong. "You aren't alone."
As minutes had passed by, Ten's cries became more silent, and his hiccups were slowing down. His grip on Taeyong's shirt was lighter, and he was able to calm himself down after a horrible breakdown. He was staring at Taeyong's chest with a blank expression. His mind was empty like his thoughts have left his head. He couldn't think of anything to say or even express his thankfulness towards his Korean friend other than hugging him. He wrapped his arms around Taeyong's small waist and hugged him tightly, which the other didn't expect. Taeyong looked at the small one in his arms with surprised eyes and couldn't think straight as to what to do. He never experienced such thankfulness from someone.
"Thank you so much," spoke Ten. "It meant a lot from you, really. The fact that you listened to me and comforted me showed that you do care about me. I didn't know it was that noticeable that I was feeling pretty down today."
"You don't need to thank me, I knew something was pressuring you, and I wanted to help." smiled Taeyong. "Do you need anything, by the way? Food or water?"
"I don't know," replied Ten. "I just want to stay here, lying down and doing nothing."
"That sounds pretty cheesy." chuckled Taeyong, which caused Ten to look up at him and punch him lightly in the chest. "But seriously, you need water to stay hydrated, and after crying so much, cold water will be amazing to drink."
Taeyong stood up from the bed, letting Ten go and made his way to the kitchen. He poured water into a glass, which was followed by ice then took out a bowl and put some chocolate snacks in it. He took these into his room where Ten was lying on the bed looking out of the window, deep in thoughts or empty-minded.
"I brought you some things to make you feel better," said Taeyong as he sat down next to Ten, who sat up to check. He took the glass of cold water, thanked him, and then drank it in one go. He saw the snacks and wanted to decline them politely, but Taeyong didn't let him, in fact, he insisted Ten to have at least a few.
Time was passing as the two boys were enjoying the other's company. After Ten had calmed down ultimately, Taeyong asked him if he could help in one of his dances since he knew Ten loved dancing more than anything and knew it would make him smile. He was right. Taeyong made mistakes so hilarious Ten couldn't help but smile and laugh with his friend. They ended up talking on the floor after so much laughter.
"Also, I have never thought I would experience things like this ever, but oh well, it's an all-boys school in the end." chuckled Taeyong.
"What do you mean?" asked Ten cluelessly.
"Oh, you know, just the usual," responded Taeyong. "But with a higher student than me, that's still unbelievable."
"Okay, quit joking, what are you talking about?" chuckled awkwardly Ten. Taeyong turned his head to Ten with an expression that would say something obvious.
"C'mon, you know," said Taeyong as if it was a thing that everyone knew. "The boys with boys stuff, kissing and such-"
"What?!" interrupted Ten.
"Wait, you don't know about it?" asked Taeyong with a questioning yet surprised face.
"What do I not know about?" asked Ten with a devastated face. "For fuck's sake, just tell me!"
"So you really don't-"
"Stop provoking me and just fucking tell me!" Ten was close to eruption.
"I thought you knew it but okay. So this is an all-boys school we go to, right, and after a certain time of not seeing girls, especially for those who live in the dormitory, and spending more than half of the day in the school studying and such you start to see things in boys that you see in girls and you want to experience what's it like with a boy, and you discover it isn't much difference, not everybody is this open about it though. This is a way to release our desires when our hormones are starting up or a way to help our loneliness for a decent time, it's like a drug. After an agreement that it is okay for the both of you, you continue it in the future, and the kiss can lead to sex. An ass is an ass in the end, regardless of gender. Sexuality isn't a question here, sex is only for pleasure, and with consent and agreement, it's pleasure for both. Many times you can see from the appearance of the person if they are a bottom or a top, or in the end, they are a switch. One person can more than one partner if they prefer and won't hurt their first partner. It's easy like that." explained Taeyong. Ten stayed silent after listening to his friend's explanation. It made sense now, the two Chinese students he and Yuta heard, Jaehyun's act, Yuta and Winwin (because back then he thought they were gay or something else) and Jaehyun's conversation with Yuta. Everything added up after this, and he thought this meant he could keep his secret quiet but enjoy himself at the same time. But it did bother him since he knew if he got to be with someone, it would eventually lead to sex which Ten wasn't ready for and God knew how long could he keep saying he wasn't ready for it. It did surprise him after hearing this, but he did have some questions in his pocket.
"And do the teachers know about this?" asked Ten.
"Oh no, they don't. Thank God they don't," replied Taeyong. "We would get punishment, probably."
Ten got a bit scared from that but continued asking.
"And where can you do it then?" asked Ten again.
"In the restroom, in an empty classroom, in your dormitory room if you're alone or in the changing room. Somewhere hidden from anyone," said Taeyong.
"I see," said Ten as his whole relaxed and leaned on the wall with his back.
"You don't seem so bright about it," stated Taeyong as he got close to Ten.
"I don't know," started Ten. "This was unexpected for me, believe it or not. I'm surprised even though it may not seem like it, but I'm not like disgusted or anything." chuckled Ten.
"So, you just need time to let it sink in?" asked Taeyong.
"Yeah, exactly," replied Ten.
"But after this, don't be surprised if someone slowly tried to kiss you or pick you up or anything like that. If you don't feel like it, just tell them. They have to understand the way of consent. Without consent, it's considered sexual harassment or even rape." stated Taeyong.
Then it hit Ten hard. He remembered the Gunki incident, and he was pale as a wall. That made sense, as well. Gunki didn't give a fuck about consent or the safety or pleasure of the other. He wanted all the enjoyment for himself.
"So the Gunki incident can be an example for that?" asked Ten as he turned to Taeyong with seriousness.
"Sadly, yes," said Taeyong. "I know it must be hard for you, and I'm here if you need anyone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Gunki tries to get what he wants with no consent or anything, he only cares about himself. He doesn't do these regularly because he is known to have his hoes or whatever, but he does this because he thinks everyone is lower than him, and they are just sex toys for pleasure. That's all I know, well, that's what they told me."
"What grade is he in?" asked Ten.
"He is two years older than us, so he is a senior. He is in the same class as Taemin, he has known him the longest. They say they were classmates in middle school too." told Taeyong. "I heard these from Leeteuk, aka Jungsoo."
"I see," replied Ten as a sigh followed his words.
"Can you put your leg on my lap?" asked Taeyong all of a sudden.
"What?" asked the surprised Ten.
"Could you please put your leg on my lap? I need to hold something," answered Taeyong.
"Grab your own leg instead." joked Ten.
"It's not the same," pouted Taeyong in which resulted in Ten putting his right leg onto Taeyong's lap, who was playing around with it, moving it around and wrapping his hands and arms around it. Ten just chuckled at him.
They continued talking and joking around when they checked the time on their phones. It showed that it was 9:25 pm. They quickly got up and collected Ten's stuff from the floor. They went to the front door where they put on their shoes.
"Time went by fast, and we didn't do any work." Ten said he finished putting on his shoes.
"Hell yeah, we did," corrected him Taeyong. "I made you smile after a long dark day, so I consider that as mission accomplished."
They just smiled at the comment and stepped out of the door. Taeyong closed it and hurried after Ten to the elevator.
They fast-walked back to the dormitory, thankfully it wasn't far away. They reached the gates 10 minutes before closing them.
"Thank you for this afternoon, and thank you for listening and helping me." thanked Ten.
"No need to thank. I just did what a friend needs to do. Hope we can hang out more though, even with the group too." said Taeyong humbly.
"Definitely." smiled Ten. "I think I will go in now, I don't want to be locked out tonight."
"Well, in case you get locked out, just call me." winked Taeyong which caused Ten to blush. He was glad it wasn't visible because he wasn't under any streetlight.
"Hey!" chuckled Ten and lightly punched Taeyong in the arm.
"See you tomorrow then," said Taeyong as he waved goodbye while slowly turning the other way.
"See you too!" said Ten as he started to walk into the dormitory building.
The gatekeeper was surprised to see someone walk in so late but he didn't mind it. Ten walked up the stairs and after walking in the hallway he entered his room. He was greeted with Bambam sitting on his bed in his pajamas. His hair was wet and it was dripping onto the wooden floor. He looked at the opened door and at the person who stepped in.
"Oh, hey there." smiled Bambam. "I brought your snacks in the morning, I put them on your desk."
"Oh, thank you," replied Ten as he closed the door and walked to his bed.
"Where were you by the way?" asked Bambam like he was an older brother.
"I was just at a friend's house, hanging out," said Ten as he put down his bag and started to get ready for a shower.
"Hanging out, I see," giggled to himself Bambam.
"Yes, just talking and joking," said Ten as he closed his closet door and was on his way to the door.
"Only that?" asked Bambam as he laid down on his bed.
"Yes, only that," replied Ten as he closed the door, leaving the wet haired Bambam alone.
"Now it's just that." chuckled to himself Bambam thinking the innocence of his roommate wouldn't last long.
Sometime later the lights had been turned off and Bambam was snoring quietly while Ten was still awake at 12:04 am. He still had questions in his mind and he still needed to let that information sink in and accept in it as an everyday situation. How come he hadn't known about it? Had everyone else known about it? It was so new and fresh he couldn't think of it this situation other than being a slut at the end even though he was trying to persuade himself that that wasn't true. It's just simple sex, he thought, with consent. No consent, no sex, it's that easy. If it was so easy, why was it hard to fall asleep and let the thoughts go away.
Days went by after he had talked with Taeyong and things seemed to be fine. He was feeling okay and was enjoying being with the boys, just hanging out. He didn't notice anything strange or flirty which caused no pressure. In spite of the happy times, he was still curious about Gunki and knew he had to ask Taemin or anyone else form his class.
He finished his day earlier than usual and was lucky enough to find Taemin walking in the same hallway as he, alone. He took this chance and ran after him but then he heard his name being shouted from the opposite way.
"Hey Ten!" yelled his American friend. He then knew he couldn't go after Taemin since Johnny probably needed something from him so he let out a heavy sigh and made his way to Johnny.
"Hey, what's up?" asked Ten as he reached Johnny. "Do you need help with anything?"
"No, actually," stated Johnny. "I finished my day earlier as well and thought I would ask you if you wanted to have lunch in town somewhere before studying?"
"Yeah, sure." smiled Ten.
The two boys started walking towards the entrance but Ten turned his head around just for one second to see Taemin but instead, all he saw was the empty hallway.
Johnny and Ten had become best friends over the past weeks and months they had spent together at school. Johnny understood Ten in a way not many people did, Ten felt like he could talk with Johnny on an emotional level and Johnny felt the same. Even though Johnny was the funny and edgy guy of the group, he was feeling down sometimes and Ten was always there to help him, to show him that he could count on him. They were opposites but could sympathize with the other.
One time when Johnny's roommate went out for a party, leaving him entirely alone, he invited Ten over to hang out and they ended up playing games on Johnny's laptop. He bought controllers that could be connected to it so they played some Mario games. If only gaming would have been the only thing that had happened.
"Oh my gosh, you suck so much!" said Johnny who was struggling in the game.
"Says the one who fell into lava three times in a row." chuckled Ten at his comeback. "Dude, you only have one heart, be careful. I don't want to finish this level alone."
"Oh you won't, trust me," replied Johnny with a smirk. In the end, Johnny died right before finishing the level and Ten was laughing his ass off from watching Johnny raging.
"Stop laughing!" whined Johnny.
"Okay, okay," said Ten as he wiped off the tears from laughing. "I'm sorry."
"Alright, I'll pee my pants if I don't go to the toilet real quick," said Johnny as he stood up from the bed making his way to the restroom.
"Don't break the urinal if you miss." joked Ten as he quit the game and went searching on the Internet to entertain himself.
Johnny arrived back to his room and saw that Ten didn't notice him walking in as he was lying on his belly and his eyes were heavily fixed on the laptop screen. Johnny thought he would scare his friend or surprise so he started tiptoeing towards him.
He thought he would just slap his ass hard but that plan was ruined because as he was getting closer to him he tripped on the small leg of the bed and fell onto Ten but thankfully he didn't put his whole body weight on Ten as he successfully could hold himself up a bit. Ten just let out a groan of pain and relaxed his entire body.
"Boo-" said Johnny.
"Johnny, get off of me please," let out Ten as he felt Johnny's chest on his back and his crotch on his butt. Ten's legs were between Johnny's and he couldn't move them at all as they were tightly next to each other.
Ten struggled to get his friend off of him and it resulted in Ten pushing Johnny off with his arm by turning Johnny over a bit with his elbow. But because Ten pushed too hard and too fast he turned over and as Johnny was pushed off and fell on his back Ten fell after right onto him. Johnny let out a groan of sudden pain as he felt a small body landing onto him. He came to his senses quickly and noticed his Thai friend lying on him, his head on his chest with one arm between their chests and his other holding him from rolling off of Johnny's chest. Johnny's right leg was in between Ten's so he could have moved if he wanted to.
As he checked on Ten, he saw that he lifted his head up for the same reason and noticed that they were a few inches apart. No words were said as they were looking at each other, for only they were looking into the other's eyes. Ten was lost in Johnny's brown eyes, he even lost track of time as he was analyzing his friend's chocolate brown eyes. Even his thoughts were shut off for that moment like he was in space with no surroundings what so ever.
He just wanted to move a little bit, the position he was in started to become uncomfortable, and he was still looking deeply into Johnny's eyes but his arm slipped and was about to fall aside if Johnny didn't catch him. As he saw Ten pushing himself up but failing and almost falling to his side he pushed his upper body up and caught Ten. He then secured his Thai friend on him by wrapping one of his arms around his waist from the front and holding him by the back of his neck with the other. Ten first grasped onto Johnny's shirt but then as he was caught he tried to keep himself by putting his hands behind Johnny's neck and linking them together.
Ten was now sitting on Johnny's thigh with his legs spread while holding onto Johnny who was holding him by the waist and the nape. Their faces were even closer now and Ten had a better view to analyze his American friend's face. Beautiful eyes, handsome face, messy dark brown hair, and such kissable lips, Ten thought.
"Kissable lips? Ten, what are you thinking?" a whisper from the back of his head told him and he did think about this question until he looked at Johnny's expression. Lips slightly open, waiting for something, slim locks of hair covering one of his eyes and the look of lust in his glance.
Again, Ten was lost in Johnny's eyes, he felt like he was floating somewhere. He never paid a lot of attention to Johnny's features but this was different. They were close friends, but were they this close?
Ten could feel his pants getting tight at his crotch and knew he couldn't hide it. He forgot how much a teasing experience it was to feel yourself getting hard but not knowing what to do or how to make it go away. Even though he was sitting on Johnny, who didn't seem bothered by it, he still felt unsure if anything would be okay for him. Ten was too scared to look down, to see if the American had the same feeling down there.
But Johnny seemed to have noticed something as he moved his hand, which was holding Ten's nape, up until he could feel Ten's hair with his full palm (and took a light grip on it) and held it there.
What surprised Ten was that Johnny pushed Ten by the waist with his other hand which caused him to grind a bit on Johnny's leg. As the sudden action occurred Ten gave out a light moan unconsciously as he closed his eyes. He didn't intend to do that and he would have liked to keep it under his breath. He couldn't see Johnny's reaction but could feel his arm ready to give him another push, if only another voice wasn't heard.
"Yo what the heck?" yelled the newcomer from the open door. Both of the boys from the floor looked at the boy to see who disturbed them. It was Vernon who interrupted them but he wasn't upset, he surprised with a laughing smile only.
"My boy Johnny-" the sentence couldn't be finished as Ten fell off because of a sudden feeling of embarrassment but quickly got up, grabbed his sweater, covered half of his face with it and left the room running as fast as he could, pushing Vernon aside a little. The sudden action surprised both of the Americans but couldn't do anything about it.
"Thanks, asshat," said Johnny as he got up from the floor. "learn to knock the next time."
Ten ran straight to his room and locked the door. He was breathing heavily from the adrenaline and scene he just caused. He leaned his back and head on the locked door and slid down on the floor. He put his head in his sweater, hoping the feeling or the scene that just happened would go away. After he realized it wasn't so easy, Ten let his hands fall onto his legs with his sweater and just looked up. He hoped they wouldn't bring this up ever in the future as he wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment.
"Aww fuck," sighed Ten annoyedly as he remembered he had another problem to solve.
Ever since then, they haven't brought it up, it seemed like everything went back to normal which Ten was thankful for. He wanted to avoid being awkward especially with Johnny, he wouldn't be able to imagine his school days without him.
The two boys were chatting and joking around as they were looking for a decent place to eat at but they were unable to find any.
"Why don't we just buy something at the convenience store and then sit down at the park?" told Ten his new idea.
"Good idea man," replied Johnny. "but you're paying."
"Excuse me?" smirked Ten at Johnny sarcastically. They started to walk to the store near their dormitory. "Why should I be the one paying? I know you're gonna get a ton of snacks."
"Because I'm broke," stated Johnny. "and because I invited you for breakfast the other day so it's your turn to invite me."
"Aaaahhh, fuck me," groaned Ten as he knew Johnny was right.
"Well, if you want that-"
"What? You said it, not me," defended himself, Johnny.
The two reached the store where they started to look around for some type of meal or snack for lunch. Instant noodles weren't mentioned as they had enough in their dorm. Ten was walking along the chips aisle and was about to give up when he saw the stocks of bento boxes in front of him. The stars in his eyes shone up as he took one box of the bibimbap boxes along with a pack of kimchi and went to look for his American friend. He found him looking around the sweet snacks.
"You sure you want sweets for lunch?" asked Ten looking weirdly at Johnny.
"I don't know honestly, I'm just looking around," answered Johnny. "I might end up eating instant ramen."
"Don't you want some kimbap? I saw some a few aisles away," mentioned Ten which seemed to convince Johnny.
Johnny bought a classic pack of kimbap with a bag of shrimp flavored chips and he gladly let Ten pay for his items. They walked to a park near their school and decided to spend their afternoon there. Ten sat down on his thin coat and Johnny on his sweater, the two were enjoying their cheap yet tasty lunches.
Johnny grabbed one piece of kimbap and gestured Ten to eat it and so he did. They were used to sharing their food with each other. To pay this generosity back, Ten took some rice with some cucumber, carrots and some beef and fed it to Johnny. From an outside perspective, they might have looked like a couple.
After they were done with their meals, they threw out the waste and Johnny opened his bag of chips as an after-snack. They were lying on their coats and sweaters, looking at the sky and just chilling.
"Okay, okay," laughed Ten. "I will catch it this time!"
Johnny tried to throw the 4th piece of chips into Ten's mouth and succeeded this time. Both of them were laughing their asses off.
"My turn!" said Johnny as he handed the bag to Ten and got the first thrown piece in his mouth.
"You cheated!" shouted Ten. "I know it!"
"You just can't accept that I am better than you," laughed Johnny.
"Did you just spit on me?" asked Ten as he looked at Johnny with a weird expression.
"No," replied Johnny. "I was laughing facing the sky-" Johnny was interrupted as he felt a drop of water touch his face.
Soon even more came and it seemed like it was going to rain. The boys got their stuff and ran under a near tree. Their clothes were only a bit wet and they were hoping they wouldn't get any wetter, or so they thought. Very little water was dripping Ten's and Johnny's hair, they were hugging their belongings until they felt okay to drop them on the ground. Ten was breathing heavily but smiled at the situation and so did Johnny. Ten was looking at the rainy scene but from the corner of his eye, he noticed Johnny looking at him. He wasn't looking at him with an expression he would see every day, it was different like he was lost in his world. Ten slowly turned his head to Johnny but instead of seeing him glancing at him, he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and a head atop his.
"You're so small," mentioned Johnny and Ten was ready to come back at him but Johnny didn't fully finish his sentence. "It just makes you even cuter."
Confusion filled Ten's mind. His best friend never called him cute or complimented him that much so why would he do it this time? He didn't know how to react or reply so he tried to return the skinship by grabbing lightly onto Johnny's wrist.
The rain got heavier and the boys knew they needed to get back to their dorm before they would be locked out but they still had time. Johnny was still leaning on Ten, it was comfortable for him and Ten didn't mind it either. As they were looking at the scenery Johnny moved his fingers and trailed his fingers on Ten's lips which surprised the younger but didn't move an inch. Ten just let it go as he didn't know what has gotten into his friend. It caused him to feel weak at some point, the shivering feeling tangled through his whole body.
"Would you mind if I kissed you?"
Ten was quickly but gently turned around and was pushed to the side of the tree they stayed under. He looked up to find Johnny looking at him with hungry eyes as he was trapped between Johnny's arms. Ten was a little worried and scared but knew nothing dangerous would happen, he just didn't know what would happen. He was reminded of the time he was sitting on Johnny in his room. He had the same expression, slightly open lips, stare full of hunger and slim strings of hair covering one of his eyes.
Ten was tense but he couldn't help himself. He was waiting for Johnny to do something, a specific thing he was thinking of. As Johnny saw that Ten was becoming impatient by his look, he just smirked and in a quick moment, he put his left hand on Ten's nape and pushed him towards him. In that move, their lips touched without hesitation. Ten put his hands behind Johnny's nape to hold himself as he gave in the kiss.
The kiss was sloppy and heavy, time was not wasted at all. Ten pulled Johnny closer to him and as their chests touched, there was no space between them. It was like they were longing for the other ever since that time. Ten brushed his hands through Johnny's hair making it messy. A few raindrops fell through the leaves, making the boys and their kiss wetter. Johnny was caressing Ten's back, moving it lower and lower until it reached Ten's thigh. He grabbed it from under and lifted it up so that Ten's legs were a bit more open to Johnny. This surprised Ten as he let out a light moan in the kiss.
The air between the two boys was hot and heavy. Johnny thought he would make things more exciting as he started grinding between Ten's legs. He responded with moans between the kisses. Ten let the hot air through his nose as the moans tried to leave his mouth while Johnny was slowly grinding against him. Johnny was such a tease in Ten's eyes as he felt himself getting hard. He wanted Johnny badly but was he ready? Johnny then let go of Ten's leg and moved his hand up to Ten's nape.
They stopped kissing for a few seconds to catch their breath but then it didn't take them long to continue their make-out session. Johnny was feeling dominant and he wanted to make Ten his. He took a grip on the back of Ten's hair and pulled it aggressively but only to make Ten enjoy it. Ten didn't mind it, in fact, he liked it as he was facing the greeny of the tree, feeling a pleasurable pain and Johnny's lips on his neck. Johnny was planting kisses on Ten's neck, deciding whether to leave any marks there just so others would know Ten was his. Ten was moaning lightly, finally letting his voice escape his mouth as he wrapped his arms around Johnny. His legs felt so weak and he could only hold himself up by holding onto the American.
They didn't care about anything, the outside world disappeared and time stopped. No-one was outside in such rainy weather only the two students. Very few who walked past, far away, gave judging looks but none of them noticed it.
Ten was holding Johnny so close to him they were practically glued together. Johnny, as he was going lower, started to unbutton the upper buttons on Ten's shirt, revealing his collarbones and upper chest. Johnny, wasting no time, attacked Ten's collarbones with sloppy kisses and Ten let out slightly louder moans as he didn't expect that to happen. Johnny didn't know how good it felt to be dominant over someone until now as he left red hickeys on Ten's collarbones. He liked to be the stronger one and he couldn't wait to discover what other things he could do to Ten. Ten couldn't imagine himself not being a bottom. All of this caressing and kissing, it felt too good to give up and it was never enough.
Ten didn't try to calm his voice, he let out everything that was in his throat. He was becoming more impatient as he felt his pants getting tighter and he knew Johnny was feeling the same but he kept playing with Ten. Despite that, Ten missed the feeling of being touched, kissed and teased.
Johnny went lower as he unbuttoned Ten's shirt more and started kissing his chest. Ten let out big and quick sighs to show how much he liked it.
"J-Johnny..." moaned Ten. "D-Don't stop..."
Ten moaning the elder's name made it harder for Johnny to control himself because they were still in a public place.
Johnny unbuttoned Ten's shirt completely, technically ripping the rest apart. He stopped kissing Ten's chest after ripping his shirt and pulled Ten's bare chest to his and was kissing him, this time more aggressively. Ten was taken aback as he didn't expect Johnny to come back to his lips.
Johnny's hands travelled to Ten's bare back under the material and only from the touch, Ten moaned in the kiss. Johnny's hands, after exploring Ten's back, travelled down to Ten's ass and grabbed them hard. This caused Ten to moan loud into Johnny's mouth and squinch his eyes. His body was weakened only Johnny prevented him from falling. Ten was so horny he started moving his hips back and forth as a sign of impatience. He then let go of the kissing, his grip on Johnny's shirt keeping him up and started to moan on Johnny's shoulder. The American liked what he saw and felt so he kept his hands on Ten's ass.
As their crotches were grinding against each other, Johnny started to let his moans out as well, letting Ten know he was doing a good job.
"I want you so bad," groaned out Johnny.
"Haa...Johnny..." whined Ten as he hardened his grip. Johnny moved one of his hands from Ten's butt to his crotch and feeling his hard member through the material. As Ten felt the touch on his manhood he let out a quick and quiet gasp as he lifted his head up with his eyes still closed.
"Shivering from a single touch, even with clothes on?" let out Johnny as he tried to keep his moans down. "So sensitive, I love it."
Ten kept moving his hips, feeling Johnny's hard member. He wished the material on them would be on the ground and not on them.
A shivering feeling was going through Ten as Johnny was moving his hand slightly up and down on Ten's crotch area. Slowly, but unexpectedly Johnny loosened the belt on Ten's pants and put his hand inside, seizing and stroking Ten's member gently. This caused Ten to moan heavier and louder. The touch of the other person felt like heaven for Ten. So good, even too good.
Ten was feeling something building up in his lower region and so he knew he was close.
"Johnny," he moaned. "I'm c-close."
"Cum for me baby," moaned lightly Johnny. Seeing Ten being so submassive and so horny just made him imagine the things he could do to him. He knew he wouldn't get off by Ten after this but after seeing him in such a messy state that he caused him into was enough for him, for now.
Johnny helped Ten fastening his pace by pushing his ass enough to feel pleasure in it. After a few fast pushes and thrusts, Ten picked up on his breathing and released himself in Johnny's hand. His body was twitching a few times after the orgasm. His grip on Johnny's shirt started to loosen so he put his hands on his friend's shoulder.
Johnny pulled his semen covered hand from Ten's pants and licked his hands clean but left his index and middle finger unclean. He put them in front of Ten's face and made him lick it off. Ten instantly knew what he needed to do so he started licking Johnny's two cum covered fingers but then put them in his mouth and started sucking them, making Johnny whine.
Johnny wished he could just push Ten down to his knees and have him sucking on his member like he did on his fingers.
Both of the males were living in the moment but suddenly the rain got so hard as it was followed by wind, the water went through the greeny of the tree, making the boys soaking wet.
"Oh, shit!" screamed Ten as he jumped. It scared him a lot as a sudden thunder followed.
"Fuck!" yelled Johnny angrily but then he chuckled at the situation. "Ten are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," answered Ten as he covered his head for no specific reason. He couldn't get any wetter. "How can you smile in this situation?"
"I don't know, to be honest, it's just pretty funny how we got surprised," replied Johnny. "C'mon, let's collect our stuff and run back to the dorm."
The boys grabbed their bags and clothing from the muddy ground and made a quick run to their dormitory. Both of them were running fast as they were laughing at what just happened. While they were running Johnny grabbed Ten's hand and was holding it until they reached their building.
When they got in they let go of each other and dropped their wet bags and coats on the floor. Ten quickly fixed his belt and shirt as much as he could.
"If I get a cold because of my unbuttoned shirt, I will kick you in the balls," stated Ten as the water was dripping off him. Ten wished he could just jump into Johnny's arms, wrap his legs around his waist and being taken to his bedroom. Johnny was thinking about the same thing but there were too many people and neither of them wanted to cause a scene.
"At least your pants aren't covered in cu-" Ten kicked Johnny in the leg before he could finish his sentence but it only caused him to start laughing.
The two boys then went up to their rooms, soaking wet, hoping the janitor wouldn't find them and scold them for making the floor wet and dirty.
The atmosphere between the two wasn't awkward at all, it was still the same but at the same time, more of something.
"Thanks for today Ten, see you later or tomorrow," winked Johnny as was about to walk to his door if Ten didn't stop him.
"Don't you want me to uhm," why was Ten flustered at requesting his help? Why was he stuttering right now? Why did he become shy all of a sudden? These were questions he didn't know the answers for and were frustrating him.
"Don't worry about me," started Johnny as he walked back to Ten and put his arm over his shoulders. "Go and take a hot shower and rest a lot." Johnny then kissed Ten on the side of his head as a goodbye then went to his room. Ten was left in the hallway, smiling to himself.
Ten walked to his room, finding his roommate doing his homework or more likely coping work from a website with his friend, Yugyeom.
"Aahh, you're back!" exclaimed Bambam. "I was worried that the storm had gotten you."
"Nah, I'm fine," replied Ten.
"Yeah," smirked then chuckled Bambam. "I can clearly see that."
Ten didn't know at first what the elder was talking about but then as he got clean clothes from his closet he looked into the mirror and saw love bites on his collarbones. He couldn't do anything other than chuckling and smirking while remembering what just happened minutes ago.
"Johnny you cheeky bastard."
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