Chapter 4: We are one
"Five, six, seven, eight," counted the dance teacher as she was clapping along. "Come on boys, don't hold back, give all of your energy into the dance. Feel the dance as if you created it or as if your life depends on it."
It's been an hour since the lesson has started and they were dancing non stop in that 50 minutes. They had a light 5-minute break then they had to go back to dancing, the teacher didn't fancy them resting for too long.
"Okay, now we will do some two-person stretchings. Go find yourself a partner, quickly!" told the class, Mrs. Lee. Ten thought he would pair up with Yuta but he was already talking with one of the Chinese students. He was tall, had a cute smile as he was talking with Yuta. Ten was desperately looking around for someone and thought he was going to have an anxiety attack as his palms were getting sweaty but then someone tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hey," said the prince looking boy. "I saw you were alone and looking for a partner as well, would you like to be in a group with me?"
"Y-yeah, sure." Ten was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. The person in front of him looked like a real-life Disney prince, his caring smile showed his charisma and his eyes shone with joy.
"Also, you are Ten, right?" asked the Chinese. "The Thai student."
"Yeah, and your name is Henry, right?" asked Ten feeling guilty for not remembering his classmate's name.
"Almost, it's Hendery," he answered. "I know it's weird, but I like it. Also, it's okay, I have a bad memory with names too. I guess I was lucky I remembered yours, it's easy and short."
"That was the reason why I chose it actually," replied Ten.
The teacher ordered everyone to start the stretching. Ten was the first to do the task out of the two. He spread his legs in a split and was pushed down by Hendery. His split wasn't perfect as it didn't touch the floor so Ten told Hendery not to be gentle with him and he did as he was told. Ten was groaning out of pain but he knew it would worth it. His body was sort of pushing back but Hendery was stronger as Ten experienced it. Ten could feel Hendery's strong hands pushing him closer to the floor on the back of his hip and that was a sensitive spot of his, his blushing face couldn't be seen as he was facing down with tightly shut eyes. After a few minutes of this, it was Hendery's turn to be pushed down. Ten, with all of his strength, was pushing him and the groans and light moans he heard from Hendery made him blush again but he tried to hide it by pushing him lower.
"T-Ten," said Hendery as he tried to look at Ten. "I-I think I've reached my l-limit for today."
"I will just keep you here then," responded Ten as he lightened his strength little. This was going on for minutes until they were free to stand up.
Their next task was that one would do a handstand and lean back as their leg would reach the other's shoulders, the limbs below the knee would go over the shoulders and the person who was doing the handstand would need to pull himself up then slowly down while the other is holding his leg down. Ten was smaller than Hendery so they agreed that Hendery would do the handstand. He did it perfectly and his calves were on Ten's shoulder. Ten was holding onto the parallel as Hendery was pushing himself up on Ten's back. Ten was holding the parallel with one hand and Hendery's leg with the other, he switched his arms every 5 pushes. Ten could feel Hendery's muscles tighten as he was pushing himself up then loose as he went back down. Hendery's was trying to keep his groans and moans back but after a while, he just couldn't. Ten thought that was attractive, hearing another man's moans was a turn on for him yet at that moment he had to keep himself calm and keep focusing on their tasks.
It was Ten's turn to handstand and hold onto Hendery. Both of them were sweaty messes but they got used to this state after a few main dance classes. Ten began to push himself up, he felt Hendery's strong grip on his ankle and he knew that Hendery wouldn't drop him so his muscles tightened as he went up then down. His body was sweatier by every push but Hendery's grip was still strong. As seconds and minutes were passing by he felt that he would give up sooner or later as he just couldn't take it anymore. His body started to give up, making it harder for him to push himself up.
"You can do it Ten!" said Hendery not turning his head in case Ten would lose balance. Ten got motivation from Hendery, he gave it another go and he tried not to stay low for too long.
When the teacher told everyone that this section was finished everyone was placed on the floor safely then many people dropped onto the floor because of exhaustion. Ten and Hendery were still standing, holding onto the parallel just so they wouldn't fall. They were trying to catch their breaths and they breathing heavily. They looked at each other as their sweaty hair was covering their eyes yet they could still see each other. They smiled and just chuckled at the situation, preparing their ears for the teacher's strict scold for the people who laid down.
"Come on everyone, stretch down your muscles or you won't be able to wake up from bed the next morning. Don't be lazy, get up-" yelled Mrs. Lee to the kids.
"You were pretty strong," said Ten.
"Thanks," replied Hendery. "You weren't heavy to hold, yet your muscles were popping."
"You are one of the Chinese students, right?" asked Ten as he was stretching his leg so he wouldn't feel stiff the next day.
"Yeah, I'm from Macau which some people look at as an independent part from China. I grew up speaking Cantonese and Chinese and some Portuguese but I can barely speak that. It was a bit easier to learn Korean, but I still have a lot of mistakes which were, unfortunately, shown at classes." told Hendery as he was also stretching his legs.
After another hour of dancing and practicing the class ended and everyone smelled bad afterward. The deodorant wasn't as helpful as it's always been so the bathroom was full of kids washing their faces and armpits. Getting ready after double dance classes were always hurrying as they had to change back to their uniforms.
They had Social Studies after this, which was usually relaxing. That day they were talking about the religion of societies and discussed that topic in various details. Not many people were religious only Mark, Haechan, Jeno but he said he didn't follow it as seriously as his family, and neither Johnny or Doyoung.
After Social Studies the foreign students had double Korean all together and the Koreans had English. The foreigners seemed to struggle more than the natives, Korean was explained to them in Korean so they a lot of trouble understanding it. The Chinese students along with the Hong Kong student had a lot of difficulties, Mark was okay, Yuta, Ten along with Johnny were good, they had a few mistakes but were fine. Ten had always studied Korean intensely back in Thailand so he was used to this. Despite this, his writing in his notebook was still a mess, when he lent it to someone they looked it with wide confused eyes as they could barely read what he had written.
Ten was trying to do the task in his workbook when he felt a paper ball hit his head. He picked it up and looked around to see who threw it. It was no other than Hendery who smiled widely at him. Ten opened the crumpled paper ball and a question was written in it.
Are you coming to secondary vocal this afternoon?
Ten heard about these secondary classes, they weren't obligatory but more practice lessons for everyone in the school who wanted to start or try out the one they didn't have or needed help desperately in dance, vocal or rap. Ten was satisfied with the work he had been doing but he thought it wouldn't hurt him if he went. Ten was afraid to answer him by throwing back the paper so he looked back at Hendery and nodded as he gave a thumbs up. Hendery smiled widely again and clapped quietly to himself.
"Ten! Ten!" Hendery hurried to his Thai friend after the bell rang and the lesson was over.
"I'm almost done Hendery, just a second," said Ten as he put away his Korean books and other school materials.
The two boys walked to the other side of the building and saw other people either walking there as well or to find a quiet place to study. Ten saw some familiar faces as he was walking and saw older students going there. Seeing his seniors made him a bit scared, not knowing what to expect or just simply afraid of the elder.
The classroom looked like as if it was a combination of dance and vocal practice room. The kids put their bags in the corner of the room and sat down to wait for the teacher.
"Chanyeol-ah! Stop messing my hair up! I'm not a baby!"
"Hyungwon, for fuck's sake stop doing that!"
"Bobby, you just ruined it."
Boys from every possible class were walking in and sitting on the wooden floor. Ten had seen some of them when they were in the halls or other classrooms. He was hoping if he could see a classmate of his stepping in but no luck. In the last minutes, 4 rappers of their class entered the room as they were trying to catch their breaths.
"Lucas I fucking told you it was here, you tall ass boy," said Mark.
"You said it was on the third floor and I said second, I think I was better. Imagine if we had to go up the third floor so we could run down more." complained the Hong Kong student known as Lucas.
"Guys let's not argue now, we should be happy we arrived in time," said Johnny as he let his head fall backward.
"Yo Lucas!" yelled Hendery in Cantonese which made Lucas search for his friend.
"Hendery!" shouted Lucas as he forgot about the argument in that second he saw Hendery. He walked to him with open arms then gave him a high five as he sat down and threw his bag to the corner.
"Oi Ten," greeted his friend, Johnny. "How come you are here? I thought you were good with the vocal."
"Yeah, I still feel like it's okay but Hendery asked if I was coming today and I said why not, a little practice wouldn't hurt." smiled Ten.
"You are right about that. These secondary classes are pretty chill and relaxing, no strict teacher," replied Johnny.
"Hey pretty boy." said someone who just sat beside Ten.
"Oh, hi," said Ten to Taeyong as he got scared by his friend.
"Didn't think I'd see you here," said Taeyong as he tilted his head a bit as he was facing Ten.
"Neither did I." replied Ten.
The boys couldn't keep their conversation going as the teacher, who just arrived, cleared his throat loud enough to make everyone quiet.
"Good afternoon everyone," greeted the teacher. "I see some new faces here. My name is Mr. Park and I teach vocal. In these afternoon rehearsals we don't force anything on you, we rather focus on the calm atmosphere and the environment of the classroom so that you feel comfortable singing. Okay then everybody, stand up please, let's get ready for the warm-up."
For the vocal warm-up, they sang notes, from low to high and Ten seemed to be fine. The teacher didn't look at them with judgment but more likely to see who is on what level. If someone was having trouble finding their voices Mr. Park helped them. After the warm-up, they sang a few of their school songs which did include songs with a deep or high voice. Who had trouble here, the teacher made them step forward and as he played the piano and the kid was singing next to him, he was trying to find and help him solve the problem with his vocal cords. He was supportive and helpful towards the boys. His comforting smile made the environment more peaceful.
Ten was surprised at Johnny's vocals as he was in the main rapper course but he was more astonished at Lucas who he just only heard from a distance. His deep voice wasn't a matter of problem when it came to singing, as Ten heard it. Taeyong had a light voice as if he was singing a lullaby and Mark seemed to have experience with vocal singing.
Minutes have passed and the teacher let the kids sit down on the floor. They were singing folk songs and well-known kpop songs. Everyone was happy and smiling as they enjoyed the remaining 20 minutes of the vocal class. It surprised a few people when he told them to sing a Chinese folk song but it didn't stop them. Hendery and Lucas seemed to lead the group with other Chinese seniors. Clapping and smiling in the joyful atmosphere.
"Okay everyone, that's it for this week. Don't forget to do some practice on your own, you need to hear and discover your voice. Namjoon your vocals weren't as stable as they were last week but you did quite well, Moonbin your high notes were amazing but your low notes need a bit more practice, don't give up, Taemin the next time if you joke throughout the entire lesson I swear I will make you sing in Chinese dialect." told the teacher which just made him and Taemin smile, both of them knowing he wasn't serious about it.
The Chinese students met outside of the classroom and Ten thought he'd go with his usual group of friends when Hendery called after him.
"Ten! Do you want to join us? We're just going to hang out at the playground." said Hendery.
"I'd love to, but I really need to study for my Thai test and Bambam offered to help me, sorry, maybe another time," said Ten as he smiled awkwardly. He really wanted to go, to get to know more of his classmates but he was raised to think that studying comes first. It was Tuesday so that week had just started and he couldn't miss an afternoon studying.
"Okay then, good studying." waved Hendery as they left the school grounds. Normally, people weren't let go before 5-6 pm or sometimes even 8-9 pm but the Chinese students often didn't give a fuck as they left the school. Yes, the did slack off a few times but also showed hard work at some subjects. They were known to be quite sassy around some people and teachers but they got used to it, some of them do change their behavior after a period of time.
Ten was on his way to find Bambam's classroom and got a little lost on the way there but then he found him on the first floor. They greeted each other with a smile then Ten sat down next to him. He had an upcoming grammar test and didn't know what to expect from the teacher despite that she was very kind and generous, she might have kept secrets. Bambam explained what she liked to see and hear and helped Ten analyzing Thai sentences and what kind of grammar group they belonged to. At the end of their tutor section, Ten's head was hurting because of all the grammar rules he had to memorize but Bambam suffered a bit as well as he tried really hard to explain it simply.
Ten was now alone in the cafeteria, having some snacks as he was doing his Drama homework. They had Drama as their first two classes and they discussed the basics of acting and their homework was to write a short script essay according to what they learned that morning. Ten was frustrated as he just wrote things down then saw it as bad and crossed out all of the text and started a new one. This went on for almost an hour as no creativity hit Ten's mind.
"Sorry, do you mind if I sit here?" Ten heard a male voice next to him. He looked up to see who it was and he saw it was Taeil.
"Oh no, you can sit here," replied Ten as he went back to focus on his paper.
"You're struggling with that essay too?" asked Taeil as he peaked a bit to Ten's notebook. He took out his materials and showed that he had ripped out at least 5 pieces of paper out of frustration. It seemed like they were suffering from the essay together.
They tried to get ideas together and help each other but it seemed much harder. It wasn't that their ideas were completely different, they just couldn't connect the dots. After about 30 minutes of groaning out of anger, the inspiration hit them. They were intensely writing whatever came to their mind and 10 minutes later they read them out loud to the other. They looked like kindergarten kids as they were laughing their asses off as they were reading their non-sense scripts.
"How did that come to your mind at all?" asked Ten as he wiped away his tears from laughing.
"Vocal classes can give you big ass inspirations." laughed Taeil.
"Taeil! There you are! We've been looking for you for so long." said the person who just stepped in the cafeteria.
"Oh hi, Taeyong. Is it time already?" asked Taeil as he looked at his phone to check the time. "Oh shit, sorry. Then I will be going, gotta give Taeyong some vocal lessons." Taeil got up and packed all of his belongings in his bag and both of them said goodbye to Ten. The Thai boy stayed there, sitting still as thinking of what he still had to study. His thoughts were interrupted by echoing footsteps as someone else entered the cafeteria.
"Hey Ten." greeted him his Korean friend.
"Hi Jaehyun," replied Ten as he looked at him up. "What's up?"
"Nothing much finished my homework for the day and thought I'd look for some company. What about you? Still suffering from the essay?" said Jaehyun as he sat down next to Ten.
"No I'm done with it, I'm just thinking of going to the dance room to practice," said Ten as he closed his book.
"Could you do me a favor, please?" asked Jaehyun with an unsure smile.
"Yeah sure, what is it?" responded Ten as he turned to face him.
"I have this problem in English and if you could check it, since you are good at English, and help me correct it that'd save my life," said Jaehyun with puppy eyes.
"Yes, of course," replied Ten with a comforting smile.
Jaehyun took out his English notebook and showed Ten what they had learned that day. There were a lot of new words written and crossed out, doodles at a few places and verb tenses which were possibly connected to the topic of the lesson. Ten begin to correct the sentences Jaehyun has written and tried to explain it to him in Korean which was a bit difficult. Jaehyun was paying attention to him as he was talking but then felt a head slowly touching then resting on his shoulder. He didn't mind it, he wanted to be closer to his friends anyways. He continued to talk yet sometime later suddenly he felt a hand on his thighs. He stopped for a few seconds but then started his explanation again with a little stuttering as he felt the thumb of the hand caressing his thigh slowly. Ten was sensitive to every touch at every part of his body if it was slow and caressing. A few of his breathings were heavy as he tried not to moan, not even a little. The Korean boy's hand then went a bit further in reaching Ten's inner thigh and grasping lightly. Ten's light moan escaped from his closed mouth along with a heavy sigh as if it was a sign of pleasure.
Ten didn't know what had gotten into his friend's mind and he wanted to tell him to stop but why do that when he slightly enjoyed it. It's been a while since someone touched him like this yet he felt that this was wrong.
"Wait, is Jaehyun gay? Why is he doing this?"
Ten knew he had to act in order to find out the reason for this. He was still trying to read the English words out but all that came out was words as low moans and heavy sighs.
Ten turned his head knowing Jaehyun was no longer resting his head on his shoulder but was attacked by his lips instead of his gaze. Ten couldn't move or do anything as he didn't expect a kiss from his friend. Knowing that this was wrong and was supposed to stop, Ten kissed back after a few seconds of shock. He missed the feeling of being kissed so much that he couldn't resist Jaehyun's actions. Jaehyun, with his hand still resting on Ten's thigh, turned Ten's body towards him and opened his legs then pulled him on his lap. Ten put his hands on the back of Jaehyun's head and neck to prevent himself from falling and to keep the kissing going. Jaehyun was holding Ten as he put his arms on his back and pushing him towards more so that no space was left between their chests. The kiss got more passionate and intense, Jaehyun slid his hands lower and lower until they were feeling the material of Ten's pants. His hands were on his ass and as he was becoming more impatient, he started to move Ten's lower body so that he was slowly grinding on Jaehyun. Moans were let out from Ten's mouth between the kisses which then turned into a makeout session. Jaehyun's tongue entered Ten's mouth but as Ten tried to fight for dominance he had to realize he had no chance of winning.
Ten was now grinding on his own as Jaehyun grasped Ten's ass hard enough to make him moan so loud it echoed through the cafeteria. They could feel the other's hard member as Ten was grinding. It just made everything more exciting for both of them. Ten's petite body was perfect for Jaehyun's manly body type. After the sloppy kisses and make out Jaehyun went lower to kiss Ten's beautiful jawline and to hear his pretty light moans. As he heard the Thai enjoying his action he gave a little smirk while going lower, biting and leaving hickeys on his neck. Ten's arms were around Jaehyun's neck and his head was kept up by Jaehyun's hand. Ten's eyes were closed as he let himself go completely and enjoying the feeling Jaehyun was causing him. He quitted keeping his moans in his mouth, it seemed unnecessary to do so. His mind couldn't work properly he didn't give a single fuck about reality, he was in the moment and what could he lose? He gave himself to Jaehyun and he enjoyed him like a snack. Jaehyun then pulled Ten's tucked shirt out of his pants and slid his hand under his shirt to feel his chest. The sensitive touch around Ten's chest made him causing more noises. He tugged into Jaehyun's soft hair and whenever he touched a soft spot he grasped his hair tight. Ten felt his shirt being unbuttoned slowly and soon then his bare chest was exposed. Jaehyun was caressing Ten's whole upper body including his back. So soft like silk, he thought.
Jaehyun quickly went back up to Ten's lips and was passionately kissing him. Ten started to unbutton his partner's shirt then as he was done he felt a pair of hands life him up and place him on the cafeteria table. The kiss wasn't stopped by anything, in fact, it got even rougher. Ten's hands were still tugging on Jaehyun's hair and Jaehyun started to push down Ten slowly to lay down on the table. He was aware of what was about to happen and didn't stop, he just went with the flow. Jaehyun was kissing his jawline again then went lower to his neck and then leaving sloppy kisses on his chest. He surprised Ten with a rough make-out kiss as his hands traveled to Ten's waist and started to pull his pants.
"Please stop it hurts!"
"C'mon, you're going to feel better in a few seconds."
"I wasn't prepared properly, please don't do it."
"It's fine, you're going to be fine. You are just overreacting."
"No, please-"
"I'm going in."
Ten was troubled. He started to feel uneasy and uncomfortable as Jaehyun was kissing and undressing him. He squinched his eyes hard and with all of his force, he pushed Jaehyun away as he sat up and stopped kissing him. Jaehyun backed away and looked at Ten in confusion. He thought he had done something wrong.
"I'm sorry, I just can't do this right now. I'm so sorry Jaehyun." mumbled Ten as he started buttoning his shirt and pulling his pants up. He was on the verge of crying as memories came back to him at the worst time. He felt uncomfortable because he ruined this moment between them and he quickly started to pack his belongings with his shaking hands as he was near an anxiety attack. The memories filled every inch of his mind, nothing could cover them or erase them. A few teardrops had already fallen out but Ten tried his hardest to keep them in just a little longer.
"Ten," Jaehyun walked closer to Ten.
"J-Jaehyun, please," said Ten with a trembling voice. He stopped packing as he couldn't hold his tears anymore. They just left his eyes and flowed down his cheeks then as the salty water reached his jawline they just dropped on the floor.
"What happened? Did I do something wrong?" asked Jaehyun as he squatted down to see Ten's face. Ten couldn't resist this caring personality in front of him, how could someone be so gentle yet rough and seductive when it comes to sex?
Ten was grabbing onto his bag so hard his knuckles slowly turned white. As Jaehyun saw how troubled the Thai boy was, how close he was to a mental breakdown he put his hand on Ten's to show him that he was there, caring for him and would listen to him with no bother.
"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Jaehyun in a calming voice. Ten couldn't respond to this with words, only with hardly closed eyes and quiet sobs. Jaehyun stood up and hugged the smaller one tightly. Ten hugged back after a few seconds and cried onto Jaehyun's bare chest.
"Y-You didn't do a-anything wrong." spoke Ten after minutes of crying. "I'm s-sorry for causing this."
"No, it's okay. I thought I hurt you," said Jaehyun as he hugged Ten tighter. "Do you want to talk about it? It's fine if you don't, I can understand it."
Ten hesitated if he should really tell it when he never told it to anyone before, especially not to someone whom he just made out with and who was his classmate and a good friend. He was overthinking again as he didn't want anyone to know he was gay and he didn't know if Jaehyun was gay or hetero at all. He was afraid if he told him he would look at him weird or use him in the wrong way.
"I...I..." Ten couldn't find the perfect words to say as he was still troubled by the shock of the memories. This just caused more tears to come.
"Shhh, it's okay. Nothing and no-one can hurt you, I'm here," said Jaehyun as he was hugging Ten and caressing him. "You don't have to say it-
"Just," Ten spoke between sobbings. "Painful memories t-that I want to forget."
Jaehyun felt a bit relieved knowing a little part of the reason for Ten's sudden breakout. He kept hugging the tiny boy and comforting him in spite of not knowing the full explanation of his sudden behavior.
"But, can I ask you something?" asked Ten Jaehyun as he slowly looked up. "Are you gay or are you attracted to boys in any way?"
"No, I'm not."
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