Chapter 10: Mental Consequences
Ten felt himself mentally waking up from his dream, but refused to open his eyes as he felt the sunlight landing on it. The headache hit him as he tried to move his head. He moved his hands to cover his eyes but he couldn't move his right arm, something was blocking it. Ten had to open his eyes to see what it was, but before he saw it, he had already felt something like a person's back.
He opened his eyes with all of his power and almost screamed when he saw another person next to him. He had to cover his mouth not to wake up the other. He had just woke up and could barely process what the hell had just happened. He could only see the other person's back, but then he saw them moving, which scared him a little.
A few seconds have passed when Ten saw them turning on their back and facing the ceiling, still sleeping. That was when Ten saw it was Taeyong, shirtless, sleeping next to him. He felt his cheeks heating up as he hid half of his face with the blanket. He then realized they not only slept in one bed but shared one blanket. Ten couldn't take this amount of information. He was growing anxious because he didn't want to wake Taeyong up, but he didn't know what else to do other than wait.
Minutes felt like hours as Ten refused to leave the bed unless Taeyong was awake since this was his house. Even if he turned around he did so carefully he made sure the bed wouldn't make any noise. When he turned away from Taeyong he saw clothes thrown everywhere in the room and felt a big lump stuck in his throat. He just realized he was naked and so was Taeyong probably.
"Did we have sex? Or we just wanted to but the alcohol made us pass out?" thought Ten to himself. He hoped it was the second one.
Not only he saw the clothes on the floor but a few creased up tissue balls which just made him more anxious. Ten wanted to turn back to Taeyong but he felt movements behind his back. The Korean boy must have turned on his sides and was facing Ten as he felt a hand touching his back. Ten didn't know if he was awake or not but decided to pretend he was still asleep. He didn't even know what time it was but it must have been around 10-11 am if the sun was shining this bright. He then heard a groan that sounded he was awake or just waking up, maybe. He stayed in his position, trying to slow down his breathing as if he was in a deep sleep.
"Ahh fuck," Ten heard Taeyong groan out of pain. It felt like the other is of the bed was lighter then Taeyong might have dropped back onto his pillow.
Ten felt a hand falling next to him, slightly caressing his back and then heard a surprised noise. He felt movements again but tried to remain as still as he could. He then felt the sudden close presence of Taeyong and tried his best to look asleep. Taeyong possibly looked at him for only a few seconds as he fell back lightly.
"What the fuck happened..." let out Taeyong.
If Taeyong was up, Ten had to get up as well to not look too suspicious, in his opinion. He shifted his body a bit as he let out some morning groans. Ten stretched his arms then turned on his back as he scratched his nape. He felt a pair of eyes on his so he turned his stare in the direction, trying to look surprised and shocked.
"Wait, what the-" said Ten as he tried to sit up but he attempted to do it too quickly because strong pain under his hips hit him hard. "Ahhh fuck, that hurts like hell."
"Sorry," said Taeyong with an awkward smile.
"What do- oh God," it hit Ten in the head that they indeed had sex. "Shit. Not only my head hurts from a hangover but my ass from drunk sex."
"Well, what can I say except you are welcome," said Taeyong in a singing note.
"You're welcome? Seriously?" Ten was getting a bit upset.
"Yeah," said Taeyong. "Now that I remember a few bits from the night, you were actually quite horny nonetheless," smirked Taeyong as he put his hands behind his head, acting laid back.
"Well, you started all of this by kissing me, how wouldn't I be if you were smooching all over me," replied Ten with an upset look on his face.
The two were lying next to each other, Ten not daring to look at Taeyong, not wanted to know what kind of dirty smirk he had on his face.
"Yeah, but you didn't say no and gave consent to everything I did. Not every memory from the night is blank in my mind, despite my low alcohol tolerance," answered Taeyong as he turned on his side to face Ten, who still didn't want to look at him.
Ten couldn't add anything to that because he knew Taeyong was right. As he tried to remember what they had the night, more things have become clear in his head. He remembered the kiss, how he let his lips touch his and let them travel anywhere, and how he enjoyed it. He wanted to let himself go and enjoy it, he did and things happened. He only regrets that he was heavily tipsy and it was more like sex rather than lovemaking. He didn't want his first to be like this, but what else could he have done? Of course, he could have said no, but did he want to?
He lightly ran his fingers on his lips, to remember the feeling of Taeyong's lips landing on his. That's when he thought it really happened, he lost his virginity to Taeyong and he couldn't wish for better. Well, he could, it would have been better if they weren't drunk and hadn't had sex only out of lust.
"Is everything alright?" Taeyong asked, his concern was visible in his voice.
"Y-Yeah, it's just," Ten started as he managed to sit up slowly and steadily. "You were my actual first-"
"Oh my gosh, I didn't know, I didn't want to pressure into it, I just-"
"It's okay, I gave consent and it was good," said Ten as he smiled slightly and look at Taeyong with such an innocent look. "It's just I never imagined my first time would be done drunk."
"Look Ten I'm so-"
"Thank you for being gentle and asking if it was okay for me, that meant a lot," said Ten as he gave a truly happy smile to Taeyong. Taeyong sat up and gave him a calming smile as he put his hand on Ten's.
Ten's grip on the blanket tightened as the memories hit him. No matter how amazing the sex was with Taeyong, the trauma wouldn't go away that easily. Despite it happening a long time ago, everything felt it happened yesterday. It was still fresh, the look, the touch, the feeling, and the words.
"Chaison, please, I don't want to do it, I'm not ready-"
"Babe, it's gonna be fine, you're going to enjoy it, trust me,"
"Please d-don't touch me there, please no- PLEASE STOP!"
"Ten," spoke Taeyong which brought back Ten to reality. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," replied Ten as he felt something wet in his eyes.
"Then why are you-"
"It's nothing, really," Ten interrupted Taeyong, not wanting to ruin this peaceful morning with something dark.
"Come here," said Taeyong as he hugged Ten tightly. Ten didn't expect it at all, he was so taken aback by his kindness.
Ten rested his head on Taeyong's bare chest as he hugged him tightly to comfort him. Ten froze down, he felt Taeyong's arms around his shoulders then a hand caressing his hair. Ten gripped on Taeyong's arm and wrist lightly yet tight to himself. He didn't want to let go, it was so calm and nice. He then felt Taeyong resting his head on top of his, and at that moment, he had never felt so protected ever. Ten felt his eyes getting watery again but quickly wiped off, trying not to get noticed.
"It's okay, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to," spoke Taeyong in a very soft tone.
"Thank you," replied Ten with a smile on his face.
They stayed in that position for minutes in silence, enjoying the comfort of the other.
"Well, would you like some breakfast, hopefully, to lighten this hangover?" asked Taeyong as he parted a bit from Ten, still keeping his hands on his shoulders while looking at him.
"Yeah, I'd like some," said Ten as Taeyong ruffled his hair.
Taeyong got out of bed, butt naked and Ten seeing him with no clothes on, sober, quickly covered half of his face when he felt his cheeks heating up. Taeyong put on a pair of shorts then looked at Ten, since he felt that a pair of eyes staring at him, and Ten covered his eyes as well with the blanket.
"Are you shy?" said Taeyong as if he hadn't noticed it before.
"No..." said Ten quietly, still hiding behind the covers.
Ten was about to let the blanket down when he felt a soft fabric land on his head.
"What the-" asked Ten as he touched the top of his head. It was a pair of underwear. He looked at it then put it aside. "Oh, you don't have to, I have-"
"It's a comfy one, I don't think your tight underwear would feel good right now," said Taeyong who then put on a loose shirt, but before that Ten couldn't hold his voice.
"Oh-!" let out Ten when he saw Taeyong's back, full of red scratches.
"What?" asked Taeyong, half putting on his shirt, turning his attention to Ten again with a surprised face.
"Nothing just," started Ten, not knowing how to express himself. "your back has a few uhhh scratches," said Ten, demonstrating scratching his back.
"Well, only one person could have done them," smirked Taeyong at Ten as he finally put his shirt, at which he responded with a shy blushing face. He remembered how he had done them, at how good it felt, and how he just wanted to hold Taeyong closer at that moment. "Don't worry, you weren't left out from being marked."
Ten didn't get it at first then smoothly touched his neck and collarbone area with his hand and felt a light sore pain. When he wanted to say something to Taeyong, he noticed he had already left the room. He knew he got hickeys by now but didn't know they were strong ones.
He tried to move out of the bed but the pain in his ass was too strong, all he could do was to groan.
"Stay in bed and tell me how you like your coffee," yelled Taeyong from the kitchen.
"More milk or more coffee?" asked Taeyong, not letting Ten finish his sentence.
"Ugh," let out Ten, accepting his fate and lying back on the bed. "No milk, only coffee with a little bit of sugar."
He wanted to check his phone but forgot he left it on the coffee table. He was just lying there, looking around the room and checking things he didn't pay a lot of attention to the last time he was there. He saw the rock band posters Taeyong had, his electric piano was near his desk, he had a gaming PC which amazed Ten.
All Ten could hear was Taeyong's light footsteps in the kitchen, plates, and mugs being placed on the counter, and his own breathing. He was staring at the ceiling, letting his thoughts fill his head. He suddenly thought of Johnny, if he should tell him or not because he already seemed jealous when he saw him texting with Taeyong. Ten was scared Johnny would be distant with him if he found this out, that he might be disappointed. Ten knew Johnny wanted to get laid with him for a while now but respected him when he said no and if he knew Ten gave himself to Taeyong only after a few drinks, God knows how he would react. Ten was scared and anxious, what if he already tried to reach him on the phone or knock on his dormitory room door. He just hoped he hadn't fucked up anything.
Before he could continue his chain of thoughts, a figure entered the room with a tray of nicely made breakfast. There was one cup of black coffee and one cup of flat white coffee then for breakfast Taeyong made some fried eggs for the both of them and put a few slices of bread next to them. Not only the noise of the person coming in but the smell of freshly made breakfast made him sit up to check it.
"Oh my gosh, you shouldn't have," smiled shyly Ten as he covered his face with his hands. "Thank you,"
"If I asked how you like your eggs, you would have caught suspicion so surprise bed breakfast it is," said Taeyong as he sat down next to Ten and put the tray on Ten's lap.
"I think we should put the coffee on the nightstand, just it won't trip and spill," said Ten as he grabbed the two cups and put them on the nightstand next to the bed.
Taeyong took his own plate and held in his hand while Ten tried to balance the tray on his thighs. Ten grabbed the fork and tried to cut the fried egg into pieces then eat them with the bread.
"Oh my, the egg is really good," said Ten after he swallowed his bite.
"It's not that big of a deal, just some salt mixed with a hint of pepper after putting it into the pan, heh," replied Taeyong as he also put the cut egg piece on his bread. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, we could say that," answered Ten then looking at Taeyong with a sarcastic look. "If only my ass wouldn't hurt so much."
"Well, it do be like that if you are a bottom," smirked Taeyong jokingly.
As Ten chewed and slowly swallowed another bite, he felt the Korean staring him as he did the motion. He took a quick glance at Taeyong and saw that his grip on the kitchenwares was tight, his veins were visible and he seemed to be zoned out in his world of imagination.
"Taeyong?" asked Ten.
"Y-Yeah?" replied Taeyong, pushed back to reality.
"Is everything good?" questioned Ten.
"What? Oh yeah, I was just a bit zoned out," chuckled awkwardly Taeyong.
"Alright, whatever you say," chuckled Ten then continued his breakfast.
The boys had their breakfast in silence, having no topic to talk about. After they were done, they sipped their morning coffee while trying to think of something that would break the awkward tension.
Ten was drinking his coffee slowly, thinking about the night, and whether he truly wanted it or not. He did want to have a good time, but he wanted to have it in a relationship with someone, not on a drunk one night stand. He planned it so well yet his dreamy first time was crushed.
"Tennie?" asked Taeyong. The nickname surely stopped Ten's thoughts and caused him to blush and freeze down.
"What did you just call me?" asked back Ten, looking at Taeyong with a weirded out face.
"Tennie," answered Taeyong like a cutie. "It seemed like you were deep in your thoughts."
"Oh, yeah," replied Ten, scratching his nape in embarrassment. "I was just thinking about last night, what we did..."
"Was it not good? Did I do something bad?" asked Taeyong worriedly as he approached Ten more.
"No, no, no. It was good and you did nothing bad, it's just, not how I planned my first time and I'm probably just overthinking that did I really want it or was it just a heat in the moment thing?" said Ten as he just looked at his coffee, not daring to look at Taeyong. "Of course, I could have said stop anytime, even you were asking if it's okay, but I just," his grip on the mug got stronger and his facial expression changed from calm to troubled. "I just wanted to have something good in life without thinking of that jerk for FUCK'S SAKE!"
Both Ten and Taeyong froze down as Ten finished his sentence with a shout. He built it up inside him, not telling anyone what had happened and what he was feeling. He couldn't look at Taeyong now for sure, after just having a peak of a mental breakdown. He wanted to forget or replace what had happened years ago but even if he had enjoyed his time with Taeyong, it didn't disappear. The memory and the past were still lurking around him.
"I think," Ten interrupted. "I think I wasted something that I thought precious of..."
"Ten," Taeyong started.
"Oh my gosh," Ten realized the words he had said out loud. His anxiety started to rise up again, but this time, more extreme. He didn't mean to let this all out, he didn't want Taeyong to see him like this, even if it was just a little meltdown.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to see that, let's just forget it-"
"Ten," Taeyong looked at him with his deer eyes, hoping for something. "Please, look at me," Taeyong put his hand on Ten's, which was still holding the mug tightly.
Taeyong quickly put his mug on the floor next to the bed then slowly tried to take Ten's too, not wanting him to hurt himself. Ten didn't want to let it go, he felt a bit safer that there was something in his hands but then he saw the liquid almost spilling out so he let Taeyong take the mug. Ten tried to remain calm but he was nervous about what Taeyong was going to do or say. Ten gripped on the blanket again, making it very wrinkly but then he felt another hand on top of his.
"Look at me Ten," said Taeyong again. Ten still refused to face him, scared of the outcome but then he felt a hand carefully caressing his jawline then cheek, slowly turning his glance at Taeyong. Taeyong was looking at him with a slight yet reassuring smile, Ten didn't know how to react so he just kept looking at Taeyong, anxiously.
"Last night, I wanted to make sure you would have the best night of your life, that you'd experience something unforgettable. I didn't want to hurt you, I wanted to start it gently and slowly, caressing and making you feel good as much as I could. I didn't want you to feel like it was a waste of time and experience, I want you to look back at it and think wow, that was amazing and I don't regret it, because there's nothing to feel regretful about." said Taeyong, his hands cupping Ten's cheeks. "Don't feel ashamed just because you wanted to have a good time and know what it feels like to make love or in other words, have consensual sex with Lee Taeyong," Ten chuckled at the last sentence. "I know this isn't how you wanted your first time to happen, and I hope you won't hate me. If you want to you can slap me and tell me to fuck off, I won't get upset."
Taeyong was right, Ten knew deep down he wanted to have a something amazing after hard times and know what it feels like to be with someone who doesn't hurt him, he wanted to experience that feeling. He was craving for love from someone, he wanted to love someone and have someone to love him. Even if this wasn't what he dreamed of, he certainly didn't feel as ashamed of his actions as he did just a few minutes ago. He didn't know what he would have done if it wasn't Taeyong next to him giving him a pep talk and comforting him with his words.
Ten gave a faint smile after Taeyong finished his speech and that's when he noticed the tears running down his jawline.
"I won't slap you or tell you to fuck off, silly," Ten spoke. "You don't deserve that, especially after helping me with your words and action. If you told me to leave the house right after waking up, I would have slapped you," the boys laughed. "But in all seriousness, thank you Taeyong. I'm not saying wow you pushed away all of those things, but you definitely helped me think about it in another way and me admitting that deep down, I just wanted to have someone with me who doesn't hurt but rather love me and care for me. Even in this case, this wasn't that, it really made everything different that you didn't want to cause me harm but have me below you and see me enjoying the night with you."
"Well, yeah," said Taeyong as a tint of pink blush appeared on his cheeks, shyly looking away, smiling. He seemed speechless but in a good way.
"I saw your caring stare, don't deny it" chuckled Ten which Taeyong followed too. Ten rested his head by letting it down a little bit but he felt someone leaning on his forehead with theirs. His cheeks were still in Taeyong's hands as their foreheads were leaning against each other. This could have been a romantic morning of a couple, from an outside perspective. Ten felt like he lived in a dream, that he was having a sentimental and cute morning with Lee Taeyong.
Their eyes were closed and both of them were smiling, Taeyong's hands had slowly fallen down to Ten's shoulder then sliding to his hands, placing them on top of his. Ten was surprised at first but then calmed himself down by taking deep breaths and enjoying the comfort.
"Better a tiny bit?" asked Taeyong, still eyes closed.
"Yeah..." let out Ten, feeling like time stopped around them.
A few minutes have passed when Taeyong broke the silence.
"Alright," said Taeyong, trying not to scare Ten with his sudden voice. "Let's get dressed, we can't be in bed all day."
"I wish," Ten thought but then realized what the voice in his head said. "Wait, what?"
Taeyong ruffled Ten's hair when he got out of the bed. Ten tried to get out of the bed too but his behind was still hurting a lot. Ten let out a whine when he tried to stand up and Taeyong hurried to help him. He kneeled down in front of him and helped him get his underwear on then without giving Ten a choice Taeyong put one of his shirts on the Thai boy. The shirt was a bit bigger than him and it almost reached the middle of his thigh. Because of Taeyong's broad shoulders, the sleeves reached Ten's elbow even though the shirt was already oversized.
"Damn it looks good on you," said Taeyong. "So cute," added Taeyong with a little higher voice.
Ten was thinking if it was the same Taeyong that he saw the previous night dominating over him.
"Uhm, thanks," replied Ten shyly, really not knowing how to feel and how to deal with the light pink blush appearing on his cheeks.
"C'mon, let's go to the living room," said Taeyong walking closer to Ten and wrapping his arms around his back and legs.
"Wait, what are you-!" exclaimed Ten when he felt the older pick him up in bridal style. Ten quickly put his hands on Taeyong's nape, trying not to fall down.
Taeyong put him down on the couch then went back to his room and Ten saw him opening the curtains and the window, making the bed and trying to find the clothes that were thrown everywhere.
Ten saw his phone on the coffee table and was anxious to grab it. He wanted to see if anyone has written to him but was anxious if Johnny asked him about his whereabouts. After getting the courage and let curiosity take over him, Ten grabbed his phone and unlocked it.
3 new messages
2 missed calls
His heart dropped as he felt a lump stuck in his throat. 1 message and call was from Bambam saying he went to study with friends in the library but the other 2 message and call was from Johnny. It was 11 am and Johnny wrote to him about an hour ago. Ten collected his courage again and opened the message.
Hey mate
Wanna play some games at my place? (aka my room lol)
"Shit," Ten thought as he slapped his forehead. He called him about 30 minutes ago so he needed to reply with something that wouldn't hurt him. God knew if he went to his room or asked Bambam about him. He didn't know what to write back. All of this heavenly feeling with Taeyong just disappeared and was replaced with worry and anxiety. He didn't want to lie but knew the truth would kill him. But then the perfect answer hit him.
Shit sorry man I didn't see the message
I was having some difficulty with my Korean homework and Taeyong offered to help me so I came over to his place
I'm sorry Johnny ㅠㅠ
He quickly locked his phone after sending those and tried to come up with something to pursue Taeyong to keep this a secret without knowing the real reason.
Taeyong walked out with the empty plates and half-full coffee mugs, putting them in the sink then joining Ten on the couch. He sat down at the end of it and put Ten's legs on his lap.
"Is something troubling you again?" asked Taeyong, caressing Ten's legs. "You are very stiff."
"It's just," started Ten. "I don't want this to be really out, I don't know, I just don't feel comfortable if other people knew about it," Ten played with his thumbs as he was trying to collect his words. What he said wasn't a lie despite smiling when he thought about the previous night's event.
"Hey, don't need to be nervous, it's okay. I understand and respect you, I wasn't planning on shouting it out on the roof, don't worry. If people ask why you were at my place, we can just say we studied and played games, that's it," stated Taeyong, making Ten feel safe and calm after a rollercoaster of anxiety.
"Thank you," smiled Ten, being so thankful that Taeyong went with him.
Ten showed his gratitude by poking into Taeyong's cheeks with his toes which resulted in Taeyong pulling his face away and grabbing Ten's ankle. He smirked evilly and started tickling Ten's sole. Ten started laughing and wiggling his legs, asking the Korean to stop it. His eyes were closed due to the funny feeling but then felt the hands were no longer on his feet and a figure hovering over him.
Ten opened his eyes and saw Taeyong above him, his hands keeping him stable above Ten's shoulder. Ten felt the urge to kiss him but couldn't bring himself to it, something was keeping him from doing so. He was trapped underneath Taeyong, unable to move his legs or body, even his arms as the couch wasn't as big as the bed. It was even surprising that Taeyong didn't fall off so far.
Taeyong's lips were slightly parted as he was breathing through his mouth, some hair strands were hanging down and his eyes were observing every part of Ten's face. Ten was looking at him, he was breathing through his mouth as it was too hard to breathe with his nose as Taeyong was on top of him again. It was just like yesterday's night, except they were on the couch and sober. Both of them were yearning for the other's lips but neither of them made a move. Ten was lost in the beauty above him as he looked at those pretty plump pink lips, shining brown eyes, slim face with slim cheeks, sharp jawline, and messy brown hair hanging down, covering his face from the side. Taeyong just smirked as he saw Ten looking at his feature and that's when he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
Taeyong put his lips on the other's, unable to control himself and Ten didn't waste any second to kiss back. Taeyong put his hands under Ten, pulling him closer in spite of already being glued to the other. Ten put his hand on Taeyong's neck and then slid them on his nape, refusing to let him go.
"We are just, studying, right?" asked mischievously Taeyong between the kisses.
"Yes, it's just, tutoring," replied Ten. "From you."
The two kept on kissing which then turned into making out as Taeyong was ready to enter Ten's mouth with his tongue, but the younger decided to tease the other as not letting him in.
After several attempts, Taeyong spoke up.
"Hey," he said as he stopped kissing Ten. "Don't play these games, they won't end well."
"Well, what if I want to play?" asked back Ten.
"Then let's play," whispered Taeyong in a low voice as he brushed his thumb against Ten's lips. Taeyong used this opportunity to pull Ten's face to his and attach their lips but now, he entered his mouth with more force, not letting Ten to rebel against him. Ten let him do what he wanted as he wrapped his arms around Taeyong's neck, his hands resting on his back.
Taeyong slid one hand down on Ten's chest, making the younger moan in the kiss from the sudden sensitive touch. Taeyong put his legs between Ten's so now the Thai boy's legs were open and as the Korean's hand reached Ten's thigh, he grabbed it and pulled it up to his waist, and Ten wrapped his leg around Taeyong's waist as if he had down this before. Taeyong kept his hand on Ten's thigh and his other on Ten's nape, keeping them stable.
As Ten's legs were open to Taeyong, he didn't want to waste any second. He was caressing his thigh slowly and seductively then started to grind between Ten's legs, his crotch touching the other's. Ten felt their erected members touching, with the fabric in their way, he couldn't help himself but moan into the kiss. Taeyong didn't want to let him go, he kept making out with him as he was grinding slowly, hearing and feeling his soft moans.
After a few more kisses Ten signaled that he really needed to breathe then so Taeyong parted their lips. Both of them were breathing heavily, their lips shiny from the saliva. Taeyong couldn't help but smirk at Ten, he realized he loved making the younger a mess. He saw it in Ten's eyes that he was begging for more but didn't him to feel pain after last night.
"Grab onto me," said Taeyong, and Ten, without hesitation, tightly gripped onto his shirt.
As Ten felt the fabric, he also felt Taeyong pulling him up with force. He was sitting in Taeyong's lap, his legs spread open and comfortable placed next to Taeyong's legs. When he was put up there Taeyong connected their wet lips again, taking Ten by surprise. It even amazed Ten that Taeyong was this horny when he was sober.
Ten was moving around to keep himself stable, even though Taeyong was holding him with one hand and the other was still on his thigh. He was moving that hand up and down slowly with fierce, he felt that Ten was trying to close his legs but because of pleasure. Taeyong then decided to make his hand travel somewhere else and that was Ten's butt. He grabbed his ass hard, making the Thai moan and moving his hips a little bit.
"T-Taeyong, I-"
"Don't worry baby, I know it still hurts. I won't do it," replied Taeyong between the kisses. "I'm planning on doing something else."
Ten didn't know what was on Taeyong's mind and that made him anxious. He was scared of the unexpected.
"Trust me, you will like it," tried Taeyong to calm down Ten as he felt him become a little stiff.
The older separated their lips again as he put his hands on the bottom of his shirt and took it off then threw it away.
"You can touch me wherever you want to," let out Taeyong then was kissing Ten again.
Ten put one of his hands on Taeyong's back and the other was roaming around his chest, feeling every bit of it. Taeyong let out soft sighs as he felt the other caressing him everywhere.
Taeyong didn't want to wait any longer, he moved his hand from Ten's ass to his crotch, touching it through the fabric. Ten let out quiet moans as he felt the dominant's hand around his manhood. Taeyong then pulled the shorts lower and Ten's hard member popped out. He put his hand around and started to slowly move it up and down, he entered his tongue in Ten's mouth again just to hear his voice. Ten subconsciously moaned when he felt the touch around his penis. In response, he wanted to pull Taeyong closer but he barely could.
It was time for Taeyong to start what he planned.
"I'm going to lay down," he said he stopped the kiss. "But you stay up."
Taeyong lied down on the soft material, leaving Ten confused as he was blushing and biting his bottom lip because Taeyong was still moving his hand on his member. The Korean put his other hand on Ten's buns but pulled down the shorts there as well. Taeyong lubricated his fingers with his saliva then entered his middle finger into his hole, making Ten straighten his back more and pushing himself forward, making him grind on Taeyong's hard cock.
"Does this hurt?" asked Taeyong, making sure his cutie was alright.
"N-No, it's good," sighed Ten. His hands were on Taeyong waist to keep his balance.
Taeyong stopped moving his veiny hand on Ten's member, which Ten didn't get why until he felt the finger move forth in him, pushing him and making him grind again. But this time it was different because with Taeyong making a hole with his finger, it felt like Ten entered that hole. It was a double pleasure for him as he was being fingered but also fucking Taeyong's hand.
Ten tightly held onto Taeyong's waist as he was grinding on Taeyong. Taeyong was moving his finger at a fair pace but then he slowly entered his ring finger in Ten's hole, making the younger release a loud whine. Ten loosened himself, letting Taeyong moving his hips back and forth. Ten didn't hide his voice this time either, it was something he never thought he would experience. Taeyong's long fingers in him were a euphoric feeling while also fucking his finger hole. Ten was already a moaning mess but Taeyong didn't mind putting some more into the action.
"I want you to," sighed Taeyong, feeling the submissive grinding against his hard member. "Moan my name."
"Tae-Taeyong," moaned out Ten, making it hard for Taeyong not to fuck him right there. Ten couldn't even close his mouth, he didn't want his voice not to be heard by Taeyong.
"Do my fingers feel good?" smirked Taeyong.
"Your fingers, feel so amazing," whined Ten. "Taeyong."
Hearing his name being moaned out just put everything to perfection. A few thrusts later he realized Ten was moving his hips at his own pace, thrusting in the hole but feeling the fingers inside him. Taeyong decided to put some more spice into it so he moved his fingers around inside Ten a little bit which caught Ten off guard. He not only moaned louder but fastened his pace.
Taeyong wanted to feel Ten's skin against his more so he pulled his shorts down as well, as much as he could, and felt the air hit his cock.
"Put your hand around me," said Taeyong as he started to breathe heavily. Ten moved his left hand from Taeyong's waist to his member and was slowly stroking it, earning a few moans from the older.
Ten's eyes were closed as this was how he coped with the pleasure he was receiving. Taeyong looked at his little baby, grinding against him as he was fingering him while Ten was moving his hips back and forth, thrusting the hole that Taeyong made with his fingers. Just feeling those hands around his dick was enough for him, for now. His big shirt looking so cute and hot on him, he didn't mind Ten still wearing it.
Soon after Taeyong couldn't take it anymore and started moving his hips. This took Ten by surprise as his balance was a bit shifty but Taeyong grabbed his hips with both of his hands to keep the younger stable on him. Ten felt sad when he felt Taeyong's fingers leaving his hole and his hand leaving his member, he felt empty and was begging for the Korean's touches.
Their dicks were hitting against the other but not for long.
"Lift yourself up for a bit," said Taeyong, and Ten lifted his body up then sat back down and felt Taeyong's hard cock between his ass cheeks. "Don't worry, I won't do it," Taeyong sighed. "But I want you to move those pretty buns."
Ten was now moving his hips as if he was riding Taeyong and even that made the Korean groan.
Ten was a moaning mess, his hair ruffled and some saliva drooling from his mouth. Ten then sped up his pace to what he can do but Taeyong decided to take control back to his hands as he grabbed the Thai's hips again and was now moving him at a quicker pace. Ten feeling the hard cock between his cheeks was such a great feeling for him that he couldn't keep his voice down.
"T-Taeyong," whimpered Ten. "Your cock, is, so good. I-I want it-"
"You want it where?" asked back Taeyong as he slyly smirked, knowing what he was about to say.
"I want it, in me, please," begged Ten.
Taeyong moved one of his hands from Ten's waist to adjust himself to Ten's entrance hole. He felt close and didn't question his baby so he nicely pushed himself in Ten. But at the same time, Ten sat on it slowly, not knowing when it would end. Ten gave out a loud and long cry as he felt Taeyong entering him.
Taeyong started moving his hips and also Ten as he put his hands back on his waist. The room was filled with the noise of Taeyong's balls against Ten skin and every time it hit Ten, his moans just became louder and higher. It didn't take too long for Taeyong to feel a knot in his stomach as he was moving between Ten's tight walls. After a few deep thrusts, he released himself inside Ten without any warning, pushing the younger lower and his hips higher. His deep groan echoed throughout the house.
Ten felt the warm liquid being shot inside him as Taeyong moved himself a few times before stopping. Taeyong was panting as his hands fell to his sides. Ten was also trying to catch his breaths but was also sad that he couldn't cum. Taeyong saw this and acted immediately.
"Baby boy," spoke Taeyong in his deep voice. "Don't think that I would leave you out."
Taeyong pulled his now softening member out of Ten and pushed three fingers back in. He moved his fingers around a bit then pulled them out. Ten arched his back at the sudden contact but he was more focused on Taeyong's hand wrapped around his dick. The Korean was stroking the Thai's member, speeding up quickly enough. He wanted to see how Ten would handle it.
Ten could barely give out any noise as Taeyong was moving his hand fast. When he felt himself close, he tried to dig his nails into something but Taeyong's abs were too strong. Taeyong noticed it and intervened Ten's hand with his free hand. Soon after, Ten came into Taeyong's hand, some dripping onto his belly, and tried not to fall on his naked chest yet. Taeyong took his hand away and cleaned himself with the shirt he took off before. Ten's body was twitching after the ejaculation and Taeyong slowly sat up to hug him and lay back down with him, resting on his upper body. Ten's hands were on Taeyong's chest and his head near his neck. Taeyong was caressing Ten's back, trying to calm him down.
"It was, amazing," panted Ten.
"It was," added Taeyong. "You were doing it so well," Ten could only blush at Taeyong's comment.
Soon, Ten's body calmed down and he could enjoy lying on Taeyong's chest while listening to his heartbeat and feeling his arms around him. Ten was still trying to normalize his breathing when Taeyong chuckled.
"I won't torture you today anymore" smiled Taeyong while caressing Ten with his thumb. "I promise."
Ten simply responded with a quiet chuckle, not knowing what to say. He was only a bit tired but lying on Taeyong was so comfortable at that moment. Thankfully, Ten didn't have to go back to his dorm yet as they still had half of the day for themselves.
Ten closed his eyes for a little rest, feeling the warmth of Taeyong's body. A few seconds later Taeyong noticed the little one's long and heavy breathing, guessing he was half asleep. He was still caressing Ten's back while looking at him as if he was the shining pearl he wanted to protect from everything.
A few moments later Ten was shifting himself around, trying to get comfortable as he was humming a bit. He was definitely asleep now as Taeyong saw. He moved his hand to Ten's hair and started playing with it. Taeyong was looking at the ceiling, getting lost in his thoughts. The Thai boy was quietly snuffling on the Korean's body, with his hands pressed between their chests, as Taeyong's chest was moving up and down slowly. Taeyong was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't pay a lot of attention to his surroundings, he was looking at the ceiling while playing with Ten's hair as if it was an everyday thing. He had his mind all over the place about everything, even about what happened in the past hour and day.
As Taeyong came back to reality he saw it on the clock that it was only 1:30 pm so they had the whole day still. He started caressing Ten's cheek with his hand carefully, trying to wake up the young boy. Taeyong then moved his hand to Ten's back and was caressing that while quietly calling his name.
"Ten..." whispered Taeyong. "Tennie, wake up."
It seemed like it worked because Ten was moving around, trying to hide his head and continue his sleep.
"If you fall back asleep, I won't cook for you," teased Taeyong, at which Ten responded with a loud hum and wrapped his arms around Taeyong tightly. This was a sign that he was awake but not fully. Taeyong had no choice but to move to plan b. Taeyong moved his hands to Ten's waist and started tickling him. Ten, in that second, started moving around and laughing. He was wide awake now for sure. Ten was trying to take Taeyong's hands away from his waist as he was begging him to stop.
"P-P-Ple-he-hease sto-ho-op," laughed Ten.
Taeyong finally stopped when he saw Ten almost falling off him.
"You said you wouldn't torture me today anymore," pouted Ten after calming down.
"I mean, true, but you refused to wake up. You can't sleep through the whole day," said Taeyong.
"Fiiiine, I'm hungry anyway," replied Ten. He got up from the lying Taeyong who then did the same.
"Would you like to help me?" asked Taeyong, walking to the kitchen and putting his apron on.
"Well, I'm not much of a cook-"
"You don't need to be a chef, I will help you," Taeyong tried to pursue Ten which worked as he walked to him. His behind wasn't hurting that much anymore, he still had some trouble walking but he didn't want to lay all day. Taeyong gave him an apron and while Ten was trying to tie it, Taeyong prepared the ingredients. "I thought we could make a simple Chinese noodle dish if you are okay with it."
"Yeah, sure," responded Ten after tying his apron.
Taeyong pulled out a recipe of chicken chow mein and placed the ingredients on the counter. He asked Ten to boil the pasta while he would cook the chicken. As the noodles were cooking, Ten saw Taeyong cooking the chicken but also chopping the vegetables to bits on the other side then pouring them into the skillet. Ten quickly prepared the sauce with the liquid ingredients in a different bowl which he then handed to the main chef. Taeyong looked so focused on what he was doing, as if it was a passion of his or he just found joy in it. Ten then poured the water out of the pot and poured the cooked noodles into the skillet that Taeyong was handling. Taeyong mixed them together nicely and when he was sure it was done, he stopped the gas and let it cool for a bit.
"Good job, man,"said Taeyong as he held his hand up for a high five while smiling. Ten gave him a high five while shyly smiling back.
"It was all you, I just did the side job," rolled his eyes Ten as he smiled.
"But with your help, I bet it's gonna taste even more amazing," said Taeyong as he put his arm around Ten's shoulder. Ten felt his cheeks heating up but he just scratched them, trying to hide them.
They both took off their aprons and upset the table. Taeyong garnished the dish with green onions and sesame seeds for a better taste then put it on the table. He served one portion on Ten's plate and then on his.
"Well, on appetite," Taeyong said as he grabbed one bite with his chopsticks. Ten did the same and when the flavors hit his tongue as he was chewing, he thought was in heaven.
"Holy shit, it's so good," let out Ten after swelling the bite.
"You put your focus and passion into it, that's why it so delicious," said Taeyong as he took another bite. He saw how taken aback Ten was and he couldn't do anything but smile at his reaction.
After lunch, they spent the rest of the day playing video games and chatting about random stuff. When the clock hit 7 pm and the sky was getting darker, Ten felt like it was time for him to head back to his dormitory. He was sad that he had to leave because he enjoyed spending time with Taeyong whether it be sex or chatting. He got his clothes in his bag and he also saw the sadness on Taeyong's face as well.
"Awww, don't be sad, we are going to see each other tomorrow anyway," said Ten as he chuckled, trying to comfort the older with his words.
"I know, but still," rolled his eyes Taeyong as walked to the door with Ten.
Taeyong decided to walk with Ten as the younger was still very lost in that area. The lights on street were turned on as they were walking by. When they reached the dormitory building many lights were still on but some rooms were dark.
"Thank you for this weekend, uhm," said Ten while looking down and scratching his nape.
"I know this wasn't what you expected, but I hope you at least enjoy your time there, and I promise I will have more self-control, heh," said Taeyong, smiling shyly.
"No, no, it's okay. I did enjoy that nevertheless, but next time just signal it better so I will kind of know," replied Ten, holding his bag.
"Yeah, will do," said Taeyong. "Then, uhm, see you tomorrow, I guess," Taeyong opened his arms not so wide for a farewell hug. Ten noticed his intention so he went to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Ten felt Taeyong's arms around his shoulders, getting tight a little bit. It felt good and warm, Ten felt safe in Taeyong's arms but thought the older would feel weird if he wanted to keep hugging him.
"See you tomorrow," said Ten as they separated from their hug. Ten walked through the fence gate, looking back and waving his hand at Taeyong. Ten then walked through the main door, greeting the gatekeeper but then looking back again to wave his hand at Taeyong again. After Taeyong couldn't see Ten anymore, he decided it was time to head home.
Ten walked up to the second floor and thought he would just go to his room, organize his school stuff for the next day, take a shower then head to bed but of course, these things sometimes don't go as easy as they should.
Ten was walking to his room, zoning out and not noticing the other figure walking towards him until they bumped into each other in the fairly lighted hallway.
"Oh, sorry-" apologized Ten then he saw who it was.
"Sorry- oh hi Ten," said the other male.
"H-Hey Johnny," greeted him back.
"You just got back from Tae's?" asked him Johnny, in a friendly manner and a smile.
"Yeah, we finished studying then he asked if I wanted to play video games with him and time flew by," replied Ten, trying to look into Johnny's eyes.
"That's cool, didn't know you two were close," said Johnny.
"Oh, it's nothing, he just offered to help-"
"Hey, it's okay. You don't need to explain yourself, you can hang out with other friends, I didn't say you can't do that just because you are my best friend. I know you are and I trust you, it's okay buddy, live your life," said Johnny in a calm smile as he pinched Ten's cheek.
"H-Hey!" let out Ten as he snatched Johnny's hand away then both of them chuckled. "But, thanks tho."
"Of course dude, now go to sleep, you look exhausted. Get that good night sleep," said Johnny then after another friendly smile he started walking towards his room. "Good night."
"Good night to you too," said Ten, looking at Johnny who was walking away from him.
Ten quickly walked to his room and saw that Bambam was chilling on his bed when he opened the door.
"Oh, hi there," greeted him Bambam behind his phone in Thai. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh y-yeah, I'm just so tired right now," said Ten, walking towards his bed.
"Long weekend ey?" smirked funnily Bambam.
"Yeah, kinda," replied Ten when he fell on his bed face first, throwing his backbag on the floor.
"Do you need something for a sore ass?" said Bambam, almost letting out a laugh.
"Dude!" said loudly Ten and threw his pillow at Bambam like he was a shy boy and was shy about the fact that he had sex. Well, to be honest, he was.
The pillow landed on Bambam's head, making his phone fall on him as he was laughing out loud. Ten just smiled, he couldn't take this seriously either.
Ten did his night routine and after a good shower he put his laundry in his basket then fell into his bed again, putting his phone on charge. It was dark, only the shiny screens of their phone and the moon gave them light in the room. Ten covered himself with the blanket when he heard his roommate speaking.
"But in all seriousness, if you need any help or advice in that, you can ask me anytime. It's not awkward or anything, I'm happy to help and I don't want you to have bad experiences," said Bambam. Ten was surprised as they had never talked about this or very deep stuff but it felt good that there's someone experienced and big brother like with him.
"Thank you, it's good to know that I can trust you with this and you are here for me. I will ask you or talk to you if I have anything on my mind," smiled Ten and hoped Bambam could feel it through his speech.
"Anytime dude, but if anything bothers you, I'm here," added Bambam.
"Thank you, same goes to you too," said Ten as well.
"But now let's go to sleep, I'm hella tired as well," changed the topic Bambam then Ten could hear him shifting in the bed.
"Agreed, sleep well man," said Ten, turning his gaze to the wall.
"G'night," added Bambam before trying to fall asleep.
I'm so thankful for you, Ten thought then closed his eyes, trying fall into a deep sleep after a long weekend. Yet some thoughts were still lingering at the back of his head.
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