[WORD COUNT: 1856!]
'she's mad but she's magic.
there's no lie in her fire.'
— Charles Bukowski
You braced your white knuckles tightly on the fire escape of your bedroom balcony, feeling the cool breeze sting at your heated cheeks. You allowed your hair to flow unruly, hanging lowly by your shoulders. It was rare you came out here anymore, partially because it was unsafe, as the balcony was years old. But other times you just simply didn't have time to sit and admire the city. It was peaceful out here and was where your heart settled down into a hushed pace, completely undisturbed by the world around it.
Your brother, Ned, was yet to apologise adequately for what he said earlier, and you were holding him too it. But you knew that alone, going to this party was enough payback. The last time you went to one of these party's it didn't end how you would have liked it too, and it quite literally changed your life forever, because now you could say you'd dropped your V card. Ned, however, was one of the few who didn't jump at the news. It took him six months to get over it, and even when he did he was still tight on you. Now he barely lets you go anywhere. So, it was part one of the reasons as to why you were dragging Peter with you.
A harsh breeze brought you out of your thoughts, carrying the smell of the damp streets to your nose as you inhaled deeply. The smell reminded you of summer nights, spent with your closest friends, without the responsibility of the world weighing down on your shoulders. Those were the prime nights; back when you were at school and the pure gratifying feeling of just staring at the stars took away all the stress of exams. For a moment it was almost perfect. The damp grass soaking through your hair, and irrigate your cheeks when you turned to look to the side, or the smell of a fire burning beside you. Those were the nights where memories were made, and now they were cherished.
"Hey" a callous voice interrupted your daydream, bringing your head to look over your shoulder. Peter was nonchalantly crawling through your window, stepping down onto the wet fire escape slowly. You shot him a smile, moving to the side, allowing him to join you. "You do know the party starts in like an hour?" He emit a long breath, catching the flow of his breathing once again. You nodded carelessly, tapping your blunt fingers against the rusty metal of the balcony. "What's wrong?" Peter asked, placing a hang on top of yours, holding it against the cold metal. Now it was your turn to talk.
"Just caught up in a daydream" you let a shy grin fall onto your lips, your thumb pulling out of Peter's grasp and escaping to rest on the top of his. You watched for a moment as your limb caught a mind of its own, dancing around on Peter's milky skin. He nodded steadily, allowing himself to get caught up in the cold breeze, the small strands of his hair dancing in the wind. "How come you're here anyway?"
"I am still going to the party with you, right?" He quizzed, examining your face. You nodded, biting the muscle behind your lip.
"I just thought you really weren't that interested" you cocked your brow, smirking skittishly. He rolled his eyes, tongue travelling into his cheek. You pulled your hand from underneath his, tapping his skin lightly, "C'mon, I need to get changed" you quipped, before heading back inside. You slipped your socks off quickly, them having been completely soaked by now from standing on the wet metal of the platform. Peter clambered back through the window behind you, his coat rustling as he moved. You tucked your hair behind your ears, clicking your tongue against your teeth as you browse the options of clothes sitting in your drawer.
"This one, or this one?" you asked, pulling out two tops. Personally, you would have gone for the black skin-tight shirt with the V neck, but then again the white turtle neck would go nice with the gold necklace you bought last weekend. Peter pointed to the turtle neck, so without discussion you threw it down on the bed, lugging your previous shirt over your head.
"Whoa!" Peter chocked, covering his eyes with his arm. You stopped for a second, dumbfounded, half-naked in the middle of the room. "What?" You asked carelessly.
"Y-You-- Maybe I should wait outside" he swallowed harshly, standing up from the bed, his cheeks flushed a pale shade of crimson.
"Peter, you've seen me without a top on like... A thousand times, who are you and what have you done with Peter Parker?" you snickered, bringing his arm down. He blinked a few times, his eyes averting between your's and your chest. "Come on, don't tell me you haven't seen what's underneath" you implored, leaving him in the middle of the room as you slipped on the turtle neck, pulling your hair out from the back. Peter left it long enough for you to answer the question yourself.
"Oh my god, are you a-"
"What? No!"
"You don't know what I was gonna say" you jester, pointing towards him with your old shirt. His cheeks rushed a dark shade of red, just the tip of his nose remaining a milky olive. "Okay, maybe you do, but are you?" you asked, turning away from him and dropping your shirt in your wash basket.
Peter sat down on the bed, completely embarrassed and one of his best kept secrets out in the open. "Don't make me say it" he murmured. You turned around, your joke suddenly becoming a reality. You stopped moving for a moment, unhooking your hands from your jean button and turning back around to face him.
"Peter, I-I was kidding around"
"Yeah, but even if you weren't it's true and it's embarrassing" he let out a long sigh of relief, finally releasing the secret off of his chest to someone. You were shocked.
"It's not embarrassing, Pete. We all go through it at different stages" you implied, "God I sound like Aunt May" you simper, letting a short laugh leave your lips. Peter too let out a short chuckle, running a hand through his hair.
"It's easy for you to say" he tampered, his tone changing completely. It hurt you a little, and the comment wasn't offensive. You raised your brow, turning around slowly. Peter caught your expression, his lips immediately dropping, "W- I didn't mean it like-"
"I know what you meant" you tossed your head side to side slowly, lowering your jeans, only for Peter to avert his eyes to the floor again. "Peter I'm your best friend, it would be weirder if you didn't look at me" you giggled, bending over swiftly before throwing your jeans in the washbasin. You slipped on some light ripped jeans, matching nicely with your jumper as you low key checked yourself out in the mirror.
"How'd I look?" you asked, a smirk falling onto your lips as you twirled ironically in the middle of the room. Peter smiled, "You look beautiful"
There was a short moment of silence that spread rather quickly across the room as you grabbed your shoes. You sat down next to Peter on the bed, slipping on some socks and then your shoes, leaving your laces undone for a second. You could almost see the awkwardness flowing out of Peter.
"Can I ask you something?" Peter finally queried. "Please, do" you smiled, loosening your laces over before tightening them against your foot.
"God, this is embarrassing" he sighed, his hand falling over his eyes. Peter had always been insecure, and you were completely the opposite. You had been in the past, ten times worse than Peter was, but now you were confident with who you were because your body was your own and if someone didn't like it that was there problem.
"Peter, nothing we say or do in this room is gonna leave these fall walls. Just spit it the fuck out" you beamed, slamming your foot down playfully as you tied the final knock in your shoelace. Peter nodded nonchalantly.
"W-what, uh- what, well more like how- how do, I uh... How do I, ya know, get a girl to want to do that?"
"Do what, have sex with you?-"
"Oh my god!"
"Peter, oh my god to you! It's nothing to be embarrassed about" you let out an exaggerated laugh, looking to the side at him as he basically died under the embarrassment. "God I sound so much like AUNT MAY!" You sighed, shaking your head with a quirky smile.
"Peter, in my opinion, if you try it's not gonna be hard for you. Your smart, funny, kind, loving, caring and not to mention attractive" you shrugged, the corner of your lip forming into a smile. Peter looked at you quickly, his lips moving but nothing came out.
"Jeez, was that your first compliment too?" you sniggered, shaking your head at him playfully.
"N-No, I-"
"I'm just messing you with" you smiled, grabbing your leather jacket from the back of the door. "Look, let me make a really weird deal with you" you began, slipping your jacket over your arms. Noticing you had caught Peter's attention, you began;
"If you haven't dropped your V card by the end of the college semester, I'll do it"
"You'll do what?"
"Take your V card, dumbass" you rolled your eyes with a smile, brushing out your hair in the mirror.
"Who said I wanted you to do it?"
"Ok then I'll get someone else for you" you turned to him, being undefeated by his comment and shooting back a quick reply, knocking him slightly. "You never know, tonight could be your night" you winked, making his head shoot back over his shoulders.
"C'mon, Spidey, we're gonna be late" you walked over to your window, opening the frame again and climbing out onto the balcony.
"I can't swing without my suit" Peter commented, following you out.
"Yes, I know, I'm using the ladders so Ned doesn't see?" you pointed to the fire escape ladders attached to the side of the building. "Right, of course, you are" Peter mentally face palmed himself, before following you over the railings and down the ladder to the busy streets below.
"Yeah?" you answered Peter, slowing down slightly in order for him to catch up.
"I- 'd rather you do it"
"Do what?"
He shot you a glace of 'you know what I'm talking about' to which you caught on and nodded. "And why is that?" you asked curiously.
"Well, your my best friend and we know each other, so... It would just be like doing me a favour?"
"Well if this is a favour you owe me big time"
"Hey! You offered!"
"Messing with you!" you punched him on the arm lightly, the smile he knew and loved coming back onto your cheeks.
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