'Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke my cigarette and hush'
[WORD COUNT: 3.6k!]
Hairs stuck to your forehead, mouth bone dry and strings of spit continued to grow around your chin as you continued to snore into the duck feather pillow. All whilst a newly awoken messy bed-headed Peter sat beside you, staring at you with annoyance in his gaze.
He'd been sitting there maybe three minutes, after waking up to the sound of his alarm blaring. Then after proceeding to try to fall back into the blissful world of sleep, he found it impossible after hearing the sound of your oh so sweet snores that were SO loud. At the first he panicked, thinking maybe you were choking in your sleep, but after discovering you were just snoring, and the many attempts he had nudged you to shut you up for a couple of milliseconds, he really wanted to roll you over and give you something to choke on.
"Y/N!" He yelled, bouncing on the bed trying to gain your attention, but was only greeted with yet another snore to the face. "Right, that's it-" Peter rolled you over onto your back, sliding his hands underneath you and picking you up. He came close to falling upon picking you up, standing on the bed and beginning to bounce up and down with you in his arms.
"P... Peter, Peter what are you doing? PETER!" You yelped, feeling the wind knocked out of you once he threw you back down into the sheets, lying down over your stomach making you wince. "Oh, you big baby! It's like six o'clock what are you doing?!" you groaned, digging your hands into his ribs but he didn't flinch.
"You woke me up snoring!" he replied back with a huff, completely relaxing adding more weight onto your stomach.
"Peter, you're crushing me! My poor ribs!" you began kicking out with your legs, squirming violently beneath him, but it was no use. He wouldn't budge.
"Well, you wouldn't shut up, or wake up! What was I supposed to do?"
"I don't know! But in future wake me up with morning sex or something, this isn't one of your better ideas, I'm surprised I can still breathe!" you huffed, slamming your hands down in defeat.
"What, and you'd be able to breathe after I'm finished with you?" Peter whipped back, leaning upon his elbows to face you. Your cheeks flushed a deep red at the words, Peter was usually the quiet one that you had blushing.
"Where the fuck did that come from? I didn't know you spoke out your dick in the morning." Peter rolled his eyes, finally shifting off you making you groan at the pressure release, "fuck, I need to go to the med bay before breakfast to check for lung failure, you're not as light as you look Pete" you smirked, sitting up and rubbing your stomach.
Rolling your head to snap the aching muscle in your neck you noticed Peter's phone lying on the floor, "what's that doing there?"
"Alarm went off and out of reflex I just... Threw it" he shrugged, jumping up and on the bed only to jump down the other side.
"You know a normal person would just walk around the bed"
"I'm offended that you think I'm not normal" he held his hand to his heart, pouting playfully.
"The first time we had sex you almost broke my hip bone, so no Peter, I don't think you're normal"
"Want me to do it again?" he teased, making you blush, because, morning sex, with Peter?
"You awake enough?" you teased, tucking your tongue into your cheek. Peter raised a brow, tugging off his shirt and jumping back onto the bed, on his knees this time, towering over you. Your hand came to his chest right before his lips could touch yours, sliding under him and plating your feet on the floor. He watched confused as you stripped yourself of your shirt, standing up and sliding down your shorts, along with the lace panties that had become Peter's favourites.
"Race you to the pool"
Despite being consumed, blocked and bordered in by gentle, silk patterns of cold water, you felt like you were nestled on a cloud. Sweet and sweat-filled your nose as it continued to burrow it's way into Peter's neck, his hands bracing the sides of the pool, fingertips ruffing up the cemented indents before the drainage. All the while your body continued to sway to the feeling of Peter thrusting up into you. Despite your mind being clogged with thick mist and thunder clouds, you couldn't but notice the change in pace.
Peter was gentle, much like he had always been when it came to sex, but ever since sliding into you, he couldn't keep his hands off your skin. Sure, it's normal to be touchy, but you weren't neglecting the way he kept touching your stomach in particular. Resting his hands against it, digging his thumbs into your hips and sides, keeping his flush against yours. It was like he was trying to memorise the way it curved and dipped, the way your skin felt, sliding upwards to feel your ribs. Or in the way in which he kissed you; soft and patient, attending to your every need with his fingers lightly brushing over your sensitive nipples.
Meanwhile, your hands had remained clasped against his shoulders, listening to every grunt and whimper that left his lips, or the occasional hard smack of the water hitting the poolside as the currents collided. After a while you swung your head back, letting the cool air from the morning breeze hit the nape of your neck before Peter's lips took over, sinking deep and sucking hard, sure to leave his mark.
And when you knew he was close you wrapped your legs around him tightly, keeping him close, not that he needed help. You'd felt the way Peter released, and often it had been the same each time. He'd slow, shake a little and stiffen up, he'd be gentle and reassuring that he wasn't too rough. But... This time it was different. He'd warned you, to the reply that you were close too. But as he came it was deep, edging himself into you as much as he could and even after he had made sure you were finished he stayed there, panting endlessly against your forehead, hot breath fanning your lips, trying to keep his thick seed tucked in your walls.
"Hey," you whispered softly, the palm of your hand resting against his cool cheek where a thin layer of sweat was beginning to form, "what's on your mind?"
You'd felt the way that Peter relaxed and this wasn't it. There was something behind the shell of those chocolate eyes, the way his cheeks tightened as he locked his jaw. His actions were forceful and they had deep meaning behind them. Coming from the carefree kid, you knew something was bothering him.
"Nothing, I'm okay" he smiled, but it was weak and meaningless. It hurt to see him fake a simple gesture because you believed he would and could tell you anything. So why was he suddenly holding back?
"Peter, I've known you for a long time, I know when you are and aren't ok. You can tell me anything, you that, right?"
He nodded, swallowing as he pulled back, edging out of you gently. But instead of flinching or sighing out of pleasure you shook your head, taking his hand before it fell naturally out of your reach beneath the pool surface.
"It's your birthday next week" you reassured, pushing off the wall to wrap your legs around his waist. Peter immediately supported you, hands falling under you to keep you lifted but he was avoiding your eyes completely, instead looking off over the glass barrier of the poolside into the distance. "You're gonna be nineteen-"
"I just... I miss the way things used to be..."
"... Used to be? What do you mean by that?"
You watched as the boy you loved sighed in defeat: the one thing you were hoping he wouldn't do. Peter wasn't a quitter. You'd seen the aspect of failure and the only hope you had left slipping away from you in your own eyes, and seeing that in Peters was frightening. You were there for Peter no matter what, but if he gave in to whatever it was that was troubling him you weren't sure how much of a help you could be.
"In a way, I just miss the annoyance of listening to my alarm in the morning, knowing I've gotta get up and spend seven hours of the day at school. I miss listening to Ned ramble on about a new Lego set he bought or watching Flash inflict chaos. I miss the god awful food they'd serve in the cafeteria, listening to you ramble about how shit it was. I miss seeing you every day walking down the halls without a care in the world, with those trainers that you would always wear, sometimes catching your smile. I miss running out of school to swing around the city, I miss MJ and her stupid theories... There isn't a pattern anymore. I feel like now we just contribute to society like stepping stones for the people who have a purpose in life."
The instinct to protect was what filled your body, watching a single tear roll down his cheek.
He was giving up.
You didn't know what to say, or do, or feel, you just knew you needed Peter. Pushing his jaw to face you, you tightened your grip and pulled him in deep for a hug. Your relationship with Peter was one of a kind, it balanced in mostly each other. Neither of you mainly controlled it, there wasn't a dominant or a submissive. There's was just the two of you trying to control emotional passthroughs.
"A good person once called me their sunshine. Told me I made them happy even when skies were grey. They said I'd never know how much they truly loved me and asked for the world to never take their sunshine away..." you whispered deep into his heart, smiling weakly when he felt the urge to pull away and see your face.
"No matter what happens, no matter how bad things get, the world isn't ending. The sun is still gonna shine, whether it's trapped behind clouds or swimming the ocean sky. Whether it casts dark shadows or bright lights, it's still there, and it will always be there. Whether you bathe in it or shield away. I'm always gonna be here for you Peter."
"I almost lost you a few days ago Y/N. You almost died because I wasn't there to save you."
"Almost Peter. And you were there. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now, thinking about how fucking lucky I am to be sitting here with a god-given angel who really puts the world on his shoulders. It's okay not to be okay sometimes, Peter. You're not some kind of superhuman-"
"But people need me to be a superhuman sometimes."
"What's mode important? What they want," you gestured out to the busy city, already awake and rambling, "or what you want?" You turned back, gently pressing your finger into Peter's chest, feeling his heart beating up against the skin.
"You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. But you have to trust that the dots with somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the line, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path." You watched as Peter listening deeply like his whole life was being thrown into the pools of your eyes, "Don't give up on yourself easily. It's hard to kill the human spirit. Every day you say no to your dreams, you could be pushing your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year, that one single day- that one day you didn't get up, could have pushed your stuff back I don't know how long. Don't allow your emotions to control you, Peter, we are emotional, but you wanna learn to discipline your emotions. If you don't learn to discipline and contain your emotions they will use you. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."
Peter tightened his lip, watching as you smiled deeply. That was when he knew that no matter what you were going to be there. Whether you were ready for what was coming or not, the pure fact that you were willing to sacrifice everything you had just for him... Was sensational. Sucking in a quick breath he leaned forward, tilting only slightly to press his cold lips to yours. He listened close, harnessing the way that your hands gripped the curls that hung alongside the back of his neck, exhaling deeply through your nose. Peter didn't know what to say, but he did know how to show you. At times Peter's only way of really saying anything was through love or actions because words could easily deceive him.
The short click of skin parting from one another filled the thin air as the cool breeze hit the upper side of your bareback making you wince. No matter how many times Peter looked at you, it would never grow old how beautiful you were. How lucky he was to be in the presence, be connected almost at the soul to someone so breathtaking.
"I still remember the first time I really saw inside of you. It sounds weird but... It was that night after the party, before Kyle. That night we were sat on the swings..."
Your eyes flickered, remembering the memory. The words, the actions, the scent that Peter was giving off driving you unnoticeably insane. You'd been in love with the brunette longer than you actually realised.
"I'm never gonna get another friend like you, am I?" he asked. The question was an open one, but it made you smile.
"Not in a million years, Parker"
"You didn't exactly have to say or do anything, you just sat there and I was already falling in love with you."
After leaving the pool, the breeze picking up causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin, you both waddled back inside, trying not to slip on the hardwood floor.
"Hey, uh, I don't actually have any spare clothes..." you mumbled through chattering teeth, squeezing your arms tighter across your bare chest.
"Oh, uh, you can wear something of mine if you want, Tony brought me some clothes back when he first 'knighted' me" he shot over to his drawers, sliding them open and rummaging through for some clothes that might fit you. You knew it was weird but you couldn't help the stare you had on his bare ass. To think that a few months ago you were just friends that passed in the hall and hung out after school, to go into being comfortable walking literally butt naked around one another, was rather unaccountable.
You watched as Peter picked out a science shirt, tossing it behind him on the bed before moving onto another drawer, looking for some suitable bottoms that weren't going to be too baggy around your waist. Wondering forward, you released your hands from your chest, reaching out and wrapping them around Peter's waist instead, connecting your bodies together. You felt his breath hitch at your cold skin on his, slowly moving himself to stand straighter tilting his head over his shoulder.
"You okay there?"
"How are you so warm?" you groaned, feeling his heat consume you.
"I preserve heat, something to do with the bite. C'mere," he smiled, sliding around in your arms and pulling another shirt from the drawer beside him. You released your grip as he lifted your arms, sliding the shirt over your head watching it pop through the hole in the top of the shirt. He cautiously slid his fingers around your neck, pulling out your wet hair. You prepared for the hard-hit of the soaked strands on your back, but nothing came. Instead, you watched as Peter pulled a hair tie from the drawer top, pulling up your tangled ends into a ponytail.
"You really are full of surprises today" you smirked, bringing your thumb to his brow and trying to re-shape the tilted strands. Peter squinted as you pressed down on the skin before gripping your wrist with a smile.
"You'll never tame it"
"I'll try" you tilted your head cockily, giggling as he leaned over to kiss the nape of your neck. Peter slid a pair of grey joggers into your hand before a gentle bell rang throughout the room making you both jump.
"That'll be FRIDAY, breakfast will be ready soon" Peter kissed you once more before grabbing some clothes of his own and walking back over to the bed. Immediately anxiety filled your chest at the thought that you weren't only going to have to eat breakfast with strangers, you were going to have to eat in front of the Avengers... Dressed like you were.
Dropping down you slipped into the grey joggers, feeling the heat sink into your skin before stumbling over to Peter at the bedside. "Wait, Peter, I've never even met the Avengers before, what if they think I'm a threat and try to shoot me or something-"
"Y/N you don't exactly look threatening" he chuckled, straightening out the ends of his shirt.
"I can be! You've just never seen my threatening side" you folded your arms over your chest, arching your brow.
"Sure" he rolled his eyes, earning a lighthearted gasp from you. "Oh, and FYI, it's usually just Tony who eats this early, everyone else either goes out or eats later so... Don't sweat, okay? I can hear your heart pounding from over here" he reassured you, now standing on the other side of the room. You swallowed, nodding slowly as you took a deep breath. It was just you, Peter and Tony... Just you, an average, teenager girl sitting eating breakfast with a superhuman and a billionaire in one of the most expensive buildings throughout the country... Right.
"Peter I'm a total mess-"
"Y/N if you stress over one more thing you're going out the window" Peter chuckled, shaking his head, "I was the same the first time I met Tony... On the contrary, maybe I wasn't dressed in someone else's clothes but I love you, so he will too"
Peter was right, you needed to stop stressing. Everything was going to be okay.
"Peter this is not okay"
You and Peter had made your way downstairs after you were both changed and your hair had dried off a little, you would have showered but you didn't have time. Now, you were standing facing your worst nightmare as your fingers dug into Peter's palm. It's as if the tables had turned. Here you were stood, facing not just Tony... But Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner too...
"I'm gonna pass out-"
"You're not gonna pass out" Peter kissed the side of your head softly, "I guess this is your first welcome into my world"
"I've seen it, I don't like it" you swallowed. Peter predicted you were joking in the beginning, but even without focusing on it he could hear your heart racing behind your rib cage and the jagged breathing making his adrenaline rush.
"Y/N, breath, we don't have to do this now if you don't wa-"
"Peter! You want tomatoes or beans?" Tony called, tilting his head away from the oversized oven. His eyes wandered away from Peter and over to you, making you panic even more. You were being judged in this very moment by Tony Stark, while you were dressed in Peter's clothes, barefoot, hair damp and messy looking roadkill.
"Uh, beans please Mr Stark" Peter smiled, giving your hand a squeeze.
"Is that Y/N?" he asked, stepping from behind the counter. It wasn't like you even had the right to be nervous, he was a part of your rescue after being captured by Harry and all. It was just strange actually meeting him in person.
"Yeah, yeah this is my girl"
My girl.
"Ah, it's so good to see you, how are you feeling?" he stretched out his hand for you to shake, but you just stood there like a nervous wreck, hiding behind the shelter of Peter's shoulder on the verge of a breakdown. This was so unlike you?
"I'm- I'm, uh, I'm okay, thank you" you swallowed the nerves, taking a deep breath and reaching out to shake his hand. His skin was rather rough from all the years of work and you know, saving the planet as usual.
"That's good to hear," he locked your hands together with the other, resting it on top of yours. He was so warm and welcoming, something which you wouldn't have expected for someone who was so tight on keeping their figure set straight to the public, which for him was rather stone-cold and focused. But here he was completely different. "Can I get you anything?"
"She can share a plate with me Mr Stark" Peter smiled, gliding his thumb over your skin.
"Okay, oh and I have something for you after breakfast" Tony winked, gently releasing your hands and returning to the kitchen with you both close on his tail.
It was just breakfast with a group of superheroes... What could possibly go wrong?
So, hm.
This book is.... Uh.... I don't know.
Let me know what your thoughts are, I dunno I just feel like it's flopping 🤷🏼♀️
Love you! ❤️
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