How did they manage to locate our warehouses. Who gave information" Pradeep Samrat was shouting through the phone as his brother Praveen Samrat came by. Pradeep Samrat was still limping and was not in full health because of the impact of the whips.
" Bhaiyya please rest, what is the issue, why are you shouting"
As he was speaking the calling bell rang. Praveen went and opened the door to see 2 smartly dressed along with 2-3 police personnel.
" Income Tax Department" the man told Praveen showing his id. We have got information that unaccounted money is hidden in the house and we have come with the search warrant". The police officer showed the search warrant
" Please call all the people in your home to front room. Allow us to do our work. If you don't create trouble we will finish this quick" told the income tax officer.
Pradeep Samrat came limping. " How dare you search the house of Pradeep Samrat. Who gave you right "
" Sir we have come with search warrant. You can call your lawyer if needed. We will wait " told the officer politely.
Praveen called their lawyer and the moment the lawyer heard Income tax office he told if they have come with search warrant he cannot do anything. If they don't allow them to search the house, police can use force and then search the house.
Pradeep Samrat called all his family in the front room. They all sat in the front room as the income tax raid started. Pradeep looked at his brother " Praveen this raid is happening in all of our offices too. They are checking all the books". Praveen sat in the corner with both hands to his head. How come such a raid. Who gave information. And that too they had people in income tax department who alerted them. So without their knowledge how such sudden raids.
Sumedha looked at her DIL packing things " Where are you going " she asked
" We are shifting from here Maa. Didn't your son tell you and Papa. My husband needs to go to office and my children needs to go to school "
" Bahu what has happened now that your husband cannot go to office and children cannot go to school" came in Mahantji
" You are asking what has happened Papa. Talk of the town is that you have taken money and sold the honor of a woman. My husband gets questions in office and my children gets mocked at school. So your son has decided we are moving out. We want to ensure everyone sees us in good light and doesn't associate us with your bad deed "
Mahantji looked shocked and angry " Bahu if I have taken money, then that money I have spend in giving him a job in Revenue department"
" Papa that cannot be told to anyone right. Forgive me Papa. Your son has taken a home near his office and once he is back from office today we are shifting" telling this she went inside
As Sumedha tried to follow her she heard her 2nd bahu telling her 2nd son " Look your bhaiyya is going. What are we supposed to do. If we stay here your sister Gayatri's marriage will be on our head. Find some way to move out of this house. Anyways I do not have any interest in suffering your mother's bad mouthing any more." Sumedha was shocked and she looked at her husband who was seething with anger. The Varma's will have to pay. That Harkishore he ditched him. He will get back to him also. He needs to go to Sant Guru and call others too. Problem was everyone was in mess. Still they need to find something.
Raid was going on. The income tax officials took out the hidden cash, hidden jewellery. They made calculations, referred papers. By the time they finished they told they are taking away 5 crore black money, 6 crore worth gold bars, 2 crore worth jewellery. When Pradeep Samrat called his office they told the officials have taken 7 crore worth cash. Officials also told they will separately send the fine amount they need to pay as fine. As the income tax officials came from the house, the press was standing. Pradeep Samrat knew what the headlines of next day newspapers will be
Sreedhar's phone rang. He picked up. " Sreedhar Amit here"
" What news Amit"
" Very positive news Sreedhar. Income Tax Raid has happened at the Samrat's. I am quite surprised it happened so fast, as I gave the info only 2 weeks back. Now will get the exact details of their assets. 2-3 days and we will close it "
" Thanks Amit for taking Vaishnav's case. The boy deserves his inheritance"
" Sreedhar this is my job. Good that you requested. It is very rare in this profession we get such open and shut cases. This one wont take much time"
They spoke for few minutes and then kept the phone.
Amit sat in the chair in his one room apartment which he has rented in Jaipur since his involvement in Mahima Das Rape case.
He had called Vaishnav at home and requested to meet him and his nanu in a restuarent. Now they have come. After ordering tea Amit introduced himself
" Sir I am Amit Rathore. As I said in phone I am a lawyer and I want to take the case of Vaishnav's inheritance if you could allow me"
" Beta I will be happy if he gets his inheritance. I can close my eyes in peace. But we do not have any money to pay you. Me and Vaishu live on the meagre interest I get in my savings which goes to pay his school fees and other day to day expenses. His uncles and all just allow us to stay there, they don't give us a penny"
" Uncle I fight cases like that of Mahima Das where people cannot afford lawyer. I am here for that case only and I read about Vaishnav and Poornima in the news paper. I understood Vaishnav's history and thought the boy who is responsible for bringing light to so many lives, someone should bring light to his life also. Just give me 5% of what you get if we win the case. Please note uncle the 5% I don't take entirely, but it will help me to fight cases like Mahima Das where there is no chance of getting any remuneration"
" Bhaiyya if wit 5% you can give justice to more people why would we hesitate to give you that."
" Yes Beta if we need to give you money only after the victory please do it for my Vaishu. I will sign the papers you want me to sign"
Amit looked at the papers in front of him. Based on Sreedhar's request he had done ground work of Samrat family even before voting process. But Sudhir Bhaiyya had requested no othe plans till the panel was chosen. So after the panel was chosen for the memorandum he made a detailed report and using his contacts in income tax department sent the info to the concerned officials.
He took the pen in his hand and smiled. " Pradeep Samrat it is not over. I have the most beautiful new year gift waiting for you" Amit loved these moments when he went for the kill of people like Pradeep Samrat who snatched the rights from innocents for their selfish needs.
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