A Patch of Fluff (Matt ~ 3)
(Reguessssted byyyyyyyuuu::::
"Waste no time! _____! Get over here!" Misa called after you. "You're sooooooooooo slooooooowww."
You hobbled slowly over to the group, making sure you piss Misa off in the process. "I'm coming..." Why does she even want you to play anyway? Does she really think she knows what true love is?
"You're like a turtle!" Matt called after you. "Turtles are slow."
"Geez. Thanks. I'm an old, wrinkly, turtle who's slowly hobbling around."
Matt shook his head and held up his hands in defense. "Nonononono.. I didn't mean-"
"Haha! Matt, it's fine." At long last, you finally made it to the couch.
"I have the smelly old-as-a-turtle boooot!!" Misa sang. She had a sickly grin on her face. "Stick your hand in, _____. I dare you."
You put your hand down Mello's boot, only to be greeted by something soft and sticky...
"AHHH!" you recoiled in disgust when you realized what it was. "IS THERE A DEAD CHICKEN IN THERE?"
"Now who in their right mind would put a dead chicken in a boot..." L pondered. "Is that what humans do?"
Near came over and pulled out the mysterious "dead chicken".
"Relax. _____, it's only jam." Mello sneered.
"PUT THAT BACK!" L ran over to the windows. "It might be too late..."
He opened the blinds to reveal.. an exact clone of L. "Oh look. He's already here. This is Beyond Birthday. He likes jam."
Beyond Birthday started to lick the glass windows. He wanted Jaaaam.
Mello pounded on his face through the glass. "SCRAM."
"_____, those aren't feathers, silly. It's fur from my jacket! It fell out, so I put it in there to scare Mello into thinking there was a mouse in his boot. Haha!" Matt said, revealing a spot on his vest where a patch of the fur was missing. "So do you choose Beyond Birthday, or me?"
"You, Matt. You," You said, still mortified by the prank.
"Okay then. C'mon."
Matsuda looked over at L. "How did jam get in Mello's boot anyway?"
"SssSSSsssSSSHHHhhUuuUuUshhh Matsuda!"
"Hmm." Matt sat on the bed and lit a cigarette.
You decided to copy him, pretending to light a cigarette between your fingers. "Hmm."
"What are you doing, _____?" Smoke curled off his lips and made him look sort of like a human-dragon.
You sucked in a large breath of the chilled air, to get some of the effects of smoke coming out of your mouth. "What are you doing, Matt?"
"Nothing. Just watching you. You're very odd. I-in a g-good way, though."
"Hmm. Well I guess I'm just watching you, Matt. You're very peculiar. In a good way too." a wild grin spread across your face.
Matt raised his hands above his head.
You mimicked him.
"Are you copying me?"
The golden question that's hard to mimic. No, no.. Just awkward.
"Erm. Are you copying me Matt?"
"Huh." Matt smiled. "Matt is the cutest person in the entire world."
You blushed. "Heh.. Matt is so cute. Cuter than anyone in the entire universe." *smirk*
Matt blushed. "Ok. I see how it is. Hmm.. So I'm really that cute then?" He pretended like he was observing himself in a mirror.
"Wow, Matt. You're such an airhead," You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
"AHA! Gotcha!" Matt pointed a finger. "You copycat!"
"AAHh! You got me." You raised your hands like you were going to get handcuffed.
Matt tackled you and slapped you across the face. (I don't know. THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT AND VERY CLICHÉ imsosorry XD)
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Mello said that girl slaps are different from boy slaps after he slapped me, telling me I slap like a girl, so I slapped him, telling him he is a girl." Matt laughed. "That sure did make him angry."
"What? that makes no sense," you say, holding your cheek. "Why'd you slap me?"
"I don't know. I guess 'cause you were copying me? And I hoped you would slap me back, out of anger, so I could tell the difference between 'boy slaps' and 'girl slaps'. Mello could be such an idiot sometimes. Girls are as skilled as Boys, and vice versa. I think he was trying to tell me I'm a wimpy little girl..." Matt said looking off into space.
"aND SO YOU SLAPPED ME?" you started preparing yourself for the ultimate slap. "That's it. I'm going to have to-"
And you slapped Matt in the face. Enough to make him believe "girl slaps" are the very bane of his existence. You do not want to be slapped by a girl. Let alone, an angry girl.
At the same time, Mello walked in.
Matt was twisting over in pain.
"Jeez, Mello, he's not dying."
Uh. Sorry 'bout that. You guys had a slappy war. I guess my little sis was bugging me by copying me so I accidentally slapped her. sorry sis ;_;
AAANNNNYYYWWAAYYYSS (That's my new thing now. 'anyways...')
I created a new story. Yeah. Ouran High School Host Club something something. If that has any meaning to you, great.
MY NEW FAVORITE PERSON IS MY UNCLE!!! He reminds me so much of myself, it's scary. I don't know. I really wanted to brag to someone about my uncle cx
OK... This whole part was meaningless.
okay. bye for now! c:
(Writing one for Mello next)
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