A Pair of Kittens (L & Near)
Requested by @yamsi2401
(this chapter is a joke. like a giant corny joke.) Actually I forgot where I was going with this story [also, sorry for taking a long time to update]
It didn't take long before Misa showed up to ruin your break. I swear, she's like that scab that if you scratch off, it only gets worse. But I guess she's devoted to everything, which is okay.
"_____! Play with me," Misa said.
You looked at Misa from her head to her toes. She was wearing the bare minimum. "Misa, It's hard to take you seriously with that... skimpy outfit on."
"AW! SOMEONE'S BLUSHING," you heard Matt slap Matsuda on the back.
"I-I am not!" Matsuda said, straightening his suit.
"GO GET ME COFFEE, MOM!" Light shouted at Matsuda.
Matsuda quickly turned towards Light. "Fine, lazy-person-who-doesn't-do-anything-except-lay-in-bed-and-write-in-some-lame-diary."
Matt snickered. "You should work on your social life."
"Ladies! Please. You make my hair turn grey." Near said, feeling his luxurious locks.
Mello looked over at him. "Your hair is whiter than grey, you marshmallow."
"Says the one who prefers to be called 'Mello'," Near coughed under his breath.
All of a sudden a purring sound wrapped around HQ...
"What the heck?" You said, looking around for anything that could be making that noise.
Matsuda looked over at the refrigerator. "Nope, it seems to be in the same place I left it!"
Matt looked confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Mello snickered. "Light's a dumbass and made Matsuda look like an even bigger idiot that he already is! Haha!"
You looked at Mello. "Give me your shoes.
Mello wiggled his eyebrows "Well... What do I get in return?"
"Wow Mello."
"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT" Mello pushed his boot towards you, blushing. "You disgust me."
"You disgust me."
Mello swatted his hand. "Psshh."
A tiny head revealed itself through the hole of Mello's boot.
Misa was the first to run over and cradle the tiny kitten in her arms. "Awwww! It must be stuffy in there! Can Misa keep him? Pweeeese?" The cat pawed at the laced top Misa was wearing. "SO CUTE!"
Light suddenly stood up. "NO."
"AWWW! BUT ME WANT HIM!" Misa cried.
L whipped around in his spiny chair. "There you are."
You pulled out a second kitten from the other boot...
"That would be mine," Near spoke.
The kittens started to squirm around and ran into one of the many rooms at HQ. You chased after them, fearing for their lives, while Near and L followed you, rather nonchalantly.
Near closed the door, trapping you, L, and the kittens in the room.
"Sorry about all this trouble, Miss _____," L apologized, scooping up a kitten and placing it on his lap.
"No biggie."
Near tilted his head to locate the other kitten hiding under a bed. "Watari thought it would have been nice if we had some company once in a while; however, I find these creatures to be complete nuisances."
"He gave us the burden of caring for another living thing... probably as a test to figure out if we're capable of succeeding..." L pondered.
You laughed. "Well, you guys are clearly failing. N-Not that it's a bad thing or anything."
"I suspected as much," Near said, with a kitten finally in his arms, but a scratch on his face.
"Aw! Let me help!" you ran over to Near and inspected the wound. You didn't hear L sneaking up behind you...
"Hmmm. I checked around and all we seem to have are Hello Kitty band aids... MY FAVE" L said, holding out a pink box.
"My apologies, Miss _____." L said.
"It stings..." Near gritted his teeth. "Just... help me..."
"Wow," you smirked. "It took you a lot of courage to say that, huh, Mr. Independent."
"Don't worry, I'm a certified doctor," L said (since he seems to be good at everything.) "Miss _____, could you hold him still while I put the band aid on?"
"sure thing boss"
What you didn't realize was that the kittens were viciously clawing at your ankles, soaking the carpet under your feet wITH BLOOD.
here's a visual! (IN HD)
I honestly don't know what this was but I'm starting to give up. Sorry if it was sucky.
I'm really pissed and lonely rn so yay here's a chapter brought to you by my loneliness. (Here's where you say:
[ aren't we all ]
goodbye, I love you, and you be you because that's who I invited as the "+1" guest for something. idk.
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