"J-JACKSON?" JIHOON ASKED FROM shock as Jackson stared at him with a blank expression. He was about to ask how the demon found him, but Jackson opened his mouth and answered him before he could even ask the question, "Mark told me where you were."
Jihoon didn't react and just nodded his head. Looks like Mark loves Jackson more than Jihoon now.
"Let's make this quick. Why do you have hyung's guitar pick?" Jackson then asked.
"What are you talking about? I don't have time for this," Jihoon answered as he walked past Jackson. But after his next blink, his surroundings changed into a world of chaos. The buildings were suddenly old and destroyed, the sky was gray, and he and Jackson were the only thing moving. This was a sign that you should never mess with the 2nd strongest demonic son.
"Tell me why you have the guitar pick that he was supposed to give to Taeil. How did you get it?" Jackson asked again. When Jihoon turned around to face Jackson, he was shocked that Jackson was now only a few inches away from him.
Jihoon gulped but bravely lied again, "I just found it somewhere okay?"
"We can talk about this forever and you are never coming back to the real world until you tell me the truth," Jackson threatened, but Jihoon just glared at Jackson and stated, "Try me."
Jackson smirked, happily accepting the challenge. He didn't want to hurt his lover's brother, but he was left with no choice. He had to squeeze the information out of him. Good thing this was only an illusion, so he wasn't really going to hurt him physically.
"Fine, as you wish angel," Jackson stated. Without even moving, the ground started to crumble. Then just a few seconds after, Jihoon was hanging on a cliff. And at the bottom of the cliff were people shouting for help, trying to get free from the black hole.
"G-Get me out of this!" Jihoon shouted as he was holding on to the edge of the cliff just so he wouldn't fall.
"Tell me how you found that pick and I'll help you up," Jackson stated as he walked towards the cliff and looked down at Jihoon. Jihoon ignored Jackson. He was trying to get up but nothing was happening. It was like something was pulling him down every second he wasted.
"Tell me or you're going to fall inside that hole and I am never going to bring you back," Jackson warned.
Jihoon was already sweating. He looked away and finally stated, " me."
Jackson looked at him and said back, "Finally." Then he suddenly stepped on Jihoon's hand, making him fall. But when he fell, he ended up being brought back to the fake chaotic world.
"Now, where did you get the pick?" Jackson casually asked as if nothing happened.
While the two were on their own little world, Kwon Jiyong was driving the streets when he saw Jackson and Jihoon staring at each other in the middle of the sidewalk like lunatics. Jiyong quickly parked his expensive car on the side of the street where Jackson and Jihoon were and went to where the two were standing.
"What the fuck are you two doing?" he asked, but neither of them answered.
Jiyong went even closer to where Jackson was and stared at his face. Then he saw that Jackson's eyes were all red. With this, he automatically knew that Jackson was doing an Illusion with Jihoon.
"What the fuck do you want with this asshole Wang?" Jiyong whispered as he stared at the two, then he had an idea.
"Why don't I just find out myself?" Jiyong said with a confident smirk.
With Jiyong's power of empathy, he held Jackson and forced himself to enter his illusion. Just like that, he was teleported to the illusion that Jackson was casting.
"Wow, this is one insane Illusion," he stated as he scanned the creepy surroundings. While he was walking, he suddenly saw Jihoon and Jackson talking in the middle of the abandoned city. He quickly ran to a destroyed building which was close to where Jackson and Jihoon were, then hid himself so he could eavesdrop on what the two were talking about.
"So because of what that ghoul did to Jiho, we brought him to the hospital. And until now, he's in a coma," Jihoon explained.
"Jiho? Who the fuck is this Jiho guy?" Jiyong thought to himself as he continued with his mission to eavesdrop.
"Don't' tell Taeil about what happened to Jiho. Continue with your plan. Once he's awake, bring him to his family and never speak of this again," Jackson stated.
"Now it's Taeil? What are you two hiding from all of us?" Jiyong thought again.
"What do you mean Jackson? We need to tell him! He has the right to know who he was. At least let him see him!" Jihoon stated, insisting Jackson that Taeil should see who his hyung was.
"No! It wouldn't do any good to Taeil. Once you introduce Jiho-hyung to him he won't listen to us anymore and wait for him to wake up until he could talk to him. Both of them would be in great danger. If the two don't meet...then no one will get hurt," Jackson said with a sad expression.
"Think about it Jihoon. We could still prevent this."
Jihoon didn't answer for a few seconds and finally said, "Fine, I'll think about it. But still, the good decision would be showing Taeil his past lover. But as you requested, I'll think about not doing it for their own sake."
Jackson nodded his head as a thank you. He was about to snap his fingers to stop the illusion, but Jihoon suddenly added, " By the way, what you said about the internal bleeding, the vomiting of blood, and selective amnesia? All of that was a doing of a strong demon. That demon forcefully erased Taeil's memory of Jiho."
"What do you mean?" Jackson asked in confusion.
"Angels and Demons have the power to erase memories, even select what memories to erase. But Angels could not do this because it's in the rules and it's forbidden to erase a treasured memory. Angels could only erase memories that are related to the underworld. But demons never follow rules, so they can erase anyone's memory. That causes all the things you told me earlier, (internal bleeding, the vomiting of blood, and selective amnesia). When a demon or an angel erases a treasured memory, those things happen. But in bad cases, the person may not handle it, so they simply die," Jihoon explained.
"Then why didn't they just do that to Jiho too?" Jackson asked.
"That's a good question, but you forgot something," Jihoon pointed out.
Jackson looked at him confusingly and asked, "What?"
Jihoon stared at Jackson's eye and answered, "Zico's a third party. And we all know you don't just erase a third party's memory."
Jackson didn't get it for a while, but soon after, his eyes widened from realization, "They kill them," he stated with. Then, after a few seconds, Jackson and Jihoon were now brought back to the real world.
"I told you everything that you wanted to know. Now I need to head back before my brothers get worried about me," Jihoon stated before he left Jackson. Jackson was about to leave as well when someone suddenly pulled his shirt.
"Look who we have here. If it isn't Wang Jackson."
Jackson turned around to face the stranger, but he quickly looked annoyed when he saw his brother Kwon Jiyong instead.
"Oh, it's just you," Jackson stated, and then he started walking again, leaving Jiyong on the sidewalk.
"What do you mean with JUST you?!" Jiyong shouted as he chased after Jackson and walked with him, "Why were you talking to Pyo Jihoon of the Arcs?" he quickly asked.
Jackson didn't answer and just sighed as he heard what Jiyong just told him.
"What the fucks with that sigh Wang Jackson? Don't you respect me anymore?" Jiyong angrily asked him.
Jackson continued walking and answered, "Okay listen. First, I never once respected you, and second, you've probably heard of everything that we've talked about inside the Illusion, so don't play dumb on me. And lastly, I don't need to tell you who Jiho is and why Taeil and I are related to him, understand?"
Jiyong was shocked at first but pretended like he wasn't impressed by Jackson's conclusion. So he acted prideful like always and said, "Well, why not? I'm your brother, aren't I? Whoa, did I just fucking say that right now?" Jiyong stated, but Jackson didn't answer him anymore.
"Come on Jackson, tell me! I want to know what all of that was about!" Jiyong insisted, forcing Jackson to tell him what was really going on between them.
"You don't need to fucking know. If you bug me about that again I'm fucking gonna kill you" Jackson warned with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Not if I kill you first. Remember, I'm still the strongest son," Jiyong confidently fired back.
Jackson finally stopped walking and said, "No one fucking cares!" He thought that Jiyong wouldn't talk anymore, but he was wrong.
"Oh please," Jiyong stated as he rolled his eyes. Jackson knew that his prideful brother was never going to leave him alone, so he looked at back something and said, "Wait, Jiyong...isn't that your car?"
"What?" Jiyong turned around and saw that his car was hit by another car.
"What the fuck!? My baby!" Jiyong shouted as he quickly ran to where his car was and started scanning the broken glass all over the place. He looked back at Jackson, but he was already gone. But when he turned back to his car, it was actually fine and spotless.
"W-what the...I got tricked by your illusion casting again! Curse you, Wang Jackson!"
The Demons were walking down the hallway. It was lunchtime, and they weren't allowing a ghoul to attack them again, so they quickly went to the cafeteria and ate like no one was after them.
Everyone was silently eating; some of the students were even staring at them because of the dark aura they were bringing.
Then, Sunggyu broke the Demons' silence and said, "We're going to try what we planned earlier. Taeil's going to try to contact our Fathers through the mirror, and we are not going to stop until we do. But if that doesn't work, we do the second plan. I've researched about summoning and it says that we need to combine our powers. We align our rings in a circle formation, from Lust to Pride. Then we say this Latin-summoning spell. And each of us will cut our palm and put a drop of blood on our own rings."
"Is it effective?" Minhyuk asked.
What their leader just told them sounded a little crazy, so they were very hesitant about actually performing it.
"I don't know if it's effective either but it's worth the shot. At least we tried," Sunggyu answered, then it was Suho's turn to ask their leader, "What is this summoning spell anyway. Do we need to memorize it or something?"
"I've read it and it says that it has six steps: The invocation, the prayer, the conjuration, the pact, the ritual, and lastly, the vision. He wouldn't really be present, but we will see him and talk to him like normal. But we only have a few minutes so we need to ask him the important questions first."
"Well, it sounds like a good plan," Jiyong honestly stated.
"Of course it is. It was Taeil's idea," Sunggyu stated, then his brothers looked at Taeil at the same time.
"Why? It's not like we're gonna die if we do a simple summoning," Taeil explained. Everyone was agreeing to the plan, but Hyunseung wasn't a bit glad about it.
"Fine, the spell does work, but what if we summon something else? A ghoul perhaps, then it finds out we're trying to summon our Fathers then it would get us all killed because of that stupid summoning?" Hyunseung asked, making the whole table tense up.
"Why are you so against the plan? At least we're trying to do something that would help. I don't see you doing anything," Taeil fired back. But Hyunseung wasn't leaving without a fight, "I'm not against it. I'm just saying that we need to think about it first before we move on to that act."
"Well, looks to me you're against it because all the plans you've done so far were total failures!" Taeil now shouted, shocking not only the rest of the Demons but the whole student body. And that included the Arcs.
Taeil knew Hyunseung had a point, but he was a little cranky today. Especially with what happened to him with Jackson yesterday.
"That's enough!" Sunggyu shouted as he slammed his hands on the table.
"Are you guys fucking kidding me right now?! Can't we have a peaceful day for once?! Ever since things got fucked up, our heads keep on getting hotter and hotter. What do you want me to do with you guys? You're fucking hopeless! I had enough of your shit!" Sunggyu angrily shouted with full range. And then he threw his plate and walked away.
The students who were blocking the way, quickly moved, and made a path for Sunggyu. Then Suho sighed and went to follow him out.
Jiyong continued eating his food and finished it all until nothing was left. Then he threw his plate as well (for some stupid reason), almost hitting a student. Then he glared at Hyunseung and Taeil and said, "Can't waste food can't we?" Then he followed his two best friends outside the cafeteria.
Minhyuk, Jackson, Hyunseung, and Taeil were the only ones left at the table. And everyone inside the cafeteria was staring at the four of them. Jackson pretty much didn't care and continued his lunch while the three sat still, feeling the stares of the other students.
Hyunseung was about to grab his chopstick to continue his food as well when someone suddenly grabbed his arm. He lifted his head to see who it was, and as everyone expected, it was Yong Junhyung, the Arcs' leader.
"Come with me," Junhyung suddenly commanded, then he started dragging Hyunseung outside the cafeteria without even waiting for his answer.
"Hyunseung!" Minhyuk shouted when he stood up from his seat. He was about to follow the two, but Jackson stopped him and said, "These are the fights and problems that we shouldn't involve ourselves in." Then Jackson paused and looked at Taeil, "Each and every one of us has different problems. So why not just join your two brothers with their lunch, how does that sound Lee Minhyuk?"
Jackson then looked back at Minhyuk. Minhyuk stared at the students who were staring back at him. He even saw the Arcs look at him as well, so he slowly sat back down at his seat.
Jackson took a bite of his carrot, and then he shouted, "You fucking bastards better go back to your seats!" And everyone did.
The three Demons continued with their lunch, and everyone went back to their own businesses. At the other table were the Arcs, and they were really bugged by what was happening to their past rival group, Demons.
"There he goes again," Sungjae stated, referring to their leader Junhyung.
"That asshole still does like Hyunseung but wouldn't fix his relationship with him. What the fuck is wrong with that dude?" Woohyun stated as he took a sip of his bottled water. When everyone agreed, he continued, "Like me, for example, I had an intimate relationship with Kim (meant Sunggyu), I'd do everything for him so that the two of us would be back to our old sweet days. Don't know, treat him to dinner or something?"
Everyone became quiet. Did Nam Woohyun just make Kim Sunggyu his example as someone he had an intimate relationship with? Sunggyu was the leader of the Demons, other people call him the, "he who must not be named". That's how scary and respected Sunggyu was.
"Are you fucking kidding me Woohyun?" Jihoon asked in disbelief. Then the rest of the Arcs started laughing, making Woohyun laugh too.
"You're such a greasy bitch Woohyun, do you know that?" Sungjae stated as he continued with his lunch again.
When everyone calmed down, Mark asked, "Then what is the reason? Why can't Junhyung just fix his relationship with Jang Hyunseung? Jackson and I are together and we've been pretty good. I don't think being an angel can stop us from loving a demon. We still don't have the ability to control our hearts."
No one answered Mark. They basically didn't know what to answer him. But Seunghyun did, so he placed his chopstick on the side and answered, "It's because he's our leader. He screwed up a lot of times now, and he was forced to become a human again. He believes that loving Hyunseung again would bring disgrace to his Father. And everyone knows that Junhyung's Father is also the leader of the Archangels. Junhyung just simply wants to be like his Father to not disappoint him."
Everyone agreed, but Mark wasn't done with his questions, "But what if he finally changes his mind? What if he just followed his heart instead of his father?"
Seunghyun smirked and answered, "Then we'd be proud of him."
"Huh?" everyone asked in unison. They were confused about what Seunghyun just told them. Why would they be proud of their leader if he went back to the Demon who almost destroyed him?
"It's because he finally had the guts to do it. Being a leader needs guts, and that's what Junhyung still lacks. He can't fight for what he wants and continues to follow the facts and the rules. You should remember that no one can become a great leader overnight. Sometimes you need to do bad things, in order to become a good leader. Once you've become a person who can do it all, you automatically become a great leader that everyone would look up to."
"Let go of me!" Hyunseung shouted as he pushed Junhyung away from him. He didn't want to be with him now, and he especially didn't want to be alone in an empty corridor with him.
"Looks like you're still short-tempered. You never change do you?" Junhyung asked, but Hyunseung wasn't a bit happy about it. So Hyunseung glared at Junhyung and said, "I'm not in the mood to play games with you angel. Why don't you just fucking leave me alone?"
"I can't because you're always on my mind," Junhyung quickly answered, making Hyunseung's mood change into something a lot softer and calmer than before.
"Whenever I'm not doing anything, you're the person in my mind. When I see you, I just want to run to where you are and give you a kiss. Didn't I tell you before that I love you?" Junhyung bravely asked.
Hyunseung didn't answer. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't believe any word this angel would say.
"Why can't you love me back?" Junhyung finally asked Hyunseung, shocking him with the sudden question.
Hyunseung clenched his fist and forced these words to come out, "I don't love you...and I never did."
With those words, Junhyung almost fell. He heard these painful words once again from the person he loves more than anything. Hyunseung's been telling him these words ever since before, but why does it feel so painful now? Is it because of how Hyunseung said it?
"You're lying and I know it Hyunseung. I know that I'm still inside that heart of yours," Junhyung insisted, forcing Hyunseung to take his words back.
"Still? You never had a place in my heart in the first place."
Junhyung was now genuinely hurt, but this time, he fell on his knees in defeat. This was his last chance and it looked like Hyunseung doesn't want him anymore. But what he didn't know was Hyunseung was just as hurt. He had to push Junhyung away. The Demons had a problem that still doesn't have a solution. Junhyung would just be in danger.
Junhyung slowly lifted his head so he could face Hyunseung, "Then kill me."
Hyunseung looked at him confusingly, so Junhyung repeated, "Kill me right here, right now, if you never really loved me. That's what you Demons want right? To kill us all? Then do it. I'm giving you your chance. I promise I won't fight back."
Hyunseung took a step back because of shock, but he quickly composed himself to look brave. With an expressionless face, Hyunseung summoned his saw-like-weapon and pointed it at Junhyung's neck.
"I'm really gonna do it," Hyunseung stated, but Junhyung just closed his eyes and got ready for what he was about to face.
"Y-you can still change your mind Yong Junhyung. You can still walk away alive", Hyunseung tried to say. He didn't want Junhyung to find out he was just as scared of what was happening. His hands were trembling as he gripped on his weapon.
"I'm ready to face my destiny," Junhyung finally said as a tear fell from his eyes.
At that moment, Hyunseung's heart broke. He himself knew that he could not do something as cruel as this, especially to the man he loves.
"I can't..." Hyunseung whispered, but it was loud enough for Junhyung to hear. Junhyung opened his eyes back to see Hyunseung crying blood.
"I'm sorry brothers," Hyunseung stated as he un-summoned his weapon. He went closer to Junhyung and kneeled down so he could be at the same level as him. With great force, he pulled his collar and gave Junhyung a kiss.
Junhyung kissed back, but softer than any kiss he's given to Hyunseung. He wrapped his arms around Hyunseung as they continued.
Once again, someone had proven that an angel and a demon could love each other. But the big difference this time...
It was the leader of the Arcs himself that had proven it.
Classes started again, but the Demons and the Arcs didn't go back to their classrooms. Well, maybe except for Minhyuk, Mark, and Sungjae who were straight-A students.
Lee Taeil was with Jackson at the rooftop a few minutes ago, but Taeil decided he had enough fresh air, so he left Jackson there. As he was walking down the hallway, he saw someone running towards him; it was Pyo Jihoon, the guy he thought was his hyung.
"Lee Taeil," Jihoon said as he stopped in front of Taeil, panting.
"What do you want?" Taeil asked with an "I-don't-wanna-fucking-talk-right-now" voice. By the looks of it, Jihoon understood that Jackson already told Taeil that he wasn't the hyung that he was looking for.
"Do you want to know who your hyung is?" Jihoon suddenly asked.
Taeil's expression quickly changed as he heard what Jihoon just told him. When Jihoon saw that Taeil was listening to him now, he looked at him in the eye and continued, "I'll bring you to where he is."
- END -
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