"BROTHERS...I BEG YOU...give them their angel back." Jackson stated as blood tears poured out of his eyes.
The Demons were speechless. But before hearing their answer, Jackson lowered his head so it could touch the cold floor, shocking them even more.
The students were whispering at each other and even taking pictures of Jackson and the rest of the Arcs. They were also confused at the same time. The questions inside their heads were; Why are they bowing in front of the Demons? Why does Mark look sick? What's really going on? And some were just confused about the fact that Jackson was fucking crying blood!
The students were staring at Jackson and the rest of the Arcs. When Jiyong noticed it, he moved a step forward and commanded, "Stand up," His voice angry but concerned at the same time.
But Jackson didn't listen. He kept on kneeling on the floor like he didn't hear a thing.
"I said stand up," this time, Jiyong's voice was louder.
When he saw that Jackson still didn't move, he quickly ran to where Jackson was and punched him right on the face, shocking everyone.
"Jackson!" Suho shouted as he was about to run to where Jackson was, but Sunggyu blocked Suho's way with his arm.
When Jackson fell, Jiyong went on top of him and grabbed his collar. He pulled it towards him and shouted, "I SAID FUCKING STAND UP!" And with all his might, he pulled Jackson upward so he could forcefully stand up. When Jackson was finally standing, he wiped the blood on the side of his mouth and pushed Jiyong away. When Jiyong wasn't holding Jackson anymore, Jackson slowly kneeled back down.
Jiyong aggressively scratched his head and looked at his brother with disbelief, "Wang Jackson! You're a fucking prince! You don't kneel to anyone!"
Jackson took a deep breath and lifted his head before looking straight at Jiyong's frustrated face, "I will bow down to anyone...if it means I can save Mark."
Jiyong's eyes opened wide when he heard Jackson say those words. He didn't know what had come up inside Jackson's head all of a sudden. He knew that Jackson liked Mark, but he didn't expect that he'd like him to this extent.
"Jackson, please. Don't end up like me." This time, these words came from Hyunseung. When Junhyung heard it, he quickly lifted his head to confirm if it really was him.
"Don't end up like me who almost betrayed his own brothers just because of an angel he once loved", Hyunseung revealed. When he saw that Junhyung was looking at him, he stared back and continued, "I fell in love like you Jackson. I loved him, maybe not as much as you love Mark, but I loved him."
Then Hyunseung looked back at Jackson and proceeded to what he was trying to say, "But it didn't help me. Remember our mission, Jackson. Remember what we were destined to do. Why did we go through all this trouble if we were going to back out in the end? Your fate will never be with was my fate with him."
"That's a lie!" Jackson suddenly shouted.
He was finally full of it. His emotions were mixing inside him and he didn't know how to release it. So he clenched his fist and slammed the marble floor, bringing the Demons and the Arcs into a room full of writings.
"Illusion Casting," Taeil whispered as he scanned the whole room. Then the Arcs stood up and scanned the room as well.
Everyone was surprised because Jackson brought ALL of them here with his illusion casting. For what they know, Jackson can only do that to one person. But it looks like due to his anger, he unleashed a power so great that he was able to bring all of them with him.
Inside the room where Jackson brought them were writings of the previous promises that every one of them said. Promises that were kept, and promises that were long forgotten by each and every one of the people that are inside the said room.
"Why did you bring us here Jackson?" Minhyuk asked, looking at the walls of writings. Everyone was confused on why Jackson would suddenly bring them there, but when Jackson noticed everyone's confused faces, he started talking, "This is the promise room."
When Jackson gave them an answer, everyone looked at him, intrigued by what he was trying to do.
Jackson thought that if he still couldn't convince his brothers with this then there was nothing else that he could do to help Mark anymore.
He took a deep breath before explaining further, "This is the room of promises. The writings on the wall are promises that came out of each and every one of our mouths. Some promises were made when we were kids and some promises that were made just yesterday. There are thousands of them written here. But..."
With a snap of a finger, some writings vanished, leaving only a few behind.
"Only a hundred were fulfilled," Jackson continued. Then everyone started reading the promises. Some of them even recognized it. How could they forget a promise that they fulfilled on their own?
"See how many promises we've made before. And see how few we actually fulfilled. Whether we're angels or demons, good or bad, there are some promises that we still haven't done"
With a blink of an eye, all the words that were written on the wall vanished into thin air. But one sentence remained in the middle, and it said, "Let me ease your pain, Mark. I promise everything will work out."
Jackson pointed at those few words and stated, "And this is the only promise I made ever since I was little."
Everyone looked at Jackson with disbelief and confusion.
"That's impossible. You should have at least made one promise with someone, right Taeil?" Suho stated as he looked at Taeil who was scratching his head.
"J-Jackson...never made a promise to me...or to anyone," Taeil revealed, surprising everyone even more.
It was true. Jackson never did make a promise to anyone. Everyone knew that Jackson was the quiet type, but they didn't expect that he'd actually never make a promise his entire life.
Jackson looked back at the demons. His eyes were full of hope. This was his last shot on making his brothers agree with him. He looked at Sunggyu this time, and then he went closer to him, he said, "Please, let me fulfill my only promise."
Sunggyu stared at him and didn't answer. The Demons looked at each other. What Jackson said actually moved them, but was it enough to make Jackson's brother throw away all their hard work?
"That's enough Jackson," Sunggyu finally said.
Jackson looked down and brought everyone back to the real world where the Arcs and Jackson were still bowing, and the Demons were just standing in front of them. Jackson was already trembling. He knew that deep down, the Demons would never agree to his condition. But he also knew that deeper inside them, they didn't want this either.
"G-Guys," Minhyuk suddenly stated, tapping Jiyong's shoulder so he could grab his attention. Everyone looked at their surroundings. Nothing was moving again. The time stopped, and no one knew who did it.
"Jihoon, did you-" Seunghyun asked as he looked at Jihoon. He was the only one in the group who could stop time so everyone thought it was him. But Jihoon quickly shook his head and denied the accusation.
Sunggyu was going to say something, but Mark suddenly moaned in pain. He shouted and grabbed his chest, and then everyone noticed that his skin was slowly turning black.
Jackson quickly clenched his fist and bowed even lower on the floor, "P-Please brothers! Give them their brother back!" Jackson now shouted.
"J-Jackson..." Taeil called out. He felt bad for his brother. Because if you ask him, he'd give Mark back if it meant making Jackson feel better. That's how much Taeil loves Jackson.
Sunggyu finally had enough of this nonsense. He went in front of Jackson and forced him to stop bowing to them, "Wang Jackson that is enough!"
"Please! There's not much time!" Jackson continued to beg..
"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" This time, Sunggyu's command made the whole atmosphere darker. Everyone – even the Demons – were shocked on the anger and wrath this prince emitted. It was almost hard for the Arcs to breathe.
"One more word from your mouth and I will not recognize you as my brother anymore," Sunggyu warned him. The Demons quickly looked at him with surprise. Did Sunggyu just threaten Jackson with something like that?
"Don't be too cruel Sunggyu," Minhyuk stated, but Sunggyu didn't listen to him.
"You can't just let him die. Please, if it means being away from you would save him then I'll take that risk. Just let him live," Jackson shockingly answered, his voice soft, like he was trying to tell his brothers that he wanted this to be done without them fighting.
Jackson's actions surprised the Arcs more than the Demons did.
"If I need to live in a world full of nothingness. If I need to take his place then I'd do it. Just let him live," Jackson finished, blood tears pouring out of his eyes.
Sunggyu was at his limit. He knew that Jackson would keep on asking them to give Mark back until Mark's last breath, and there was nothing that he could do. Jackson was willing to throw his relationship with his brothers away for the sake of Mark. But Sunggyu still didn't say anything.
Everyone finally became quiet. Both groups didn't know what else to say. But after a few seconds of silence, and when everyone thought that all hope was lost, Taeil suddenly went in front of the Arcs.
"W-with the power vested in me by the King of Hell I, the Prince of Sloth, the fourth son of the realms of hell, am handing you the son of Archangel Raguel, Mark Tuan Yi-En," Taeil suddenly stated, looking at Jackson with a smile.
Everyone (Arcs in particular) was surprised but happy at the same time with what Taeil said that they didn't even know what to say.
Then Taeil looked at his other brothers who were avoiding eye contact with him. But there was one particular brother who looked back and said, "With the power vested in me by the King of Hell, I, the Prince of Glutton, the second son of the realms of hell, am handing you the son of Archangel Raguel, Mark Tuan Yi-En."
Jackson started to have hope when one-by-one, his brothers gave their oath in giving Mark back to the Arcs.
"With the power vested in me by the King of Hell, I, the Prince of Greed, the third son of the realms of hell, am handing you the son of Archangel Raguel, Mark Tuan Yi-En," said Suho without looking at Sunggyu and Jiyong who was shocked that he said it too.
Jackson looked at the rest of his brothers. Hyunseung, who wasn't planning on doing this, felt his heart beating faster. When he finally looked up, the first person he saw was Junhyung. He gulped and clenched his fist. While looking directly at the Arcs' leader, Hyunseung stated, "W-with the power vested in the King of Hell, I, Jang H-Hyunseung, the Prince of Lust, the first son of the realms of h-handing you the son of Archangel Raguel, Mark Tuan Yi-En."
A tear fell from both Junhyung and Hyunseung's eyes.
"Thank you," Junhyung whispered, and Hyunseung looked away and immediately wiped his tears.
Jackson looked at Jiyong and Sunggyu next. They were the hardest to convince that Jackson was prepared to bow to them again. But then Jiyong looked at Sunggyu with an apologetic expression and lowered his head.
"Don't tell me you're-"
Jiyong cuts Sunggyu off and said, "Sorry Sunggyu but...when a brother of mine begs and bows right in front of me, I can't just let his sacrifice of throwing all his pride away go to waste, right?"
Sunggyu didn't answer but kept his shocked face as Jiyong stated, "With the power vested in me by the King of Hell, I, the Prince of Pride, the strongest son of the realms of hell, am handing you the son of Archangel Raguel, Mark Tuan Yi-En."
Jackson hid his happiness as he heard Jiyong say those words. Even the Arcs were happy but confused at the same time. Like Jackson to Mark, the Demons threw all their hard work just because their close brother cried, bowed, and begged right in front of them.
"Sunggyu..." Hyunseung finally spoke without even looking at Sunggyu and the others.
Sunggyu was looking elsewhere, but Hyunseung looked back at him and continued, "Killing him or letting him live won't make a difference Kim Sunggyu. I know what you're thinking; our hard work, the plans we all did, the sacrifices we all had to endure was going to be wasted once you say that oath. But think about it as an advantage. Maybe Mark's fate doesn't end with something as simple as this. Maybe it was something even worse. We've proven these angels what we can do, now we can show them the worst things we can offer."
Junhyung wanted to laugh with what his ex-lover had to say. Hyunseung was trying to convince Sunggyu to give Mark back, but at the same time, he was trying to tell him that now that the Arcs found out about what the Demons were capable of, they should be scared of them now.
Now everyone was looking at Sunggyu, waiting for the leader's final answer.
Sunggyu took a deep breath and finally said something that made all the kneeling angels lift their heads up.
"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this for a stupid brother of mine," Sunggyu finally said, making everyone smile from ear to ear.
Sunggyu looked at the Arcs' leader and continued, "Fine Yong Junhyung, we're giving you your angel back. But remember to never make the Prince of Envy, the second strongest son, kneel in front of his brothers again."
Jackson grinned on Sunggyu's statement while Junhyung couldn't help but let the tears of happiness fall from his eyes.
Sunggyu sighed once more and finally said, "With the power vested in me by the King of Hell. With the wrath of blood flowing through my every vein...we give you your brother back."
The skies became red and the grounds started to quake the moment Sunggyu said those words. Everyone backed away when Mark was suddenly surrounded by fire. But even though he was being blocked, the Arcs and Demons could still see what was happening to him inside the circle of fire.
As everyone was closely watching, a demonic figure suddenly appeared from the ground, standing right in front of Mark. The Demons knew that it was one of their fathers, but no one was really sure about who it was.
The demonic figure started chanting in a language that no one understood. But this caused Mark to shout from the tip of his lungs. Jackson wanted to run towards him but he was forcing himself not to because he knew that this was for Mark's sake.
While the demon continued with the chant, black smoke started to come out from Mark's mouth. The demon was apparently absorbing the black smoke that was consuming Mark.
After a few more seconds, the skies cleared once again, and then the fire and the demon disappeared once the black smoke was absorbed.
Everyone and everything became quiet.
"Mark..." Jackson was about to run towards the unconscious angel, but Sunggyu quickly stopped Jackson and pulled him towards him.
"Don't move," he told him.
The Demons and the Arcs waited in silence. Right after, a strong light suddenly shined upon Mark, and a deep and loud voice from the sky spoke, "Awake my son and you will redeem your full power." Then Mark's eyes were shot open, surprising everyone because his eyes were glowing. Then Mark looked at the sky and said, "I am awake my God."
The light disappeared and everything started moving again. The students looked blankly at the Arcs and Demons like nothing happened.
Sunggyu was pissed but relieved at the same time. He didn't know if what he did was the right thing or the other way around. But at least everything was finally over.
"I just wasted the greatest chance in my life because of a stubborn brother. That's just great," Sunggyu said to himself. Then Jiyong went to the crowd of students and shouted, "Okay bitches, the show's over. Now skedaddle before I do something to your asses."
The students looked scared and ran away, leaving the Demons lined in front of the Arcs.
Jackson quickly ran to where Mark was and kneeled on one knee so he could face him. Mark looked back at Jackson and smiled. He gently held Jackson's cheeks and said, "Thank you."
A tear came out from Jackson's eye once more. But this time, it wasn't blood, it was water. It was water because Jackson felt like he was the happiest man alive. He moved closer to Mark and gave him the sweetest kiss he could ever give him.
"Thank you so much. I'm really glad that you're okay," Jackson stated, then he pulled him into a warm embrace.
"Oh come on. We helped these two out, now we're gonna see them make out every day as a reward?" Jiyong stated, making Seunghyun laugh. But when Jiyong angrily looked at him, the angel stopped laughing and acted like he didn't do anything.
"Thank you," Junhyung said with a low tone.
"What did you say? We kinda didn't hear it?" Suho then teased, obviously making fun of the defeated leader.
"I said thank you," Junhyung repeated, but louder this time.
"What?" Suho asked once more, obviously enjoying the somewhat 'victorious' moment.
Junhyung sighed and finally bowed down. Then the rest of the Arcs did the same and everyone said in unison, "We thank you with all our hearts."
Sunggyu smirked and went in front of the Arcs, "This isn't over yet assholes. Maybe this plan didn't work, but that was a good warning that you don't mess with the demons. And besides, seeing you all bow right in front of us and begging for our help is the best victory we could ever achieve."
Junhyung couldn't complain and just nodded his head in agreement. Then Sunggyu looked at the Demons and angrily said, "And if anyone of you ever bows in front of me again and beg me to give an angel back to you, then I will kill you with my bare hands this time, you got that!?"
"Yes brother!" everyone answered in unison.
Sunggyu took a deep breath and finally walked away, while the rest of the Demons followed behind him.
Mark and Jackson were done with their "sweet" moment, so Jackson moved away so the Arcs could go to him next. While the Arcs hugged their brother, Woohyun went to him and said, "Thanks Jackson...for everything."
"I told you before that I'm doing this for Mark, and not for you guys. You and my brothers could continue with your plans for killing each other. Continue your mission. I just want Mark to be beside me." Jackson shamelessly stated.
"Alright," said Seunghyun, and then the rest of the Arcs nodded in agreement.
"But Jackson, how were you so sure that your brothers were going to agree to this?" Lay confusingly asked him.
Jackson just smirked and simply answered, "They're my brothers....that's why."
Lay chuckled and nodded his head in understanding before joining the rest of the Arcs. While the Arcs celebrated Mark's return, Jackson saw Junhyung standing in a distance. Junhyung was unsure if he should approach his brother or not. So Jackson took a deep breath and approached him.
"You shouldn't feel guilty about anything," Jackson stated, standing beside the Arcs' leader.
Junhyung smiled and placed his hands inside his pockets, "I'll talk to him when everyone's done."
Jackson nodded his head and watched the other Arcs with Mark, "He really does belong to the angels." He said out loud. Junhyung looked at him as the demon continued, "I don't know if this helps but...what you said to Hyunseung was right. Why are we even doing this?"
Junhyung was surprised that Hyunseung mentioned about that to their brothers, but he didn't say a thing. So Jackson looked at him and continued, "Look at us. We didn't even know we were demons a few weeks ago, but then we're suddenly tasked to kill you since our Fathers' said you're out to kill us. But...are you really here to kill us?" Jackson asked, and Junhyung was left speechless.
"That's a question that I've been dying to find an answer to." Junhyung honestly stated.
Jackson didn't say anything anymore and just patted Junhyung's shoulder, "I'll see you later. I have to talk to my brother first. I'm pretty sure they're still not happy about this."
"Sure. And thank them for us again." Junhyung stated.
Jackson was about to leave, but then he remembered something. He walked in front of Junhyung and snapped his fingers. Then the words, "I'll surrender myself to you in exchange for my brother's life," appeared in thin air.
Junhyung's eyes widened from shock.
"Don't forget those words Yong Junhyung," Jackson stated. He turned around, and the words vanished before he could leave the scene.
Junhyung gulped loudly on the sudden realization of what he just said before. He seriously made a deal with a devil, and making deals with a devil is the worst thing that you could ever do.
"Hey Junhyung!" Someone suddenly shouted, interrupting Junhyung's thoughts. He looked up and saw the Arcs looking back at him. Then he saw Mark reaching out for his hand. The sight of him made the Arcs' leader smile.
"Welcome back angel."
"I told you didn't I? Your demons will never execute a plan as cruel as that. Even if their fathers were the kings of the realms of hell. The Demons can become good because their half-human and the Arcs can become bad because they're half-human," explained Park Dongmin as he was taking a sip of his beer.
"I get it now. Your god will always be a hundred percent right about everything, happy now? All I'm worried about is the King. If he finds out about this he's gonna torture me till he's satisfied," Kharon answered as he too took a sip of his beer, making Park Dongmin chuckle.
"But it was smart of you to stop time before the students start thinking about stupid conclusions," Dongmin pointed out.
"Well, I'm still the priest of HAU. I can't let my Demons get suspended because of something everyone think is impossible," Kharon simply answered.
Dongmin lifted his glass towards Kharon and said, "Well here's a toast to us guardians who were forced to take care of a bunch of kids. Once this shit is over, you and I can finally go back to where we came from."
Kharon smirked and lifted his own glass, "I can't fucking wait."
"Jackson! Wake up! Your mom's calling us downstairs!" Mark shouted while shaking Jackson's body. Jackson tried to ignore him, but Mark wouldn't stop shaking him, so Jackson was forced to open his eyes, only to see Mark lying beside him in his bed.
"Good Morning," Jackson said with his deep voice as he reached out to give Mark a passionate kiss.
When they parted from the kiss, Mark touched his nose with Jackson's and greeted back, "Good morning."
Jackson sat up and stretched his arms. Without looking back at Mark, he asked, "What time is it now?"
Mark quickly gave Jackson a peck on the lips again before standing up from the bed, "It's six-thirty and we still need to go to the university. I don't want you to be late because of me again. Remember how your brother's scolded me because of that?"
"I know, and I'm sorry. You know my brothers like you...and sometimes hate you at the same time. It's a love and hate relationship," Jackson honestly stated.
Mark sighed and picked up the scattered clothes on the floor before shooting it inside a basket with the rest of Jackson's dirty clothes, "I know. But you're lucky my brothers like you. Well, they are angels so I'm not quite surprised." He then gave Jackson a shirt since he was still topless.
"Can't we stay in bed a little longer? My brothers and I have been training for a week. I haven't seen you in a long time." Jackson complained.
"A week isn't a long time Jackson." Mark then answered, and Jackson pouted like a kid, making Mark chuckle. He went closer to Jackson who was still in bed, then he grabbed the shirt that he gave him and helped him put it on.
"Looks like you guys have a plan again. What is it this time? You gonna kidnap Woohyun?" Mark asked even though he knew that it was unlikely since the Demons and the Arcs now have a 'stable' relationship.
"There's nothing for you to be worried about babe," Jackson answered, now wearing a shirt thanks to Mark.
"Babe my ass," Mark answered, rolling his eyes before walking away. But Jackson grabbed his arm and pulled him back in the bed, showering him with kisses that he was supposed to have given during the days he was busy.
Jackson and Mark arrived at the school with their hands intertwined. No one looked or whispered at each other because they were too used to seeing those two together. What became an issue was the fact that Mark went back to the Arcs and the Demons didn't even do anything about it.
"Guys!" Mark shouted when he saw his brothers in the hallway walking towards them. He quickly lets go of Jackson's hand and ran to where the Arcs were. Then Jackson followed behind him.
"Hey Jackson, did you take care of our brother here?" Junhyung asked, but Jackson didn't answer. Instead, he placed his hands inside his pockets and ignored the Arcs.
"Looks like you did," Sungjae sarcastically stated.
While the Arcs were talking, the Demons arrived just in time. They saw Jackson with the angels and approached him with a smile on their faces.
"Jackson!" Taeil shouted excitedly the moment he saw his best friend. Jackson smirked and waited for the Demons to approach them.
"Hey prince of envy, how was your night?" Minhyuk asked as he and the rest of the Demons went in front of Jackson and the Arcs.
"Did you have a good fuck last night?" Hyunseung then asked with a smirk on his face, making the Demons laugh on his statement while the Arcs didn't look impressed by the dirty question.
"Hey! He's our brother! How could you say something disgusting about him in front of us?!" Woohyun angrily asked, but Hyunseung crossed his arms and answered back, "I wasn't talking to you shorty."
Woohyun clenched his fist and was about to punch Hyunseung, but Junhyung quickly stopped him from doing so.
"Forget about it Woohyun," Junhyung stated. Then Sunggyu, who was standing in the middle of the pyramid position, smirked and pointed at the back, "Jackson, go back to your position," he commanded.
Jackson didn't say anything else but went to where he usually stands.
"Looks like we need to go ladies. Oh, and Junhyung, my homework please," Sunggyu said with an evil grin.
Junhyung glared at him, but he took out a bunch of papers from his bag and handed it to him anyway, "Here you go, sir."
"Thanks. Let's go, brothers," Sunggyu commanded, and then he and the rest of the demons walked away.
"How long do you need to serve those Demons?" Seunghyun asked their leader who was now back in his angel form.
Junhyung looked at the ground and answered with a sigh, "As long as it gets."
Lay laughed at the situation that their leader was in and draped his arm around Junhyung's shoulder, "Well, it's the price you have to pay for making a deal with a devil."
Junhyung didn't say anything back, but he couldn't help but smile and walk away with the rest of the Arcs.
It might not look like it, but this could be the start of the Demons and the Arcs' good relationship with each other.
- END -
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