JACKSON ARRIVED AT THE rooftop, surprised to see the Demons playing basketball with Mark. Suho was about to pass the ball to the angel, but Jackson quickly ran to where the ball was and set it on fire.
"That's enough for today," Jackson stated as he threw the burnt ball away.
Jiyong went to Jackson and patted his back, "Looks like Jackson didn't find his wallet."
Jackson pushed Jiyong's hand away and answered, "Mark's weak. Can't you at least give him a break?" Jackson asked, and Jiyong just shrugged his shoulders as an answer. Jackson then took a deep breath and grabbed Mark's hand so he could sit down on the bench. Sunggyu chuckled at his brother's reaction and told him, "Loosen up Jackson. It's not like we're trying to kill him or anything."
Jackson looked at Sunggyu with a blank expression, but he was already clenching his fist in anger by what he said.
"Mark, you're good at playing basketball aren't you?" Minhyuk asked as he sat down beside Mark. Then he took the bottle of water beside him and drank it.
"Well, I used to play it when I was younger," Mark answered, tired from the game as well.
When Minhyuk was done drinking, he looked at Mark and handed him the bottle, "Here, have a drink. We don't want you feeling all weak again."
Mark sweetly smiled and thanked him. When Minhyuk saw his expression, he quickly looked away. Looks like he's starting to feel guilty on what Mark's going through too.
Mark finally took a drink and looked at Jackson, "So, did you find your wallet?"
Jackson awkwardly nodded as a reply. He didn't want his brothers to find out he was lying.
Hyunseung then went to Jackson and told him, "Hey Jackson, never leave your boyfriend again, got that? He kept on asking for you earlier and it's driving us all nuts! No offense Mark."
Mark chuckled and looked at Jackson with a smile that says, "Can't help it". Jackson sat down on Mark's empty side and wiped his sweat with the back of his hand. Then, without any warning, he quickly leaned over and kissed Mark on the lips.
"Seriously Jackson? I said don't leave him, not kiss him," Hyunseung said, then he started laughing.
"Why JS? Missed the days when you and Junhyung were like that?" Taeil suddenly asked, making everyone (including Mark) laugh out loud.
"We weren't really together assholes, remember?" Hyunseung stated as he sat down. But he quickly looked away and stared at the scenery outside the campus. Even though what they did to Junhyung was a seriously evil plan, Hyunseung really did had feelings for him, maybe even a little.
"He loved you Hyunseung," Mark suddenly stated, making everyone look his way. Hyunseung looked at Mark as he continued, "He loved you to the point where he couldn't even sleep at night."
"Stop it. I don't need to hear this shit", Hyunseung stated as he stood up, but Mark ignored him and continued again, "One time, he went to all the libraries and churches just to look for a bible that says that an angel could fall in love with a demon without betraying his clan. He loved you to that extent Hyunseung."
Hyunseung felt his heart aching once more. So he quickly looked angrily at Mark and said, "When I say stop, I mean it Mark. I'm only starting to like you. Don't make me hate you again. So never ever mention that angel's name in front of me, understand?"
Then Hyunseung left. He tried to clear his head. He already tried his best to forget about Junhyung, but how could he forget the time he and Junhyung became one? And all the sweet words and the laughter's Junhyung gave him. How could he forget all that?
The truth is, Hyunseung never really hated Mark to the point that he'd wanted him dead so badly. He just wanted to look like it so that his brothers would think that he wasn't a weak slut like what everyone was calling him.
The reason why he was like that to Mark was because he was jealous of him and Jackson. Every time he looked at the two, he only felt pain. He hated the feeling so much that his only solution to stop that pain was to kill Mark. If Mark's gone, it would mean that his memories of Junhyung would be gone as well.
"It was a plan. It was only a plan Hyunseung. Straighten your fucking head."
Hyunseung was talking to himself while he was walking in the empty hallway. But then he stopped when he saw someone walking in his opposite direction.
"Yong Junhyung," Hyunseung said, his voice low but stable.
Junhyung smiled when he saw him. Then he walked to where Hyunseung was and said, "Long time no see son of lust. Can't believe we'd see each other again."
Hyunseung didn't say anything. He actually didn't know what to say at all.
"Speechless? Did you miss me that much Jang Hyunseung?" Junhyung teased.
Hyunseung finally composed himself and answered, "Don't call me by my name."
Junhyung moved closer and held Hyunseung's chin. He looked at him with a serious expression and told him, "Don't be like that Hyunseung."
Hyunseung didn't say anything, but he quickly pushed Junhyung's hand away from him.
"You disgust me Junhyung. If you think that I enjoyed our short moments with each other then you're wrong. So don't even try talking to me again," Hyunseung stated, clenching his fist because he knew that the words were all lies.
Junhyung gulped and looked at Hyunseung with a hurt expression.
"Not even a little?" Junhyung suddenly asked him, so Hyunseung had to look away.
"Don't look at me like that," Hyunseung said to himself. Not daring to say it out loud.
It's been a minute and the two haven't said another word. They didn't even move. All they could think of was why did they have to bring the past back all of a sudden?
After a while, Junhyung finally broke the silence when he moved closer to Hyunseung. He slowly lifted his hand and gently placed it on Hyunseung's shoulder. When Hyunseung didn't react, Junhyung lowered his head and pressed his forehead on his, "Please take care of my brother. I know that we can never take him back from you but at least make him happy. This is the only thing you can do for crushing my heart into pieces."
Hyunseung was surprised at what Junhyung told him, but he doesn't say anything as he let Junhyung hold him.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," Hyunseung thought to himself, but with his power of Audible Inundation, he passed it on to Junhyung's head, surprising Junhyung.
Hyunseung quickly pushed Junhyung away, but before he could leave, Junhyung pulled Hyunseung towards him and gave him a long passionate kiss.
Hyunseung froze on Junhyung's sudden action. But he was just as surprised because he wasn't even angry. He actually missed Junhyung's touch.
When they parted from the kiss, Junhyung locked his eyes on Hyunseung's. Then he moved closer and said, "Without any hidden meaning, without the useless plans, and without anything else in the background. I'm not saying this to change anything inside your head, and not even to make you confused. I'm going to tell you this because I couldn't tell you this before..."
Junhyung went closer to Hyunseung's ear and whispered, "I love you."
Hyunseung's heart dropped. And when Junhyung moved away from him, he was shocked to see that the Arc was actually crying. Junhyung pulled his hands from Hyunseung and walked away.
When he was gone, Hyunseung fell down on his knees, and for the first time, he started crying blood.
The next day, Jackson was in his room, getting ready to go to school. He just finished taking a bath so he went out of the bathroom with only a towel. Jackson's mother was in France for a fashion show, so he was left alone.
Jackson fed his pet snake Invidia. After that, He took his towel off and started changing into his clothes. He was about to grab his bag so he could leave, but the door of his room suddenly slammed open.
"Mark!?" Jackson shouted when he saw that it was Mark who opened it.
"Fuck, did I forget to close the door last night?" Jackson said to himself as he went to where Mark was. But before he could ask why Mark went to his house this early in the morning when he was supposed to stay at Taeil's house, Mark suddenly fell to the floor.
"Mark!" Jackson shouted as he kneeled down to help him.
"Are you alright? Are you feeling weak?" Jackson asked, scanning Mark's body. Then Mark opened his eyes, making Jackson completely fall down on the floor. Mark's eyes were all red. Jackson's whole body froze when he realized something.
"It's can't be today...please no," Jackson said in a whisper. He wanted to cry again, but he already cried too much that no tears would fall out.
Mark looked straight at Jackson and finally opened his mouth. With a weak and soft voice, he said, "I-I...k-knew."
"W-What?" Jackson asked in surprise, slowly going back to his kneeling position.
"I-I've always k-known a-about...B-black a-angels...I was dying...I a-already found out...even before...t-the t-told f-fall in love...with you...I...k-knew," Mark struggled to say, shocking Jackson even more.
Jackson's body was already trembling as he said, "No, this can't be. Why didn't you tell me you knew!?"
Mark smiled and held Jackson's cheeks softly as he answered instead, "T-thank you...for helping me...J-Jackson...I-I...did...f-fall in love...w-with you."
Jackson finally broke down and started crying again. He hugged Mark as tight as he could and said, "Don't worry, I've got you. Jackson's got you."
Jackson didn't know what to do. Mark's time was finally up and Jackson's head was about to explode into millions of pieces. But then it hit him...
He took Mark and carried him at his back, and then he ran outside. When they were outside, he started running as fast as he could.
"Hang in there Mark," he told him. And as Jackson was running, he said to himself, "I'm sorry brothers. Betraying you is the only solution I can think of. This is the only way that can help him."
Jackson arrived at his destination. And his destination? The Arcs' residence. He was standing in front of the door and was about to knock when it quickly opened. And the person who opened it was none other than the Arcs' leader, Junhyung.
"J-Jackson!" Junhyung shouted, calling the attention of the other angels.
"What are you doing h-" Woohyun immediately stopped when he was Mark being carried behind Jackson's back.
"Mark! What happened to him?!" Woohyun asked.
Jackson didn't have to answer. The hurt in his face was already the answer to it.
"It's time," Seunghyun answered with a sad expression.
" us," Jackson finally stated. The Arcs couldn't help but feel pity for Jackson. Was he seriously betraying his brothers for their brother?
"We need to go," Junhyung commanded. And then he looked at the Arcs standing behind him and continued, "This is our final shot. And this will be our proof of why we are called Angels. Sungjae, help Jackson carry Mark."
"Yes, brother," Sungjae stated. He was about to take Mark away from Jackson, but Jackson quickly moved away from him and said, "N-No...I'll carry him."
Junhyung smiled sincerely and said, "Alright then. Arcs, let's go."
Without wasting any more time, the Arcs and Jackson arrived at the Holy Angels University. When they arrived, everyone was shocked to see the Arcs now complete, but they were even more shocked when they saw Jackson with them.
"Where are the Demons?" Jihoon asked, his voice serious so the student would know they were in a hurry.
"They're at the lobby," a boy quickly answered.
The eight ran to the lobby without anything to lose. When they arrived at the lobby, the Arcs saw the Demons walking towards them with their famous pyramid formation. They stood in front of them, making the Demons stop walking. The students even started to surround them again to see what the commotion was about.
"Jackson?!" Taeil shouted from shock when he saw Jackson and the rest of the Arcs.
"Jackson, what the fuck are you-" Sunggyu stopped when he saw Mark behind Jackson. Then he looked back at the rest of the Arcs. Without asking anyone, he finally got the picture.
"Don't tell me you're-"
Jackson quickly looked at Junhyung, and then Junhyung nodded.
Without anything else to say, Junhyung went down on his knees and placed his head on the cold ground. Yong Junhyung, the most powerful son, was bowing in front of his rivals.
Everyone was shocked. Hyunseung even gasped on the sudden action. But then one by one, the Arcs started bowing in front of the Demons until Jackson was the only one standing in the middle.
The Demons looked at the Arcs with shocked, but they were even more shocked as they continued to look at their brother.
"Don't..." Sunggyu quickly commanded, but Jackson ignored it. He took Mark from his back and gently placed him on the ground.
"J-Jackson...don't do this," Sunggyu repeated, this time his voice was calm so he could convince his brother. But Jackson was certain on what he was about to do.
"I-I'm sorry..." Jackson stated, his voice shaking due to what he was doing to his brothers.
He placed one knee down, then another. When he was now kneeling in front of them, he lifted his head so he could face his brothers, then a blood tear went out of his eyes as he said, "Brothers...I beg you...give them their angel back."
- END -
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