"HYUNSEUNG...I THINK JUNHYUNG didn't just steal your ring," Kharon stated while looking at Hyunseung with a worried expression.
"W-what do you mean by that?" Hyunseung asked, trying his best not to panic.
"He took your weakness," Kharon explained, pulling his hand away from Hyunseung's shoulder, "Every demon has a weakness. Whether full demons or half-blood demons. One of those weaknesses is having contact with the unnatural powers of an angel. These include the healing powers, being hypnotized, and even teleportation."
Hyunseung's eyes widened from shock, "That's impossible," he says, suddenly mad that he didn't ask about this first.
"It's not impossible at all Hyunseung. Because of what you did with him, you two are now connected. This means you're now immune to angel powers. Well, maybe except for the fact you could still be harmed by lightning as he is to fire, but the common once are unaffected to you anymore," Kharon explained further.
Hyunseung's face lightened up after hearing the pros. If only he knew about this earlier then he wouldn't have been threatened by their powers in the first place.
"But..." Kharon added.
Hyunseung quickly stopped rejoicing when he saw Kharon's disappointed face.
"But what?" Hyunseung repeated.
"Junhyung will be immune by your powers as well", Kharon finally answered.
NOTE: This does not include their higher level powers. Ex: kiss of death, illusion, fear amplification, etc. The angels are still affected by those powers.
Hyunseung's spirit dropped, "N-no...this can't be." Even though he knew that it would only make sense if Junhyung did become immune like him. Kharon moved closer to Hyunseung and held his shoulder tightly, "I'm sorry Hyunseung but what is done is done. But you should be glad that you know this before he could even find out."
"Junhyung doesn't know about this yet?" he asked, and Kharon nodded as an answer.
"Then what should I do? What should I tell my brothers?"
"Execute the plan and don't change anything. Use your knowledge about this as an advantage. But you better hurry because if Junhyung finds out about this as well your plan will be useless," Kharon explained.
Hyunseung looked out at the window on his right. He took out a heavy sigh and said, "Kharon...I think it's time for everyone to see our inner demons."
"What do you mean?" Kharon confusingly asked him.
Hyunseung looked back at his mentor/guardian and answered, "I'm going to let those Arcs know that when you play with're bound to get fucking burned."
That night, Junhyung went to a bar so he could wash away his frustrations with alcohol. He wanted to forget about what happened to Hyunseung earlier since he felt guilty. Why didn't he even do anything to help him when it was his fault in the first place?
"We don't need to put our names there. Ever since before we've been sitting there, so skedaddle and leave... slut."
"What did you just say...Kwon Jiyong?!"
"Oh, slut? I think that wasn't the word. Was it, bitch? Whore? I don't know... lust?"
"What gives you the right to say those things to me?"
"Well, I have a lot of rights. You made out with Yong Junhyung yesterday and now I'm hearing rumors that you've broken up. Why? Was Junhyung too small?"
Junhyung angrily slammed his shot glass down and shouted, "Ah! If it wasn't for this fucking ring then I wouldn't be looking like a fool!"He took Hyunseung's ring out from his pocket and was about to throw it away when someone immediately grabbed his wrist and said, "What do you think you're doing Yong Junhyung?"
To his surprise, it was his closest brother, Choi Seunghyun.
"Let go of me," said Junhyung as he pulled his hand away from Seunghyun and placed the ring back inside his pocket. He took another shot from his glass and stood up, his vision now getting blurry by how drunk he was.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Junhyung? Skipping classes then getting drunk all of a sudden? You're making us look like the ones who lost the battle! Weren't we the ones who won in the first place?"
Junhyung looked at Seunghyun and said, "I can't do this anymore."
When Seunghyun heard their leader say those words, he froze in his place. Never in a million years did he expect to hear their leader give up like that so easily after everything they've been through.
"Are you fucking serious? Now that we've come this far you're planning to stop?" he asked him, trying his best to at least stay calm.
Junhyung clenched on his fist and looked down on the floor before admitting, "I-I think...I like him," Junhyung finally revealed, shocking Seunghyun even more.
"What did you say?" Seunghyun asked him.
"I like Jang fucking Hyunseung. I can't stop thinking about him, I can't stop bothering him and I can't...stop liking him," Junhyung answered, but clearer this time.
Seunghyun finally went to Junhyung and held both of his shoulders tightly, "Junhyung! Are you out of your mind?! We weren't born to like our enemies! We were born, destined, and molded to kill those fucking demons! What is not clear to you?!" he angrily shouted at him.
Junhyung pushed Seunghyun away from him and threw the shot glass he was holding earlier, making the people inside the bar look their way.
"That's bullshit! Being born, destined, and molded to be murderers is bullshit! Everything is bullshit!" Junhyung shouted. Now he was on an outrange. Everyone inside the bar started looking confused, "what was this guy talking about anyways?" were the questions everyone was asking.
The bouncers were already glancing at them, so Seunghyun pulled Junhyung closer to him and said, "Junhyung, you're making a scene."
"I don't give a fuck anymore," Junhyung stated, pushing Seunghyun away from him again. He glared at the people who were staring at them and walked away from the bar. Seunghyung took a deep breath and followed their leader outside, "Junhyung! Wait!" he shouted.
"Leave me alone!" Junhyung shouted back. But as he was running away from Seunghyun, he suddenly saw a red-haired boy he was desperate to see; Jang Hyunseung.
"H-Hyunseung?" Junhyung confusingly asked. Hyunseung walked past him, so Junhyung immediately chased after him. Hyunseung went to an alleyway. When Junhyung was only a few steps away from him, he suddenly saw a silhouette of man pin the prince of lust on the wall.
"What the-" Before Junhyung could take a step closer, the man started kissing Hyunseung. The prince of lust didn't even struggle, surprising Junhyung even more. He was ready to approach them when Seunghyun suddenly arrived and pulled Junhyung's arm towards him.
"I had enough of your shit Junhyung. We're going home," he angrily told him, but Junhyung didn't look back at him as he continued to stare at Hyunseung kissing a random guy that he couldn't even recognize.
"Stop being stubborn. Come on." Seunghyun insisted, pulling Junhyung's arm.
"Let me go! I need to-" Junhyung stopped midsentence when the man kissing Hyunseung directly looked his way. His eyes widened from complete shock when he saw who the man was.
"J-Jackson?!" Junhyung shouted from shock.
Seunghyun was finally at his limit as he shouted at Junhyung, "I said let's go before I call your father!"
Junhyung finally stopped struggling and weakly followed Seunghyun home.
His mind went blank after seeing what happened. Why was Hyunseung kissing Jackson? Was this another trick to make Junhyung look even more of a fool? Or was Junhyung just imagining everything and was slowly going insane?
Junhyung ran upstairs the moment he and Seunghyun arrived at the holy home. He went to the lounging area where the Arcs were, "Where's Mark?!"He asked as soon as his brothers saw him.
The Arcs looked at their leader with confused expressions. They weren't able to answer him immediately, so Junhyung looked around and realized that the angel that he was looking for wasn't there. Without saying anything else, he ran to Mark's room and saw Mark lying on his bed, sleeping. Junhyung quickly took the covers off him, waking Mark up.
The rest of the Arcs went to Mark's room as well to see what the ruckus was about.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Mark shouted upon waking up.
"Execute the next plan. Junhyung suddenly stated, shocking not only Mark but also the rest of the Arcs standing behind him.
"Junhyung, are you fucking drunk right now?" Mark asked while rubbing his eyes, "It's fucking 9 in the evening, executing the plan now will be-"
Junhyung didn't wait for Mark to finish as he grabbed him by the collar and forcefully pulled him out of the bed. Woohyun couldn't help it, so he ran to the scene and pulled Mark away from their drunk leader.
"Yong Junhyung! What do you think you're doing?!" Woohyun angrily shouted at him.
Junhyung finally lost it, and that was what the Demons wanted. They wanted Junhyung to fall first because he was the leader. They knew that a group without a good leader would eventually fall apart. And once that's done, they'll slowly step on the rest of the Arcs until no one is left.
"Mark Yi-En, if you don't listen to what I'm saying...I'll fucking kill you," Junhyung commanded with such a powerful tone that the Arcs felt the hair on their skin stand. This was their leader, and this was the power that he had over them. But before anyone could even do anything, another equally powerful angel came, Seunghyun. Seunghyun went forward and held Junhyung's shoulder to stop him once again, but Junhyung quickly pushed him away so hard that he fell on the floor.
Everyone was shocked, even Seunghyun himself. They didn't expect that Junhyung would do such a thing to his closest brother. And the fact that it's because of a demon is even more mind boggling.
"Junhyung! Our Fathers will all be-"
Seunghyun stopped Lay from speaking any further as he stood up and looked at Mark.
"Mark, ready yourself and follow his command. If something fucking happens, we blame our so-called leader." Then Seunghyun glared at Junhyung and left the room.
"Seunghyun! Are you serious right now!?" Mark shouted, but no one replied anymore. So Mark had no choice but to follow their screwed up leader. He pushed Junhyung off him and got ready like what he was told. All that the Arcs could do now was look at him with pity.
After getting ready, Mark lazily walked the streets. How on earth could he do this plan in the middle of the night?
"Here we are," he said to himself when he arrived at his expected destination. He walked towards the door and was about to ring the doorbell when suddenly...
"What do you think you're doing?" a low voice asked from behind him.
Mark gulped and slowly turned around. To his surprise, it was the Prince of Envy, Wang Jackson, smoking a cigarette as he continued to stare at the terrified angel.
"W-Wang!" Mark shouted from shock. He was caught off guard. He didn't know that Jackson would be awake at this time of night. He had been thinking about the plan since he left the holy home, but now that he's facing Jackson, everything just flew out of his head.
The plan was supposed to be simple. Bargain with the prince of envy. Ask for his ring, and they'll promise to spare him when the time comes and make him the strongest son. They knew his sin, and they thought that his envious nature would be an advantage to them. Apparently...
"I asked you a question," Jackson stated with a really low voice. He threw his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. Then he got closer to Mark.
They were dead wrong if they think they could bargain with such a powerful demon like him. Jackson was the second strongest son, and that's a fact that they obviously had forgotten.
"Why? Are you going to steal my ring as well? Was Hyunseung's not enough?" the demon asked.
"Shit," Mark thought to himself while slowly backing away from Jackson.
Jackson smirked at the reaction, "Well too bad," he stated before showing his fingers. Mark's eyes widened when he saw that the ring wasn't there anymore.
"I don't have it with me right now, and you know why?" Jackson asked once again, now only a few inches away from Mark's face.
Mark's back hits the front door of Jackson's house. He gulped when he saw Jackson's growing aura. He has seen Hyunseung and Minhyuk emit the same demonic aura, but it was his first time to see a higher ranked demon emit it, and it made the hair on his skin stand. Jackson truly was a demon to be reckoned with.
"I need my full power when I torture you," Jackson finally continued with a smirk.
Mark's body completely froze after hearing his words. His heart was beating so loud that you could hear it pound. He was completely trapped, and he had no one to blame but his fucked up leader.
Jackson held Mark's cheeks and said, "Looks like you're screwed up leader moves fast. Shocking right? Well, you don't need to ask because I'll answer your questions. Yes, it was us who made Junhyung act that way. We knew that Junhyung was the most angelic and stupid member in your group, that's why we started to use him first. And don't worry, I know why you're here. You're here because you're going to propose something to me right? I know I'm a son of Envy, but I'm not that stupid."
"T-That can't be..." Mark stated, his body now trembling. What Jackson just said only means that their previous plan and their future plans would only be rubbish. They underestimated these demons and thought their attitude and sinful nature would help their plans, but apparently, they forgot about the fact that they're not completely demons either.
"Guess who we're going to use next," said Jackson as he finally lets go of Mark.
Mark was shaking. Then out of nowhere, a tear fell from his eyes. If Junhyung was the stupidest, then Mark was no doubt the coward, and the Demons knew that through a few observations.
"W-Why are you telling me...t-this?" Mark bravely asked, hoping that someone would come and help him.
"I'm telling you this because I want you to be aware of the current situation," Jackson answered him, and Mark could only gulp as a reply.
"Now, look at the moon closely," Jackson stated, and Mark unknowingly glanced at the moon in front of him. When he looked back at Jackson, his heart almost fell when he saw the mischievous grin on his face, "Because that will be the last time you'll see it," Jackson continued.
Mark's tears kept on coming out, but he didn't say anything anymore. He closed his eyes and waited for what was in store for him.
"Let's have lots of fun, little angel."
Mark was about to open his eyes back when someone hits his head with a bat, leaving the angel unconscious, and hopefully not dead. When Mark's body fell on the ground, a man standing behind him was revealed. Mark was so terrified that he didn't even notice the door open.
"Thanks, Taeil," Jackson stated with a smirk.
Taeil placed the bat on his shoulder and looked down at Mark, "Don't mention it. And lucky for us, Mark was so scared that he forgot he had the power to paralyze you."
"I know. I was sweating inside because of that," Jackson honestly answered.
"Well, I hope Sunggyu's right with this one. This is very risky. We could actually get arrested if we make a wrong move," Taeil warned, looking back at his best friend.
Jackson held Taeil's shoulder and assured him, "I know, and I too believe that this is very dangerous, especially in my part. But Hyunseung and Sunggyu's plan hasn't failed up till now, so let's just trust them."
"So, plan A is to make Junhyung fall in love with our prince of lust and make him go insane. Plan B is to kidnap Mark and make our epic comeback. The Arcs will suspect us first but they wouldn't have evidence. Then what? What's the next plan?" Taeil asked, and Jackson shrugged his shoulder and answered, "I don't know. JS hasn't told me about plan C yet."
"Then what do you want us to do with this guy? Where do you want to hide him? Don't forget, he's still an angel. He can summon his god as soon as he comprehends the situation," Taeil told Jackson just to make sure Jackson had a plan for every little thing that might become a problem in the future.
Jackson looked at Mark and confidently answered him, "Don't worry, I'll handle it. I'll make sure he forgets he even has a god."
Taeil was worried deep down because they've never done something as evil as this before, but he just smiled back at his brother instead of worrying himself.
"I think it's time for the Arcs to find out why we're called Demons."
- END -
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