THE KING OF HELL asked his Seven Deadly Rulers to wander the lands of the earth and tempt people to sin. In order to do that, the King disguised them as humans so that they could freely roam the earth without god noticing. Little did He know that His decision caused the rulers to fall in love with mortals.
Their love bore seven human-demon children, and the rulers hid that from the King. But the King of Hell was clever, He sent ghouls to watch over them, and the ghouls told the King about it. So the King immediately took the Demons back and forced them to never make contact with their children as punishment for what they have done. If not, then their families would be in great danger.
As time passed by, the neglected human-demon children grew to be strong, bright, and to top it all off, handsome children. They all have possessed different personalities, but they were destined to unite with each other.
The first son is Jang Hyunseung (JS), also known as the son of Asmodeus, ruler of the realm LUST. Because of the powers he inherited from his father, JS attracts a lot of attention from men and women alike, but because of his very serious and scary attitude, you wouldn't even know that he was the Prince of Lust. After all, Lust means wanting to be loved by everyone and wanting to experience the greatest pleasure the world could give you, good or bad.
The second son is the opposite of JS. Lee Minhyuk, who is the son of Beelzebub, the ruler of the realm GLUTTON. He eats a lot but never gets fat because of his regular morning exercise and regular gym visits. Minhyuk is bubbly in person. You could say that he has a great personality too. He's also the closest friend JS has, well I guess the only friend JS has. He's also very forgiving and smiles a lot, but you would never want to see him angry.
Kim Joon Myeon (Suho), the third son. His father – Mammon – rules the realm GREED, and like what you expect from him, Suho is very greedy, regardless of his rich family background. Suho is known to be friendly, but when you get to know him better, he's actually a very lonely rich boy, so knowing that he had his 'brothers', he felt that his lonely days will no doubt change.
The next son is Lee Taeil, the son of Belphegor, ruler of the realm SLOTH. Taeil isn't someone you'd like to be alone with, because if he's not saying anything then he'd probably be asleep. Now thanks to the ring his father gave him, Taeil became the boy that he always wanted to be. He's no longer the lazy big-eyed glasses Taeil that everyone knows because now he's the annoying, super hyper, and the guy who moves everywhere Taeil.
The fifth son is Kim Sunggyu, the frightening and the most hated person in their whole year. The son of Satan, the ruler of the realm of WRATH. Like his father, Sunggyu was always hated by everyone. Not because of how he acts, but because of what he is. He's a jerk, a bastard, and an ass combined. He bullies everyone, even the teachers. But after wearing the ring, his real personality emerged, and everyone's perspective of him became different. Inside that hard shell, Sunggyu was kind, soft, and somewhat a tough kid who was prepared to lead the rest of the deadly sons.
Well, the next one is Leviathan's son, Wang Jackson, the prince of ENVY. Jackson's the big guy who is known for being quiet and mysterious. But underneath that quiet boy is a man with a very bad personality. Some would say that he's even worse than Sunggyu, Suho and Jiyong combined, and the reason why he only hanged out with Taeil wasn't just because they were neighbors and childhood friends. He hangs out with Taeil because he thought that Taeil would be too lazy to even find out that he has that kind of personality.
Last but not the least, Kwon Ji Yong. Son of Lucifer, the ruler of realm PRIDE. He's the most stubborn son from the seven sons. And like his friends, Jiyong doesn't have a pleasing personality. But since he's handsome, charming, rich, and smart, everyone just couldn't see how bad this boy is anymore. He also possesses the strongest power compared to the six, so it's important for him to control his emotions or he might just explode, literally.
These are the seven sons. They have to face a lot of problems, and they can't solve it if they're not together. But they need to understand everyone's differences first before doing anything, and having a gathering in Jackson's place is a great way for them to start their bonding...
Or maybe not.
"So guys, what should we do with Jiyong?" Asked Suho as he was eating the snacks Jackson offered to them earlier.
Jiyong was lying in bed beside the sleeping Taeil. Suho was sitting beside them as Sunggyu and Hyunseung were leaning against Jackson's bed, while Jackson was sitting at a chair in front of his desk.
As the six were talking, Minhyuk went out of the bathroom half-naked with a small towel on hand, "Hey Jackson, is it really okay if you dry-clean all our clothes?" He asked as soon as he faced the rest of the sons.
"I don't mind at all."
And as cute as it seems, everyone was wearing Jackson's old Jammies. And if you're asking, Sunggyu and Suho changed Jiyong's clothes.
"I guess this would be a great way for us to talk about each other, right?" Minhyuk suggested as he sat down beside his best friend, Hyunseung.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Suho agreed, and then everyone became quiet as soon as they were about to start their talk. It was awkward for them to start a conversation. They didn't exactly know each other yesterday, and now they're in one of the son's house having a slumber party.
"How about I start first," Minhyuk stated, and everyone nodded in agreement, glad someone had the guts to do it before everyone else.
"Well, I'm Lee Minhyuk, if you're not familiar with me yet. I kinda have the obsession of eating a lot. But thanks to this ring, everything changed and I feel like I'm a different person. And after finding out that I have you guys, I feel that my college life would be exciting as well. Now, who's next?" Minhyuk asked, then everyone became quiet again.
The sons looked at each other, and when no one dared to say anything, Sunggyu cleared his throat, making everyone look at his direction.
"W-Well...I'm Kim Sunggyu. You might know me as the asshole of Holy Angels University, but I'm actually a very nice guy who cares for his pet dog called Ira," Sunggyu awkwardly shared, almost making Minhyuk chuckle because he didn't expect Sunggyu to be that soft.
"Do you know that Ira means Wrath is Latin?" Hyunseung revealed, surprising Sunggyu. He knew about that fact since he searched about the meaning of Luxuria's name, which actually meant Lust in Latin too.
When Hyunseung pointed it out for them, everyone realized that their pets were the Latin word for what sin they represented.
"Hey Jackson, aren't you scared that your guardian's a snake?" Suho asked as everyone looked his way.
Jackson looked at his pet invidia and answered, "Well, it's pretty cool since it is a snake. Though I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I'm afraid that it would escape his cage and eat me. Just the thought of being inside his stomach terrifies me," Jackson answered innocently. Then everyone started to laugh. They didn't know that Jackson had a cute side too.
"So, other than snakes, what else are you afraid of baby brother?" Hyunseung asked with a serious face, making everyone burst in laughter once again.
"What do you mean by baby brother Jang Hyunseung? We're just the same age, and our birthdates are the same, remember?" Jackson angrily asked.
"But you're kinda like the baby figure from all the six of us," Sunggyu admitted.
"How about Taeil?" Jackson retaliated. He really wasn't in favor of being treated as the youngest when he knows there are better candidates for that position.
"Taeil? I don't think so," Sunggyu stated with a grin. Then Minhyuk jumped in and said, "How about this. Jackson could be the baby, Sunggyu could be the mother because he kinda feels like the responsible one in our group, Jiyong could be the father, and the rest could be brothers."
"What are we, a kpop group?" Jackson asked with an 'I'm-not-doing-this' expression.
"But it's cute!"
"Aren't we all BROTHERS," Jackson protested again.
"You just don't like being called the baby!" Minhyuk teased as he went in front of Jackson and pinched his cheeks.
"Hey! Lee Minhyuk! Have you forgotten that this is my house? I could kick you out if I wanted to," Jackson stated like he was declaring war to his fellow human-demon brother, Minhyuk.
Minhyuk didn't back out and answered back, "I don't mind. I just live on the other street. But if I can't control myself, I'll eat you up like a snake."
"Oh!" Said everyone in unison as they watched the two backbiting at each other like kids.
Minhyuk stared at Jackson who slowly stood up from his chair. Everyone was waiting for his attack, but no one expected him to answer something like this, "Before we start about putting on some clothes?"
Minhyuk lifted his right eyebrow up and asked, "Why, are you jealous of my frame Wang Jackson?"
Jackson doesn't answer him, but without any warning, he held Minhyuk's arm tightly. And with a smirk on his face, he said, "Compared to the two of us, shouldn't you be calling me daddy instead? Isn't that right, baby boy?"
Minhyuk got flustered and quickly pushed Jackson away, only making himself fall on Sunggyu's lap.
Jackson sat back down on his chair and started laughing.
"H-How could you say...s-something like that without batting an eye?!" Minhyuk embarrassingly asked as he immediately stood up from Sunggyu's lap.
"Dude, my hair almost stood up for a second there," Suho added while slapping both of his cheeks so he could return to his senses.
Everyone started to laugh again when they saw Minhyuk turning red. Jackson stopped laughing and threw Minhyuk his top and said, "It's going to be cold tonight, wear it." So Minhyuk quickly wore the top with no question.
"I guess we had enough for today," Sunggyu stated as he stood up from the floor and continued, "Jackson's bed is big so Suho, you sleep beside Taeil and Jiyong. And the four of us will sleep on the floor. Jackson, do you have some extra covers?"
"Yeah, I do have one. I'll just get it at my mom's room," Jackson answered, then he went out.
"I am not going to sleep beside that perv," Minhyuk stated the moment Jackson left the room. Then he took his snacks on the desk and went to Hyunseung.
While Suho was tucking himself in, he told him, "Wasn't it you who started it Minhyuk?"
"Me?! It was JS who started with the baby brother idea," Minhyuk quickly defended, so Hyunseung fired back, "I wasn't making a joke, it was you who added the family-tree shit. It clearly made Jackson pissed off."
"Well sorry, I didn't know the guy was so fucking sensitive!" Minhyuk angrily shouted.
"Can the two of you just shut up?" Suho asked since he was trying to get some sleep. Then Hyunseung faced Suho and said, "Who are you to tell us what to do? We're just strangers who met each other today so don't act like you're our mother."
Suho quickly stood up from the bed and went in front of Hyunseung, "We're not just strangers, we're brothers Jang Hyunseung."
Hyunseung looked straight at Suho's eyes and shamelessly answered back, "You are not my fucking brother," then he pushed Suho away from him.
Suho was shocked that he almost pushed Hyunseung as well, but Sunggyu quickly went in between them and said, "So it's your turn to argue with each other? We could play around and make each other laugh. We don't play around to fight with each other in the end, so stop pointing fingers. We might have only met today but come on, we'll be together for who knows how long so pretend like you like each other, or better yet...LOVE EACH OTHER."
After Sunggyu's speech, the two became quiet. I guess it was a wrong idea to place seven guys with seven different personalities in one room.
"Is this enough?" Someone suddenly asked, breaking the awkward tension.
Jackson entered the room with pillows and covers. He didn't even know what's been happening inside his own room.
Sunggyu's angry expression turned into a smile when he turned his head to Jackson, "That's enough, thank you."
"Well, we better go to sleep. We still have our classes tomorrow," Jackson reminded them as he placed the covers on the floor. Then the rest lied down on it.
To make things fair, Sunggyu said that Minhyuk should sleep at the end. Minhyuk could sleep beside him while Hyunseung slept on the other end beside Jackson. To make it easier: Minhyuk, Sunggyu, Jackson, and Hyunseung.
"Good night..." Jackson stated. And when everyone closed their eyes, he continued, "Brothers."
Though they had some petty quarrels, they knew that they'd still be crawling back to each other in the end. I guess if you have this special connection, the worse of enemies would still turn out to be the best of friends.
"What happened to my fucking hair!?"
The next day, the seven sons woke up from the screams of their prideful brother, Kwon Ji Yong.
"What's the ruckus all about Jiyong?! Can't you see it's still too early to be screaming like that?" Suho angrily stated without even opening his eyes since the light coming from the window was too bright.
"What's the ruckus all about?! Then why won't you take a look and see for yourself?" Jiyong said with a loud voice, and then everyone opened their eyes and looked at Jiyong who was standing in front of Jackson's mirror.
"What's the problem then?" Asked Hyunseung when he sat up from the floor and stretched his arms wide.
Jiyong looked at Hyunseung like he was blind, so he pointed at his head and shouted, "Do you want me to spell it out for you?! My hair's fuckin' pink!"
While Jiyong was panicking, no one really cared much.
"What about it? Hyunseung's hair is red," Sunggyu explained.
"But mine is different, it's pink! A man can't have girly hair color like pink!" Jiyong suddenly blurted out, offending half of the boys inside the room.
"What kind of toxic masculinity comment is that?" Minhyuk asked, also still half-asleep.
Everyone just stared at Jiyong again. Why was he making a big deal about this? And come on, we thought the ring would change him for good!
"And why was I sleeping with that Taeil guy? What the fuck am I wearing? And where the hell are we?! Are we in a poor man's house? Why didn't you bring me back home, or a hotel when I fainted?" Jiyong continued to complain.
Jackson stood up from the floor and went to where Jiyong was standing, "You're in my house asshole." Then he held onto Jiyong's shoulder and held onto it tightly, "Breakfast is ready. If you don't mind eating poor food then you're welcome to join us Mr. Kwon Jiyong. But then again, you twisted my foot yesterday, eating nothing wouldn't be a problem right?" He asked before letting go, and Jiyong immediately held onto his aching shoulder to massage it.
When Jackson left the room, the sons instantly looked at Jiyong with angry stares.
"Nice move rich boy," Suho stated as he stood up and fixed his hair. Then the rest of them stood up as well and fixed their beds.
"Okay then brothers, let's go downstairs and greet Jackson's mother. And please Jiyong, act like a person for once," Sunggyu told him, only making Jiyong roll his eyes in annoyance.
When the sons went downstairs, they found a woman wearing a hot pink tracksuit and yellow dishwashing gloves. To top it all off, she was wearing a diamond necklace matched with earings. If you're asking, she's going with the fancy sports-mom look.
"Oh! You're all awake! Please sit down and have breakfast," she excitedly told them when she saw the boys approach her.
Jackson's mother is known to be extravagant so Jackson didn't wake her up when they arrived because she might end up doing something crazy. He only told her about them just this morning, and since she didn't have time to prepare, she ordered tons of chicken and pizza for breakfast.
Everyone looked at the table in surprise.
"This is breakfast?" Jiyong asked, and Suho immediately nudged his side, making him bite his lip because of the pain.
"Thank you mother," Hyunseung stated, surprisingly making Jackson's mother blush.
'The power of the prince of Lust' Everyone thought to themselves as they sat down on their seats. Then Mrs. Wang placed the dishes on top of the table and sat down on the chair at the middle end.
"So, this is the first time Jackson brought someone home besides Taeil. Are you all longtime friends?" Jackson's mother asked while looking at the sons.
Jackson awkwardly looked at the six. He wasn't sure what to label them yet since they literally just met yesterday. So calling them 'friends' is kind of a huge step for them, "W-well...they're...we kinda..."
Everyone saw how Jackson struggled to answer, so Sunggyu backed him up, "We're sorry that we haven't formally introduced ourselves, so could you please give us this opportunity?" Sunggyu respectfully asked.
"Oh, how well mannered. Please, proceed," Jackson's mother excitedly stated.
Without really talking about it, the sons naturally introduced themselves one by one. Sunggyu cleared his throat and started first, "Well, I'm Kim Sunggyu of 1-D, son of Satan."
"Lee Minhyuk of 1-C, son of Beelzebub."
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Wang, I'm Kwon Ji Yong, step-son of Charles Smith, an American man who was born in Korea, and the Chairman of C & S Group, the largest stockholders in South Korea. And the real son of Lucifer, ruler of the realm, Pride," Jiyong proudly introduced.
Yup, Kwon Ji Yong is still so full of himself.
"Hi Mrs. Wang, I'm Kim Joon Myeon, also known as Suho of Class 1-D, son of Mammon."
"Jang Hyunseung, prince of Lust. Son of Asmodeus."
Then Taeil finished off and said, "And if you don't know yet aunty, I'm the son of Belphegor."
"And we're the Seven Deadly sons' of Hell!" all surprisingly said in unison.
"What the hell is this? A kpop group?" Jackson suddenly blurted out.
Everyone looked at Mrs. Wang and waited for her reaction.
"So, what do you say mom? Bad influence?" Jackson asked as he looked at his mom who looked really surprised at the sudden turn of events.
She was silent for a second, but then she jumped off her seat in excitement, "Oh my booty! This is great! With just a day you finally found all of them?! Your father should be really proud of now!"
"This she just say Oh my booty?" Suho asked with a confused look, but Sunggyu stretched his leg and stepped on his feet.
"We met them yesterday," Minhyuk added, making Jackson's mother screech in excitement this time.
"So, how was your father like son? Was he still handsome like before?" Jackson's mom asked. You could even see hearts forming in her eyes by how excited she was to hear about Jackson's father again.
"My father Leviathan? Well...he still has horns," Jackson joked, but his mother suddenly blushed, surprising them.
"So, what are your next plans?" She then asked.
"Well we need to look for the archangels who are going to kill us," Sunggyu explained while biting a slice of pizza.
"I see, then if you have any problems, you could always come to me and ask for my help. You could also call me mom if you like," Jackson's mother cutely told them.
"Mom!" Jackson whined, but his mother reached out for him and pinched his cheeks, making everyone laugh,"Oh don't be a baby Jackson. You'll still be my number one."
After talking about a lot of other things, the sons were finished with their food, and they went back to Jackson's room so they could get ready to leave. To take turns in taking a bath, Sunggyu thought that it would be better to do rock, paper, scissors (Where he clearly lost). And after that, they wore the same clothes that they wore yesterday except for Jackson, Taeil, and Minhyuk who had to run back to their homes.
All of them were now waiting outside Minhyuk's house where Hyunseung was also in.
"Minhyuk! Where the hell are you?! We're going to be late!" Shouted Jackson as he was impatiently waiting for the two.
"I don't think it's nice to scream at someone like that when you clearly know that it's his territory," Suho reminded him.
"He was arguing with me when he was at my house," Jackson quickly pointed out, so Suho didn't say anything anymore.
Sunggyu sighed and looked at Jackson with disbelief, "Are you seriously going to start this again?"
"Man, can we go to some shop and change our clothes or something?" Jiyong suggested, making everyone look at him with their right eyebrow raised.
"Come on, I'm the richest guy on campus and I wore the same clothes in two straight days?" He then asked, annoying them again.
"You want me to strip you right now so you won't have to wear the same thing twice?" Sunggyu stated with a serious tone, making Jiyong stop talking.
"Shutting up sounds a lot better now right?"
While the five were waiting, Taeil looked at his watch and said, "But seriously though, it's 7: 24 now. We're really going to be late. Why don't we just leave them?"
"We can't okay," Sunggyu persisted, and then the two best friends finally went out of the house with Minhyuk's mother, who was also very excited to see Minhyuk's supposed 'brothers'.
"Oh my! How handsome!" Said Mrs. Lee as she went out of the house.
"We're flattered ma'am, but we really need to go. We promise to introduce ourselves some other time," Sunggyu explained before bowing in front of her.
"No worries dear. Minhyuk, treat them nicely okay?" she said, making Minhyuk glared at Jackson and say, "I'll try my best."
When the seven sons finally arrived at HAU, everyone immediately looked at their direction. Some whispered at each other, while some took out their phones to take a picture. All of the sons were famous in their own way. The students in their year knew who they were individually, so the fact that they're together is even more shocking to them.
"Look, isn't that Sunggyu and his gang? Why are they with JS and Minhyuk?"
"What's going on?!"
"Aren't those two Taeil and Jackson? Why are they hanging out with them?"
Gossips were heard everywhere, but the sons didn't really listen to any of them. They knew that their group was weird from the start so they already expected everyone's reaction. But there was one rumor Kwon Ji Yong didn't take.
"Wait a second. Is that Jiyong with the girly hair color?"
"What the fuck did you say you bastard!?" Jiyong quickly shouted.
Jiyong was about to run to where the student was when the six sons grabbed him and stopped him from doing anything further.
"Whoa, slowdown Kwon Jiyong," Jackson stated as he let's go of Jiyong's shirt.
"But did you hear what that punk just said?!" Jiyong angrily asked back.
"Yeah, we heard it loud and clear," Suho calmly answered, then Hyunseung looked around and continued, "I hear and see a lot of things, but ignoring them just feels a lot better than trying to feed your brain with negativity."
Everyone looked at Hyunseung confusingly. Then Jiyong raised his right eyebrow and asked, "What?"
Taeil sighed and massaged his temple, "What Hyunseung is trying to say-"
Jackson stopped Taeil and seriously looked back at Jiyong, "You're a king right?"
Jiyong was surprised at the sudden question, but he awkwardly nodded his head anyway.
Jackson patted Jiyong's head like a kid and continued, "Kings don't listen to anyone," then he coolly leaves the others.
"Hey! How could you say something cool like that and leave?!"Taeil shouted as he followed him, making the rest of the brothers laugh.
"That's all for today. Please don't forget to finish your assignments before Monday. And your projects deadline will be on Wednesday, is that understood?" The professor asked, making everyone answer a lazy and forced, "Yes ma'am."
"Then balance your time so you could enjoy your weekend, see you all next week."
The students bowed as their professor left the room.
"Oh JS, what did Sunggyu say earlier? I was too busy with the book that I was reading that I wasn't able to catch what he said," Minhyuk asked as he walked towards his best friend.
"Sunggyu said that we'll be going to each and everyone's houses this weekend to formally meet our mothers," Hyunseung answered while arranging his things.
"Why do I feel like we're going to court each other?" Minhyuk asked.
Hyunseung stood up from his seat and looked back at his friend, "I don't know. I guess it's the right thing to do since we found out that we're 'brothers'. Well, not real brothers but you get what I mean," Hyunseung answered.
Minhyuk looked at Hyunseung with a confused expression but he didn't say anything anymore and just followed Hyunseung out. The two were about to leave the room when three guys suddenly blocked their way. The guy standing in the middle then said, "Hey you two. Why are you hanging out with the famous trio of our year?"
"Who?" Asked Hyunseung, making the guy who asked become pissed.
"Why the hell are you losers hanging out with the big guys?" He asked again, surprising Hyunseung and Minhyuk.
Hyunseung immediately glanced at his friend. The word loser was the word Minhyuk hated the most. If people called him that, he wouldn't show an ounce of mercy.
"Losers you say?" Minhyuk stated as he clenched his fist, getting ready to beat the guy up. "Now that we're standing beside those guys, people think we're already losers?!" Minhyuk then shouted at him.
"Minhyuk..." Hyunseung called out as he was trying to stop his friend, but Minhyuk was clearly ignoring him.
"I will not be called a loser for that reason!" Minhyuk shouted even louder, and without a second thought, he punched the guy in the middle, making him fall. The two students who he was with were helping him up, but the guy who fell pushed them off him and forcefully stood up on his own.
He wiped the blood on his mouth and angrily shouted, "You dare punch me Lee Minhyuk?!"He then went to Minhyuk and pulled his collar up, lifting him off the ground.
"Let him go!" Hyunseung begged as he looked at his classmates literally lifting his best friend up. He had an unpleasant attitude, but he wasn't a fighter. Hyunseung wanted to run for help, but he knew that he had to at least do something.
Hyunseung was about to intervene, but before he could even do anything rash, Sunggyu and the rest of the seven deadly sons arrived just in time.
"What are you doing to our brothers?" Jiyong asked, standing right in front of them.
"J-Jiyong!" The three shouted in unison.
The moment they saw him, the guy in the middle instantly lets go of Minhyuk, making Minhyuk fall on the floor. Hyunseung and Taeil went to where he was and quickly helped him up.
"I asked you a question you dumbass. What the fuck do you think you're doing to my brother?!" Jiyong now shouted, making all the people in the hallway quiet and curious about what was happening.
Just in a split second, they were surrounded by students from every year.
"I-I was just...asking why..."
"Why what?"
The terrified man gulped loudly and continued, "W-Well...It was just weird to see you guys...h-hanging out with them."
"What's weird about cool kids hanging out together? Huh, loser?" Jiyong fired back.
Everyone could see that the guy was sweating hard as Jiyong just stared at him with his killer glare. When the supposed loser couldn't answer Jiyong's question, Sunggyu looked at the students who were surrounding them and shouted, "Listen up!"
Everyone's attention instantly shifted to him.
"Look, we're hanging out with these guys from now on and you won't give a fuck about the reason why. So mind your own business, you hear me?" Sunggyu shouted, then Suho suddenly went in front of the three, grabbed the collar of the guy in the middle, and said, "You don't know who you guys are trying to mess with. So beat it, got it?" Then he lets go of him.
The three students in front nodded their heads in terror.
"Oh, and one more thing," Jackson stated, making everyone surprised since it was so rare to hear his voice in public. With a smirk on Jackson's face, he continued, "Touch any of us again and you won't have any hand to touch us with any more."
The students were surprised by the gruesome threat, but the brothers looked back at Jackson like they were proud of him.
As the people stared at them, their aura started becoming darker. They somehow released some kind of scary pheromones. Taeil even looked scary with his huge glasses that when he turned around, the people standing at the back flinched.
"Brothers, let's go," Sunggyu commanded, and the rest of the sons followed, leaving all the students dumbfounded.
Well I didn't want to sound like I'm trying to be quick (But I am), the weekends happened to past by fast, and yes, everyone met each and everyone's mother and dad. And just like how quick I'm narrating this right now, the seven became close just within those two days.
On Sunday, the seven sons slept at a hotel that Jiyong's stepfather rented for the night, so no one else was there but them. Afterward, they stayed at Minhyuk's place like promised, skipping most of their Monday classes. They even planned to bring their own clothes and personal belongings to everyone's house so that they won't have to go back and forth or bring anything when they sleep there.
"Look, it's them again."
Monday wasn't that different. Gossip here, gossip there, gossip everywhere! But what could they do, gossip's the only thing that makes life interesting.
"So, where will we stay next?" Suho asked as the seven of them were walking down the hallway, Pyramid style. (Sunggyu in the middle. Second row is Jiyong, Hyunseung and Taeil, last row is Jackson, Suho and Minhyuk).
"Sleep in my house next! My mom would go crazy if you sleep there," Taeil excitedly suggested, so Jiyong asked back, "Then isn't that a bad thing?"
Taeil shook his head and answered, "Nah, it would be fun! I promise!"
"Should we bring our pets? You know, so they could meet each other too." Hyunseung suggested next.
"And let Jackson's pet snake eat my Gula? No way!" Minhyuk quickly answered.
While the seven were walking, the low church-like bell rang, echoing throughout the long corridors of their building.
"We better hurry or we'll be late," Sunggyu stated. But as the sons were walking, a group suddenly blocked their way. A group of seven charming and innocent looking boys, who somehow looked like their complete opposites.
"Move," Sunggyu commanded as he glared at the seven unfamiliar boys in front of them.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said the guy standing in the middle with the white hair, but he just smirked and didn't move even though he apologized, making Sunggyu feel even more irritated.
"Didn't you hear what I just said asshole?" Asked Sunggyu once again, trying to act calm at least. The man in front of him continued to smirk, still not moving an inch from where he was standing.
"Hey! We'll be late you dumbass, move or we'll kick you out of the way!" Sunggyu shouted, now in full rage mode.
"Let me see you try," the guy on the middle bravely answered back.
Sunggyu was about to burst into so much anger again. He clenched his fist and was ready to throw a punch at this guy's face, but Hyunseung quickly held his shoulder and nodded his head, signaling Sunggyu to just let them pass instead.
Sunggyu got the idea and sighed, then he looked straight at the guy in front of them and stated, "Fine. Brothers, give these gentlemen their way." Then, without saying anything, the seven went to the sides, giving the "innocent" guys in front of them a path to walk through.
"Wow, you trained your 'brothers' well." Said the guy in the middle.
Sunggyu flinched, but he brushed it off and said, "Aren't you leaving? We gave you your way, what else do you want?"
The guy didn't say anything else but glared at Sunggyu, making him pissed off even more.
"How dare you look at me like that! Do you even know who I am?!" Sunggyu shouted, finally walking towards them so he could grab the guy's collar. Good thing Jackson rushed to where he was and pushed Sunggyu away from him.
"Sunggyu, let's not make a scene here," Jackson stated when he noticed that the students started to surround them again.
"Looks like your 'brother' has a bigger brain than you do," the guy said. It was now obvious that he was purposely making Sunggyu mad.
"Who do you think you are you asshole?!" Sunggyu angrily shouted, trying to push Jackson away so he could finally kick that guy's butt, but Jackson was thankfully stronger than him.
"Wanna know who I am?" The guy asked with a smile that looked evil.
The guy in the middle went closer to Sunggyu. Only a few more inches and their faces would be touching each other. The guy then smirked and stated, "I'm Yong Junhyung and I'm the leader of ARCS."
Everyone was surprised at what they just heard. Jackson was surprised too that he accidentally lets go of Sunggyu. So when Sunggyu was finally free from Jackson's grasp, he quickly thought of a comeback that only confused everyone, "T-Then I'm Kim Sunggyu...the leader of a group called DEMONS."
"Huh?" The sons confusingly asked in unison.
'Yup...just like a kpop group' Jackson thought to himself as he watched Sunggyu and Yong Junhyung have a staring contest in the hallway.
And this is where the battle of the two groups will begin.
- END -
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